East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 23, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 7

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Our Great
Christmas Sale
durs, Cloaks,
Waists, Skirts,
Wat II educed Prices until Christmas
BDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1903.
! Howard (arm loans
3ratz's clam chowder
kmas turkeys at Castle's.
made candy dally at The
a igars and pipes at Ncu-
your clothing cleaned at N.
handkerchiefs, mufllers, at
shoes Have them repaired
ft Premium hams and bacon
span of work horses for sale
esse Falling.
jiave money by buying gro-
Rt the Standard.
line of canned goods and
ee at the Standard
candles In beautiful pack-
iir specialty. The Delta.
cigar store for smoking artl-
See Earnhart, the real estctP
cicar store, Maloy's old
eadquarters for smokers' sup-
) fnrL-nt tnose unrlstnias
clears, in book lorm at tne
rockers, Morris chairs, cen-
and pictures until Xmas.
n in land: 480 acres of wheat
aes 25 to 30 bushels per acre;
In winter barley, will har-
buBhelg per acre. All fenced.
use. $2600, easy terms. Own-
ton is becoming famous
the Pendleton Indian Robec
more pleasing nor appro-
sold throughout the coun-
nmnMr in iiiirt-HHMiiiir Hum
to fo-t Pendleton Indian
UlirM frn.'f t uiM hill I
'fcact and 2.500 sheep.
Afiue Htock ranch.
mirk....! I 1 i rtstft
mo river 11! mile from
ony a partial list of the ntuiiy
rauehen r have lMed.
peny a specialty
- mug not vi uoDiiuuiv
ftildencM. ami bu&lnesft
QOt list nrrvnnrtv mhUh tht
U rlrM
Whltal.er, the dentist.
Finest oysters at Castle's.
Big rush of buyers at Rader's furni
ture store.
Wanted to Kent A stable. Call at
this office.
New assortment of fancy boxes Just
received at ward's.
Fresh eggs for sale. Everyone guar
anteed; (iiu Jane street.
If you need a carpet It will pay you
to read Jesse Failing's ad.
Imported llmburger and Swiss
iheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
Mrs. Campbell is closing out. her
stock of winter nillllnory at cost.
No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res
raurant. Everything tastes good.
A nice lin of stuffed prunes, figs
and dates just received at wards'.
Great reduction on sowing machines
this month only. Standard and White.
Jesse Failing.
Perry Houser is now prepared to
supply you with meat at his new shop
on East Allta street
Ferry Houser a meat market on
East Alta street is now open. Best
meat, prompt service.
Special low prices on candles and
nuts to Christmas tiee and social
committees, at The Delta.
For Sale Brick building, 50x90 feet
on Main street at a bargain. Will pay
$lfi(i a month rent until vacated after
snle. E. T. Wade.
1-ost A lady's gray kid chatelaine
purse containing a check for $200
and money to the amount of $40 In
currency. Finder will be liberally re
warded by returning to this office.
Daphne Circle, Attention! Wednes
day evening being Christmas eve,
there will bu no meeting of the circle
until the following Wednesday even
ing. Ellen G. Bond, guardian neighbor.
C. J. Millls Ably Portrays the Present
Situation Actual Figures From
Umatilla County Feeders 800,000
Head of Cattle In Oregon.
The cattle situation In Oregon Is
summed up briefly and comprehen
sively by C. J. Millls, livestock agent
of the O. R. & N. In discussing the
Industry. Mi. Millls says:
"Our population Is rapidly Increas
ing and open ranges Is rapidly de
creasing. With prosperous times our
people consume more meat, while our
ability to provide does not keep pace
with the Increased demand; hence it
is that young cattle have so advanced
In price as seriously to restrict the
movement of rough or unfinished stuff
to other ranges. !
This home maturing has taken firm
hold, and our dealers, not content
or satisfied with local transactions.
are reaching out to supply the world
beyond, and already our export trade i
is becoming a powerful factor In the !
question of supplying the nations.
ith the advent of increased packing
facilities, which are sure to com
tins coast will treat all Its meat pro
ducts. In fact, a fair proportion of
our stock trains are even now headed
west. Instead of east, as formerly.
