1S02. oughts: FOR .ristmas ,ould brliif,' to mind ...i.irM- tlmt 1h useful rm"r. EAUTIFUL WAIST n1 v &un by iiuy Lady, mlii-r nur MM-Win- . Col Ik how on and mordiuary Low ITIcps offered on :::::: .Jackets- v. . it f ti c tastern uoas, aim, 01 y PROGRESS a H r. (B Eben, Prop. S a. being equal -ine one wnose -4 ...11. I.I,. to tin: laundering of inen'tt coM' rs mid eiiflK m huoIi tine un u wiu eu'.'omiuam iruui me Iniitnirv mirk. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY, ... 1 Tl Clriuli COMMISSIONER BAILEY MAKES HIS BIENNIAL REPOR1 Dairies Should be Regularly Inspect cd and be Allowed to. Sell Milk Only Under Certificate From the Commls Sloner. Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey s biennial report contains a comprehensive roview of tho progress In dairying In Oregon. Ho has made three Important recommendations to the legislature: 'Chat all butter pack ages contain 8, or lu, or 32 ounces and be stamped with the figures of their respective weights; that to the duties of his deputy be added those of a chemist, tho salary of which or fleer shall not be more than $1200 a year; that dairymen who supply milk to domestic consumers in Portland be required to have their dairies regu larly Inspected and bo prohibited from selling to Buch consumers unless their dairies meet sanitary standards. In the last recommendation Mr. Bailey urges that the dairymen to whom he refers be permitted to sell milk only under certificate from the commlsisoner testifying to the ex cellence of their dairies. Mr. Bailey RKkp that $750 of the $1500 loft from the last appropriation of tne legisla ture be expended for a chemical lab oratory to aid him In .the prosecution of his duties. Of the $7S00 approbated by the last legislature about $150u Is left. On September 30 the amount unex pended was $2111.C9. The money had been paid out as follows: , Salary of Commissioner ....$3021.42 Expenses of Commissioner .. 1515.BS Salary of deputy 1151.31 Total $5088.31 Butter and Cheese Output. His estimated value of the butter and cheese output of 1902 is $1,8!)", 000. His statement is as follows: Pounds. Value. Creamery butter, .4,000,000 $1,000,000 Datrv butter 3,500,000 030,000 Cheese 2,225,000 2G7.00O Total $1,897,000 "The milk and cream which did not go Into butter and cheese was as much more," said Mr. 'Bailey. "In fact. Portland pays out $2000 a day for milk for direct consumption. "And yet Oregon Is new in the dairy Industry. "What the industry needs above nil else Is more cows. Farmers should realize this more- thoroughly, j As many as 1000 cows were sent odt . of the "Willamette valley In the past i year. Instead of letting that many go out, our farmers should have brought that many in." Report of the Commissioner. Mr. Bailey's report is in part as. follows: I During the past two years this ,state has forged ahead In her dairy inter ests beyond all belief. Oregon buttor and Oregon cheese are in favor wher ever they are known, and the market ror both has been very satisfactory. California has drawn on us largely for cheeses, paying from 3 to 5 cents more than for its own. Our butter finds a ready sale along tho Alaskan coast; and tho conditions are such that the market Is most active at that season of the year when it can be pro duced at tho least cost, namely May and June. It is at this time of the yea? that the steamers are leaving Portland for tho North, and eo far all the surplus and available butter goes north at that time, Oregon Creameries. So rapid has the Increase of cream eries been that it has been almost im possible to keep pace with them. They have sprung up al over the state, and while our law requires that all such creameries apply to the state dairy and rood commissioner i for plate or stencil, giving the name! and place of manufacture, together' with state number, there arc very many who have not done so, owing to tho fact that the law has been but recently passed, and many aro not familiar with It Oregon's Dairy Product. The output of butter and cheese In the past two years has Increased, ac cording to the best information ob tainable, about 50 per cent. Most of the larger creamorics and cheese fac tories have made their report, but generally with the request "not to publish." From their figures and from other sources, I have reached tho above conclusion. The creameries will, during tho past year, bavo made about 4,000,000 pounds ot creamer' butter and about 