East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 29, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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la a Tl
t Next we will prepare our great
week we w ill be busy invoicing our large
earance Sale
tfjit tor 11. -CJJv V voui ituiiuiiuii ..ovoijf-
iKo winter lines. . - .
it DECEMBER 29, 1902.
ireau ai tusuc o.
mile canay ciauy m
.ni nfo wnnt nt Won.
indkerchlefs. mufflers, at
stoes. Have tliem repaired
Premium bams and bacon
re money by buying gro-
Ite Standard.
line of canned goods and
it the Standard.
candles In beautiful pack-
ipeclaltr. The Delta.
cigar store, Maloy's old
ile Bood bus'iess on Court
lee Earnhart, the real estate
, the eye specialist, will give
liary 10. 1903. to every per
Ibid eyes, a pair of correctly
and scientifically ground
le of all cost. Charges In any
be niado to cover cost of
fcly. Office at 120 Court
i' re i run j ann ivihui aimA.
, . ' irui
itock ranch, running water,
1 Art . . . .
. 111! inilB nT hotr 11
' "fcT au UU1 Ul
in uraia? Prairie, $2,200.
w wheat land, 12 miles
hu - mura I1U1U
i twsrvatiou, good water,
:7... luucn imiii
alltnt of many stock
vuiuu i nave lis tea,
a Specialty
e list of desirable
t tut
Estate Dealer.
Whltaker, the dentist.
Fresh flsli daily at Castlo's.
Have your clothing cleaned at N.
Wanted to Rent A stable. Call at
this office.
House for rent. H. J. Stlllman,
1001 East Railroad street.
Imported Hmburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res
taurant. Everything tastes good.
I Mrs. Campbell is closing out her
stock of winter millinery at cost.
The Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazler's book store,
Perry Housor Is now prepared to
supply you with meat at his new shop
on East Alta street.
Perry Housor s meat market on
East Alta street Is now open. Best
meat promptly served.
Special low prices on candles and
nuts to Christmas tree and social
committees, at The Delta.
For Rent Cheap 440 acres, good
C-room house nnd good barn. See
Earnhart, the real estate, dealer.
Wanted A good cook to cook for
nine persons. Wages $25 per month,
Apply at once at the Umatilla Indian
Until January 10 Henker will give
a pair of glasses (lenses) to eye suf
ferers free. Charge will be made for
frames only. 120 Court street.
Attention Knights. Damon Lodge,
No. 4, Knights of Pythias, will have
work in tho second rank this even
ing. All knights are requested to be
U your eyes bother you, call on
Hanker, he will fit your eyes with a
pair of glasses (lenses) free. Charge
made for frame only. 120 Court
Things People Should Not be Led to
Slaughter Feels In Duty Bound to
Expose Graft Wherever Found.
We understand the honorable J N,
Williamson, congressman-elect from
Oregon's second district, came to
Canyon City on Monday last for the
purpose of personally Interviewing
the , people regarding the proposed
Dlue mountain forest reserve.
We recognize that the permanent
creation of the proposed forest rc
sorve is a -very serious question tor
the people of Grant counts; we real
lze that different conditions prevail
here than do In any other county In
dur state, and we know that the de
partment of our government which
hns theso matters within Its jurisdic
tion knows of these conditions, and
have expressed a willingness to give
to our people a fair consideration
and have explicitly stated how we
could get a hearing upon any protest
properly filed with the department.
The News has always opposed the
creation of tho proposed forest re
serve upon the lines Indicated In the
temporary order withdrawing these
lands from settlement and will still
continue to oppose It, but while op
posing It we will not stand by and
see the people of our town and of
Grant county hoodwinked and led as
sheep to the slaughter by either a
congressman or any of our local peo
pie without registering a protest.
There are other grafts than those
which have been mentioned as school
land grafts, and it may be our duty
to expose them in the near future
for the benefit and protection of the
citizens of our own county. If duty
calls to us we will respond. Grant
County News.
Alaska a Good Buy.
Alaska, like the Louisiana region
of the 'Oregon country, was not con
sidered by some American congress
men to be worth "a pinch of snuff.
Yet, since the United States bought
it In 1867, it has yielded gold, furs
and fish worth $150,000,000.
Stage Days Numbered.
The arrival 'of the first direct over
land mails by stage at St. Louis from
San Francisco, In 1858, was regarded
by President Buchanan as a glorious
"triumph for civilization and the
Union." Railroads aggregating 87,000
miles have taken the place of the
stage In the West.
Total Livestock Sales.
The sale of Oregon livestock dur
ing 1902, as nearly as can now be de
termined, Including local transactions
throughout the state, was as follows:
Horses $ 222,000
Cattle 2,800,000
Sheep and wool 3,850,000
Hogs 1,250,000
Total $8,122,000 j
Mlnuimum values remaining in the
Horses, 300,000, at $12.50 ..$ 3,750.000
Cattle, 800,000, at $22.50 .. 17,600,000
Sheep, 4,000,000, at $2.00 .. 8,000,000
Hogs, 200.000, at $5.00 1,000,000
White Goods
Everything in the shape of White Dry Goods
in the house will be sold at a Great REDUCTION
Muslin Underwear
And a lot of HANDKERCHIEFS used in Holiday
display and slightly mussed, at a big Reduction.
