East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 26, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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-lit V
Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Saturday oemm
nl ralrj turnlnR to snow.
no. k;u i
;jonin Congress Asking
f lothmtcin Hnnal
L tf Iowa, Charges the Com-
of Making Places for the
Officers High in Rank, Pay-
iTnout Salaries.
LsK, lc .6. -A resolution
Governor of Guam Reports a Serious
Financial Embarrassment No
Money to Expend for Proper Care
of Island.
Washington, Dec. 26. The annual
teport of the governor of the Island
of Guam indicates a serious financial
embarrassment owing to the failure of
congress to appropriate the sum ask
ed for last year. The inhabitants are
discontented because they have been
compelled to pay for all the road
building improvements out of private
purses, the government having no
ironey to expend for the proper care
of the island.
Customs Department ot the
Philippines Unearths, a Big
Steal by Officials.
Massachusetts Girl Uses Poison to j
Secure an Inheritance of $20,000.
Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 36. Catherine
Richardsan, a young woman aged 20,
was arraigned this morning on the
E. Hays was the principal contestant
and Robert Sturgeon ,the principal
conteBtee. On Sturgeon's case the
uea fir more than under any j fate of about 100 others depends
Kuces taeir services are
Thera never has been any; Chamberlain in Africa.
a u,e bouse b) Hepburn, oi eofi.fiOO Inheritance She cave
TtJB -Yed or .Tin- fQr 10'000 and case was
hX o? thel -"tinned 10 days.
canal commission under ant'
'XlSiS the treauon Ot me, ""a noi nippto.
ud for which si.uuu.ouu urcgon uuy, Lec. zb. ine unuen
& iside for expenses. It is States land office at this place has
ixai here that iuu,uuu nas caused the cancellation or umber en
,T.,atiri., tn salaries for frip In Tillamnnlr rnnntv Bmnnnllnp
.rr.- i., . oi
sasioners ana an army of to 30,000 acres, on the ground of fraud ,
c.-.hr.ms charce Is that it has "and collusion between entrvmen and
e practice of the commission- parties who had arranged to uuy the
zile places lor ine sons oi isnas on tine Deing securea. unanes
Stock Snowed in on High Ranges
Cannot Be Reached Water Frozen
Up Owners Powerless to Relieve
Donvor, Dec. 2fl. Thousands oi cat-
th nrn ronortoil tn hn utnrvlnr on llm
range in Northwestern Colorado, The
Humano Society appealed to the own-
nrc In vnctti. this ot,.l.- ,i,.t II,.,,. l.n,,..
iieplled that they are, powerless to do
so. The cattle are snowed In on the
high rango In Routt ami Rio Blanco
1 counties, wituout pasture ana with
CABINET OPPOSED ROOSE- , out water, it ia impossible to get
w. t- a- otil-roATro fd tO tlieill, BlUl eqURlly Impossible
VELT AS ARBITRATOR , ,i,lvc hpm gtnu0 ntcr
Cablegrams From London and
Berlin Accepting the Presi
dent's Proposition.
I Thief Entered Quant's Store
at Alba by Breaking tho
Window oi a Rear Door.
! quarters.
c4 tary officers high in rank
Mice, also lor ine sons oi
ssi senators and congressmen
Advices Received From Manila Tell
of a Colossal Scheme of Smuggling
Goods From the Islands to the
United States No Hope for Cur
rency Legislation.
Washnigton, Dec. 26. Advices
From Manila say that the customs
department of the archipelago has un
earthed a colossal system of smuggl
ing that has cost the government
many thousands. Deputy Collector
McCoy charges many officers and
men on the transports with being in
the combine. Secretary Shaw this
morning said that after interviews
with many senators and representa-j
uves he had no nope mat any cur
rency legislation would be attempted
in the house this session.
nun of the list of employes or
aa thus far Incurred although
seabers of congress have re-
j endeavored to obtain some
Durban, South Africa, Dec. 26. Jo
seph Chamberlain arrived here today
and was given a big reception.
