East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 02, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Of cgonJWeather J
x ii.-nxi l r" relfienc
Tonight and Saturday, cloudy ;
and threatening.
NO. 4G30
If - ILa Dlnnn
3f UnCOVBlo uie i laiio
the Politicians of the
Hand " Ring."
Lke Vote Conducted and Can'
by Portland Paper no Crite-
-If the Vote Was Called for
iugh Proper Channels Over 90
Cnt of the Union Men Would
r It
City, Jan. 2. (To the Edl-
Ithin tlio past month the
hi Telegram has instituted,
id and canvassed the result
rote of the labor unions
kanizatlons o Oregon, on can-
i for labor commissioner.
t place, tills la a move on
; of politicians to kill the pro
bf a labor bureau. This lmag-
kote fcas been conducted in such
and by such methods as to
i bone fide labor organizations
lot the authenticity. It had the
8 of a political job In Us very
action to the worklngmen. The
ans, through the Telegram, are
i defeat the worthy and much
labor bureau by conducting
leged canvass of the laboring
the state, and then parading!
suit before the public, as evi
that the woiklngmen do not
euch a bureau.
Not a Fair Trial.
I result of that canvass was not
expression from labor. Not
nion In five paid any attention
i move, for the very reason that
Bglnators are oppospd to organ'
tbor and are trying to make or-
lahor kill Itself by its own
I A true canvass of this question,
Cted by the organizations theni'
will show 90 per cent of the
ogmen in this state, In favor of
bureau. But they decline to
Qdwinked and defeated by open
Unions in Politics.
Ither point that is emphasized
Telegram in its "wide" can-
Ms the fact that the unions are
to expressing an onlnion that
openly launch them into poli-
Democrats .and Republicans to Com
bine In the Delaware Legislature.
Dover, Del., Jan. 2. The political
pot In Delaware Is beginning to boll
furiously with the approach of the
contest which will be waged in the
legislature over the election of two
United States senators. Possibility
that tho eight regular republicans
who hold tho balance of power be
tween the democrats and the Addicks
republicans will make a combination
with either elde has set all the poli
ticians to figuring.
indication of the attitude of the
regulars will be given next Monday
night, when three caucuses will be
held here to prepare for the organiza'
tlon of tho legislature next day. It
is understood that the democrats will
also plan whereby the democrats will
nominate their own officers, but will
also appoint a committee to secretly
meet the regular republicans to agree
to some plan whereby the democrats
will aid tho regulars in the organiza
tion of both houses, putting regulars
In every office, to tho complete de
feat of the Addicks followers.
It Is believed that the union repub
licans, who are determined to vote
for J. Edward Addicks for United
States senator for both of the present
vacancies until he Is elected to one,
will also confer with tho regulars con
cerning organization. The senatori
al caucuses of the three factions will
be held Monday night, January 13.
Then the candidates for the two va
cant senatorships wil Ibe nominated.
Longest Session of Cabinet
This Winter Discusses the
Panama Canal,
is one way the politician has
mng the pulse of labor in Ore
They are hidlnc behind a no-
llnvesllgatlon conducted by the
im, to mane sure of the way
ittcal wind Is blowlnir It Is
'liticlans and not the Telecram
re back of this movement, and
urns nave snowed their knowl
f this fact by refusing to send
n votes.
frald of Organized Labor.
ictivity of organized labor
-be past iwo yearn in Oregon
iea uie old political ring to
which way the toad would
st. The strone influence
bear on elections in Mult
Mnty, In which the entire
taction was overthrown in
OOSed tllfi Tinlltlnlnno t t-nnno.
, '"'tiLll,llll lJ
at power of tho people when
1 'r tho COmmnn tmnA Rlnpo
f e'ectlon, a thousand wily
jj nave been planned to get
ae hint of the future Intentions
e labor forces, and this little
i; diplomacy on the part of
k. f uucians, is another link
" oialn of frantic effort to locate
b , i J0'0' 01 course Oregon
I ik if bureau- She must keep
.i. nrsress of the coun
iik.i . Ereat Internal develop
Sdii eoinB on- In BP'te I
j---. ine legislature should
?P at any hurrlod conclusions,
IsmL. e expression or public
t that Is wider than the car-
ml wat Is being made public.
