.(.iOREGON MAN FREE WEDNESDAY, DKCEMBEH 21, 1902. i GEORGE MOREY SERVING LIFE SENTENCE, PARDONED, THE BEER THAT MADE MILWAUKP7 FAMOUS. oncQUAiiiD ran table usg All kinds of imported lunches, hot wiener wurst, sauerkraut and pigs. feet at KOHLEe & m& Main Streets near Postoffice Tragedy Which Excited Wide Atten tlon Recalled After Serving Ten Years Strong Influence Results ni a Release, Salom, Ore., Dec. 24.- Oovernor Geer yesterday granted a full pardon to George Jlorey, who was serving a uro sentence at tlio penitentiary, upon conviction of murder In the first degreo for this killing of one, Gus Marry, in roruami, on January 14 1893. This petition lias been pending ror several years, having been pre sentcd during the second term of Governor Pennoyor. A brief outline of the history of tho case follows: Gus Uarry and his wifo resided on Clay street, in Portland, anu with Uiem resided one. llisa An nio Wright, a sister of Mrs. Harry and Miss wngnt requested Georse Moroy J to come and stay at the houso for a lew nignts ror tho reason that Barry was on a .spree and they feared that ho would do them bodllv harm. Morey accepted the invitation and stayed with them as requested, and, on mo night or January 14. about 1:30 o'clock in tho morning, Morey came home and, upon being let into tho house, asked If Barry had corns vet. Miss Wright, who admitted Moroy, siaieu mat she did not know, and Moroy said ho would go' and And out. He went to the door of the room in which Barry and his wife slept and looked in and an altercation imme diately ensued between Morey and Barry in which Morey shot Barrv. from tho effects of which Barry after wards died. to or a few toothpicks borrowed from a neighbor, which ho will repay when he obtains a fresh stock n,t the res taurant whero ho eats his luncheon. Cool, phlegmatic persons will keep a toothpick In their mouths for sov eral hours. A man cf moody or troubled mind will let his toothpick droop listlessly downward; a man with his mind intent upon one thing will close his teeth on It and It will stick out straight, while a happy-go-lucky person, or ono with a mind freo from care, will have his toothpick at an upward aiiBle, or constantly shift ing about in tho mouth. I tell you, that habit Is a great Index to a man's thoughts and characteristics. The cashier of a leading cafe, whoso desk is right where tho box of tooth picks Is. says the habit Is growing to such an extent as to keep them busy filling the box anew. "And worst of al," she remarked, "they seem una ble to break themselves of the habit. After gazing furtively around, n man will grab up a handful of toothpicks and hastily thrust them in his vest pocket with -a guilty look." Chicago Journal. Mrs. Bouncer I have been to see Mrs. Grace this afternoon. What de lightful company slio Is' Mr. Boun cer Yes, I understand that she is no talker. Boston Transcript. Cuba's Mining Interests. The mining Interest of Cuba arc confined to the province of Santiago, the resources of other provinces be undovelopcd. The copper mines onco so successfully worked arc lining re opened. Manganese mines havo been doveloped since the American occu pation, about 125 men being logularly employed at S3 cents, American money, for a 10-hour day. Tho Iron mines of this provlnco employ over 4000 men when sufficient labor can bo obtained. Saved at Grave's Brink. "I know 1 would -ng ago havo been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. H. Now som, of Decatur, Ala., "if It had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years I suffered untold agony from tho worst forms of indigestion, water brash, stomach and bowel dyspepsia. But this excellent modicino did mo aj world of good. Since using it I can cat heartily and havo gained 35 pounds." For indlfestlon, kss of ap petite, stomach, liver and kidnoy troubles, Electric Bitters are a posi tive, guaranteed cure. Only 50 cents at Tallman & Co.'s drug storo. VJ THE PURE J GRAIN COFFEE Tho coffee habit Is quickly over come by those who let Graln-0 take Its place. If properly mado It tastes like tho best of coffee. No grain coffee compares with it In flavor or hcaltlifulncss, TRY IT TO-DAY. At fncn (Ttrjwbere ; 15c. and 29c. pw ptckipt, Despam & Clark Wholesale Com mission Merchants Perry Houser's meat market on East Alta street is now open. Best meat, prompt service. rs. Fred Vnraih, No, 228 Territorial Stroet, Denton Harbor, Mich. Will pay casn lor poultry, uie Market price always. Bring it in . every day and all day. Chickens, Geese, Ducks anu lurkeys. THE TOOTHPICK HABIT. Going ottt of BUSINESS All sewing machines in stock to be dis posed of at cost. Come early and select a bargain WITHEE 'ail '.COUltT STREET Has Become so Prevalent and Marked as to Give Clew to Character. j We have the drink habit, the card playing habit, the tobacco habit in I fact, habits innumerable, but there is one liatut of which little has been said, although it is present among us. It is tho toothpick habit, and it is as firmly rooted In those who have it as any