23.5 Feet of Rain.
San Francisco. Dec, 26. At Nahiku.
on the Tsland of Maui, 284 feet of rain
Keeper Stabbed to Death by I fell during the past nine months.
sin Who Makes His Escape.
as. Dvc stwosepu augiie-, minii nrm nr i annum
seMsoirnawl weU-trnlo mem-! BUM If H H fl Him
( tie Italian colony of Portland,' I
albed to death in his saloon at
i Wednesday night. The tnur- ;
i Joseph Ntcastro, nicknamed killed a MbnUnAf. t
Buy of his Italian acquaint- AND SET FIRE TO STORE, i
u'Brucia Paglione." Nicastro I j
nj alter the iatal absault, paid! Man Calls Merchant Gay From His
visit to his lodgings in u. rhri.t, n rwn uu
Gclch, and then dlsannear-l . ... .
Ifcjlietoo was stabbed three' swre compels n.m io upen .e
thewieldsr of the BtUletto.i From Which He Took iz,ooo.
; Titnin 20 minutes. His son t Atlanta. Dec. 26. A special irom ,
p.uj uib b,u av uie ume. m r Jiaiuiews, ua., ba)b. au uuiuumu
tfWEg ougiielmo rine ud nhr-l man called Merchant Gay from his
ix the telephone. Some could home Christmas evening and induced
i.iiied. Some said ther would him on some nretext. to open his
f Rhis a Jew momenta, but none store. The wife, alarmed at his con-
fKuse. ine young man, who'tinued absence, discovered tho store
s iainer in tendinc bar. In flames. In the ruins or tne store
ai ia the excitement of the , Oav was discovered with his skull
! lad forgaten what doctors crushed, dead. It is believed the rob-
ber forced Gar to ocen the sale irom
which be took $12,000. then muraerea
him and fired the building.
Cable Ship Silverton Reaches Hono
lulu This Morning Land End of
Cable Will Be Finished Tomorrow,
San Francisco. Dec. 26. A cable
gram front the ship Silverton saysj
mat tne vessel arnveo. in signi oi'
Honolulu this morning, having laid
223S miles of cable. The land end of
the cable is now being laid. It will
be finished tomorrow when Governor
Dole will send a message to Piesi
dent Roosevelt. Honolulu citizens are
celebrating the occasion.
Seml-Officlally Announced at Wash
ington That the Troubles Between
Venezuela and the Foreign Powers
Will be Submitted to The Hague
Washington, Dec. 26. The cabinet;
meeting today was devoted to the)
Venezuelan matters. Important com-j
munlcations were received during the
night from London and Berlin, but
were not made public. An announce
ment is shortly oNpected irom thei
state department to the effect that
the question will bo submitted to the
tlaeue tribunal.
It is scmi-offlcially stated this
morning that the cablegrams contain
ed an acceptance by the allied pow
ers of the iiresider'' proposition. The
majority of tho cabinet opposed the
piesiueut'a accepting tho responsi
bility of arbitrator.
Quotations Furnished by the Coe
Commission Company I, C. Major
Local Manager, Room 4, Associa
tion Block.
Chicago. Dec. 26.
Wheat Opened
Christmas evening, at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Lee, on
Alta street, occurred the marriage of
K. G. Warner and Miss Margaret Lee,
Rev. Robert Warner officiating. Im
mediately after the wedding Mr. and
Mrs. Warner left for Spokane where
they will spend a few days before re
turning to Pendleton to make their
December 74
May 77 H 77 U
December 45',s 45U
May 43U 434
May 33& 33 U
January 1670 1720W,
May 1630 1647
Minneapolis, Doc. 26.
Wheat Opened. Closed.
May 75U, 75 U
July 7Er 75
New York, Dec. 26.
Wheat Opened. Closed.
May 81 81-
Jui 78
Filed for Probate Today Divides
Property Equally Many Rare Arti
cles and Famous Gifts, to Art Gal
lery. Many lare articles of personal and
lllslUni; lUIUicai, lunuutub wic Ulllau,
tnuus gifts made to the dead general 4 cents per bushel.
by foreign powers, were bequeathed (
to the MetropollUnMuscumof CICI fC
museum at Washington. Her child- J. J, HILL DU I J uUflL lltLUl)
ren, grand-children and friends were:
remembered with personal articles.