3,600,000 pounds of dairy butter, and the checso factories, 2,230,000 pounds of cheese. The sup ply ot dairy or store butter is con stantly on the decrease, owing to the system of hand separators and the easy method of getting their cream to the creameries. There is a difference V Between out Oysters and others The Shoal wator Bay Oyators sold hy us aro received daily in the shell and come direct from the beds, EASTERN OYSTERS 30c DOZEN S 110 A LAV AT ER RAY OYSTERS 40e PINT Lot us furnish you with oysters for your ChriBtmaa dinner. Wachsmuth Bros Oyster Depot, 22 J Court street, Reenter s Confectionery Store IP A FELLOW LOVES A GIRL, THAT'S MIS BUSINESS..... If girl loves a fellow, tlmt'H HER HUShNMCriS Tf the fellow Unit love the filrl, mid the k'lrl that loves the fellow, marry, that'tt THK1U llUSINICSS. If tlm I'llow mid the girl want to buy n piano, that's OUU nusrNuss Call at 315 Kn.it Court utrivt iiml wi will eonvliicu you that It'i. YOUH 111T81KK8S to buy of iih. H member our priiMi lit jour pocket and payinrntx aro urrangtil to suit yourself. THERKELSEN PIANO HOUSE, Successors to S. L. WAKEFIELD & CO. 315 East Court Streot. WHAT SHE WAS HUNTING. ' "Some one." suld the llrst huntrcHS, "told me that the Government la come Btock this reservation with Kame." "I II lrt,' sally asserted the second huntress, I have H-tilll iK'fHtil to utock It with men." 'that If 1 were In 'Contrem HOW DO YOU expect people to know what you have to sell II you don't The new store can never be F f r r" T"8 O BT O known nnless It advertises MUVCM I IOC" f THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR ROCERIES t- HND BHKING Thft ntai-e where vou find -ever v thins clean, fresh and zood. The nlace where - - ' k 7 J ' ' 1 i. " !thlpR tViMt will make votir Christmas dinner eniovahle and where vou will find . . - ii .1 ' z ,t 1; 4. t i a ji i ii ,i lVr W !.! f - flll IlllllKt'V III! C V C V I 1 1 1 I Lj I I T.Lj. you will find the prices the very low Strictly Cash and Our 'Bill o f IE are From Which You Can Make Your Selections: ' i 'f is- CANNED GOODS. Tho choicest put up, which is iho llouople brand. l'CUCllOB, Pears, Apples, PIuiiib, Apricots, StrawherrieB, Cherries, Raspberi'Ies, String Beans, Pork and Beans, . Baked Beans, Tomatoes, Squash, Salmon. Sardines, lied Beans, Apples for Pies, ; i Mince Meat, Peas, Cove Oysters, Corn, ABpai agus. Lettuot, Celery, Turnips, Carrots, Potatoes, Sweut Potatoes. VEGETABLES. MUSHES AND BREAKFAST FOODS Plve-MInute Breakfast Mush, Force, Malta Vita, Carolina Rice Fifties, Cream of Wheat. H-O, Presto, Halston Breakfast Food, Shredded Wheat Ulseults, Wheatine, Scotch Oats, H-O Buckwheat, Breakfast Delight, H-O Mush and others. BOTTLED 'GOODS. 4 Olives, i, Lunch Pickles, Mixed Pickles, Sweet Pickles, Sour Pickles, Horse Radish Mustarjl, . Spiced Pickles, Salad Pressing, White Onions, ' Cross & Blackman's Pure Olive Oil, Lee & Perrln's Worcestershire Sauce, Snldor's Blue Label Catsup. ' 1 I WAFERS AND CRACKERS. Long Branch Crackers, Graham Wafers, Oat Meal Wafers, Perfection Soda Crackers, Fig Bar Crackers, Animal Sweet Crackers, Lady Fingers, Ginger Snaps, Cracknells, PRESERVES. Peas, Poaches, Strawberries, Marmalade, Citrons, 1 Orangeate, Fig Jam, Cherries, Damson Plums. DRIED FRUITS. - Peaches, Apples, Raisins, French Prunes, Pears, Figs, Apricots, Currants. MEATS. Swift's Premium Hams, Swift's Premium Bacon, Deviled Ham, Corned Beef, Dried Beef, FOR LUNCH, Canned Shrimps, Canned Lobsters, Canned Crabs, Minced Clams, Canned Tongue, Boned Turkey. Country Club House Sausage, FRUITS. Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Apples, Cranberries. NUT8. KngllBh Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts. FRESH DAKING. -' . Pies Mince, Apple, Pumpkin, Lem on, Cocoanut. Cakes Jelly Roll cakos, layer cakes banana rakes or any other kind of cake. Ou Angel cake Is our leader, Our specialty Is to supply parties, socials, dinners, halls and weddings with cakes and pastries. CHEE8E. . American Swiss, California Cream, Oregon Cream, EXTRAS. Pure Currant Jelly, log Cabin Maple Syrup, Dock Candy Drips. Tea Garden Drip, BEAUTIFUL CHRI6TMA8 PRES ENTS FREE WITH BAKING POWDER. We are giving away a beautifully decorated piece of heavy glassware with every can of Prize Medul Bak ing Powder. These prUes are not cheap and trashy, but suitable for a gift to any one. THE STANDARD GROCERY .jOQ, ! Court and Johnson Streets, Pendleton, Oregon ,.llflK..VMmw