East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 03, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    January Clearance Sale
$0.00 Suits, Clearance Sale Price - - $ 8.00
2.50 " " " " - - 0.00
J 5.00 " " " - - X2.00
20.00 " " " " - - J6.00
J 0.00 Overcoats " " " - - 7.50
J2.50 " " " " - 9.25
J 4.00 " " " " - - J0.50
J8.00 " " " . . J3.50
A discount of 20 per cent on all Hats.
Everything in the house will be sold at a dis
count except contract goods.
Bae? & Daley
One-Price (JlothioreJ, Hatter un l Furnisiiers
The Pipe Lino Company of Texas
has posted a bulletin advancing crude
petroleum of light grade from $1.01 to
?1.0G per barrel.
In the city of Manila the average
number of leatlis from cholera is 30
a day. Cholera is raging In the Phil
ippines in a more aggravated form
than at any otliei time since Amei
lean occupation.
Advices from Dawson state that Al
bert Andrews, formerly of Dominion
Creek, committed suicide at Coldfoot,
in September, by tying a 40-pound
lock to his neck and jumping Into the
Koyukulc Uiver.
Congressman Corona, editor of the
Ciibano Libre, of Santiago de Cuba,
shot and Instantly killed Senor Insula,
editor of the Republic, Tuesday.
Both men were prominent politicians
-and leaders of rival parties.
Tate Livesley, aged 14; W. I..
Mann, aged 12, and Willis Brown,
aged 11, were drowned about two
miles below Evansvllle, Ind., Tuesday.
They were skating on a pond when
the Ice broke.
While returning from a New Year's
party Ray Hockman, aged IS, and
liss May Lovell were struck by a
freight train near Cynthiana, Ken-
tucky. Hockman was Instantly killed
and Miss Lovell Injured.
Three hundred barn, shop and gen
eral employes of the Union and Con
solidated Traction companies of Chi
cago, have had their wages increased
10 per cent by an arbitration board
that has been settling their contro
versy with the roads.
In Maryland, the District of Colum
Hotel Pendleton.
William Manor, Portland.
C. M. Smith. Portland.
L. Macleony, Kansas City.
.1. E. Martin, Seattle.
Henry Hlackman, Heppner.
Edna Brothers, New York.
Delia Clark, Now York.
Hide Norcros8, New York.
Andrew Robson, Ho7 York.
R. O. Herndon, New York.
Joseph Mel-aughlin, New York.
W. D. Chamberlain, city .
Ethel Errick, Walla Walla.
M. H. Pattou, Spokane.
W. Aahford, Portland.
S. Heatflelii, Spokane.
W. Jackson, Spokane.
R. Glendening, Portland.
V. Wood, Salt Lake.
The Coldrn Rule.
C. Smith, Walla Walla.
William Shepherd, Portland.
J. P. McManus, Adams.
H. Dalley, Adams.
J. J. Flnley, Adams.
J. P. Thiasher. Helix.
G. D .Galley, Portland.
M, M. Kcllisher, Spokane.
W. C. Cunningham, Portland.
W. It, McRoberts, Spokane.
W. Reford, Spokane.
U P. Gamble, Helix.
T. .J Berg, Walla Walla.
James Mcrrlson, Uklah.
L. C. Meredith. Uklah.
F. M. Monroe, Uklah.
P. L. Shehan, Echo.
Z. Houser, Echo.
W. P. Jlnnett. Adams.
L. W. Keeler, Westfall.
D. W. Munford, city.
Ed Wiley, San Francisco.
STATE OF On 10. )
Frank J. Cheney make oath that be U
cue senior partner or tne arm or F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing bualneaa In the city of
Toledo, . county and state a foresaid, and
that antfl firm will njtT Hi mnm rtt fin
lla. Virginia and West Virginia few'11"1"1 P0,'ar? 'or "chand ejery cue
towns are supplied with anthracite.. e of rikllV CUi CurT '
and In many there Is a shortage of Sworn to before me and subscribed tu
all kinds of fuel. In the smaller towns j 5 Fr"ence ts" 8th aax of Dumber, a
the residents substitute wood for coal, a. W. OLBASON.
but in the larger places this has not, Notary Public.
been possible. ! Hall's Catarrh 'Cure Is taken Internally
and acta directly on the blood and mucous
, surfaces oi ine system, ctena tor lesti
.Man- minor burglaries are reported
In Willamette valley towns. Albany
:and Salem report an unusual number
of hoboes.
Joseph Castronuevo, who killed
Guglielmo ,tho Italian saloon man of
"Portland, has been charged with mur
der in the first degree.
Work on the Klamath Lake railroad
Is progressing fast. Already 18 miles
have been built. The end of the grade
Is now at Laird's on the summit of
the Cascade Mountains.
Burglars wrecked tho safe of tho
Spokane Lime Company, Friday morn
ing. They secured ?10 In cash and
took the strong box containing all the
valuable papers of the company.
Counsel McWade. of Hong Kong,
China, says that 500 Chinamen sail
for tho United States each month.