I No Clue to the Thief Mr. Quant Re
turned Unexpectedly to the Store to
Accommodate a Customer, Thus
Preventing the Theft of Anything
Alba, Dec. 26. The postoftlce at
this placo was hrokun Into last night
and between $05 ami $70 stolen from
tho money ord. and stamp drawers.
There Is no cltio to tho thief. Post
master Quant left Iho store building
in which tho postoinco Is located, at
II o'clock and went home. Ho only
remained at homo a few minutes and
went (o a danco which was In pro
gress In the hall. While there ho was
asked to go to the storo to get somo
candy for a customer. He left tho
ilanco hall ami got back to tho storo
Just nt 11:30. Ho carried a lantorn
and when ho reached tho storo ho
passed back through tho postolllco
part Into tho storo proper mid got tho
wneai in oan rrancisco, ,i'-'. - -- -
o., i.ia . n.. o,. vi,n..tl candy. Then he tinned to leavo and
San Francisco, Dec. 2i. heat I . .. , , ,, Mr o.mnt
$1.3731.37tf per centnl.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, Dec. 26. Wheat 71 0
ej physMan, James C. Zah,
'R jirsi and Market streets
e roar of the murdered man
!KTed to the morpnp Hp
"f ltd as soon as aroused, got
eci to the scene, but
m ceaa.
hr of Miss Roosevelt
D. C, Dc- Sr. Of all
fias h--;k entertainments
JUBCtiOES in (ho nntlnrml
' U ptedlc'ed that none will
lie hall to bo riven tonight
P Italian ambassador, Sig-
. naDtnes, and Signora
j! rtuicies. The entertain-
w given n honor nf Mlco
' and Wui ba attended by
WHpltS from Iht. vnncro
'W Wash ngton society.
Imia Butter MaU.r.
fawisco. Cat. iw 56ti,
1 Cr&arr.f-rv
C anual session here with
rnrr.can1n .l .
tT . program provides
ure88e8 ov a number.
delivers the an
.."tsi and the w.nninn
B8,tTO'' night with a ban-
Sent to Penitentiary.
San Francisco. Dec. 26. Steamer
advices from Honolulu say that Pedro
Rodrisrtiez. who robbed General Miles
of a gold watch during his recent
visit there, has been sentenced to the i
penitentiary for three years. 1
r-. . . I i - D.lt,n.J. A . ,n Mat, I
rcnua 1 v tuna nouivnu, . r. .w
Rates on Coal for the Blizzard
Swept Northwest.
Cleveland, O., Dec. 26. The ruil-
v.-Qva frrtm Pnnnftv! vnnln will be Hhk-
ed to make the rates on 1,500,000 tons
having clo3d, thousands of lives are
imperiled by tho sr.crtngo ot mici
in going out nt tho door Mr Quant
thought ho heard soinciuiiiK uacn in
tho room and went to investigate. He
weut into the back room and noticed
that tho wind was blowing into th
loom from somo unknown reason.
Upon investigating ho found a win
dow light luokcii. Tho fact that tho
storo had been opened then dawned
upon him and ho stnrtcd to look
around. Just then a noise was heard
In tho front of tho building and the
form of a mnn was seen to run out
THE ENT NORTHWEST. -j g- we. e
Has Secured an Option on Severa, Jlu. '
Millions of Acre, of Coal Lands In Door y h
Montana and Alberta-W ill Com- Entrnnc() ,o
pete With Chicago Markets. building by breaking out a window
Chicago. Dec. 26. J. J. Hill, of tlie,,UBH in ,l0 Mru ,oor. Tho robber
v --' - : . ..... , , ..(... II , 1,1.. llirtiili inn
ot coai to tne " ' , " .;' ' m.ini nmdo. nulled the holt from
the iNortnwest. ine mKe B" on several miinuim oi .. - nnd ..,, 8(or ThB
lands in. Montana anu Aineria, urawcri wnero tho money from stamps
tn uor,.!., Ill,, nnllr,. Nfnrlll. i I, n..l m,u .lion
l'IUIUD:o lu nui'l'tj fc..- ..w.... i mid lllllliuy UI.IVID WHO l"4v, vmvm
west. It is believed ho also will eom-lforcod opon and tho money taken out
... rni,A llitnr ntiflmihtnillv MRW Mr.
