r !. been QOODS al Alexander's, gl - , 8 f linn gnnrppiativrt -for tKif ?3 liberal patronage we have en- 8 I inved durine the past year, . 8 I The Alexander Department Store , t I wish their fnends and patrons a JS I .-T.r.r..f Prr.cnprr.M-- Nw Vpar. b I H.j.rji r -.-... . g I 3 . . . I ttlM 8 WASHOUT AT HELIX ALL RAILROAD TRAFFIC DELAYED FOR TWO DAYS. Recent High Water In Vansycle Can yon Caused by Chinook Followed by Heavy Rain Damage Repaired. The W. & C. R. train left Pendle ton a little late last evening on ac count of the damage to the road down the Vansycle by the high water. Traffic was delayed for two days on this lino, as well as the O. R. & N. at Helix, but the damage has now Leen repaired and there will be no more trouble at present. President Joseph McCabc, of tb 'High Line," who spent last nlgl In tho city, said this morning that the recent high water down tho Van. sycle canyon was the worst In th history of tho road. Out of more than 20 bridges across this canyon, 17 of them were damaged badly and twi were washed out completely. The damage was not very serious, how ever, and with a couple of days' work all was repaired and traffic again re sumed. He said a great deal of damage was done to tho county road in the vicln lty of Vansycle canyon. Many bridges were washed out and the roadbed is badly cut up. The high water was caused by the melting of the snow by a Chinook and a heavy rain which fell at tho head of the canyon Tuesday, The rain was not general and did not reach to Pendleton. Did you receive an Iframed Picture rmas ? If so, don't lay it away to get soiled and but bring it to us at once and have it framed. (make a specialty of picture framing. f QR A ? P for SHARP New Ideas. WVH AAVWM UWWl ite... do you desire to laj for weal a? Elderly Irish to lnsr. yourselves others have done. Look Id sec who are the well- ; the community. They have Im sted In real nail your means, buy commence now. I will partial payments, or for owing properties: (tb 6 rooms a cellar 1750.00 ptage and lot .. 900.00 h two lots 700.00 stable and lot . . 700.00 Htable and 2 lota 900.00 ffrom $150 to $300. M lots 1200.00 . 7 lots 900.00 Pota 650.00 flats 300.00 III Court Street Baking and Groceries.... At money-saving prices at the Miller Cash Grocer. Every thing first-class. Prompt Delivery Our Cash System saves chasers money. pur- ODDS AND ENDS. wnmt Miller Grocery Co. 623 Main Street Phone Main 511 News, Personal and Otherwise From the .Vicinity of North McKay, McKay Creek, Jan. 2. A happy New Year. Mrs. Gus Hill Is visiting in Baker county. Now Commence your diary. The river is up the channel is deep. The mud also, has depth. Charles A. Kidder is on tho slcli list. Mr. John Graham Is visiting friends In Spokane. Miss Ruth Kidder is visiting during the holidays in Walla Walla. Our altontion to tho affairs of Tur key has been limited during the holi days. The "Turk" is unspeakable with us. The fine new cottage, built by Chas Kidder, for the Hill Bros., on their lanch is near completion. John Paydon and family have moved into the Bryant home, near the Hill ranch. The last year's hay crop -In this neck o' timber has about all been mar keted. It Is now worth from $10 to $12, delivered In town. The new road lately opened on the "Echo Trail" enters upon the section line near the residence of J. S. Wheel er and re-enters the old road near the foot of the Isaac hill, being a dis tance of about two miles. Thus avoid ing the old neck-breaker under the rocks skirting the Daniels ranch. snonening the distance, besides elim inating somewnat. the long tedious grade. If Teddy is so anxious as some of his friends profess to believe, to Knox the Sox off the robber trusts, ce win use the Sherman law as a club. It will settle their hash. That law, wielded with his bear bunting strenuosity, will do the business. The measles, which has been rac ing In this neighborhood during the past two months, has left us, and the patients are all recovered bo. The eight of Mr. John S. with the disease at one time. SPECIAL DISCOUNT h 25 per cent discount on all Jewelry. Our optical parlors arc the most complete and best . n i .1 1 $3 equipped in I'enuicton lor 111c corn ct ninng 01 glasses 109 50 tc PERFECT FITTING LENSES GUARANTEED B .4U I ' fit J. ..MUtiiinnliiiuiinimnl.HHi..:- SATISFAC TION GUARAN TEED IN ALL CASES We art! here to stay and our past treatment of the public is our guarantee for the future S take no chances and we make good every promise. Our business is built up on its merits. factory customers are our best advertisements. 