in THE Alexander Dept. Store Wishes their friends and patrons A BRIGHT, MERRY CHRISTMAS OREGON RAILWAYS i SIXTEEN HUNDRED MILES OF TRACK. Southern Pacific Leads With 670 Miles Columbia and Nehalem Val ley Has Five Miles Projected New Roads and Extensions. The now roads projected are: Orogon Central Coos Bay & Salt Lake City. Oreson & Pacific Grant's Pass to Crescent City, Cal. Portland. Nehalem &. Tillamook Portland to Xelialem and Tillamook. Salem, Falls City & .Western Dal las to Kails City and Siletz. Jlllgnrde, Granlto & Southwestern mitrarde to Granite. it nasi rive nnncs rTOieciea iVh--iii.. A .. I Lines Will Run the Mileage to 2000. 1 Kono & So"'orn-Corvallis to' The mileace of steam railroads on-1 St. Helens .c- oiatinjr In the State ot Oregon as I to Vernonla. i eiimmon carriers is as follows: : The Dslleg Southern The Dalles to' Southern Pacific 67 u I l.a!cvipv. Cnnvon Pltv n.,rt nntnrin Oregon Kaiiroad & Navigation Co .538 Extensions are projected or are ' Corvallfs & Eastern 42 under way by the Oregon & South-1 Astorin & Columbia Jtivcr v S3 eastern, irnm its present terminus to1 Columbia Southern 70 the head of Champion llasin In the! Sumpter Vnlley 46 'heart or the llohemln mlnlne '.llatrirt I Washington & Columbia Illver.. 45 'a distance of 2S miles: ColumliK & Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern . . 29 Oregon Short Line , 15 Bogue River Valley 6 Goble, Nehalem & Pacific 7 Independence & Monmouth .... 3 Oregon & Southeastern in Columbia & Nehalem Valley fil Total 1664! .-senaiem alley, from present termi nus to Pittsburg; Columbia Southern, from Shaniko. its present terminus, to Bend, in Crook county. 100 miles; Gpblo. Nehalem & Pacific, from pres ent terminus to Upper Nehalem. WHICH WAo THE TENDERFOOT? Save Money and Your Eyesight j Perfected Mitch Lighter 1 ?!'"Kimr cork, liurrlc1 forward.' rub- si 2tv1 tnutul iUiKn L1Knlcr J5 j bing bis hands, and asked the man it I GaMtlinc Gas Lan what he desired. rd I1"-11' was ,Ile response, and be .krlor 5 I ""'tinned by saying his name was ,. v. I Cross: that he and bis who bad just limn ! arnvod I" Walla Walla from "New tup those pictures and have them framed at once iristmas is Not Fat Away will get the best work and newest style frames if 7ill come to us. Largest stock to select from CUT A 13 13 TvT 1J Opera House Block. I 8 8 3 V Sf 3 If s 'J $ V v s S a VV 5 8 V -W- 3 "Homeseekcr" Cross Blandly Smiles and Carries Off a Load of Goods. Innocence was written on bis face and business seemed his mmwKn no I he slouched into the Drumbeller Pom- iglpany's hardware store last week. The fho IT.RKKCTKD can read. iS - .V',J .Wi,S Kin8i'. nd be iir be llRhtia with a parlor u " sayinu Ills name was II gives 10 tirncn the i.t halt the exponte and care. i ! rasuj ana that they Intended to it ha a Nickel-silver (ren jg make the Garden cltv their home naorwhlch dom not scale tftl -vi- m i . . from the action m heat, and ? , -"r. Cross said be had rented a cIok the tip. bp hraioos. ih House in Soiub Second btreet and ho write ror circular! ana ; ; -.-..v.u, ...m ui me prospeci- g ivo purchaser paused. "Say," he ro te marked: "come to think of it, mebbe 5s I've got some stove nine at homo nml I guess you'd better lay up them prices. STEWART & GRANT LIGHTING CO. g stovs till 1 measure it. Perhaps I li-ventors & M'i's IS 'i htrd St , AKcutt wn-1 d in every town in U. B. )i kin use it J5 So tlu stoves were "laid" away. "NOW" COIltlrillVl Mr fma lOKTLANI,Ull 15 I need some silveri-nvc." The' needed All standard fi? articles, illsrilnyerl nml tho rosntt f'v,MS - jascd dishes to the mn.i ,t 01 10.50. But for fear his wile might object be asked to be al lowed to show her the goods before paying for them. The obliging at tendant readily agreed and Croos and tho silverware departed. That was last Wednesday, and when tho store closed last night no Cross had return ed and the silverware was missing. Walla Walla Union. V.... ..Am i-ab nnA ttl UtllUVi KDD 1111 j. pasollne man t lea wboleeali' uid re- (5 tall. JS Remember That there are only a lVv davs until Christinas and that even body is now preparing to make one an other happy. We will mention here a large mnn'.er of good and useful things that will make vour tnond happy. Useful Xmas Gifts Fine Silk Petticoats Lovely Parses Fancy Kid Gloves Neck Ribbons Silk Hose Sappor tcrs Men's Kid Gloves Ladies' and Men's Handkerchiefs Best Suit Cases Belts in all Colors Fascinators A Fine Far Raff, Handsome Neckwear Silk Waists Men's and Ladies' Umbrellas These goods we have trom the cheapest to tho best and pan suit overybody. Get a Ticket on the Fine Rubbe Tir e Carriage at Ik lerry Xmas Goods ARE ALL READY: Store Corner Main and Court Streets. he Gift of Furniture adorns, beautirie-3 and comforts the home, rhere all may enjoy its Luxury. It typifits the pinnacle of good taBte and wisdom in following the custom and laws of Old Xing ?anta Glaus. 