YourB respectfully,
& rappa KaPPa Mating.
alL. : 2-The Alpha Kappa
J1 fraternity began its
r ifth i invention in Chicago
r tUiL "satos present from
SL , GeorSe Cook, of the
Tie miff? 18 the PMtas offlc-
mm t,ono.w Tenns with
m fraternity banquet.
Retail Merchants Meet.
-Lafayette, Ind., Jan. 2. The annu
al meeting of the Indiana Retail Mer
cnants' Association opened here to
day. Indianapolis, Evansvills. South
Bend, Terre Haute, Fort Wayne and
other leading cities of the state are
represented by large delegations. H.
M. Cook, of EvanBvlHe, Is the presi
dent or the association. The annual
report of the secretary, Gotlieb Hltze
man, of Fort Wayne, shows an in
creasing number of local ortranlzu-
tlons In the state, all generally in
good condition. The convention will
occupy itself with tho discussion of
legislative measures and other mat
ters of general Interest and import
ance to the retail trade.
Possession Will Force Colombia to
Make All Needful Concessions-
Senators Spooner and Lodge Con
sulted by President.
Washington, Jan. 2. One subject
discussed at the meeting of the cabi
net today was the feasibility of the
procecdure by the United States with
the construction of the Isthmian ca
nal under the rights derived from ths
Panama Canal Company. The prop
osition Isi that this country so ahead
with the work and when Colombia
Is ready to treat with us to do so.
This, said the commission of tho
Panama company, all America desires
at present and the possession will
force Colombia to make all conces
sions needful. The session was the.
longest held this winter. Spooner
and Lodge, of the foreign relations
committee of the senate, were called
in consultation with tho president be
tore the meeting.
Union Pacific Strikers Now in
Conference With Officials
in New York.
Quotations Furnished by the Coe
Commission Company I. C. Major
Local Manager, Room 4, Associa
tion Block. .
Chicago, Jnn. 2.
Wheat Oponcd.
May Wi
July i 73'
May ,43 H
July "42
May 33
May 1775
Minneapolis; Jan. 2.
Wheat Opened.
July 75
May 74
Honolulu N People Celebratin'g
the Completion of the Pa.
cific Cable.
Winnipeg to Be the Half-Way House
of the Canadian System Next Sta
tion Will Be In the Rockies.
Winnipeg, Jan. 2. Marconi Is nrp-
paring to Install a wireless transeon-
tinental service through Canada. Two
oi nis experts passed through here
yesterday on their way West to ar
range tor a series of tests in the
Rockies. It Is expected by the inven
tor that the diverse electrical cur
rents in the rarifled atmosphere of
the high altitudes mar Interfere with
the successful sending of his mes
sages, and it is to satisfy himself
that the tests are made in tho winter
wnen the conditions would be more
unfavorable. Winnipeg is to be the
half-way house of the system. It Is
understood that a station will h lo
cated at Stony Mountain, an emi
nence 12 miles from . Winnipeg. It
will receive messages from Mount
Royal, at Montreal, and It Is the work
of these experts to locate the next
Western station in the Rockies.
oince American occupation of Phil
ippines That Many Have Died.
Washington, Jan. 2. Advices from
the Philippines say that the number
ot aeatns irom cholera has reached
113,000 since the American occupa
Seven Soldiers Die.
A cablegram from General Davla
announces the death of seven enlist'
ed men from cholera in the latter half
of December.
Terrible Explosion In Oak Hill
v llery This Morning.
Pottsville, Pa., Jen. 2. An explo
sion occurred at Oak Hill colliery
mis morning, six miners were killed
and 20 seriously burned.
Later Only Three Killed
In the colliery accident this morn
mg only thiee were killed. The force
of the explosion was terrific. One
Hundred pounds was discharged at
the mouth of the shaft, where a miner
was taking a few sticks from a dyna
mite case. It Is supposed that ho
dropped one:
Dewey Reassembles His Combined
Squadron at Culebra.