8 Si GARRETSON. The Reliable Eye Specialist You g Satis- f- with another man she was walking down tho street over a year ago, when Davis met the pair and shot at Miss Haworth, two bullets taking ef fect, neither seriously. He was con icted and given four years in the enitentlary He served over a year and made n model record, hence his rarole. PLATE GLASS BROKEN. Rowdies Shoot Through Costly Win dows at Walla Walla. Walla Walla, Jan. 2. Three great plate glass windows, the best In the lty, were broken New Year's night by some one shooting them with a re- olver. One bullet was found and on examination It proved to be from a I 8-callbre revolver. The shooting oc-i rurred on Main street, about mid night, when men and boys were dis charging firecrackers and bombs on tho streets. The glass is estimated In alue at $450 .0 $-00 and will be hard to replace, being French plate. No Iue has been obtained as to the per petrators of the crime. A large num ber of people sleep In tho buildings, and murder might easily have result ed, had the shots taken effect In the econd-story windows Instead ot those on the ground floor. Low Prices---Clean, Fresh' Goods-' Prompt Delivery- Are our trade builders and it is by sticking strictly to these principles wc have built up our large and continually growing business. We save our patrons money and our goods always give satisfaction. Martin's Family Grocery and Bakery WHY THEY SUCCEED. 'RICHARD CARVEL" TONIGHT. Because They Are for a Specific Pur. pose. Nothing can be good for everything. Doing one thing well brings suc cess. Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing only. They're for sick kidneys. They euro backache, every kidney 111. Here Is undeniable evidence to prove it: Mrs. A. M. Weaver, of 115 N. A street, Cripple Creek j Colo., whose ntensely Interesting Revolutionary Play to Be Seen at the Frazer. Andrew Robson appears at the Fra- husband Is Hi.nf.rin. on....... nr v, tt -.ei lun.sui m me aramauzauon or IP. It. F. nnnxrlps rsivh- "nnnn'o ttm Winston unurcniirs ceieDrated novel, ney-Pills are a remedy In which iwcuaru carvei. as tnis romantic have great confidence nnd I heartily ,rau Ul leiwuuouu- aayB, nir. uou- re-enciorso what I have before stat ion has scored a veritable triumph ed about them In our Cripple Creek f in i 1 ft n n U-,I -i . i 1 1--. ..-. 1 i f -.-. utxo uuucu 10 iue luureit. euruuu 1 nannrn. snitio (hrnn vaaro nrn 1 1.,, ..... n , ,, , . "t" b.u v u.o camcr cuueavure in mis ciass uiem to our little girl, who was troubl of dramatic work, and that has nlaced nd with hi measlly among the very foremost A few doses checked tho annoyance" nvi.ni.nnfp t - n f -. .hIa. .... I . . ... wA1.u., u ,,,., 1UIH uuw .inn m a snort timo after a contlnua prominently before tho American pub- tlon of the treatment cured her. She ..t. it ib oaiu nun. wunout a single nas uad very little trouble since, .i.uUU, .a.u njr hwmju uy Air. witn mo exception of when she Itobson and his company this season caught a severe cold; then thoro wore .., i" Blar. i"ay "no sup- symptoms or a recurrence, but a few .--....-, , .ci.vij.i-ii mui. was ui- noses ot tiie pills never fall to ward most phenomenal In Its warmth and oft an attack. I recommended them heartiness and that the success to a lady friend or mine some time achieved during the 35 weeks' tour ago, who used them and was greatly or last season through the large cities benefited. "U u,c nf M, Cc. rA a.,.l. l 7.. .-I , . " ' -"' winmiuj ill nearly " Bum i now uB i. nouse so as to have them on hand NEW STORE D. KEMLER & SON, Now Open. Alta Stroot, Opposite Savings Bank A Big Grocery In a Small Room THAT MADE famous r tabic use. '.'rporled. luncbe., - sauerkraut and near Poston.ee It's the Best It's the Tenderest It's the Choicest 'MJEBCKE'S MEATS Our patrons are always sat isfied. We deliver goods promptly. Our business is growing rapidly and we would like to your name added to our list of customers. Tele phone (Bed 211) your order. if you cannot call personally. Otto Miescke n E XT ohildrpn nf fi. f g.li, . c uujjuuuieu on me present in case or recurrenpeH. r ,i nni Wheeler were all down S?!?. luf' j11"10" this is Mr. Hate to advise any mother to use '7 i. m 1 .rr, wem. mem in ner ramiiy where necessity 1 crn cities. The production Is every- demands." GETS HIS LIBERTY. , . i"n d ucius in ror Buio oy an dealers. Prlco 50 nearly perfect as that made by any cents. FoBt.r.Mm,m . r,..