. -a Skm Cards and societies AND TRADES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANQEB. yJClANS. "pcinE IS JVuu 19 a. m . P Ai... cater- 'in.irl bearing. Itted for refractive er- 1"." Telephone , p., HOMEOPATHIC jii 1 1 LUC IU . Office, Dinia BOOM 17 ASSOCIA till - . . . .. iif nnnn Jt, SiTlnss Hank build ITES. OSTCOPATIIIC . .mi norvous diseases "... mi. n-Mit of nost- , ravsic f A V AND SUR- Block. Tele- houe ,cKSLi:n. rnitoNi ..., (nrnar .,iuiu and net. ENTISTS. IN , DENTIST. OFFICE tote red 71 EVriST, OFFICH IN AH' 271. AND BROKERS. ml, 50,000 surplus and Metat on time deposits. attended to. lleurj - T J Kirk. vie--nrt:l. ...k1.ll FRATERNAL ORDERS. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society ball, aecond and rourtn xuesaays ia eacn montu. All TUlt Ine Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S, Keea, Record Keeper; E. D. Eatabrook. lommanaer. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 82. A. F. AND A. M., meets first and third Mondays of eacn montn. visiting oretnren welcome, T. J. Tweeay, w. u. ; joe u. fanes. Bee PENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 28 T. C. Taylor. H. P.. F. F. Watnsley, secretary. meets second ana rourtn Fridays or each montn in Masonic nan. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHT OF Pytblas. L. W. Held. C. C: R. W. Fletcher. K. of it. and a. Meets every Monday in secret society nan. MODERN WOOMEN OF AMERICA. Tiituilla Camp. No. 03UH. . Meets nrst ana mira Monanrs or eacn raonin at una Fellows nail. Ueorce A llamblln. Con sul; Q. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of rendlcton Camp. No. 41. w. of W. are held In Secret Society hall every Saturday evening. Visltlnc neighbors are aiivnys welcome. J i: waiicer, uierKt-A. owen, c u. ATTORNEYS. JAMES A. FEE, building. LAW OFFICE IN JUDD IIAILEV & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Doapaln Block. BALLERAY & McCOIJRT, LAWYERS, As sociation building. II. E. COLLIER. LAWYER, OFFICE rooms 7 and S, Association building. CARTER Jt RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Savings Bank building. HENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Block, Pendleton, Oregon. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY Office In Association Block. AT LAW, BOARD AND LODGING. EMPIRE LODGING HOCSB, CORNER OF i h. uourt ana jonnson streets, uoou lanre. clean rooms wiin comioraoie mvr. Rates 23c and 00c a Bight Thos. Smart. Prop. HOTEL ALTA, CORNKR ALTA AND Mill streets. Board bv the day or week, Good table set. Ratea S4, and S3 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Neff, prop. IfURNIRIIRD ROOMH FOR RENT. TERM reasonab e. at 002 water St.. 'Fnone reo I 100. TUB ST. GKORQK RESTAURANT RKQU I lar meals 25 cents. Short orders a specialty, I Open dayand night. T. A Oldfather, Prop. TDK 8TRAHON ROOMING ROUBX (IIS MAIN street, Mrs K. K. Cooper, Prop. Kverythina I new and strictly first class. Rates S.V, ,V)c and i peraay TIIK WH1TK LODGING HOU8K, S01 SOUTH Main street. Mrs. Maty vriiuams. rrop. Iloiiaakeeiilnc rooms and lodclnc rooms. I Oootl comiortablo rooms and clean, well kept oeai. ixxiging zo cents. CABS AND CARRIAGES. RUBBER T1RH HACK, NEW AND VERY latea style, for the ssmca ot the pnaiie. C. D. Cariln and Jas. S, McKay, prop. Call at the Commercial livery stable or tele phone main 161 and the hack will call for yo. CITY CAB LINE, ERWIN BAKER, TROP. Telephone main 3ft3. stand in rront or French restaurant. INSURANCE & LAND BUSINES8. JOE U. PARKES, OFFICE COTTONWOOD St, Opera house block ;land office bus iness, such as filing of claims and Initiating contests a specialty. JOHN HAILEY, JR., U. 8. LAND COM mlssloner Specialty made ot land filings and proof : Insurance and collections. Of fice In Judd building, room to. