East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 23, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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FOR CHRISTMAS DIN-j ative scheme on earth.
IN UK UJb.StE.K 1 , , Faith
iTy prepared according 10
the following rrclpe;
Dissolve one package of any flATor Jell O in one pint
of boiling wattr, and after it has about half hardened
teat up thoroughly with the eft( beater, add the
white of one ezi thoro-ichiy beaten and itir the whole
tot;elher until they are mixed, pour into cup and act haVO rUSllCll to tht' rescue of a slllflll
in n nl a mil il hem 'I hi a mu Ka iinail u ilk
whipped cream or cuitard. world In tho last half century Is tho
A nice des'ort for anr tnenl tt nny Ilov. Dr. John Alexander Howlu. of
Healer Collects a Colony and
$15,000,000 About Him His Relig
ion a Tirade Against Catholics, Ma
sons and Newspapers,
Most remnrltable of all the fnlth
healers, prophets or Messiahs who
time. Four Utivnrx Lemon , Orange,
Raspberry ami Stni.vlH'rry.
At grocer, 10 i-enl.
ASK 0fi9
All kinds of imported lunches,
hot wiener wurst. sauerkraut and
pigs feet at
Main Streets near Postoffice
Going out of
All sewing machines
in stock to he dis
posed of at cost.
Come early and
select a bargain
ZIon City, 111., general overseer of
Zlon, as he calls himself, or Elijah tho
Restorer; for he claims to bo the re
Incarnation of Elijah tho prophet; or.
to ho moro exact, tho llilnl reincarna
tion, for tho Urst Elijah was caught
up to heaven In a whirlwind, and the
secomt, .loiin tho uapuat, was no-headed.
He Is remarkable first for the slzo
of his fortune, for ho has accumulated
assets estimated by outsiders at $15,
000.000 in ten years on a capital of
Ho is remarkable for tho number
of his followers and for his hold upon
them. No fewer than 100,000 persons
scattered throughout the world pro
fess faith In him.
Ho is remarkablo for having suc
ceeded in founding a model city of
6000 souls, inhabited solely by his fol
lowers. He is remarkable for the perfection
of the organization he has formed. It
not only prosecutes missionary work
all over the world, but It also eon
ducts a great variety of business en
terprises. I Ho Is remarkable for tho fact that
everything is founded on his own per
sonallty. All property Is in his name,
everything is done by his direct or
ders and everything depends for its
existence on him.
Hut most remarkable of ill is th
method by which he has accompllshei1
this. Starting in as an obscure, pen
nlless faith healer In a little cottage
on tho South Sldo In Chicago 10 years
ago. ho began preaching to a littl
band in a cheap hall. Soon he had
enough contributions to bo able to
hire tho Auditorium, Chicago's largest
and handsomest theater, for his Sun
day services.
He has been holding meetings there
ever since., haranguing crowds of 5000
peoplo at every meeting. His haran-
gues are mado up chiefly cf wild rnv-
ings against tho Roman Catholic
church, tho Freemasons, doctors and
druggists and especially against news
papers. It seems incredible that a
frenzied tirade against newspapers
"the viper press," tho Rev. John Alex
ander Dowlo calls them should make
a man want to give up his last dollar
to tho Rev. John Alexander, but It
Yes, It is a most remarkable tale
from the beginning to the present,
and it is still developing In an extra'
ordinary manner. Brooklyn Eagle.
Despain &, Clark
Wholesale Com
mission Merchants
Will pay cash for poultry. The
Market price always. Bring it in
every day and all day. Chickens,
Geese, Ducks and Turkeys.
Office in E. O. Building
Come. Get Our Quotations
College Education Does not Fill the
Needs of Today High Salaries
Awaiting the Right Kind of Young
"I will gladly give ?100 a month
to a capable young man who knows
enough about chemistry to analyze
water, and tell whether it Is good or
bad for engine boilers, and, if possi
ble, In case It 13 unsuitable, recom
mend an available constituent that
would ellmlnato the bad feature.
This is not a largo order and you
would think I would havo no difficulty
In obtaining such a man, but I assuro
you I have found It impossible up to
uate. une or two young men whom
I have tried may have had tho capac
ity but they lacked what I might
call the necessary humility. After a
week or two on tho road they know
more than the board of directors."
To this effect siioko, recently, one
of tho most practical and capable
railway managers in the Northwest.
i Ho added that he was a good deal dis
gusted with tho Impracticability, from
a business viewpoint of what Is call-,
ed the higher education and was In
clined towards pessimism in his
thoughts upon the coming men of af
The gentleman is not a pessimist
and, while his own succebs has been
conspicuous in that trom small begin
nlngs ho has risen to a position that
would be honorable to any of hln fel
low citizens, ho evinces In word and
action a desire to bo of uso to young
men and this without, as Is otto
tho case, confining his Interest to
those who have had to fight their way
through poverty to diploma
Ills indictment would, therefor
read In general terms that manv of
tno Btuilenls or graduates with whom
I have bargained with a
competent Timbor Cruiser ho has come In contact, are guilty of
to locate Incapacity and blg-headedness.
without assuming to sav whether
ine gentleman is right or wrong, but
recognizing tnat his facilities for ob
servation have been exceptional an
ins iiesire to nein good votiiiir men
is creditable alike to his heart and to
his business sagacity, certainly his
words deserve consideration bv tho
educators as well as the educated
ay parents as well as sons; by cltl
zona at largo as well as employers
oi jauor. .Minneapolis Times.