-.," Bootblack of Walla Walla Who Shot 'KanIzatIon that travels. N. Y sole agents for the United Miss Haworth Is Released. 1 "Shore Acres." States. Walla Walla, Jan. 2. Governor' That dramatized poem of American llemember tho Our stock is entirely new and fresh. Everything in the Grocery line is found here. We invite the public to call and see us. We want your trade and will offer inducements in the way of low prices, fresh goods and courteous treatment. D. KEMLER &. SON McBride gave William Davis, who has been serving four years in state prison, a New Year gift which he name DOAN'S home life, "Shore Acres." that has ar'd take no substitute. justly won the lavish praise of all discerning lovers of the drama In this Chean Rate. W.thnnj fully appreciates. Davi3 gets hla lib-1 country, still continues to bask In tho crty tomorrow on parolo. Davis was a bootblack In this city and a young man of respectable connections. He fell in lovo with a pretty girl, Miss Elffle Haworth, but she failed to ro clprocato his affection. In company LET US FILL From February 15 to April 30, 1903, tavnr nf tho m.hlln !. a i ..V"V "u.,u')r l 1 ... . ..,...., -,... ,o uiawiut, inclusive, the O It & n rv. .ni powers show no signs of diminution, have on sale tIkot frnm Mi-.i Its lone life, nrnnf nt l.o has been one serW ortrlumph.'Tnd ! f&L an are now wining to admit that this J27.50. Call on tho o n. A w iiUVXl New Kneliinrl Mvl la fl, ,.t . I i ?.n tn0. ." & N- ticket ----- - v... s.vm.oi imo- aciii mr iuu particulars toral nlav knnwt. In ihn ' 1 1 Holoser's Old Stand r.KlEPU.Ol. E KID 211 YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN COUNBEIiLOB-AT-IiAW U. 8. Supreme Court REGISTERED ATiOBNEY U. S. Fatnt OfHoe U. t. ami FOREItN PATENTS Trade Unit and Copyrif hu . , TIj Iik.it, N. W.. Wa-riihacton, D. C We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money. DOORS WINDOWS Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alta. St, Opp. Court Hose FOR BREAKFAST toral play known to tho speaking stage. Hall Caine. tho j author of "The Christian," long ago Bam ii was ine worn or a genius, and piedlcted Its overwhelming success in London. Anyone who can enjoy one of James Whltcomb Riley or Eugene Field's poems, will find "Shore Acres" a genuine treat, and both these great ijuuib commenaea Mr. Heme's beau tiful work when they first witnessed Its production. Its rSrel hrnn SfSoTKiS? Old-Time Buckwheat minded, and to tho lover of nalure The Queen Hotel Now Open The new building, 6 bv 80. recently erected by joe. Ell, on Garden streit, between Court and Alta, is now open to the public. Contains 30 well lighted, and venti lated and newly furnished rooms. Not an inside room in the build ing. Modern inprovernents, elec tric lights and baths. The Hotel is directly back of of the Queen Chop and Oyster House on Main street, and the Queen Chop House and the Queen Hotel will he run in connection by Messrs. , Olson & Van Poymbroeck Proprietors Have Cakes Made With me piay produces a moat nrntr,, Impression. Aside from , beauties of dialogue and siinnHnn onlooker will find much to interest him In the remarkable details of evorv j - "D Btcmc ana pramatlc production Of Mr. Hnrnn'a fo..- r,A A. ...... -------- ' S KJvep at the ...,..,. ..cuuuouay, January 7th. New Century Comfort. Minions are rialiv flmiinv u In Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. It kills pains from burns, scalds, cuts, bruises; conquers ulcere and tm.i sores; cures eruntlnna ..It .1 bolls and felons; removes corns and -. .auuini K ijo.-B mtr ntnrA -And Pure Maple Syrup THE StAndjifd Gfocefy Cqutt Street Low Sellers of Groceries Tons ! ; and I : I Tnnc 1 J M WJi4 C IS luat rerfivfil .nti.. - . car load ol Poultry and ; stock supplies at the ; Colesworthy i CHOP MILL ' 127 and 120 Kaat A1U BlTtt j