y1 GOOD GO?DS Bt A,e"nder'8' I Ihenomenal Offer .. i.n.afnn ft moment: 'crasn this od- Einity, as nothing like it has evtr Wm SL ua Viictnrv nf our store. It Lwiii-reil i ""mj- - , 7 HC1"" 1.. in caU nlnfmncr wf. nnt. Ims ''"osition before yon, for it s a fact we IP ... :nA tlio VipbK s- r. nf n. fifiBSOn li.mfln U " -'v - I want to show our appreciation, so !!nresent to you this betceen-the-hpH- gift giving- Wn Reserve in mis iTxaguuiueui oiuk. h5 per cent discount off on all oar YOUTHS' AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS Until New Year's Eve., Dec. 31. xander Dept. Store BETTER FISHING WARDEN MAKES SOME TIMELY RECOMMENDATIONS. Did you receive an ramed Picture ForXmas? If so, don't lay it away to get soiled and lorn, but bring it to us at once and have it framed. RVe make a specialty ot picture traming. r for SHARP New Ideas. Opera House Block. tate e I nun, do you desire to lay kJitlon for weal h7 Elderly you wish to Iiibu yourselves tencyT ) as others have done. Look i end boo who are the well- to In the community. They who have tin sled In real rer small your means, buy ,e. Commence now. I will niU partial payments, or for following properties: he with 5 rooms a cellar 1750.00 1 cottage and lot . . 900.00 tse and two lots 700.00 ling, stable and lot . . 700.00 , stable and 2 lots 900.00 t lots from $160 to 1300. t 01 H Ms 1200.00 I block, 7 lots 900.00 loM iota 650,00 ot Z lots 300.00 OYD, III Court Street Queen Hotel low Uoen building, 36 by 8o, ted by Joe. Ell. on 'A, between Court and open to the nublic. well lighted, and venti loewly furnisher! jide room in the build- inprovements, elec band baths ti, 'J back of nf fiw. n., Oyster House on Main i Hd Inp Dun. ci. tt i n - i"u -uup mouse Queen Hotel will be run s"lion by Messrs. Q & Van Paymbroeck LPfoprietors j MEISCKE'S i MEATS j: Always please the people and customers arealwuyssatiafied. The reason, for this is that you never get anything but t ood, tender meats, no matter what you order. Otto Mies eke C O V It T 8 T H E K T Ho xt set's Old Stand TELEPHOKl! RED 211 tovative tot Wky Roof8 ! Sold Only By J?curke & CO. Low Cash Prices Prompt Delivery Best Groceries... are what the Miller Cash Grocery has to offer. Baking leave your orders for cakes or pastry of any kind. Lodges and parties supplied at very 'low prices. 623 Main Street Phone Main 51 1 Miller Grocery Co. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY Says the Sunday Law Is Inoperative Because Washington Has Not Also Passed One to Correspond Ship ment of Frozen Salmon. Mastor Kish Warden H. G. Van Dusen, Infills annual report, makes a recommendation regarding the laws regulating the salmon fisheries, which has not been touched upon to any ex- tent. It Is his Idea, after a close study of tho situation, that It would he better to do away wl.th the closed season as it- now exists on the Co lumbia River and in place of this have certain streams where the salmon spawn closed for all time. Want No Closed Season. His suggestion on this point, which will bo of particular Interest to all fishermen, and, in fact to the people or the state, Is as follows: "In the early days of the fisheries It seemed to be essential that the harevsting of the salmon product should be limited to certain seasons: and certain other seasons were estab lished and defined as closed seasons, during which time the parent fish were to be allowed "an opportunity to get by the fisher and ascend the streams to their natural spawning grounds for the purpose of replenish ing and maintaining the supply; then, r.nd even up to the present time. It seemed almost essential that these closed seasons should be maintained, but since it has proved that the hatchery work Is sure to take care of the product in a more substantial manner and at a trifling expense, it seems that these close seasons, .cspe- THE EVENING OF ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN OOUNBELLOR-AT-LAW U. 8. Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY U. S. Patent Office U. S. mmI FOREIGN PATENT - f, "Trd. Ustkf od Copjrlt hU T J to. 8t, N. W., Waahtnarton, V. V Declining years the time when one is on the other side of the hill, call for con stant care in the matter of nutrition. Life then depends so much on the body's power to repair loss and waste. This power grows less and less. The ability to shake off local disorders and to draw heavily on the body's reserve force are" privileges that youth alone can claim. With'age comes slow move ment, slower operation of the whole body's forces. Trifles become burdens and we live in the past. Ordinary food no longer nourishes. Poor teeth, perhaps, and improper mastication give the stomach work that it is not supposed to do the digestion is taxed and even injured when it should be troubled least. Many elderly persons get strength and nourishment from Scott's Emulsion. It slips into the blood so quickly that the stomach is not aware of its presence. Not only does Scott's Emulsion furnish nourishment itself, but it helps to digest other food. It aids in the proper distribu tion of food benefits sim plifies the, stomach's work. Moreover, the lime and soda contained in Scott's Emulsion in the form of hypo- phosphites nourish the bones and rediice the acid 'in the blood which feeds rheu matism. Then, too, the body must have fat, for fat is heat and heat is life. Cod liver oil as we find -it in Scott's Emul sion is the most easily di gested of all fats. Scott's Emulsion always helps when vitality is at a low ebb. We'll send you a 1 ample free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 PaarLSt.,.' New York. i- - 1 SPECIAL DISCOUNT $ 25 per cent discount on all Jewelry. OiCr optical parlors arc the most complete and best 2 equipped in Pendleton for the correct fitting of glasses s PERFECT FITTING LENSES GUARANTEED M '.1.1 . to ".111 " rn JiMililililihliiiuiilintiltlntiili.:, SATISFAC TION GUARAN TEED IN ALL CASES We arc here to slay and our past treatment of the public is our guarantee for the future. You s take no chances and we make good every promise. Our business is built up on its merits, Satis h. factory customers are our best advertisements. 