Federal authorities are making every
effort to find wheor these celestials
enter this country,
Tho young child of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bennett ,ot Independence, in
some manner Friday, got hold of a
vial of carbolic acid, swallowing near
moatals free.
F. J. CI1ENEI k CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all dragglst, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best.
James A. Heme's "Shore Acres,'
Wednesday, January 7th.
In "Shore Acres" It has been clearly
demonstrated by James A. Herne
that a play almost plotless and ite
pending entirely upon n portrayal of
that which is real without dramatic
effects, as in ordinary plays, can be
written with success. In a total Ig
noring of the traditional, convention
al and unreal In stagecraft, and get
ting far away from the artificial de
vices, and supplanting in its stead art
true art the effect has been a rev
elation. "Shore Acres" is a dramatic
sermon without a word of religion In
it. The story Is that of the lowly, tho
every day lire or poor farmers and
fishermen living on tho coast of
Maine. It is a psychic study for the
thinker, a lesson for tho thoughtless.
and tho Impression made upon tho
spectator by this raasterpleco will last
a life time. "Shore Acres" Is In
Motlier In America Sends Money to
"Auld Scotland" t Bring Children
Here Proceeds of the Oregon
Farm Pay Passage for Numberless
An old lady, ilieaseil warmly and
having a motherly reticent air About
her. was standing In line at tho money
order window or the Pendli'tun !ost-
ofiloe a few days ago.
When her turn came to tiansact
business a. the window, she naked
the clerk to till out hot application
lor it money order, as she had left
her glasses at home and had driven
10 miles thiough a rhllllng wind and
could not sec to write.
This being a strict violation of
poMofflce rules, the clerk declined to
do so. though he could scarcely if
gist the temptation to ipspond to such
an appeal. An East Oregoulnu rep
resentative loudly proffered his assist
ance, which was cheerfully accepted
This woman has lived In "Umatilla
county for flvi' years, anil every
month of that lime has sent a sum oi
monoy varying In amount with the
reason and tho sale of produce, to her
daughtci In Scotland.
The father, mother and two daugh
ters were converted to Mormonisni in
Dtimfrleslilre. Scotland, seven years
ago, by Utah missionaries.
The small tarm was sold, mid the
eld people, with one single daughter
bought passage to America, settling
In Utah. The westward rush of im
migrants brought them to Oregon,
and they bought a small home In
Umatilla county.
The marled daughter in Scotland
has a largo luiiill and is tho wife of
a poor man. They cannot live on his
wages and save enough to pay pas
sage to this country within a reasona
ble time, ro the mother, from the
produce on the farm, and tho sister
from the weekly wages she receives,
regularly sends a small sum to the
poor daughter and sister in old Scot
land, who Is hoarding up 'he small
gifts, in anticipation of the day when
she can bring her flock to Ibis coun
tr.y This month the season's butter out
put was sold from the little farm,
and $10 was sent to swell that slowly
growing store.
It Is a bit of side history which
stands out in a chapter of Its own.
If tho po3tofftce records could talk.
they would relate many just such self
sacrificing incidents, which go to
make up the nation's family record.
As this old mother drives home
ward through the biting winter's
wind, she presents a picture to the
reader, that Is worthy of more than
passing notice.
every way a truly great ploy and Its
lnstlni 3llrrnaa la iiiatlv iluoapvml A
1.. hn Ol.tl.n (,, f l. .,, ' .a flfj ......v.. ...... ti
rii. V . " ' ' ,, . 7 mlete scenic production of this
The Infnnt lies between lifo and death. , j.jeai work will bo given at the Fra-
riro totally uestroyeu tne noist and' zer, and tho sale of seats will open
ouier miiiiiiiigs or tne l-exington Monday morning at o'clock,
mine at Centervills, Mont., with the
exception 01 tne mm, on t rniay. xno Excursion to Kansas City,
causo of the fire Is unknown, and It rw .l. ...
In hellovp1 It hirl it nrlnln In tho .vuui ui mo nuuuuui L.IYB-
ls believed it had Its origin in tho,Btock Association t0 be held at Kan-
pnpfnp mnm. Tlir ffntnpii anronrl ran. .. - v
-..... ----- , ".isas uity January 13 to 16, 1903. tn
Idly to the various build tags and 0. r, & N. will sell tickets to Kansas
burned furiously for three hours. Usy and return g00d 30 J,
The options on coast flouring mill stop-ovor privileges on the return trip,
plants given six months ago and at J55. By paying $12.50 extra the
which were to have expired on Janu- return trip may be made through Cal
ary 1, havo been renewed for a perl- Ifornla. Tickets sold on January H
od of 00 days. Though not inclined and 9 only. See the O. R. & N,
to advance any reason for the belief , ticket agent for full partlcuuars.
milling mon. believe the options will'
bo taken up at the expiration of this For Sale Brick Lullding, 50x90 feet
period, and that the larger flouring on Main street at a bargain. Will pay
mills of the coast will pass Into the J150 a month rent until vacated after
hands of a now company. , sale. B. T. Wd.