1 1
k.? Mtn di.u . .
Lt, Dec 26. The nr.
aituatod On the linn he.
,jifd Granite counties,
Witiir . s a note(1 gold pro-
ftZ" crPPlng8 of gold
eu .vfre ltian W claims
"ipment have been
lu7lJ5- J Langiry 'has
Gideons Making Piogress.
Waterloo, Iowa, Dec. 26. Waterloo
has opened wide its doors to the Gide-,
one and their friends who are berej
in numbers for the annual meeting
or their state organization. The Glde-j
ons, or Christian traveling men, now.
number more than 3000 members in
Iowa, though the organization is still
young In years. The gratifying prog-
less of the organization is suuwn u
figures in the annual reports of Pres
ident W. H. Darner, Secretary N. W.
Lunday and other officers ot the state
association. The convention will be
in session three days. Elaborate en
tertainment has been provided for the
visitors by the local members of the
Scientists Gather In Washington.
Washington, D. C, Dee. 26. The
American Association of Economic
Entomologists, began Its fifteenth an
cual meeting at Columbian Universi
ty today with leading entomologists
present from agricultural schools and
other institutions of learning through
cut the country. The meeting of the
entomologists Is the forerunner of a
terles of notable scientific gatherings
to be held here during tho coming
week. All of the bodies are affiliated
with the American Association for
the Advancement of Science and to
gether they will attract to the nation
al capital the largest and most nota
Me gathering of men of science ever
held in America,
The largest mule on earth, a 3-year-old
mare belonging to Michael Mur
ray, of Hereford, :Mo., will be exhib
ited at the Worid'e fair, St Louis, in
1904, She is 18 hands or eU teet high
at' the shoulders, and weighs 1705
Prima Donna to Marry. i
Lnicoln, Dec. 26. Zelie Delussan. j
the famous prima donna; today an
nounced her engagement and eatly
marriage to Henrico Hodolo. The
latter is an American. Their home
will be in New York.
Miles In Pekln.
Pekin, Dec. 26. General Miles ar
rived todav. He will visit the Impe
rial family and view the Chinese
troops tomorrow.
Congratulated the Pope,
Rome, Dec. 26. The pope received
700 congratulatory messages from
America yesterday and today.
. pete with tne umcago mariceu ... ,:" ',,,-,,-"", ,, ' . leave.
A Strong Delegation From Oregon hauling coal East as slow freight, H(j ovlllel,ty thght tho postmaster
Will Result in Securing Next Meet-when the recently decided Seattle-1 woum not return during the night and
la , Manila contracts become operutlve. .proceeded to break into tho store. He
Th National Livestock convention 1 wob su.prlsed by the sudden appear.
. . . . . m... t ..r-r, rnn cuniu curna nnco or Mr. uuiuii a low iiiiiii-b
ntirv 13-16. is attracting wide atten
tlon in the West Just now. At the
last convention Portland was second
choice for the 1903 meeting and with
an active delegation in Kansas City,
the 1804 convention can bo easily se
cured for that city.
i later but not until after ho had taken
curea lor iiiai cuy. the most abrupt luurr on ine nno can
"Oregon should go armed for thcor t(,0 jjiuo Mountains. Before th
plum," said an East Oregonian stock- dny of tIl0 rotary snow plow, It wa
mnn tn the East Oregonian today. oi.or,iiit.w nwcsmrv in rover th
W. Arakl, Commissioner to the Lewis
and Clark Fair, in Pendleton Thurt-i
W. Araki, dliect from Japan, olPcinl
commissioner to the Lewis and C'.aili
centennial, passed through Ppndletoit
Thursday evening on his way to Port
He Is here looking after arrange
ments for the Japanese exhibit to be
brought to the exposition in 1305 and
In conversation with an East Oregon
ian representative said that the offic
ials of bis country were going to havo
a creditable exhibit here. The United
.,.. nmMnie u-hn liflvp been work-
Cioico u . ........
ing with his government In regard to
the matter, have succeeded In Inter
esting the officials and they ate going,
to spare .no effort or money to make i
the Japanese exhibit one of the best;
possible. , , '
ii. .,li ik a hipMv educated gen
tleman. Although small In stature,
like the majority of his people he has
the appearance of a broad-minded en
lien and one who will work toward
any end calculated to help bis gov.
ernment or mankind Jn genera . He
is a very fluent talker and speaks the
English language with ease.