Washington, Jan. 2. Dewey wired
me navy department today from San
Juan saying that the combined squad
ron had reassembled at Culebra and
was continuing the tactical exercises.
The marine torpedo flotilla is engaged
in a special drill Including night at
tacks. One coal nasser was drownRd
in the sinking of the Newark's steam
cutter by collision with a torpedo
Now York, Jnn. 2
Wheat " Opened.
May S04
July 78
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, Jan. 2. meat G1C5
cents pet bushel.
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francisco, Jnn. 2. Whent
Jl.35 per cental.
Critical Situation on the Union Paci
fic Drives the Company to Seek a
Settlement Engines Unfit for Serv
ice on Acount of No Rapalrs.
New York, Jan. 2. In pursuance
of the Invitation sent by President
Harrlman to the leaders of tho strik
ing Union Pacific bollermakers, to
meet him In conference, President
McNeil, of the International Boiler-
maKers union, and president u uon-
noil, of the International Machlnlts'
Union, arrived In this city today.
Other labor leaders interested In
tho strike situation on the Union Pa
cific are also here, and it Is thought
an early settlement will be reached,
owing to the intolerable condition of
traffic on tho Union Pacific.
The motive power Is absolutely un
fit for use. For six months no expert
work has been done on boilers and en
gines ,on account of tho strike. Poor
workmen, boys, "scabs" and helpers
have patched up defects until now
-the power situation Is critical.
The Union Pacific has received In
timation from tho government that
mail contracts would be cancelled If
conditions do not immediately im
prove. The boileimakcrs have had the un
divided sympathy and support of all
other railroad organizations and they
can hold out all winter If necessary.
Winter has added to the serious
ness of the situation as snow block'
ades and further) delayed mall
The bollermakers ask for recogni
tion of their union and straight dally escaped r.niuir.T uam-i-o
juBieuu ui iJiece worn.
Engines from the Omaha division
Kn2K- "e Broke Prison to F.nd His S?'"! .T
Ions, in the effort to keep traffic mov
Severe Storm Prevented an Earlier
Completion When Land End Was
Completed Mrs. Hawes Repeated
"Aloha" Great Rejoicing In Hono
lulu. Honolulu, Jan. 2. (Uy PaclQc Ca
ble to Scripps Nows.) People hero
nrc celebrating tho completion of the
Pretender Issues a Proclama.,on Pacific cable Severe- storms prevent-
Wants the Throne for His Brother, ed splicing tho land end soonor Mes-
Who Is Now In Prison. sages from all parts of the world arc
Tangier, Jan. .2 Word received being received,
here this afternoon from Fez says When tho land end of tho cablo was
that tho sultnn still controls 15,000 -,ij Tr, i.,, .,
troops, being a somewhat larger comI',tcd. Mrs- Hawos laid a 'lol,
force than that of the pretender. Tho or nntlvo wrenth upon tho end of tho
walls of Fez aro being strengthened, cable, repeating tho Hawaiian greet-
and tho rebels nre running short of Ing, "alho." Thero Is great rejoicing,
supplies. They have as yet shown Tho first mcssago delivered waa
no signs ot attacking tho city. from President Roosovclt to Govornor
The pretender has Issued a procla- Dole.
matlon In which ho says ho does not
want to occuy tho throno himself, but Washington, Jan. 2. Secretary
is fighting in the interests of his Cortolyou this afternoon gave ont tho
brother, tho present sultnn, who has toxt of tho correspondence over tho
ueon imprisoned since his abortive at- new cable. Tho one to uoosevolt wa
tempi to gain tho throne last spring, signed by Dolo's secretary, Henry
Cooper, and closes bv savine the Ha-
Fifty Fishermen Drowned, wallans believe that tho cable will
Rigar, Russia, Jnn. 2. Fifty fisher- nrovo a strong factor In upbuilding
men wero drowned In a terrific storm a patriotic, progressive common
which swept tho gulf of Riga today, wealth of tho Islands.
i-resuieni iioosoveiis answer,
slgnod by Cortelyou, touches upon
closer relationship by tying tho two
people together.
