East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 24, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    :dition w '
Eastern Oregon Weather
l, .i t rout rfrtdence
Tonlglit nuil Thursday,
slonal rnln or snow
NO. 4i2!l
' JTtil' il II Mil IIMH mil .mum, mm i i iifffflT
If Flats Owned by
r . T!
irrrom nis ranuie
It present prices,
' Begge dthe Owners of
Blocks to Warm the
Lwidespread Suffering
SBce. 24. J. Picrpont
ummoned to appear be
M court, January 2, as
i suit brought by two of
Its. Tho complainants
lias broken his con-
keening tho flntB warm
Jwere comiKilleil to buy
iniinoiis prices to keep
Although they re-
Dhused Morgan and
they received neither
weather of tho past
sen many poor families
of desperation. Tho
' is absolutely beyond
fhllc tho proprietors of
jment houses and flats,
i their rent contracts In
ping apartments warm.
suffering is now almost
an owns a number of
pied by largo families,
exhausted all reasona-
lying to have the build-
ufflclently to keen chll-
ado Runs Amuck at
fV. May Be Lynched.
Va.. Doc. 24. A no
attempted to avoid ar-
ttoday and ran out on
sine the Ohio, umcers
pd opened lire, umcer
ortally wounueu. Tiie
Ihts revolver and threw
Bd In jail at Wheeling.
Prominent Physician Under Arrest
for Serious Crime.
Salt Lake, Dec. 24. Dr. E. S.
Payne, of this city, Is under arrest
and tho police have made every effort
witnout success, to Induce him to tell
what caused tho death of Miss Anna
B, Hill, a well known school teacher
In the public schools, who died In the
doctor's office late Saturday under
mysterious circumstances.
An autopsy ( hold late last night re
vealed the fact that sho was In a del
icate condition, and there wore strong
Indications that an anesthetic, admin
istered preparatory to performing an
operation, was tho cause or death.
Dr. Payne was at once placed under
arrest, but he refused to admit that
ho had given tho woman chloroform.
Miss Hill camo from Novelty, Mo.,
several years ago, and from letters
found among her effects signed "Mc"
and dated Colony, Mo., It is believed
sho was to have been married to the
writer early next month.
Alarming Increase of Undesirable Immigrants Causes More
Strict Regulations on the Canadian Border.
Fate of Sick Man Who, When Alone,
Left His Bed and Could Not Get
Back Again,
Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 24. John
Donovan, a pioneer resident, veteran
of the civil war and Indian fighter.
during the early days In Wyoming,
is dead at his homo In this city. He
had been 111 for some time with par
alysis, and his wife, being away at
the time, be made an effort to attract
th cattcntlon of neighbors by throw
ing a pall through tho window. He
was unable to get back to bod and
froze to death on tho floor.
Washington, Dec. 24. Resulting
from the report of Chief Inspector
Wachorn, in charge 'of the immigra
tion service along the Canadian bor
der, It has been decided to Increase
the number of Inspectors to keep out
not only Chinese, but all classes of
undesirable Europeans. Tho Novem
ber reports show that more Immi
grants crossed the Hue west of Sault
Ste Marie than farther east. Com
missioner Sargent today announced
11 appointments to Inspect the bor
ders, Including Edward Heustls, of
Olympla, Wash. One Inspector will
be stationed at Victoria, one at Van-
1 couver find one at Cloverdale, B. C.
Others will be stationed along the
Manitoba and Asslnlbolne borders.
CogUE Chinese Certificates.
A wholesale fraudulent Ihsuo of
Chinese certificates of residence . Ip
suspected in the Northwest. Chinese
are arriving dally on "visitors' certi
ficates," who evidently have never
lived In the United States before.
Employes of United States Steel
Corporation Receive Eight Per Cent
Unlontown, Pa., Dec. 24. Twenty
thousand employes of the United
Stntes Steel Corporation today receiv
ed an Increase of wages amounting to
an average of 8 per cent.
Michigan Causes a
-Twenty-four Injured,
e Trainmen.
Mich., Dec. 24. The
3u tho Pere Marquette
Sornlng during a blind
B, crashed Into tho rear
t while running at full
en persons, including
Swero seriously Injured
tro slightly Injured.
.Explorer and Mining
Kti of Crookedness.
6U.-TI10 police today
rut John Delamarre,
"Sorer and mining
1 tio new Klondlko
'. rliph is canitallzed
He police refuse to
"threes agaiust him.
MMpectetl of Irregular!-
P'ik After Points Were
J.. Hon OA TM.rt t.,ti
A lie Jul j
Inomlng reported a 'dis-
Wfta 1 , , . ...
r -- uiuuruu dbck aiior
' "src explained,
ee. si. mi. i
ki. "u jury uc
P'Ker and convicted Dr.