Finds Way to Live Long. ..
The startling announcement of a
discovery that will surely lengthen
life, Is made by Editor O. H. Downey,
of Churubusco, Ind. "I wish to state,"
ue writes, "mat Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption Is tho most
infallible remedy that I havo ever
known for coughs, colds and grip. It's
Invaluable to people with weak lungs.
Having this wonderful medicine, no
one need dread pneumonia or con
sumption. Its relief Is instant and
cure certain." Tallman & Co. guar
antee every 50c and $1 bottle, and
give trial bottles free.
Fortify the Syslem With Pe-ru-na and
No One Need Fear Coughs, Colds,
or Catarrh.
Winter is here. The nights are
long and cold. The days are short
nd changeable in temperature. Cold
cioeps in at overv crevice nmi
draughts occur in spite of the utmost
vigilance. Very few remain safe
iium i-iiujuuc oiseases. uoliln sonn
develop into chronic catarrh. A cough
lapldly becomes consunintlon in
grippe undermines the system danger-
t-uHiy. muuenza leaves Injuries to
Our stock is the lamest
and most complete ever
1, Tl ) I
miwivii in r-unuieton.
All sizes and any num
ber of pages desired.
We make a specialty of
furnishing office supplies
If there is anything yon
need in this line see us
and get our prices.
Book and Stationery Store
l ead and throat hard to remove. All
these things people strive In vain to
Eunrd themrelves against. How best
ran they do It? . ,
First, get sume Peruna. Second,
send to the Peruna Medicine Co., Co
lumlme. Ohio, for a free copy of Dr.
Hartman's latest hook on tho climatic
disease or winter. Tills book In pla n
and direct language. tellH exactly
what to do In all of the liabilities nnd
t-iiierRencliM lesultlng from wintry
weather. II any point Is doubtful.
the book does not explain fully, n let
ter to Dr. Hartman will receive a
prompt answer free of charge.
Mamma Yes, Auntie I'ruo Is very
lellglous. Johnny Awful! ir she
know Santa Clans I'll bet shed try
to get htm save his money and give
It to the missionaries to convert tho
little heathens. Puck.
Soft White Hands
Luxuriant Hair
Produced by
Hie most effective skin iiirlriugniiil liftnilt
rlngoaii in tlieuuriit.u ..ella I'un'it.iiul
a'weetest for toilet, huili, ami nuro Tlu
only prrt rut hi r iliiili-i, lil.in.lu-aiN, n- I ,
rough, and oily skin, ml, nmi;b luml. with
Itclilnp juIiih anil slupelivi luIN, "Ir;. . tliln,
anil falling luir.uml simple Kiliy liletinli,
lnjcaue tlio only ini onti h of thi cm1, li.,
Inflammation ami plugging of tin lMui .
8ol.ltrTwlirf V.MT111 ti CCniv, II
loo. llovr tollltallftutitulMlui,l!uJ,tal lUU.frw.
Have Cakes
Made With
Start- the New
ear Right
In ordor to do this you shonlfl l,.
organ, and before getting Z .12 A
suit us. We aro agents for tweStv1
ent makes, ranging In price iKSBft
a look at them and hear ourealjlib
315 East Court Street.
t l I : DVTinnl ti nm t-i . . 1
iimioao imjoi. ucuer ifour cannot k J
The cream of the wheat crop enters in Bvers' L i
f lour, winch is right for bread and -Fancy
W. S. Bycrs, Proprietor.
Old-Time Buckwheat
Pure Maple Syrup
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
Going out of
All sewing machines
in stock to be dis
posed of at cost.
Come early and
select a bargain
Free Mail
Is now in oporation in Pendleton. Prepare j
to havo your mail Delivered properly. We
have House Numbers, large and distinct
Door Plates with your name plainly engrav
ed thereon. Mail Blot for doors. Mail deliver
ed inBide your homes through these slot!.
Arrange to shut out the cold. Iron Mailboxes
with locks. Mail perfectly safe. Neat and ,
very convienient.
rit ?fi K SVit St 5fi X 1 XtXUTtitt S S 51 S itXt X KiiMAiaiXAXSVMA W
Ts nnw in nrncrpse and it will nav VOll to lookoveiOO
--- D I J 1 II J
stock and get our special low prices. It you i
carpets for another year it will pay you to take ate
tage ot tne extreme low prices mai yioau -
Patterns and colorings the very latest styles.
Undertaking a Specialty.
The Columbia
Lodging House
Managers Baker & Welch take pleasure in
- i r
U1UUULLIUI1 111 Lllia 11 L Ul
famous comedy urania,
. . , ..Ad. fttf
This will positively be the best play oi uic p tr),lJd .
five players in the organization. Special see
mechanical effects will be used.
Pnlnnc KHn 7Rn nfl nnrl Sl.fiA.
Seats on sale Monday, January 5, at Frazler's
ror nealth, Strength and 7
. Pleasure nrink Ml
itv nnm
iWurphy &Iagever, Proprs ll I I DHL II