170,000 to Ask More Pay.
St. Louis, Jnn. 2. That the gener
al movement of Wbstern railroad m.
ploycs for n wago advance Is rapidly
Contract Laborers.
Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 2. Forty-five
Greeks arrived in this city Wednes
day from Hornbrook to work as rail
road laborers for the Southern Pacific
Company In the yards in this city.
None of tho Greeks can speak plain
English, as none of them has been in
this country more than six months.
All claim they were contracted with
in Greece to come to this country
and work.
To Fight Jeffries.
Butte, Mont, Jan. 2. Monroe, the
miner who made a showing against
Jeffries, .proposes to get the cham
pionship. Tommy Ryan has been en
gaged to train Munro for a battle with
Jeweler Failed to Put a Tray In th
Cleveland. O.. Jan. 2. Hermann.
Jeweler, failed to put a tray of dla
monds In his safe last nleht. nnnr.
lars broke open the store and carried
tnem off. A policeman, seeing the
window apparently undisturbed, nass
ed several times without discovering
me men. i noy were valued at M000,
Wrecking the Llvermore Train on the
Southern Pacific Engineer Fatally
Oakland, Jan, 2. The Llvermore
train was wrecked this morning, In
juring several passengers and proba-
lu loiany nurting Engineer Sal
1-augh. Fireman Swlnson
Mary Black, of San Francisco were
among tne injured. The rails spread
Objects to Messmer Being Bishop of
wanna Because of His Firebrand
Rome, Jan. 2. Secretary Hnv hna
written the Vatican protesting against
making Mgr. Messmer.
Wis., bishop of Manila, because of the
firebrand speech Messmer made re
cently Derore the Catholic Truth Fed
era tion.
Archbishop of Canterbury.
London. Jan. 2. The News
that RL Rev. Boyd Camentor hUhnr,
of Ripon, will be made archbishop of
Canterbury to succeed the Jate Rer,
til a Anl naMlal a .
Sweetheart, Who Was BnaYntiUyiJ
Hearted Because of His Disgrace, here early in tho coming week, at
Philadelphia. Jan. 2. Frank Kel- which commltteo rnnnrtn will ha
log, an escaped convict from San Reived and acted upon. It Is declared
Francisco, has surrendered to thn no. that tho confernn PA will ranrinnni
Carriage Drivers of Rochester Go Out lice and asked to bo sent back to tuly 175,000 railroad employes and
at Time When It Hurts Employers. Eivo out Ills timo. will bo participated In by the nation
kt. v..v in o -....! Ho fell In love and betrothed Mnliel nl brothorhooilR nt thn nnrinDa.. -
i n A V, UUU. u. W tV Ft LU ft a I . ..... . . - v.e1.ui3, a, Ul3-
strike of the carriage drivers of Roch-r 1 of Fan Franclsco. wb after- njen, trainmen nnd conductors. It la
pew r v n ,i, ward? arrested for burglary and sen- tho culmination nlTorfn uMm, h..
attended tho numerous receptions and tcnc,1d tom, 1,10 Penitentiary for 18 peon making for more than five yoara
other entertainments given in that ont., TIie BlrI- broken-hearted by to Induco the four blgv organizations
city on Now Year's eve wore obliged ?.lsSree, camo to Now York. Jo "get together" for tholr mutual
to walk. ' Anticipating violence, tho KcllB sa's no broko prison, he- benefit. While It Is difficult to loara
nnllno .n,-,, j..i .... ' cause no could nil? llvo wltlinnt ttin tho exnet nnlnm nf th .nn4 . .
ly. A few carriages were permitted fin, followed her to Now York, whero submitted by the committees, It Iti
to take fares without Interference. roun.a ?h,e hnd Bne to Phllndol- said on good authority that the sched-
Several funerals must, be postponed I',, ArrlvZ J' ho found that Uo which will probnbly be fixed anon
nn nnm,n il V, -tl. SIIO WtlR maiTlCd. Will mil fnr fin V
cent. The railroads are to ho given
on account of tho strike
one month to meet tho demand.