"iwu 01 tno .Peace
mihlp Lines on Coast
Aim. .
"8 Scale for Engl-
Dec 24. Unless all
"Wnlea on tho coast
age schedule framod
triR Ta by January
Wke will be inaugural-
' Dinner for Poor.
nYa f0.- ,24 U woul(1
w6Bhr,8tmas stocking
S22ta WhIch John
"W'thy medicine mam,-
uB"Wy tomorrow.
M undertaken to supply
mSS 'Jn(l alB0 a barrel
IdM ,te and 11 anyone
Wgence on tho part of
& Jnerea".
Immlgiation agents expect to bo
able to get a clew to tho guilty par
ties soon, If such there be. It is not
a difficult task to imitate the certifi
cates furnished by the government
to Chinese residents who wish to
visit their native land. These Inno
cent looking documents could be sent
by the thousand through the United
States mall, and agents In China
could coach new comers on tho tech
nicalities of the customs and immi
gration examination. So a large num
ber of Chinese could get Into the
United States before the fraud was
The presence of large numbers of
new Chinese residents in the Chinese
quarters of Sound cities, has arous
ed the suspicions of Immigration
agents at these points.
This fact has caused the commis
sioner of immigration to decide on n
more rigorous campaign against the
class of Chinese which hovers near
the line, watrhing an opportunity to
sneak across.
Story Sent Out That Pope Leo Is III
Is Untrue In the Best of Health,
Rome, Dec. 24. It Is stated in Vat
ican circles today that Venezuela has
proposed to tho pope that he arbitrate
the allied claims. The Vatican will
not entertain the proposition unless
made unanimously by all concerned.
The story sent out by an Irrespon
sible representative of the press as
sociation that the pope was ill is en
tirely untrue. Ho has excellent health
and is in good spirits.
Answers of Germany and England Re
ceived at the State Department.
Washington, Dec. 24. Detailed re
plies of Great Britain and Germany
to tho Venezuelan arbitration proposi
tion have been received at the state
department. They will not bo made
public until President Roosevelt's re
sponse is forwarded.
Case of Blasting Powder Explodes in
a Hardware Store at Paoli, Ind.
Clerk Seriously Injured.
Paoll, Ind., Doc. 24. A heating
stove ignited a case of blasting pow
der in the 11116 hardware store this
morning. It exploded and tore out
the front qnd of tho two-story brick
and caused a two-story brick adjolulg
it to crumble to the ground. The
clerk in the first store was the only
person in either building. He was
thrown bodily into tho street by the
forco of the explosion and was seri
ously injured.
Moody Gets Rural Mail Routes No
Appointment for Gantenbsln.
Washii gton. D. C, Dec. 24. riep
resentath . jloody has laid out for
himself com Id able work in the de
partments in Washington that will
consume all of his holidays save
Christmas day. which he will spend
with relatives in Philadelphia. He Ib
clearing up matters that have accu
mulated because of tne numerous
commlteo meetings that were held
during the early weeks of congress.
Mr. Moody visited the postofflco
department and secured an order for
the establishment of five free rural
delivery routes, to go into effect Feb
ruary 1, three at Gresham and one at
Lents, Multnomah county, and one at
Allcel, Union county.
He also reviewed tho records of
several contractors on star routes In
Eastern Oregon, where the question
has boon raised as to their compliance
with the law. The route from The
Dalles to Shanlko is being served un
der contract with B. F. Miller, but F.
M. Lawson is performing the service
under subcontract.
The department has become con
vinced mat Miller merely lent his
name of speculators In, order that they
could secure this contract, and has
accordingly called upon him to show
cause why he should not be deprived
of his contract. If Oils is done, the
contract wul probably go direct 10
There are a number of other cases
under Investigation to determine
whether the contractors really live
on their routes, or have sublet or ac
quired contracts by fraudulent meaus.
Representative Moody called at the
war department to urge the appoint
ment of Adjutant-General C. U. Gan
tenbein. of the Oregon National
Guard to a vacancy In the Judge-Ad
vocates department of the regular
army, but was told that the place hail
been filled. Gantenbein Is highly re
garded by the department, and. his
record Is one of tho best, but, like
other competent applicants, he had to
give way to a regular army man. He
still remains on the eligible list for
appointment ns Judge Advocate,
which carries tho rank and pay of
major. ,
Estimated That Over $2,500,000 Will
Be Distributed to Clerks .ind Asso
ciates. New York. Dec. 21 --Old Santa
Clnus visited Wall street today and
railed at Undo Sam's subtreaury.
whore he filled his sack. Ho took out
over fl.000.POO in blight shining sil
ver coins of tho latest vintage and
the brightest of yellow eagles and
double eagles. Only tho newest and
cilspest dollar bills and certificates
would stilt "him. Then he went
around to many brokerage nnd bank
ing houses, where ho distributed his
packages, tho recipients ranging from
little messengers to the managing
clerks nnd future partners.
