Easiness Cards and Societies a &m TDAnCfi Al nuA Derm i t . . -. PHYSICIANS. "TTrat.E, OFFICE IN JDDD 0 i m t 12 a. m. "Sikm. rl 871. IP 10 """' r.nrtF.l:. 11 D.i UMI'Ain I11UU&, E i . troubles, catar- Sodltlons aml "nPlre1 bearing. K .-tir fitted for refractive er- Ptelepbooc Main 1131, WITH A KINOO. OFFICE OVER ffii.tnn Savlnra Hank. Telepbone Ere telephone. Main 301. tTsFlill-D, M a, HOMEOPATHIC Telephone uuac o . ;T FAU1.L, ItOOM 17 ASSOCIA- Telopiione. main uai ; ran- shone, blacK mi. 1!. HENDKllHUJii, I'UIBIUIA.M intun. specialties, eye, ear, none ist Office in Marines Hank nulla feme, main ' rr.TES a KKvns. osteofatitic in cnronie nrm nervous diseases Ltr ijhipp oup umcK went m post RI'CIII.Y PHYSICIAN AND BUR. M.r In Iirtp:."! mock, Tele,lione KN K I1I.AKKSLHK. CHIIONIC srrons diseases and diseases of wo- Ur.dd bu time, corner Main anu Bta. Office "phone main 721 : Ilea. FRATERNAL ORDERS. UMATILLA TENT. NO. 27. K. O. T. M. . Mffu ln Secret Society hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All visit Inft Sir Knights cordially InTlted. J. 8. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, tiuiuuinuucit l'NUL,KTON i,ODOE, NO. 52, A. F. AND meeis nrst ana third Mondays of i i weeuy, , jne II. rni-ten. Re I'KNUIiinON CIIAITEIt, NO. 28 T. C. JHJior, ll. r.. t. I". wama ev. secretarr. meets second and fourth Fridays of each uiuum id ainsomc nail. DENTISTS. sl'UHAN, DENTIST, OFFICK IN ding 'I'hone red 71. ANN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN AB kn block orer Schmidt's new drug Hone red -il. NKS AND BROKERS. RATIONAL HANK OF ATHENA, Capital 150,(1(1(1 ; surplus and Itnoii Interest on time deposits. forelcn and domestic exchange promptly attended to. Henry president , T J. Kirk, vlce-presl- , I. Harnett, cashier: F S. Le- iifinnt rnshler IfASlUN MlUdli NO. 4. KNIGHT OF I'yinias. i,. w. iiem. r c it w rieuuer. iv. oi it. nnii n mottunj m fjcrev oucieiy nail. MODEIIX WO0MEN OF AMERICA.. rutu a Cobid. No. nnnn u.t. fir.f unci iinra .uonuays or each month at Odd l'enows- nan. ueorse A Hamblln, Con nui ; u. a. ucuuins, cierK, WOODMEN OF TUB WOULD REGULAR meetings or l'enuieton Camp, No. 41, W. of W. are held In Secret Society hall every Saturday evening. VIsltlnR neighbors are uinuyH welcome. J. 1' uniKer, uierK ; A, J Owen, C. C. ATTORNEYS. JAMES A. FEE, building. LAW OFFICE IN JDDD IIAILKV 4 LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Despnln Illock. ItALLEHAT & McCOURT, LAWYERS, As sociation Dunuing. n. E. COLLIER, LAWYER, OFFICE rooms 7 and 8, Association building. CARTER & RALEY, ATTORNEY'S AT law. Office In Savings Rank building. HENRY J. I1EAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Illock, Pendleton, Oregon. N. liERKELEY, ATTORNEY Office In Association Itlock AT LAW. E. D. I10YD, ATTORNEY Court street. I. AT LAW. Ill AT LA"W, IEISS RANK Oresou Does It. HERDER, ATTORNEY i I'enuiemn. urniGii. OF WESTON. 1 general bank- , 8TILLMAN A 1'IERCE, ATTORNEYS AT INSURANCE & LAND BUSINESS. MOTELS. JOE H. PAUKKS, OFFICE COTTONWOOD o. iipera nouse Dioct '.land office bus iness, such as Minx of claims and Initiating contests a specialty. j JOHN IIAILKY. JlCU- S. LAND COM ' I ml-wloner- -Specialty made of land Ollnrs, i and tiroof: Insnrsnre ana nllirtiAn nr. flee In Jndd building, room iu. SECOND.HAND DEALERS. OEOROE O'DANIKU NEW AND SECOND I band goods bought and sold. Conrt St., Opera house block. Call and see him. V. STROULF.. DEALER IN " SECOND hand roods. If there Is anythtnr yon I need In new or second hand furmtnre, stoves, granite ware and crockery .call and get his prices, No. 212 Court street FOR RENT. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pciidletoa and an gontl .in any WRONG ATTRACTION. sa,d the thwtrlcal manager, not unkindly. "No, you will not do for thf '"y7" "'Shed the fair'young thing. "I havt a highly devalnnei? vnln. t 5r,'it'you"E'1llld''" was the eentle response of the raarTaglr? "Seopirdc v,i,mtS,.e c?mlc oreT.a nowa"ays to see the graceful Ms. and fifu of thl v.lam s apple. I regret to stnt that our art demands more limbic tlian lar MEISCKE'S Exchange bought and sold. J law, Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to United States patent offices a specialty of Patent Law. 11. 12 and 13, Association promptly attended to. R. nractlce In .president ; George W Proebstel, and makes Jent J R Kllgore, cashier; dl- Rooms 10. A Hartman, M. M. Johns, T. Block. I) G raw. J. F Kllgore. Robert W Proebstel. K. ENDLBTON SAVINGS DANK, Oregon. Organized March 1. pltal, $50,000: surnlus. $00,000: kllowed on time deposits. Ei ght and sold on all principal Special attention given to col' J Furnish, nresldent : J. N. president : T J Morris, cashier ; loi'ey assistant enshler (.TIONAL DANK OF PENDLE- Ital, ?70,000; surplus, $05,000. general banking business. Ex telegraphic transfers sold on an Francisco. New York and olnts In the Northwest. Drafts China, Japan and Europe. Makes reasonable terms, uevi An dent, W F. Matlock, vlce-presl Wade, cashier: n. F Johnson, shier. 8 llUYfloN. ATTORNEY'-AT-LAW: OOL- loctloiif nnd iniuranra Omco in 15 O bulla Ing. TONSO.HAL PARLORS. BILLY KRASSIQ, BARBER SHOP AND bath rooms Main -street, three doors north of Hotel St. ueorge. First cuus service fECTS AND BUILDERS. VARD, ARCHITECT AND BU- nt. makes complete ana reua r buildings In the city or conn 17 Jndd building. COLE, CONTRACTORS AND Estimates furnished on short Work a specialty, rrompt i on Jlluff street near Main. CONTRACTOR-AND BDILD- mates airmailed on all kinds cement walks, stone walls, etc. fc t Bast Oregonlan office. Ktman, Architect "an isu- at. Itoom in. Association rtndleton, Oregon. LaR. PLABTKKING AND CE- ; Cement walks a specialty. Es- liiied free. Work guaranteed. i it Hartley and zehner s cigar (St., r. u. box liM. CTRICAL 8UPPLIE8. new tonporial paklors, court st , Three doors west of tlolden Rule Hotel. J. H Pace, Pron. First c!as Workman, overy thlngcleHii, all mod'-rn Improvement!. PATTON'S SANITARY BARBER MIIOP, DEB pain block Court street: h"st workmanship: nil the modern Improvccentsj alt tools stortl- lzed; b.ith rooms in connection. PHOTOGRAPH ER8 W S IIOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGRA plier .if the city, narvest views, In dian phutus for sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St., near bridge. '-Fbone red 27(1 MEATS ERGE-TRADE Always please the people and customers are ttlwajs satisfied. The reason for this is that you never pet anything but j ood, tender meats, no matter what yon order. Otto Miescke C O U It T S T It K K T Hotfser's Old Stand TELEPHONE RED 211 BOOT aND shoe repairing. L. GREEN AWALD, THE OLD KELIABLFI Shoemaker. First-class repairing with best materials. Bliop In rear of Dlndlnger Wilson & uu. JOHN WILSON, F1RST-CLA88 SnOE maker and repairer. Best material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alta St. BOARD AND LODGING. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets. Good large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Kates 'Jnc ana ooc a nignt. Tnos. omart. Prop. 217 COURT STREET. KlilcUns, dealers In elec Houses, store, wired for p. Win or telephones. Elec- ill kinds. Get onr price. itlalty. fftOb AND 8UPPLIE8. tom SPOKANE, WASH. Kilning, repairing. rD FEED 8TABLE8. tiittRr 8 ALE L.,''nr, proprietor, for fine Mia street. BOARD AND "to 118 A mr . ElII'LE FEED YARD, 72S ltf T 1-kAB Kir.rrr. "na Mle wwe. aaa HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard by the day or week. Good table set. Rates $4 and $5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Neff, prop. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, TERM reasonable, at 502 Water St., 'Phone red 158. THE ST. C1EORGE RESTAURANT REOU lar meals 'ff cents. Short orders a specialty. Open day and nliht. T. A. Oldfather, Prop. THE 8TRAHON ROOMING HOUSE 1118 MAIN 'street, Mrs H, E. Cooper, Prop. Evervthins new and strictly first class. Rates 2c, f0c and 11 per day THE WHITE LODGING nOUflE, 301 BOUTII Main street Mrs. Mary Wllllami, Prop. Housekeeping roomn and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, well kept beds Lodging 25 cents. CA'BS AND CARRIAGE8. ftKUl HUUBER TIRE HACK, NEW AND VERY latea style, for the service of the public. C. D. Carlln and Jas. B. McKay, props. Call Horses for sale. )hon man J01 8mi the back will call for yc-c CITY CA1I LINE, BRWIN UAKBR, PROP. Telephone main 353. 8tand In front of French restaurant BLACKSMITH ING. I'OPELAND & SON FOR WHEAT RACKS. Cheapest and beat In town. 814 Webb 8t. iih.bTABLEB, G. M. FItOOMK ln?t'. ''5? ana bonllng. All M P., Competent drivers. Op Cjwdleton. 'Phone main 101. ffi W, T. DOYNTON ,'Jglvn to horses left Webb street. 'Phone Let Morphy Frame those Pictures for Christmas Don't put off having the work dene. If Murphy does the work it will be good work and you will be highly pleased, Best Stock of framing material. - E. J. Murphy's Best work at lowest prices. FOR SALE The following 'shows the prices paid on the local market: . Pineapples, $7.80 a dozen. Parsnips, 75c per sock. Cabbage, 4c per pound. Cheese, per pound 25c. Onions. 3c per pound. Green onions, 25c per doz. Beets, per pound, lc. Potatoes, $1 per hundred. Garlic, 12 ViC per pound. Pendleton Live Stock and Poultry, Chickens, liens, per dozen. $2.50 to $3.50. Turkeys, per lb., 10c. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., $2.50 and $3. Ducks, per doz., $3.50. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 35c in trade. Butter. GOc and SOc pur roll. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundrcj. $33.15. Steers, $3.75. Hogs, live, $C. Hogs, dressed, 7c. Venl, dressed, 8c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices, Coffee Mocha and Java, best. 40c per lb.; next grade, 352 per lb.: lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb; package coffee, 15c per lb. luce nest head rice, 12'Ac per .lb .; next grade 8 l-3c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $G.30 per sack; do, 13 pounds, $1. Salt Coarse, $1.25 per 100: table. $2.50 per 100. Flour B. B.. $4 per barrel: Wal ters', $4 per barrel. Skins, Hides and Pelts, Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 10 pounds ana up, I5fibc per pound; dry kip, Iso. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf, t. 1, under 5 pounds, 10c; dry salt ed bulls and stags, one-third leBS than rOR RKNT THRKK house cn Main itrcet. tanmnt L ROOM FUllNtSIIKn lnqulro st Roysl Kes- MISCELLANEOUS. MISS M. B PARDKN,, ORMtUATK NURSK Csll on or address (112 Thoiapjon street. Phone Black SS SUBSCRIHERS TO MAGAZINES, IF TOD want to subscribe to magsilnes or news papers In the United States or Europe, re mit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST OREGONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you snd assume all the risk of the money being lost In the mails. It will save yon both tronble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the East Oregonlan, In remitting you ran deduct 10 per cent from the publisher's price Addles EAST ORI'liONIAN PI It CO Pendleton, Oregon. I TRANSPORTATION LINES. MPi;iT'i; Hondqnnrtors for Travoling Men, Commodious Sample Rooms. :Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or month. l:ccllent Cuisine. Prompt DiulitKumiu Service. Hvcry Modern Convenience. Bar and billiard room In commotion Only Three Blocks from Depot. ODFfiON ShotLine! ah5 union Pacific GOLDEN RULE HOTEL bonier Com I suil Julin'on SlttrU, Pciiillcton, OitKim. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. x - DRTAKT roa Portland 8U0 Hill From Pondloton rso j&ftg J 1 VJjSlVt1 " PoitlsndBpeclatNo 1 I the Kat HnVfaHjjlj ThEst Mull anil Express No. (i , Portland fflM SjSftl Pendleton I'a.s.nger I bpoknuo SSffiJiTX j No, 7 5:11 pm Spokane I Spoksue Paasenger . BUS a m No H j .MIftCU 1TH.U 11U, j j IWalla W.lln Uranch Mixed Train No. U U:(0 p in Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. 8:00 p. m. "Billy- except idsy Bun. Siood m. dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, tosoo''pm.j u iniuuun itiiu uifei, owwi ou UJ vl) pounds, 70 8c; under GO pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulla, sound, 5p 5c; kip, sound, 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green, (unsalted), lc per pound less; All salting dates sub ject 10 cnange. For Bin Francisco Ball every t dsys. Columbia River To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 SO p. 4:00 p. n. Hands Willamette Ulvor. Boats leave Portland dally, except Bundiy, (atage of water permitting) for Wlllamstt and Yamhill Hirer potnU. Bnako Hirer Rlparla to Lewltlon P. r. WAMBLKY, Agent, Pendleton. half section of fine wheat land, all in summer-fallow, north of Pendleton. Good improvements. Almost a section of land in one body, a short dis tance north of town P COMMISSION CO CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $300,000 fa . 7 sells Grain. I ' - , . Cash op Future Delivery Ma KOVernmon. M,.ui i . u, .... . i - -i e lar08 most oxtena8 private wire system In the world wo rmrIP or 8maH orders more promptly and satisfactory than jncrn. '-wii'M! esrmnK.10 e)tecute orders when limits are reached. We do not vonaible f0r moro han tlin mnnrln Ton nlar In trarlo. We s4iriiE,REDQraln' lc per bushel; stocks, $2 per share. Pi send v per buBhel! stocks of 1 per cent. j uur uook or statistics and Dally Market free, write FFERENCE: 7k ..... ai r, "ani ana otato oanKS. REFERENCE; Pendleton 8avln0s Bank. 15 ofgit'Ba?k .0I Commerce Building, AUnneapolis, Minn., Ex Jolfor P,,nPI eIpS1. townB anl cities of the Northwest, including i nndU . "m.an- RltTlllo. Dayton. Walla Walla. Moscow. Pendle- IB. n "-u"Hlrciion to Portland, Tacoma. Seattle. Everett and lir vn.. . Fr 76 omces an open trad0 or account with ub you can operate it H. H. HAN8EN, Western Manager. n tfice, R0om 4, Association Block. 'Phone Main 9t.i. C" mJOn. Local Manager Leave Itlparla m s. m. Uallv culls, each $1.50 2; dry, oach, tl& Excpt Moni l.bO; colt's hides, each 'io&bOc: goat I skins, common, each 10lGc; An- , . . . I , v. ....... t .. 1. n r s , WILU wuui UI1, vucu, AUVffl. I wf f J Pelts Bear skins as to size, N 1 WasnllllrTnn t each, G20; cuhs, J25; hadger, , , P eaeli, lOQMOe; wildcat, 2Bo0c; house LfOIUIllDlfl .KIVCF cat. 501O; fox, common grey, each auifruuc; no, red, each. ?i.6ipz; do, tJllirfinfl black, each, tl00200; flsher, each, $CC; lynx, each, J23; mink, strict ly No. 1, each, C0J1.B0; marten, pale pine, according to size and color, $1.502; muskrats, large, each. E 10c; skunk, each, 40C0c; civet or polecat, each, G10c; otter, for large prime skins, each, Jd7; panther, with head and claws perfect, each $30060; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.60(0'5 wolf, prairie, (coyote), without head, each 303Ec; wolverine, each, $47; beaver, per skin, large, $G6; do, medium, 11 (ii; do, small, ?11,50; do, kits, 50'75c. MEATGD HY STEAA. LIOIITEl) Y ELECTUICITY Viiliirlcnii I'll. il, nttiiMiai luKU.OO pur iliiv. Kiiroi.i'iui I'lnii. nun. 7A... hi.ihi. MMH'llll n.ll'H ll,V H CHill III' IIKMItll, l-'rec 'bun inccts all trahibj Commercial trade solicited Pine sample room Special Alli'iitinii liiven Coimlrr