Saved at Grave's Brink
I know I would I'nir ngo havo hen
in my grave," writes Mrs. S. H. New-
sora, of Decatur, Ala., "If it had not
ueen for Electric Bitters. For three
years I Hitrrered untold agony from tho
worst forms of indigestion, water-
urash, stomach and bowel dvsnonsin
Hut this excellent medicine did
world of good. Since uslnc It I can
eat neariiiy and havo gained 35
pounds.". For Indirest on. luBB nf nn
petite, stomach, liver nnd kidney
trtjuuioH, niectrie H ttors are n. not
tlvo. guaranteed euro, Oulv E0 cents
at lamnan & uo.'a drug store,
On the line o. a railroad
now under construction.
This means a big chanoe
lor lirat-comerH. See
Have some
good farms for
u. b. Hiiiirenie t'ourt
U. B. Patent OHlce
The Dally East Oregonian is on salo
In Portland at tho Rich nows stand in
Hotel Perkins, and at tho Hotel Portland,
"You wm't keep the niow.o family down." art- the envious pron.
Are they promtnentr Inquire the Ifftioranl one.
Iromlnnt? Why. the olO man has been operntetl on for uppenillcltln. cm
ih. .-ons l always rocking n hont somewhere two of tii. iiHURhtoni imvr
. I UnnMlora pextettes, another of the &ons 1ms Invente.l an airship, antt the
,i . r r-fir-t- t" s over Nlasrarn In a barret "
The Queen Hotel
Now Open
The new building, 36 by 80,
recently erected by Joe. Ell, on
Garden strcit, between Court and
Alta, is now open to the public.
Contains 30 well lighted, and venti
lated and newly furnished rooms.
Not an inside room in the build
ing. Modern inprovements, elec
tric lights and baths. The Hotel
is directly back of of the Queen
Chop and Oyster House on Mnin
street, and the Queen Chop House
and the Queen Hotel will be run
in connection by Messrs.
Olson & Van Puymbroeck
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Onpncity 160 barrels a day
Kltiur exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Keed, Chopped Feed, i-t
ulwnyn on liund.
Younc mo. ,
'he foundation
mon .1- - . ivr eatvi -1
a competency l0lM
"so, do as
around you tad,?
to-tio men In the
are thosp who put,
estate "
However small
real estate r its
rail on .nun ml
" UUU3B WllQ 5 TfH.
and lot
A pretty cotlm jV
A house and ft, ,i
A dwelling. staM.
uini 101s fromoir.l
A block of u taT
A half block, 7 loti
A plat of 4 lots
A plat of 2 lota
0. D. BOYD, in J
Useful Presents
and Nobby Novelties
OLIDAY buying is frequently put off until just a few days before Christmas when p op'efindj
hard to jiet what they want because others have anticipated the usual rush and secured choiu
goods. Each year people are growing wiser in their selection of Xmas gifts, instead ofspeM
ing their hard earned dollars for trashy stuff that is gone or forgotten in a few days the thoughtfi
buyers now look for something of utility as well as beauty. In this line we are pre-eminently t
leaders. Since the middle of last October we have received FOUR CAR LOADS OF FURNITU
of various kinds and styles, and now we are prepared to suit the most fastidious tastes fromi
stock, all of which has been touched with the magic wand of fashion. HERE ARE SOME OF
Trr'svmil .. - .-TV .
Our line of parlor
goods has been
selected with an
eye to the beautiful
as well as the good
Axminster and Smyrna rugs
Buffet for the dining room
Couch for the parlor
Dresser for the bed room
Easel for tha,t nice picture .
Fine rocker for wife and hubby
O'ame boards for the long winter evenings
Hall tree for that vacant space
Iron beds in various colors
Just see our fine chiffoniers
Kitchen treasures and cupboards
Ladies desks and bookcases
Morris chairs and rockers
Nice combination cases and china sets
Odd parlor chairs and parlor suites
Pictures, wall pockets and hat racks
Quartered oak side boards
Rockers frohi 75c to S40
Stands, music cabinets and mirrors
Tables for dining room and parlor
Umbrella stands and hall seats
Very nice lounges and Davenports
Willow rockers for old and young
Xmas presents useful and pretty, all
You want from a to
.v.. ' iW -
We have a v
fine Vine oi
Ladies Desks
and the prices
are rig'"
Come in early while the stock is complete, select a pretty, useful present for that dear one
tviiuw uwerveh 11 anu we n set it aside, attach a neat Xmas card and deliver it as you
Yours for a
Merry Xmas and
Happy New Year
MAIN and WEBB Sts.
Remember the Place
On Xmas Goods
December 19 and 20
You can't afford to
miss tins
-rum uaru tad Copjrlthu
.L N. W Wiualilujrtau, 1, p