5X GARRETSON, The Reliable Eye Specialist New Year's Resolution LET US FILL dally the Columbia river close sea son, might Just as well bo done away with, and that in place of them fish ing be stopped entirely on all salmon breeding tributaries set aside and designated as 'spawning streams.' Sunday Law Inoperative. "Then when once the salmon enter ed one of these spawning streams it could be let alone and molested 110 lurthcr ex"epting possibly by the angler with .rod and- line; it also seems clear that a March and April salmon Is not going to replenish the May and Tune runs and that if any close season is needed it would he far better to distribute the salmon f.s much as possible, like what might be done under the Sunday law. We have a Sunday law on our statute books now, but it is inoperative on the Columbia because Washington I ailed to pass a like law and make it concurrent; but even this restriction does not appear to be necessary If tho salmon are left alore after enterinc their spawning streams.1 "As ln:inra aro tnnnv ,1,-wlnr tlir. I A IT L K IT T 1 v. , UIUCI mi Liiiubs ujmii Willi), 1 mat now seems to oe essential in or der to keep up this food product Is. that all of the tributary streams that are known to be natural" spawning streams and that no fishing what ever be allowed on those streams ex cepting with hook and line, common ly, called angling, and by so doing as sure the hatcheries always" a good supply of the parent fish; for on the hatcheries the future supply is sure to depend." To Ship Frozen Salmon. Mr. Van Dusen also makes a sug gestion to the effect that he believes salmon can be frozen here, taken by quick express to the Atlantic coast and there resuscitated. He says: "In late years I have visited tho lakes in winter by the permission of the fish comissioner to obtain fish for experimenting in freezing and resus citating to full life after several days' holding, for fish, cold bloods as they are, can be frozen solid and thawed back to life if not exposed to the sun or allowed to get colder than 12 de grees below the freezing point. If ex posed to a temperature of zero or be low they will not revive as the faint j pulsation 01 me men ceases. "I have scarcely a doubt but a sal mon from the Pacific coast could bo frozen and transported to the Atlan tic and resuscitated to life under proper conditions." This year I will save money on my Groceries and will get the freshest and cleanest eatables by buying at Martin's Family Gtocety and Bakery Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and Apples. Complete line of Fancy Wafers for partits, receptions, Etc. FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money. DOORS WINDOWS B u i ldin g paper, lime, cement brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and' dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House Tons AND Tons Just received another car load of Poultry and stock supplies at the Colesworthy CHOP MILL Vil and 121) East AiU 8trt FRUITGROWERS TO MEET. The Inland Empire Association to Hold a Four-days' Session In Walla Walla. Walla Walla, Dec. 29. A week from today the Inland Empire Horticultur al and Fioriculturai Association will meet In Spokane for a four-days' scs &ion, and a number of prominent fruitgrowers are arranging to attend from this section. Frank B. Morse, fruit Inspector: Dr. N. O. Dlalock. tho pioneer fruitgrower of Walla Walla; W. S. Offner. J. II. Thonney. 13. H O'Malvey, and others will represent this section. Originally tho associa tion attempted to gather the fruit growers of the northern part of Washington and Idaho into one body lor mutual neip, nut now on effort. Is ceing made to secure the co-operation ot tho men in this section who Dro duco the larger part of the fruit and vegetables shipped from Eastern WnshlHtrlnn ' " MRS. MARGARET 8TEPHEN8. Died This Morning Remains Will Be Shipped to Linn County. Mrs. Margaret Stephens, wife of J, H. Stephens, died in this city this morning or a complication of dis Mrs. Stephens' home is in Linn county. Three months ago she and a eon came hero for her health whiph wub ureaiting aown. ainco that time she has gradually urown weaker un. til this morning, when she passed into the .beyond, 1 bhe was 02 years of aea and Irdvph a husband and throe children. The remains, which are now at Rader'a undertaking narlors. will ha nh(nn,! back to the old home for interment; Oyster cocktails at Oratx'g. jf CHARTESEA "I WILL KILL YOUr RICHARD IF YOU CAN." A BIG ATTRACTION. Winston Churchill's Popular Novel "Hicnard Carvel" at tho Frazer Fri day, January 24, 1003. "Richard Carvel" the dramatization of Winston Churchill's popular novel of that name, which when produced at tho Empire theater in New York two years ago achieved a run of 17 weeks, is announced for representa tion' at tho Frazer noxt Friday even ing, with Androw Ilobson In the title role, and the other 31 members ot tho supporting company claimed by the Robinson management to be ono ot the most capablo dramatic organiza tions sent out from New York this season; and It Is but fair to add that tho claim seoms to have beon made eood, if tho Judgment of tho critics and public, as evidenced by tho no tices star and production have re ceived In nil tho cities visited thus far, Is to bo relied upon. Direct from Marquam Grand at Pprtland, Oregon. W 9L 3 t I