H Is estimated that over J2.500.000
will be distributed by the rich bank
ers and brokers of Wall street to
their business associates and clerks
during the Christmas holiday week.
Over $10,000 was given today to the
minor employes of tho Stock Ex
change. Wall street closed up Us business
this nfternoon anil bankers and olllco
boys alike went home filled with the
spirit of the holidny. In nearly every
brokerage house nnd banking house
In the- financial district tho employes
were made happy by the gift of a
week's salary, while In others the
Christmas boxes were much larger,
nmountlug to two or three weeks' sal
aries. The -distribution or tho gifts
of the trust companies nnd largo pri
vate banking Institutions were not
made, as a rule, at the close of bus
iness, but tho employes were Inform
ed that tho usual custom will bo fol
lowed this year as In the past, In mak
ing the gifts at the end of tho year.
Rabbi Wise and G. Y, Harry
of the State Federation of
Labor, Hold Conference.
A,u'.naldo's Former Secretary of
State to Be Taken From Exile.
Washington, Dec. 24. It is sem
officially understood that the war de
partment Is ready to comply with the
request of the auti-lmperlalist move'
ment that Apollbaro Mnblnl, Agulnnl
do's former secretary of state, shall
bp released unconditionally from ex
ile and captivity. Mabini still refuses
to take oath of allegiance.
$500 REWARD.
With Two Professional Burglars H
Stole $8000 Worth of Jewelry From
a Store on His Beat,
Chicago. Dec. 24. Policeman Pat
rick Mahoney today was found guilty
or burglary and was given an Inde
terminate sentence In the penitent!
ary, Mnhoney and two professional
uurgiars blew open the safe Iri a Jew
elry store on Mahoney's beat, and
stole goods worth $8000. During the
trial it developed that the policeman
devoted his sparo time to perfecting
burglars tools.
Two Indiana Men Get Up Bunco Foot
Races and Swindle Man Out of
Hot Springs. Ark., Dec. 24. Sher
Iff Petersburg, of Indiana, arrived
here today with extradition papers for
Hyan and Aslimore, Indicted in Iudl
ana and charged with buncoing Fred
Lory, a it; turned Kloudlker. out of
$C3,000 In fake foot races.
President J, J. Hill and Superlnten
dent Ward In the Snow Near St.
Paul Snow Plows Sent to Their
St. Paul, Doc. 24. J. J. Hill and
Superintendent Ward and a Bpeclal
train are fighting their way hero over
tho Great Northern in a terrific bliz
zard. Extra snow plows have been
sent to their assistance. Frederick
Weyerhauser, the multi-millionaire
lumber king, is critically ill at his
residence here.
Dinner for 2500 Cold Men.
New York, Dec, 24. Twenty-five
hundred cold and hungry wanderers
will bo made glad tomorrow by "Big
Tim" Sullivan, representative-elect
from the eighth congressional district
and his nephew, Alderman Timothy
P. Sullivan, In tho Bowery head
quarters of the Timothy D, Sullivan
Association preparations have been
completed for a Christmas dinner,, at
which all tho indigent residents of
tho district will bo welcome. The
arrangements Include a typical
ChrlatmaB repast and glfta of warm
stockings and knit glove3 to each at
tendant. For the mammoth feast
thero have been ordered 20000 pounds
of turkey, 2000 rainco pies, barrels or
apples and cranberries, bread, cakes,
nuts and plum pudding In proportion.
The Dinner Was Not a Very Comfort
able Meal, Although They Had Fine
The first dinner at Chrlstmus time
given in the White House was that
which took place In the year lsuu,
when John Adams was president and
thrifty Abigail, his wife, sat at the
head of tho table as hostess. It
was not a comfortable ineal. although
a splendid haunch of venison, the
gift of Mrs. Washington, graced the
board, and the country people of what
Mrs. Adams called "tho City in the
Wilderness," had generously contrib
uted gifts of all sorts to make the
feast as toothsome as might be. Tne
discomfort lay In the fact that the
occupants of the White House round
reflected in their residence evldedce
of the tame haste that characterized
the new government.