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Wm ..OREGON my IHOUT io union Pacific GEORGE O'DANIEL. NEW AND SECOND hand goods bougbt and aold. court at,, Opera house block. Call and see htm. SANTA CLAUS IN A NEW ROLE. "I hope, however, to resume my old business Ht the old stand next year." V. 8TROBLE, band goods. DEALER IN 8ECOND- If them Is anything you need In new or second-hand furniture. I stoves, granite ware and crockery .call and get his prices. No. 212 Court street. , D. BOYD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street. BANK OF WESTON, :. Does a general bank. 1 ... I. B,l .1. ...... ,1 . . ,n Tl Dl tlltUUCU W. ... ... . nr ii..k.t.i , D ITtlirnva ..nhl.1 ,11. ithua. u. M. jonns, r, 0i. 3. F. Kllcore. Robert iTKnni. r I 1 ir.Hh , od lime ueuunua. ej- ud sold on all principal mention given to coi- . rsroiia. Dresmeat; j. ti . istutant cashier . 110,000: surplus. $03,000. frmciico. New York and u tne nnnnwesi. urates , Japan and Europe. Makes : W F. Matlock, vlce-prest L. B. REEDER. ATTORNEY Pendleton, Oregon. AT LAW, STILLMAN 4 PIEItCE, .ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices and makes n specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association Block. R. B BRYSuN, ATTO RN E Y-AT-LA W ; COL lections and Insurance Office In E O. build. Ing. BO T VENEZUELA WONDERFUL COUNTRY OF THE TROPIC CLIME, TONSOniAL PARLORS. BILLY KRASSIQ. BARBER SHOP AND bath room, Main street, three doors north ot Hotel St, George. First cla;s service. SEW TONSORIAL PARLORS, COURT ST , Three doors west of Golden Rule llotel. J. H. Pace. Pron. First olais Workmen, every thing clean, all modern Improvements, PAtTON'S SANITARY- BARBER SHOP, DK8- faln block. Court street; brst workmanship; the modern Improvements; all tools steril ized; bath rooms In connection. b ANU UUlLUtKb. AHCUITECT AND SU- Daku complete and rella jiaa Douaing. 1 .td .1 I'M A "( ,M nmiiM in.ni, Fi.n . . .. . - i iiiua nri near Main. mrnucea on all kinds It Wilts. Itone valla Mr ircgonun office. , ARCHITECT ANn PH. Boon IS. Auoctstlnn on aaia a specialty. Km tod:.; and Zehner'a cigar M. 8UPPLIE8, C0DRT BTRKET, Or iAlanhnnAa fflu llads. Get oar nrla sna si rd tea SPOKANE. WASH. OlfllPiy Mtvalil.. PHOTOGRAPHERS, W S. BOWMAN, LEADING PUOTOGRA plier of the city. Harvest views. In illnn photos for sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St., near bridge. 'Phone red 276. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. L. GREENAWALD, THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First-class repairing with beat materials. Shop in rear of Dlndlnger .wuson ft uu. JOHN WILSON, FIRST-CLASS 8HOE- maker and repairer. Best material nsed and good work done. Shop 117 Alta St. LIVERY AND FEED 8TABLE8. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND BALE Btable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for nne larnoui. MDie no Alia street. THE OLD 3EMPLB FEED TABD, 728 Cottonwood .street. Lindsay Doty orooa. Livery, read and aala stable. Sad dle haraea at all times. Horses for sale. Pbsne red 41. COMMERCIAL STABLES, Q. M. FROOME prop. Livery, reed and boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op. poaite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone main 101 OREGON FEED YARD, W. T., BOYNTON