A WEEK OF SWEETS ('omnuMH'ing on Xmas day and continuing through (hi1 Holiday Week we will ho 1 the woll known brand of LOWNEY'S CANDIES At the Following prices: $-4 Pound Boxes Chocolate Creams J. 2 " " ' " J . i tt u $ .to .25 .50 Never before have these goods been sold al these prices, and will only ho during the time stated slaii ilntes. The new crop always commands about oito cent more on the pound, because they are a little lreslier and probably better. We sell a great many pounds or dates dur ing the holiday season." . The dales of commerce are pe culiar fruits, Rrown on the palm trees or Northern Africa. The fruits prow In clusters or bunches. An average tree bears eight to 10 clusters, writh ing from 12 to 20 pounds each. Old tieos generally yield about 200 pounds of the dates 'every year. The fruits are sold green or dried and packi.il In boxes and shipped over the world. There are several varieties of dates rovn for market. Those packed and shinned to the United States are i chiefly of the light brown color, hav ing long slenuer seeus, aim gruwm& much in the shape or plums or prunes or American origin. CLEARANCE s BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS Palm trees are of different varieties. Some bear fruit and others only leaves. The large Hat leaves aie of inn napii for faiiK and In decorating I stores and halls. In Africa the palm Jleaves are brought Into the rellglousj ! festivals during the celebration of Talm Sunday and nt the feast of the I Passover The palm tiees are much ! the same as ' willows. They demand j ! much water. The Arabians say "the i ' nnlni must have Its head in the fire I land its toots In the water to grow; i of the stock Industry throughout the, fruits." The trees giow wild along j i countrv. and this convention should the rivers and creek bottoms. .Marshy i .1)0 attended hv all stockmen, w nether i - " V ".. . """ M MONDAY. DECEMUEU 20, 1902 If a man does not make new acquaintances aa he advances through life, he will soon llnd . himself left alone. A man should keep his friendship In constant repair. Samuel Johnson. delegates or not, as Its sessions are educational. In a high degree. Tho livestock Industry is a science, and i 'men must ftmly to become pioficlent in It. A WORD WITH "BLUE" MEN. An exchange calls Monday a "blue day." Complains about a scarcity of news, dullness of brain, uncertainty about a starting point, and weak pulse. Says there's nothing doing. Groaks about the lack of activity in business. Says people are not stir ring. Hints at some ghost of finan clal reaction, some dim spectre of panic he fancies Is hovering over the country. Its a disease that attacks newspa pers. Its symptoms are a falling nerve, a tired feeling In every column, & lack of lustte. a wheedling, whining, complaining tone that is out of tune with the symphony of the world. There is no "blue day" in a live jtown. There Is no scarcity of news In a newsy office with a willing man at a capacious pencil. It's nerve, not news, that Is scarce. It's the man, and not the day, nor the '.profession, that is "blue." There's no -use calling the profes slon names. It has enough to bear -now. No use croaking at your town. ,It will grow and forget you In spite of your walling. It's your place in society to paint 3Ionday and your town another color. Blue. Is a good color in the right place. Nothing is more invigorating to a gloomy brain than a heaven-sent .streak of blue sky. Nothing fills space so admirably as the blue smoke of action. The electric blue of ener getlc business friction, which warms a community with life, is sacred to the gods of industry. But heaven forbid the "blue" man. In the category of hues he is the hoodoo, tho hindrance, the "scare crow" of the race. One blue man "discolors" a town. The color is catching. It goes In streaks through society. It changes hopeful smiles into graveyard moans. If you feel the symptoms approach ing, go outside the door, into the brac ing morning air. Walk down tho main street with your head up, even if you do owe everybody In town. Repeat this program dally. It will be to you like hanging an old coat on the clothes line is to it. it will "air" yon. The "blue" man is out of gear. All the wheels In a good town turn for ward. He is trying to force them backward. This process lu not easy nor pleasant. It Is Just like pulling a cat backwards across the carpet. Smile and say you want to live. Go with the crowd. There is no reverse, lever on progress. You can't go backward. The fruit-bearing palms have been, grown successfully In countries where tho temperature reached 115 degrees. In sliluUiel ulid diupped to us low us ! 10 degrees below freezing during the winter. Arizona Is the best date- It looks more like business in East- growing district of the United States.! em Oregon right now, than ever be- Several orchards have been planted ( in,.,, r ,m ,, anil lire ueiiiing (.-iiuii-u wuus nu; lore. The citizens of the arid conn-1 The ne propagltei, easl. ties are organizing irrigation assnci-1 iv hv slmnlv mittinc out suckers from ntious. with definite objects in view, j original limbs. They grow thickly andj Baker, Morrow. Umatilla and Malheur I often attain a height of 40 feet. When are earnestly studying the subject of ' ''lom'etithey ' reclamation. They remember the fa-1 use glycerine to give tin fruits tin. ble of the farmer and the lark, andj rich glossy mn oarauc' , haracterls nro ilnim? rnnintiilitr fur iliomsolvps. ' tic of the boxed dates Tacoma Our Big Clearance Sale has begun and will continue until all Seasonable Goods are closed out. Special reductions in all lines. THE FAIR The Place to Save Money B Tl i Mid-Winter CIIITC mn.... WA,STs, Jacob s FURS at Cli B The Eastern ru osin ana waist j I Ed Ebenj e e 8 ssi J The best feature about - these local organizations is that they are compos ed of the strong, .vigorous business men of the different communities. They have a; deeper Interest in the country than can be measured by figures. It is their home. News. Judge Fitz Gerald told the tax-pay-ers of this city and county some plain, unvuinished truth, in a short interview in last Satuiday's East Or egouiau. In speaking of the alarm ing increase of drunkenness among! Indians, he said some severe peual- ties should be meted out to those1 -who openly violate the laws against i selling ilnuor to these people. It Is a direct burden on the people to sup port the Indians that are sent to jail for drunkenness. They have no money with which to pay fines. The laws of the land are -violated and the tax-payer as usual, pays the bill. The other fellow gets the profit. 