of tho more objectionable ones. Observe a man coming down Main street early In the morning. He has one of the little bits of wood in his mouth. Now, here Is whero a little character reading comes in. If ho bo of a quick high strung, nervous tem perament, in a few minutes' time he will have chewed up ono end of it and turned the other end In his mouth to masticate. He reaches his place of business or employment, but the toothpick still sticks there, nor does ho have his mouth freo of one unui his stock Is entirely exhausted or he is tired out. In the former case a match is resorted I "I am pleased to give my experience with Wine of Cardui as I am very grateful for its help. After my first baby was born I could not seem to regain my strength, although the doctor gave me atonic which he considered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My husband came home oneeveningwith some Wine of Cardui and in sisted that I take it fcr a week and see what it would do for me. As he seemed to have so much faith in it I did take the imedfeine and was very grateful to find my strength slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthusiastic in its praise." OTHERIIOOD is tho noblest duty ana highest pnvilcgo women can achievo oraspiroto. With- out this nriviletro women do not get all there is in life too often they go through f the world discontented, wrapped up in their own selfish cares and troubles. How different is tho happy mother, watching her children hers, m aro their ambitions, triumiihs and defeats. Healthy women do not suf fer miscarriago nor docs a woman who is healthy suffer tortures at childbirth. It ii tho woman who is ail ing who has fcznalo weak ness who fears the ordeal of becoming amothcr. Wine of Cardui builds up tho wo manly in a woman. It stops all unnatural drains and strains irregularities which arp re sponsible for barrenness and miscar riage. It makes a woman strong and healthy and ablo to pass through preg nancy and childbirth witli little suffer ing. After the ordeal is passed tho Wtno prepares a woman for a speedy recovery to health and activity. Wino of Cardui, in re-inforcing tho organs of generation, has mado mothers of women who had given up hope of over becoming mothers. WineofOardui 1 will euro almost any caso of barrenness except cases of organic trouble How can you refuse to take such n remedy i mat promises bucii reiiet rxom sintering Wine of Cardui simply makes you a strong woman, and strong, healthy Office in Savings Bank Building Come, Get Our Quotations I have bargained with a compotent Timbor Cruiser to locate crow into manhood and womanhood. A mother lives as many lives as she has women do not suffer. They look for children their joys and sorrows are ward to motherhood with joy. ( Valuable ! Timber ; Claims On the iine o. a railroad now under construction. This moans a big chanoe for flr8t-comor8. See WINE of CARD VI A million suffering women have found relief in Wino of Cardui. rkeley Estate,,, men m::". a comnf"U'11't0lM "'. L Oil fin no -.ii f round you vu-uo men in th. -IT" aro thnao v .e MaW1 estate; WU0M'b real psfntn n.: "r l.nTM -7 oun un nmnii ...... . ww i Til in n ... . nH 1n " 'Will . A nrettv mit... '" a J! W to ' A nw.ni..-"""0 Vacan A t,ii. . . ." 1 to lm A half block, 7 lots A plat of 4 lots ., -A plat of 2 lots C. D. novn ; 1 III w poultry' and STOCK QfilDDI ire rLILol CALL ON Coleswortlj - AT THft- CHOP mill 127 and 129 East AlUStral Have some good farms for sale. WWrWrVrl Farmers Custom I Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 160 barrelsadiy Klour exeliBUKwl for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Ftri,t UIWHVH Oil JJUIIO, gfe ; i.i lftw.-'iikJSy 5SS IT n A rn -t . nn . it 1.1 5S5 IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE m 5 I Handkerchiefs p Gloves Tics , ft Corsets I:1 53 g $ S &5tViA''vi.'.,'.i'.L'..('.'.uy,ka..4'.t..,Atyi....Vt Ms CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Articles That Would Make Appropriate Christmas Gifts fit 5 ! I Hosiery Fascinators 1 Shawls Hoods Mittens 3 Silk Waist Patterns epi to $5.uj Eaca Wool Waist Patterns $1.25 to $3.50 Back All Wool Dress Patterns $3.50 to $15.00 Each Silk Dress Patterns $12.50 to $30.00 Each All Wool Skirt Pattern $2.50 to $10.00 Each Lace Curtains 50c to $10 00 Pair Portieres $2.50 to $6.50 Pair White lied Spreads 95c to $4.50 Each . Bed Comfortables $1.00 to $9.50 Each B .'i n If els $3.50 to $12.00 Pair Table Covers $1.25 to $4.50 Each Napkins 75c to $7.50 Dozen Table Linen 25c to $2.50 Yard Towels 10c to 75c Each Damask Table Covtrs $1.25 to $8.50 Each FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS Bootees Mittens Hose Hoods Knit Jackets Leggins Knit Toqaes Buggy Rugs Tarn O'Shanters Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments Reubens' Wool Shirts Cloaks Dresses Shoes Umbrellas Belts Ptttses Wrist Bags 5 it VI 9 V if Easy to Select and Very Appropriate OUR GLOVE ORDERS 'eoples Warehouse Brushes PENDLETON ORFcnnr v'"vw"',wwwww Combs Gaters Supporters & (3HSI.