15c 25c 35c 50c 75c $1.00
10c 15c 1 25c I ' 25c 50c 75c
Outfitters for Men and Women. 1
Total' $30,350,000
Ground Squirrels Still Out. j
Farmers from the vicinity of Barn-J
hart report that ground squirrels are!
to be seen occasionally in that neigh-j
borhood yet. Usually these pests hl-
bernate early In the winter and It is ,
an extraordinary occurrence to seel
them out at this season of the year
-A Sale of-
Mlssourl Pedagogues in Session,
St. Louis, Dec. 29. One thousand
delegates attended the formal opening Old settlers say this Is a certain sls:n
oi the annual convention of the Mis- of a late, backward spring,
touri state Teachers' Association to
day. All the leading educators of the Servants Without Price.
Bwie were present, rne reception The Salem hayseed mayor and city
"i .". uhum"? council get no salaries and have no
t?J 5Ert, the A7. Pres"' mileage or clerks allowed them. Yet
ucill t Milium, Ol UlU UbBUClUUOH. eX- wa hln Loot o.nna-r.n.o., In l,
pacts the meeting to be the most sue- united States or Philippines. What's
Auiuug the matter w th Duttlne the lee sla
cessful ever held in the state
the speakers for tomorrow is Presl
cent David Stan .Jordan, of Leland
Stanford, Jr.. University, who will
speak on "What the Twentieth Cen
tury Demands.",
ture on the same footing? The peo
ple would be getting better service.
Salem Journal.
Grand Ball!! Grand Ball!!
Given by Jolly Club!!
Music Hall!! Music Hall!!
Now Year's Night! !
Kirkman's full orchestral !
Everybody come.
Club's last dance.
heart grow
occasionally make the
fonder. Philadelphia
"lust x-opaiar nanoKercmei woors is
on?688? aud laatin8 perfume, 50 cents the
BCe, V fi fl.ro tllQ QTlliioiiin n nnnto tn l!o
jjjy - wv VA1 UDi V U aDlllO 1U1
Ftom Main St.. Toward the Court Hoas
Drop in at the
Boston Store
Purchase a pair of
Douglas Shoes
For Men
Or a pair of
Gloria Shoes
For Women
Walk away and unless vou look
imo-i j - .
logical Association of the Pacific aown you ao not know new snoes
Coast began Us fourth annual meeting are on your eet.
'hree days, during which time papers "e a Messing to humanity. The
of a profound nature will be read best, and best selling in the mar
and discussed. The opening session ket, genuine oak tanned soles,
this morning was taken up with tho dressy, durable and a Derfect fit
reports of officers and the aDDoInt- . Per,ecl "J-
lumusmiig case ana elegance, we
sell warranted goods.
We thank a customer after the
purchase and they thank us.
Needs of the Rural School.
Topeka, Kan., Dec. 29. "The Prob
lem of the Country School" is the
general topic selected for discussion
at the 40th annual meeting of the
Kansas State Teachers' Association,
whlph will be In session here during
the coming two days. Amoncr the
eminent educators to be heard on the
subject are Deputy State Superintend
ent D. E. McClure. of Michigan, ex-
State Superintendent Henrv Sabine.
of Iowa, and Professor Vincent, of the!
university or (jmcago. The heads
of the leading schools and colleces of
ivansas win also me heard. Professor
Joseph B. Hill, of the State Normal
School, president of the association,
ncnvers tne annual address
Never was our line so complete.
Ledgers, journals, day books,
inks, pencils, etc.
We carry the famous "Old lie
liable" flat openers in leather
bound, good stock paper, at 25c
to I4.45 each per book,
Try us for blank books.
Standard Diaries 39c to 1.65,
in red and black bindings.
New Cake Plates, Cups and!
Saucers, etc. 1
The Nolf Store
The Delicacies
01 tne season are always
louna at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters .f Frog
Legs Clams Crab's
f and f Lobsters
and other salt and fresh
water foods
THe French
Tolophonu Main 4
Language Students Assemble.
San-Francisco, Dec. 29. The Phllo-
uient ot committees. Professor C. M.
Gayloy, president of the association,
.1 . a ...
ur.ivr.-H nia annual address this eve
Carter to Box Gardner.
Chicago, Dec. 29. Followers of pu
gilism expect to see tonight ono of
the best bouts that has taken place
in uiucugo in some time. The con-
te8tats are to be Georee Gardner
and "Kid" Carter and they are slated
to mix it up In a six-round bout before
1110 Lyceum Athletic Club. f!nrf.r
iius lost tnree times j Gardner, but
never witnin the six-round limit, and
the Brooklyn lad figures that he has
a good chance to reverse the former
voraict in a six-round battle.
Mrs. D. Frye Rev. Doctor Fourthly
has denounced divorces as a Drofane
act. miss u. Meanor He's right: it
certainly constitutes taking some
one's name In vain. Harvard Lam
poon. ; jr " " ' -
Boston Store
Where Wh e Families are Shod,
r.atlhi n.nccee I
In comparing Grain-0 and coffee
remember that while the taste is
the same Grain-O gives health and
strength while coffee shatters the
nervous system and breeds disease
of the digestive organs. Thinking
people prefer firain-O and Itslxm-
What could
than a
be more acceptable for a holiday present
Bissel "Cyco"
Bearing Sweeper?
of Blaaell H wearer.
u UUUIU, irOKlPll. Hntlmin ind T... -1.
oak, blrdseyemapleblrcTb, cocU d B0lld mahogany cai7 I
The reason we sav "T1(hiuii" i i.,,o
think us partial k you7frIenclTo have used thTm foVyeV
and would never be wltliout one. BealdetUey doii'f tZt
more man tho Interim-
no noise, perfect SSTd SSfort. aiwi,
1 11 . ,u BM)CK B. superb line
Basler's Big Bargain House
Roes' cigar store for smoklne arti
cles of all kinds, Pattoa'e old stand.
Tfce new store can never be a n
expect people to know what
tl. - yuu nave 10 sell r vau dna