1 Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class w.ork guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel The death of Miss Ensminger, of Haines, who was shot by a jealous lover on Christmas eve. brings tho Christmas tragedy close to home. People read of the fiendish deeds which are committed In distant states and do not stop to give them a seri ous thought. But when the victim Is plucked from our own threshold, we feel tho sting of a common, kindred srlef and halt to wonder where nfxt the blow will fall. Dandruff and -Falling Hair vanish before the magic touch of ejjNewuros rierpiciae, tlie a lateiit scientific discovery. R It kills the dandruff germs. Destroy the cause, you re move the effect. Kill the dandruff germ, and your hair will grow abundantly. Sr. A.irnosT, Idaho, Dec. 3, 'M. He rpicida doc all Um joa claim lor U. 11 ha t-leanoil in jr bea.1 f roui dandruff, anil leu ui;balrnnanJtolt. OEiios JI.L'kosbsk, For Sale at all Firit-Claij Drug Stores. Despam & Clark Wholesale Com mission Merchants Will pay cash for poultry. The Market price always. Bring it in every day and all day. Chickens, Geese, Ducks and Turkeys. Office in Savings Bank Building Come, Get Our Quotations The fight for the presidency of the state senate .promises to be the most spirited spectacle at the opening of the legislature. Dr. Andrew C. Smith, or Portland, and George C. Brownell. of Clackamas county, arc now leading the two forces, for the place. Brown ell Is such a pliable tool of the poli ticians and corporations, that in the Interests or the state at large, he should not be elevated to that honor by his party. The people adjacent to the Eastern Oregon forest reserve are bo widely diviaea in their opinion on the re serve, that it Is doubtful if Mr. 'Wil liamson got much Information on the subject, that would aid him in reach ing a decision, on hla recent visit to Grant county. There are many good men, strong arguments, plausible rea sons and much "scrapping" ability on each side. Marconi celebrated his victory Just in time to dampen the ardor of the ttlhtlna nVAP ta Invlnv rf tit a T3a stiffs Oregon, the greatest livestock state Lnhio Th irrmnr nr t, wirai.... of the West, Is particularly Interested ntrrn tl V, mill atf at ttiA fdoat imltttrft nA .u. mo vuuveuuun oi me National Livestock Association, which meets in Kansas City, January 13-16. This association i,n, , "mese rersian aaies are worm "f ,? sreater '"fl"ence on 7 cenU a pound," remarked one of the . .i.,uto euecung tne live- leading growers, as he exhibited a .stock Interests than any other agency, pretty Ilttlo box of sugared fruits. ;;nas a strong Influence in flxlm? in. lney como ,n pouna packages and in ABOUT DATE PALMS These Persian dates are worth Interstate railroad rates on livestock ;,' Jih'.pment8' 11 ,s tho T,Bllont guardian sla and arc therefore sold for Per- CO-pound boxes. The fruits are sup- BrigtiU Disease and Diabetes Positively Cnrable, They are curing Bright's Disease and Diabetes In Cafornla. The per- contcgo of efficiency (recoveries) in theso hitherto Incurable diseases averages as high as 87 per cent The details of the Investigation and dem onstration of the new compounds are so conclusive that we at once sent for a bundle of the reports and for the new treatment for urgent cases In this city. Call or send for one of tho reports. F. V. SCHMIDT & CO.. Pendleton HARPER WHISKlf mm i Let Murphy Frame those Pictures for Christmas Don't put off having the work dene. If Murphy does the work it will be good work and you will be highly pleased, Best stock of framing material. E. J. Murphy's Best work at lowest prices. Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. The Aristocrat among the Whiskies of the Old School, Without a peer. KorSale bjr JOHN SCHMIDT We Don't Keep Everything Hut we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Fioorlug, Celling, Rustic and Finish, in all grades Aluo all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, "Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes U complete, and auy one hi need of Lumber will not be wrong In plaolng their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; & C. R. Depot FOR SALE A half section of fine wheat land, all in summer-fallow, north of Pendleton. Good improvements.. . . Almost -a section of land in one body, a short dis tance north of town. FRANK B. CLOPTOM 800 MAIN STREET I have bargained with a competent Timber Cruiser to locate Valuable Timber Claims On the line o. a railroad now under construction. This means a big ohance for flrst-oomers. See N.Berkeley Have some good farms for Bale. COOD SOUND WOOD Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can get the best for the' same price? iaatz Bros. Telephone Main 5i a) C -ON. e tin ' CCrfKO'T UNDER THE MISTld The man who rectlra tlij kiss is the natltetln the i things being equal-tin t 11 .. . ., , . . attend to the laanderingd shlrfs, collars aud cuffs h fashion as to wId encomtasi mo' t particular. Let m I laundry work. THE DOMIC 10 Court and Thompsoa i It's a Good Rt for anyone to make oJ more (rood carriages are i from bad to worse throng misuse when a little ftp rlirht kind at the right t them perfectly eenice' resolve to nave your after by Neagle Br, wnrtr rlcht. (ftnu lor idto. Lumber, t Sash, Doors and Planing ol an uo-r to older. Lion I r"". .',;! rtl Materia t)""1 1 .UlUIUIIJft consulted us. Pendleton Pla LlllllUU "- rncUf. ttW Farmers Custom en Walter. nnnoillv 1BU lWVii ' f "" Vimi vm. iwr riour, ""-:- alwaya on nana.