Trade MOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB MS, Take this route for f'hlcago, fit. Paul, Ht. a,uU, iCaii sao City, Ht. Joe, Omaha, and All Points Oast and South Portland and point on the Sound TII1S OaHD. U-uti Pendleton, dsllr except Baudari al 7 M0, pm. rri re renaieion nonaj, weonesasx sna Foils a Deadly Attack. Krldavllri'ii.Di. Arrive fendteloo Toesaar. Thnradav not . oaiaraaj vaiiun. FRANK B. CLOPTON 800 MAIN STREET wrltes M M- Au,Un' or Winchester, Bl01t,0n,'tallo"o,,4d,inA1a ftuti fB.VM WlllxL Will ii1v mt liiinrf. II ffi ttm "My wife vae bo Ul that good vhy ArrlTe W1U WhIU datfy, wmI bound, 84 am. slclana were unab! to help her.M for lnloriufttlon regarding rHei and acoom Gray's Harbor Ind., "but was completely curad by Pendleton, oroa. Dr. King's Now Life Pills." They . n Ul fb iiVUUVtd U miAJUitU CtVUU IHI troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. Twenty-flvo cents at Tall man & Co.'s drug store. Commercial Co. We Dou1t Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, in cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and 'liar J'aper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumber will not be wrong in placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wi C. R. Oapot Money to Burn. A very comfortable job is that held by A. S. Pratt, of Washington. He Is the agent In the capital of 2600 na tional banks and It Is his dally duty on behalf of thesn Institutions to see and count the bills of these banks which are sent to the treasury depart ment to be destroyed "macerated," as they call It there. After carefully counting and keeping a lecord of these bills he personally sees that they are chopped up. His fees range from 16 to 126 ler annum from each bank and Mr. Pratt has ixiconi at the business., ari U wteuiat H ,H.i.ll !..). ssW u.s.i. -Wm (iEO. OAIIVEAU, Prop. Elegantly l-'unushed S tea in Heated liuropcan I'lan. Block and a half from depot. Sample room In connectlou. ROOM RATE 50o, 76o, $1.01 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American I'lan. it tier day sud uunsia, llcs4i)usilcrs for tourUls suit couimcicial Usv eltra hptclal rates mailt lo (aiulllts and atagU Kcntlemrn The raausKrinent will tc nleurd t sll limes to show rooms snd give ifcs. A mooera i uia.an isiiirsisbiisniiiciiiiu mc uuu. II C. IIOWJ'.UB, Msiuiicv MEN AND WOMEM. ' MOCflll Dm Blx tl (or oaaatsrU O I Preservative Paint For Leaky WoofH ..... . . IS.mmalli IrrllAiliin. ttt Bl.r.tioi Ci mucous meiatraf, ViIqImj. sua ot uUIsm isirfisCMfuiuifVi u ut boUuiwsj. lCtlTI.0.saH muimT uwmwm. Slxndaid remedy lor Gleet Cenorrhcca srd Hur.rinji IN 48 H0UHS. Cures Kid ney and Bladder Trouble!. sVsW (S) i bold Oiil By W. J. CLARKE Sc CO. Court Btmt sPStasssBSsjsirasVsr''OUf10KMar (H bl. VIUlW.lh.plpUoiicr(iiuiujl'iwlillrlrfn,v.'i'l um.,ycumMj Of tm aP9Mi'au ' MlUll, Slruilnal iiluvB.., Mmr roua JMbllltr. luslf IWUes. I VWV.IW TmiIs to p.rmlirliai and all ILo Lorrui. i.( liupoUy. 'irli!Nltdaiusatbaj 1 lfvr. Hi. kldniva&iid 111. urlniu-vnruu 1,1 all lmuurlLliw. fc... Pendleton Is becomlnfr I through the Pendleton Indian i muiuiiiK is mui c uicmiuk uvi Bi i"w I . , i : i. . . .. . - Ipriate for holiday gifts, and thousands ni.reajoo .iHT.rurs net cured by DoctorolsUcaosaVO ironl am tiwhlK" with VrssUIMIa nrn holne- cnld ehrouuhout the coun-1 OuPIBJStfJU tlis oiilr kuowu remrdy tu curs wltliuut n cixnUou. Uxit uU"i "t (. Lj"Brtf are oeing sola wrouguour uie tuuu I runuiu.rtreu aiidmoury rrUruMu UiMduiMiL tt sTLumuicuilcaia. IUMUiXMU. try. Remember in purchasing pres- farnuoi. (VendtoryKieKcirruUraud I enta not to forget Pendleton Indian Robes. ixts dims mt tfloct a pat m anniit cms- UU)ak 4Adnm UAVOL MjcmejlMit sjo.. f.aitx WH. Baa yrsnrtsrn. rial. L it?' Ion if" b. he Ptel gen rami lUBtt fun;