"Wo need that convention io com
:lete the stock situation here. We
are already organized thoroughly,
onH ini- hut hn nrpKencn of tho reo-
sf-ntatives and officers of this great
iiody of stockmen in uregon to give
a little more courage to our local or
onnlntlnnR. Western stockmen are ln
no,i nf lm utronc: BUDliort of the
National Association, In their efforts
to build up the Industry and ono
meeting of the body In this state will
result In great good to the stock Interests,"
On His Way From Washington
Portland 8top Off In Pendleton.
United States Senator Joseph Si
mon passed through Pendleton Christ
was on his way to Portlanl He left
Washington, D, C, Intending to spend
Christmas with bis family, but owing
to the delayed trains on account of the
blizzards, be was held back until he
was a day late. He spent several
tfllklne with old acquaint
ances and friends. Senator Simon
will spend the rest of the holidays at
home before returning to his duties
at Washington.
The Willamette Iron and Steel
Works of Portland have granted their
workmen a 9-hour day, beginning
January !
ii.,, i. inn. .ir frii.n Dm drawer. Ho Is
thought to havo concealed hlnibelf ho
hind the counter whllo Mr Quant
was In tho front of tho store and
when he went hack Into thu back
loom ho mado a rush for the front
door, which had been left unlocked.
Tho thief was evidently Intending to
lob the storo also, had ho not bcon
O. R. & N. Removing These Great
Structures In the Mountains.
For 15 years the snow sheds at
HiitchliiBon's Point, ono mllo east of
TTtilnn linvn nrnterl nd tho track at
the most abrupt bluff on the lino cast
niiuniiitiiW itnppKitnrv In rover tile
Irni.V nt llin InriKl lllUlL'Hri)UK llOllltU.
th?r0oaTawara &S TO "' IcISTiuSt of
:IH ,uedflvo to sovon of HE&'r
WDrSck?nfsnow with these cnKluos j'8'on 'F'sJulumwMrh
coupled together was onceeuing.y
dangerous and to avoid the necessity
of using this means, great snow sheds
wero built and miles of snow fence
was placed on tho hillside to catch
tho snow and cause It to drift away
from tho track.
Since tho large engines and tho ro
tary snow plow have been put Into
service, tho sheds aro not required
and am consequently being removed.
Interest of the lluu lundb whirl
now In controversy in Oreo-
Grading Street
The (). It. & N. company hu tever
al men and teams engaged hauling
gravel and grading Main Btreot, abut
ting on the property of the company
Just south of the East Orf-Konlan
I norm iie mine wa umm
New Pacific Coast Baseball League lsjEa! th.oo years ago for ICO0.0O0
Portland, Dec. 26. Henry Harris,
bas finished the work of forming the
Pacific Coast Dascball League, having
perfected an organization of tho Port
land and ar.ntiio nnnncliitlnriH. Ha left
last night for San Francisco and tho
cow board or directors or tne league
will meet at that placo next Monday,
...i.M i v.,. aitinHnla will tin made out
VTMCil Hia u v.. . v. ..... - n .
and routine matters attendod to. Park
Wilson, or Ib Angeles, who caugni
for Portland In 1891. was chosen
manager of the Seattle team.
has 5000 feet on Hie mother lod
It Is now worth twenty uiIIIIoe dol
lars. The South Pole mine adjoins, has
4941 feet on the same lode, has six
tunnels, amounting to 2200 feet, all
In ore. Wo expect within lets thai
three years' work to have a mint as
valuable as North Pole Is todsy.
South 'Pole stock Is selllnr at tl
rents until about January 1st
liuy before th price ralsi.
See Oshsgan t Marimsn Afcr4
offlcs, Psndltfon, Ore,