Pii r-nivi' rwNH... a- r- .. .. I
Steamer Maru Reports Speaking With r " h- i-a.a Dy tne I rust company Merger.
Ship After Passing Through a Ty- "i"-"""-"- "crxain.ng Many "w tone, jan. 1. The merger ot
phoon. Gue8t8 Most Lavishly. the Manufacturers' Trust Company;
San Francisco. Jan. 2.-The steam- 7lFho P" ru- Sl9!!
mlaSSSS? tb a DellilTis roDm tg ft TITS -on taTen by
?nhgPtShrouDgfda SST Tho Mani" ttt ?Zl & ttST
took off a sick sailor nnd Ti: I.."" "'". ln? fiovornment. HL. .,:'.u. ''"W r e
vessel provisions. The St T1Z d "1 i"0 ?!. nH'"lr'!" S. ten a -A.f " ".TU1? '
disabled, but the captain said he Utv ft , ' Jvl.h crc8, "Y "ttB la-
would make Yokohama. Thn vni tho iu" "cerB or
hat. tin! vrt rDnrh0.1 "i , "I: uro irusi
lleved to' be Tost Rhu " TO E PROSECUTED.
aro retlrnd ,v. -r"-'"u'
She was on rn " -"OCv,u.cu. nrM,,",-,"' "LD Pon Of
from Manila to Seattle. ,,., TT. .. . wTmT W h
iiiiiiuiii vw lis bh i.... AA.f i 'wwtui-ia i nn 1 1 iiiii ii nr v. a
' . -- juncnon ,.,. - noara or
wruL mirtb ACCIDENT. . ,.u uudi ueaiers
ounngnoia. ill,, Jan. 2. Jt JB almost
City of Olyphant (r, Danger of uarge c-''n that a prosecution of the Troll- wea h o 'VJynt It n, 1," f fSe
fn, ii r. . ".Iways and coal di.alf ,m n.. t...:. ' "l H Will also maka
-"M,-u-"" numor mat IDO c... wiuw linmern Urecoh onn nf t. a
Miner. Were Burled by . Cave-.a. ?uZr rom aectlons" of the United mSST
Scranton. Pa.. Jan. 2.-A min rrhltnn uI "V"1'- a I"-
cave-in occurred at Olvnhant iM Th fl,.t '2 "a "'Jlc" ' 1 ' '
afternoon, carryine a lar hi ri,rninin .i.- " .2 'n,4n?IM CRACKRD CQPnit sirac
down. Stoves were overturn , the cl from nKt ,rom aWln,t North Pole mine wm ofTered fcr
debris, starting a lire, and 'mtrnei. . .. wa op-erca far
adioinlne hulMlnm. r . i " r .... ho Kflnn s w tcwu.wi. K
Th 7i- A..' .) -""win a Wrestler. i- --L"" .lo. waer lode.
. v w a .iiiiiii ii n .7111 iji'ii iii.hii
WtWtJi . t. I J - .
-u id unuger or a large confla
gration. There ia an unconfirmed
rumor or a Hundred minor. k.i.
""""' lae mine is sun caving.
Will Visit Russia.
Berlin. Jan. 2. Cmwn Trln.A mil.
Ham will visit at Bt. Petersburg the
middle of January in answer to an
Invitation from the Csar, sent several
weeks Ago, '
New York. Jan t. , " ,B B0" wrth twenty million
BSrfivil&tt : fan -
nan tonicht. manv hAA- j.. I . ;r . "nrae lode, has at
The .Krea est of rivalry exlsta between three vJL? gSM"! ,6
b.,UUe ?en n(l bout will valuable North Voll i. tTT m
be as hotly contested as any flstlc en. South Pni otZ.i .i 8 ,V.jr'
for the contest P offfcT r'nHo''" Ah
tjBgmUm ' " " it m nuu; ii i li.j u -i c liuu. r --rm.iBiijj.i- mi. .rft-'(MW
IT -liMill nTMMIMMMMMlliil " I i W1 I i'i'i Tf ""n1!1"! lim.-i iilTfnm ti -i,-
1 1 1 1 ill wmiwmmmmmuwivmmm IM mi n iii mtfii iiiii