Th reception after dinner took place
In the oval room, which at that tlmo
was barely inhabitable. The sur
roundings of the executlvo mansion
were about as desolate as could bo
Imagined. On all sides was a deep
moras covered with alder bushes.
The sidewalks wore laid with chips
from the stones with which the capl
tol was built. A wooden bridge span
ned Black Tiber Creek, and low, two
fctory houses, also built of wood, were
tho residences of the congressmen.
Colorado Will Elect a Republican
Senator to Succeed Teller.
Denver. Dec. 24. The state can
vassing board by a voto of three to
two this morning, seated the repub'
lican contestant to the house of rop
resentatlves, thus insuring the elec
tlon of a 1 epubllcun senator to suc
ceed Teller.
Detective Sharkey Said to Have Kill
ed Nick Fish in a Drunken Row.
New York, Dec. 24. Detective
Sharkey this morning was sentenced
to 10 years in Sing Sing by Justice
Davy, tor killing millionaire Fish.
Delivery Window Open Xmai.
Postmaster Llvermor" announces
that the money order window at the
postofflce will be open tomorrow
Christmas from 9 to 10 o'clock for
the purpose of handing out register
ed packages.
Mrs. Tingley Denies Charges.
San Diego, Cal., Dec. 24. Mrs,
Katharine Tingley, testifying In her
suit against the Los Angeles Times
for alleged libel, denied that women
inmates of the Universal Brother
hood Institution at Point Loma were
abused to the point of death and kept
at hard labor; that insane ceremonies
took place; that Inmates were kept
in guarded cclU; that children were
kept on the verge of starvation; that
It was a practice for inmates to go In
sufficiently clad and "lu their nights
robes to a place known as sacred
ground; that Immoral and improper
practices existed.
Asked to define her suffering caused
by the publication, Mrs, Tingley an
swercd; "Mentally, with aprehenslon,
with constant insomnia, which great
ly Impaired ray work, and I have not
ueeu doing naif as much worK as 1
had done before."
The constitution of tho brother
hood was admitted as evidence. It
provides that the leader or head shall
hold office for life or until resigna
tion; (hat there shall be a cabinet of
13 norsons and various comraiuees
over the acts of which the head shall
exercise a veto.
Celebrate Christmas.
Rome, Dec. 24 The pope conduct
ed a celobratlon of Christmas eve
with a high mass tonight. He bore
tho fatiguing ceremonies well.
Offered by the Governor of Mississip
pi for White Cappers.
Jnckson. Miss,, Dec. 24. Governor
Longlno this morning issued a procln
mation offering $.r00 reward each Tor
the arrest nnd conviction of white
cappers In any part of tho state.
President and Secretary of Interior
Favor Abolishing the Law Wash
ington Man Receives Word That
Western Senators Will Fight
Against Repeal.
Wallace, Idaho, Dec. 24. Keen In
terest Is being taken by tho Coeur
d'Alene peoplo In the action of tho na
tional government on tho bill Intro
duced by Senator Quarles to repeal
the stone and timber act. It Is said
by local business men that If tho act
Is repealed It will have a bad effect
on Idaho.
The Information given out hero ac
cuses Senator Quarles of being in
league with tho "Wisconsin lumber
companies In providing a way for the
Eastern lumber companies to come
West and securo tho timber lands of
Idaho, Washington and Oregon. The
Wisconsin timber tracts havo given
out and tho stono and timber act Is
no longer a protection to thoso peo
ple. A. W. Porloy. an O. R. & N.
engineer, running from Tekoa, Wash.,
to Wallace, has written to Senator A.
G, Foster and Congressman W. L.
Jones nsklng thorn to work for tho
defeat of tho Quartos bill In their
answers Mr. Foster does not commit
himself, but Mr. Jones says:
A. W. Perley, Tekoa, Wash
Your favor of December 0 at hand
and contents noted, and I beg to ns
Bure you that I am giving this mat
ter considerable thought. I have
been Inclined against tho repeal of
thoso laws, but tho president and the
secretary of tho Interior aro very
anxious that thoy should be repealed,
on the ground of sonio frauds thoy
claim havo been perpetrated. I can
not sco why, if frauds havo been
committed, tho department can not
punish tho guilty parties by cancel
ling their entries or holding up pat
ents, etc. I must havo moro ovldnnco
than has been presented boforo I sup
port these matters, and I certainly
shall take Into consideration the ar
guments presented by you.
Mr. Foster's letter to Mr. Perloy
"I am of the opinion that your sug
gestion that the bill may not he act
ed on during tho present session may
be complied with. I now havo up
with the commissioner of tho general
land office the question of rights of
the settlers and ontrymcn with refer
ence to the proposed law, and shall
be glad. to give you further Informa
tion on the subject."