prop- special care given to Dorses lett with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone red 2tM. BLACK8MITHING. COPELAND & SON FOR WHEAT RACKS. Cbeapeat and beat Is town, 114 Wtbfe St, COMMISSION CO CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S300.000 Qrain, Provisions. Stooks, Bonds and Cotton for iaan or Futuro Delivery iSLetKment' mun,cIPal ana mlBcellaneous securities. Own ( ,ne m8t extensive private wire eyatem in the world we Mina 81 orders m promptly and satisfactory than toaiihL ,execute 0ltlers when limits are reached. We do not Herat more than tlle margin you place in trade. We ' for carrying long stocks. c per bushel; stocks, $2 per share, 'end von I pe b"Bhel: stocks H or 1 per cent u our Book or Statistics and Daily Market free. Write CALrJF1 75 N'onal and State Banks, f. REFERENCE: Pendleton Savlnna Bank. a.. nr!??. Bank pSnP'LnclpSl town and cities or the Northwest, Including ' con?,' .?,tlTl"e. Dayton, Walla Walla, Moscow, Pendle B.C, """""ctlon to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Everett and If Vn,, X. "K'offle an open trade or account with us you-can operate it n H. Hk HANSEN, WwUrrii Mnar. , Room 4, Association Block. 'Phone Main 851. I' 9- MAJOR, Ltoal MtinagM- Story of the Orinoco and Its 1000 Tributaries Matchless Forests Short History of the People and Country Small Area of Farm Land Cultivated. The people of Venezuela are in the main descended from the Spaniards. A good deal of Indian blood has been mingled with the Spanish strain. They are a talented and courteous people who bear the reputation of be ing fine fighters. A considerable part or Venezuela is still practically unex plored and is inhabited by aborigi nes. The republic Is divided into nine states, a federal district and five federal territories. There are 3900 miles of telegraph wire. Five steam ship lines ply along the Venezuelan coasts and through the rivers. Tjiere are miies or railroads. Tlie inon etary unit of the country is the boli var, equal to 19 cents American 'money. Chief City. The chief city of Venezuela is the capital, Caracas. It has a population of 75,000 persons. The other chief eities are Valencia, 40,000 population; Maracaibo. 35,000; Barquisimeto, 32, 000, and Ciudad Bolivar, 12.000. In one of ,the line public squares of Caracas is a large statue or George Washington. History. Venezuela remained under Spanish ruie unui ibii, when Simon Bolivar proclaimed her independent. The In dependence of Venezuela was recog. n.tcu u) Djiuin m ioo. in io4ti a series of civil wars began and did not cease until 1870. All slaves wete emancipated In 1854. In 1804 a feder ai constitution was drawn up. Guz man Blanco became dictator in 1870 wnen lie was elected president. Wonderful Forests. r .... . i , kji lujcBi wuuus amne tliprn worn 145 varieties, including a fine sued- men or me aigarrobo, a beautiful wood of dark yellowish color, streak. ed with green veins. There were sides many specimens of prepared 5 products, chemical and pharmaceuti cal and of manufactures, not to speak of a collection of paintings by Vene zuelan artists and of many books and newspapers. Only Two Seasons. There are but two seasons in Vene zuela, the wet and the dry. When the sun reaches the Tropic of Capri corn the rains begin, and they do not LOST. LOST-A PURSE IN ONE OF THE DRY GOODS stores nr on Main street ; contained less than (5 In cash and a postal money order bearing owner's name, finder will be rewarded by returning eamc to this office. Dtri.iT Tlino Sohodtiln abbIvs roa From I'ondloton raox Tortlsnd Pottlaml Special No. 1 The East SilOam ":coam. Chicago Chicago Special No. 3 Portland 6:.m SHOpm Portland Mall aud Express No.5 The East Win Hiin The East Mall and Express No.6 Portland Man 4:13 a m Psudleton Patasngor Spokane No," 5:tspm Spokane Spokane Passenger S:15a m No. 8 Pendleton Branch . Mixed Trnln No. 41 1 w" P m ,,,., Vall Walla Branch 6.00 pm Mixed Train No. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. WANTED. WANTED YOUR ORDKKS FOR ENO RAVED cards, wedding Invitations, etc: 1C0 engraved .!!., , 1.1. , n . ...ll.l I .....II i, . .. , . n I TiMiiug iiiui anil uinir, fi i: auimiuimi iui uuui ui u o.m una vuieivu wiv i card? la future, ?t per hundred. The East Or iiujmi; ui uuiiter. l aus jl is rainy I egonian. ana not from April to October, and All sailing dates sub 8,P.m. raff& Sail every days. Dally BunYa'y Columbia River irM 80 p m. To Astoria and Way Sunday Saturday Landings. 10 p. in. Wninmotto River. Doata leave Portland dally, except Bund.y. (tago ol water permitting) for Wlllametta an 4 Yamhill Klver points. Leave i Leave Rlparla Snake Ittver L'.iitAH la.m, Rlparla to Lewlstou 73o"a. Dally Dally Kxcptlon I Kxcpt Moa F. F. WAM8LKY, Agent, Pendleton. and over The FOR Save Money and Your Eyesight the rest of the year it is dry and cool er. retiring the summer the prevailing winds are from the northeast. There are heavy lain storms, called "north ers," usually in November and De cember. One Thousand Rivers. There are over 1000 rivers brooks in Venezuela, of which 400 are affluents of the Orinoco. Orinoco Is navigable 850 miles from the ocean, and tans the fertile regions In the interior of the Colombian re public. Some or the navigable tribu taries or the Orinoco run south and join the Amazon or its tributaries. thus Opening a double route to the sea. Besides" this network or rivers, I d8K incie mo iwu large lniana laues, one or which. Lake Maracaibo, is as large as the Great Salt Lake in Utah, with an area or 2100 square miles. The other. Lake Valencia, is 1700 reet above the sea level. Small Area Cultivated. There are 13,000 square miies or ag ricultural land, of which only 300 square miles are under cultivation. Thb Orinoco sweeps over the arc of an Immense circle, entering on tho east coast and emerging from the country on the southwest border. mere are over 70 Islands on the coast, the largest Margarita, belne 441 square miles in area. There are over 1800 miles of coast, scattered along which are 32 harbors and CO bays. Like the great lakes or the United States, the two great Inland lanes or Venezuela have their own ports. There are five gulfs on the ocean coast, the largest or which is the Gulf or Maracaibo, 1C00 square miles in extent. FOR SALE. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO POT UNDHH carpets, on shelv.es walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspaper In large uuuuies or iuu eacn-at za cents a bundle at the EAST OREGONIAN office, Pendle- iuii, uregon. FOR BALE AT TUB BAST OREGONIAN I . puce, targe cnnaies or newspapers, con taining over 100 big papers cam fee eb- taineej ror zn cents a bundla. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for MISCELLANEOUS. miss m. b darden, oraduate nurse Chicago, Bt. Paul, Bt. Louis, Kan PhoVi'e B?ackri?.,re" 612 Tt,oaf,on ,trett 8M City, St. Joe, Omaha, and SaaaaLt Ail Points East and South Portland and polats oa tho Souad TXUX CARD. Leave Pendleton, dill- Avcnt inni.M . f too. pm. r ' " Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday and Friday ll;25pm. Arrive Pendleton Tneidav. Thnm.. Saturdays 30 am. " ' ' Wa1.1 alla dally, east bound, ll :06 us. Arrive nana w una daily, wast bounii. h.i; For Information rAffiMfna, ,.u. mtxl.ttoni, cl on or ddrci " W.ADAM8. Agent, 8. B. OALDKRIIEAD, O, P. aT nana walla. Wash, ATHLETIC MEET. THE BEER THAT MA0C By UbIdk tho c ' U,r,,ot.,,i if..i.,i. i iu... ja.