9 Let us Direct Your Attention to our Line of lorris Chairs and Morris Rockers Itination Book Cases. ii Closets. aids. an Tables, Round and rfyare. Chairs. pish Rockers and Chairs. : and Mahogany Rockers. J Desks. Ice Desks. P Tables. Library Tables. Taboaretts. Shaving Stands. Chiffoniers. , Dressers. Dressing Tables. Divans. Parlor Suits. Music Cabinets. Book Cases. Office Chairs. Brass and Iron Beds. TORRENS SYSTEM TRANSFERS. New Plan of Certification is Rapidly Growing In Public Favor. Tlie annual report of Recorder Rob ert Simon of Chicago at die cIosh of this year will show "iho volume of bus iness under the Torrnna Hvstnm iv... the year to havr mnrn thnn iU,nl. in. i that of laHt vpnr nnrt KtMni irfn,tt, are to be made to bring the advan- uifc-es or uio system oven more forci bly to the attpntinn r Mm ni ui.i.. traders, savs thp nwnrH.iin rn irl Tlia I r.nmu?r 01 new subdivisions register- ra unuer tne Eystem has grown rap idly Of late. OWlne- tn tlin rrr-nl on,. venienco and small expenso One leature which, while proving the uenuuis ot uie system tn tiin mil. n bus tended tn lux showing of the office, has developed in me largo number ol titles brought il! fOf Certification whtfli nr.. In,,l,.wl rnd which require extensive search ueiore me certificates can be issued In One illStnilfn thn nnmr Im,l m ceived an estimate of more than $100 tost for an abstract from the abstract company beforo bringing tho work to i ue lonens oince, where all that could be legally charged was ?17. Excursion to Kansas City. On account of the National Live stock Association, to be held at Kan sas City January 13 to 10, 1003, the w. it. c n. win sen tickets to Kansas ' iy and return, good 30 days, with stop-over privileges on tho roturn trip, at G5. By paying $12.60 extra tho return trip may be made through Cal ifornia. Tickets sold on January 8 ana a only. See tho O. R, & N. ticket agent for full partlccuars. H. IIENKER THIS BYE SPECIALIST Examines your eyes free of charge and tells you the true nature of your trouble BisseFs "Cyco" Bearing Sweepers The Highest attainment .in FURNITURE Elegance and Beauty Is Reached in our Collection. ces Positively the Lowest in Pendleton VALUE FOR VALUE Solent .now and it will be held for you and delivered ChrlBtmas. ker & Folsom, Reed's Favorite Poem. Among the favorite poems of "Tom" Heed, which he was fond of reciting, was the following from the pen of Pension Commissioner Ware: Once a Kansas zephyr strayed Where a brass-eyed bull pup played. And that foolish canine bayed At that zephyr in a gay. Seml-ldlotlc way. Then that zephyr lu about Half a Jiffy took that pup, Tipped him over wrong side up! Then it turned him wrong side out. And It calmly Journeyed thence, With a barn and string of fence. Moral, When communities turn loose, Social forces that produce The disorders of a gale; Act upon a well-known law. Face the breeze, but close your Jaw It's a rule that will not fall, If you bay It In a gay Self-sufficient sort of way. It will land you, without doubt, Upside down and wrong side out. Stoire Next to I the Post Office )fftcej 8TATK Of OHIO. ) CITV OP TOLEDO, ) MJCA8 COUNTY, ) Krank J. Cheney makes oatb tbet be U the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., dolni? buelneu In tbe city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and tbat said arm will pay tbe sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the , nse of Hall's Catarrh Cure. I Sworn to before me and subscribed In j my presence this 6th day of December, A. I D., I860. (Heal.) A. W. d MSA SON. ! Notary Pub le. I Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken lnteroallr nuu uvis directly on tbe blood and mucous rr.futc of tbe system. Send for testi monials free. P. J. CHENKI A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all drug-cists, 7Bc Hall's Family I'lIU are the best Oyster cocktail at OraU'a. He 1 20 East Court Street PRESCRIBES PRISMS IS POSITIVE IS REASONABLE IS RESPONSIBLE Pfopetly Fitted Glasses Aids Memory Concentration Digestion Cures Headaches Nervousness Weak Eyes SAVE TIME AND TIME IS MONEY Don't let INCOMPETENTS trifle with your eyes as they are priceless to you. The latest and most improved instru ments used. FREE Until Jan, to, Hunker will give lenses free. Charge made only to cover cost of frames Call today. LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money. DOORS WINDOWS 13 u i ldin g paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon' Lumber Yard Alt St., Ope. Court House Low Cash Prices Prompt Delivery Best Groceries... are what the Miller Cash Grocery has to offer. Baking leave your orders for cakes or pastry of any kind, Lodges and parties supplied at very low prices. 623 Main Street Phone Main 511 0 MiHerflroceryCo. CASH (JROC0RY AND BAKERY mi