New Compulsory School Law to be
Introduced Present Laws not En
forced Attorney Will i-dss on Bills
to be Proposed by Labor.
Portland, Dec. 24. Tho Rev. S. 8.
Wise, representing tho Stnte board
of charities and correction, hold a
conference last evening with Q, Y.
Harry, president of tho state federa
tion of labor, rolatlvo to a bill being
prepared providing for the abolition
of child labor In Oregon.
Both organizations aro working
jointly on the proposed incisure, and
one of tho principal Ideas which Is
being kept In view Is to draft a law
that will not admit of violation with
Laws Inefficient
it Ih pointed out that several of
tho Eastern Htntes havo child labor
laws, which do not provo effective,
notable among which Ih lVmntiyl
vanla. Boys of tehder ago, and cvon
girls In some Instances, are employed
about tho mines, and nil ports of
methods aro resorted to In order to
evndo tho law. Its overy little weak
ness Is taken advnntngo of by the em
ployer, nnd quite frequently by tho
parents who nre. over-zonloue In hav
ing tholr children become self-supporting
at tho time that they should
bo In school.
Educate Children.
The bill that will bo Introduced ho
foro tho Oregon legislature will can
fnln educatlounl features, making It
compulsory for children between cer
tain ages to attend school. Thoro Is
a law of this kind already on tho stat
ute books, but It Is not very rigidly
Sovernl of tho bills which organized
labor Ib taking an active Interest In
aro now prepared and have boon sub
mitted to an attorney, who will In-
qulro Into their constitutionality.
Other bills aro being framed, and will
be ready to Introduce shortly after
tho convening or tho Btato lawmakers.
Baker County Man Aggrieved at In
Jury, 8eeks $10,000 Redress.
Ddkor City, Dec. 24.- Frank Wal
luce, who was arrested on tho C'an
yon City road In November, having lu
charge a carload of thoroughbrod
bucks, stolen from the O. II. & N.
HtockyardH nt this plnco, has sued for
$10,000 damages for false Imprison
ment and defamation of character.
C. B, Durhln nnd G. J. Parker, two
l'i eminent sheepmen 0r this county,
cnusad his arreut and he has brought
suit against thum for the nbovo
Wallnco was trlod for Iho theft of
tho shoop, and ncqultted by tho jury.
Ho uorvftd 17 dnyti In Jail while wait
ing to securo bondsmen, and feols
that tho Injury to his business sus
tained through the wide publicity of
tho erlmo of which ho was wrongfully
accused. Is worth this snug sum.
Irrigatlonlsts Organize and Elect Of
ficers, Baker City, Dec. 24 At tho organi
zation of tho county Irrigation asso
ciation, held In this city yesterday:
('Veiling, N. C. Haskell was -fleeted
president, C. II. Btultor secretary,
and W 8. I,votia treasurer.
8horter Day for Mlllmen.
La Orundo, Dec, 24, The Grande
Hondo Lumber Company has more
logs In tho rlrer than evor before at
this tltno of year, the quantity being
about 8,000,000 feet. It Is tho Inten
tion to have In between 18 and 20 mil
lion feet for next season's run. After
January 1 tho company will reduce
the working hours from 11 to 10 hours
per day, with tho samo rato of pay.
Tho now schedule of work will be
from 7 to 12 and from 1 to e.
Killed In Wreck.
1j& Grande. Dec. 24. Among tho
killed in the great wreck on tho
Southern Pacific railway at Byron,
Cal., last Saturday, In which there
were 23 persons killed, appears me
name of Charles Vernon, who nt one
time resided in La Grande, and His
son Walter'ls reported badly injured.
A Big Contract
La Grande, Dec. 24, The Grande
Honde Lumbar company, at reiry
tin h rnntmct tor aUDDlylBfr lumbar
fr,,. ihn now mill at isiana uitr. Kit-
contract calls for 320,000 feet and
nhlnmenta havo already been started.
Work on the mill framo at Island
City will be commenced this week.
Itlpo raBpberrlrs are yet to be
found In tho orchards near Itoeeburic.
North Pole mine was offered for
sale three years ago for $600,000. It
has 5000 feet on tho mother lode.
It s now worth twenty million dol
lars. The South Pole mine adjoins, ba,
4941 rest on the Bataa lode, hhi tlx
tunnels, amounting to 200 teai, M
in ore. We expect within less (baa
three years' work to have a mine as
valuable as North Pole Is today.
South Polo 'stock Is selling at lb
cents until about January 1st
Buy before the price raises.
See Gahagan at Hartmin Abstract
office, Pendleton, ore.