- 1111H.IVU KlillLll l.gllicr ' a nncftiinp H'ic i -in,,. The PERFECTED can read ily be lighted with a parlor match ti ll givt iu nines ine ilgut of a common kerosene lamp at half the expense and caie. It has a Nickel-silver gen erator which does not scale Irora the action of h(at, and ClOST the tlU. AS brjLU dAM We have Hatch Lighting . Muin iivui Up. Write for circulars and prices, STEWART & GRANT LIGHTING CO. Inventors & M'f's lit Third st , I'OliTliAND.Oli All standard brands gas and gasoline mantles wpotessie and re-taU. Ageuts wanted in every town in V. B, i Prominent Amateurs Will Compete at MlLWAUKr FAMOUS! n,o i.iauioun oquare uaroen OT Mewl York- ' ooottf rn tabic oat isew rorK. Uec. 27. New Yor (erK All l.:,i- r : , . will receive an opportunity to see a .. ?" . "us UI ln'P0"ea luncnes, hnRt nf nrnmlnonf amatnl... uti,ii.. wiener Wtirst. sauerkraut anrl - j.. ......,!, uauMvm.il. uiUIULUrl 111! m ' ' " competition at the first annual winter P'S8 ,eet at Irish Athletic Association in Madison KOHLER A fttflfat Square Garden tonight. The commlt-l .""t,BB UW tee in cnarge or the games has cater- main streets near i-'ostoflice ea to tne popular rancy with a sorles or relay races in which the crack runners of Philadelphia. New Yorls mid other cities will be seen at their best. Other events on the program are: Fifty yards, novice; 880-yard run, iiaiiun-ujj; ou-yara run, Handicap; 6C0 yard run. handicap; 300-yard ruu, han dicap; one-mile run, handicap; three mile run .scratch; running hop, step and Jump, and a running high Jump Arthur Duffey. A. If. KV.nl w.i. ingtonDelgado, Pat Walsh and F, 8, TO- CHICHESTER'S PILLS v Mr 1IKII flui iiul.1 tas.-fB ...u i.s. 1 r,T' V. . .T1"'" au t all HS4IMO Huunr,, PUftA, HjC RUNS Pullman Sleeping Qirs, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. sr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DDLTJTH FARGO GRAND HORKB CROOKBTON WINNEPEG HELENA and LBDTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK; BOSTON and all polnta East and South injougn iicsets to Japan and Chins, via andAMsrlcanllner -...p u, Time scHBouLi. atT75npmI,en,lleU,,ll' IM,, Rahhlt M.t.l I.. .a . h.7Z Del';..' ""J" ln! 0t,a2 I'M. I"""" lnfonaation. tlm. cd. ww say s uajr UMW. W Ttl a Hstaa I KI1U UI'WaiM aalt An n. H.la7. tr a . ' ' - S EdwaTds ar7 t'h; spa Tw'n' S:M" "-aE?" ' : MtflSffla i . . . . . - i i ,.n.uuaHiiiainHU . mmiih. . W H..U, wv. tuuipeie in ine special scratch 00 yard. Duffey Is the only man who has over been credited with running 100 yards In 9 3-5 seconds. He hopes to break the present C0-yard record C 2-5 seconds.' and has trained carefully with this object in view. Hi ,Toh.!.. Oregonlan I. oa sale I gof;'f" "' Bt ue news sUnd lnltrSSf", Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port-T aSjJ tana. MANHOOD PPSTrDE,r"oupiDeiip "y.'r.thprerlDtlonof.r-S-T."..T treat Vents. -i'"niuf th nili7At;","'ru swian, win q wtrrr. f.ilian.ii - . " : --IS ".-.. ma f .loin an losses br daVnr ,ii,h. 1 uXT' " and rietores amaiwriro:S urinary orgaas'bi 80LD BY TAI I mam . U Bn "WKlaoo, Tl BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUQQI8T8, PENDLETON, OREGON.