"An Illustration of the very favor
able results to be obtained In thi
new enterprise is noted In the case
of a prominent feeder on Butter
Creek, Umatilla county, who cut COO
tons of hay from 125 acres of alfalfa,
and fed it to 300 2-year-old steers
Inst winter.
"When he commenced feeding, Sep
tember 22, these steers averaged 1054
pounds each, cost $3.50 per hundred
weight, and consumed two tons o
hay worth making a total of $13.S0
per head. Two carloads sold January
for $4.50 per hundredweight, and
averaged 1232 pounds (A gain of ITS
pounds), bunging $55.41 per head,
net profit of $11.65 on each animal.
"ll tne haiance of this lot did as
well, the transaction netted the feed
ei $34fia over the selling price of
these same cattle on the range,
which In Itself carries a very hand
some profit to the grower. This
not by any means an exceptional case
so tar as general conditions are con
cerned. and any fairly well-located
level-headed, energetic Oregon farm
er can, if he will, enjoy a similar ex
perience, handling either cattle or
sheep or hogs, with assurance of sue
'Notwithstanding the heavy de
mand for these finished products, our
lunges still furnish a large movement
of choice young cattle for the North
and East, moving in train lots, aggre
gating many hundred cars per annum
Range prices this year averaged $20
lot yearlings and $28 for 2-year-olds
"Oregon entries today something
Ke 800,000 head of the very best cat-
tie on earth. Shorthorn and Whlteface
predominating on the range, while
the valley is devoted almost exclus-
vely to dairy strains. Both have sent
their reputation as tai and wide as
cattle loie Is known.
New Parlor at Music Store.
L. E. Therkelsen, the piano dealer
on Court street, has fitted up a very
attractive parlor in the rear of the
general display room in which will be
exhibited the highest grade Instru
ments. At present a beautiful Knabe
$050 piano occupies a position in the
new parlor and other high priced pi
anos will be received In a few days.
Mr. Therkelsen will make some other
marked Improvements in his store,
Excursion to Kansas City.
On account of the National Live
stock Association, to be held at Kan
sas City January 13 to 16, 1903, the
O. R. & N. will sell tickets to Kansas
Lay and leturn, good 30 days, with
stop-ovpr privileges on the return trip.
at $55. By paying $12.50 extra the
return trip niuy be made through Cal
ifornia. Tickets sold on January 8
and 9 only. See the O. R. & N.
ticket agent for full partlcuuars.
Taken Up.
Cow; color red; weight, about 1200;
age 8 years; brand, circle on left hip,
swallow fork and under bit on right
ear. Was taken up at my ranch at
South Cold Spring. Nov. 23. Owner
can have same by calling and paying
charges. Thomas Campbell.
Open Until 9 p. m.
This Store will remain open
9 O'clock Evenings Until Xmas
. Useful Articles. .
"Oregon Literature."
J'rolessor J. B. Horner, of the Ore
on Agilcultural College, has revised
his collection of "Oregon Literature"
and has recently Issued a second edl
tion. The selections from Oregon
authors has been greatly extended
and the character of the work im
proved in many ways. It is a well
printed volume of 250 pages, contain
lug sketches of every Oregon author
or any notoriety and Is certainly a
nluable addition to the home libra
ries of the lovers of song and story,
is published by J. K. Gill. Port-
lend, Or., and retails for $1.
Masons Install Officers.
At their regular meeting last night
the Masonic lodge, of this city, in
stalled the following officers: W. M.,
E. J. Murphy; S.' V Thos. Ayres;
W., Jean Vaughn; treasuier, W. D.
Hnusford; secretaiy, Joe Parkes;
haplain, G. W. Rigby; S. D., Joe Mc-
Dill; J. D., Will Moore; J. S., Claude
Crow; S. S.. William McCormach;
tyler, George Buzan. The officers
were Installed by Past Master T. J
Cheap Rates Westbound.
Prnm Ifolilllil rv If. to Anrll 30 1903.
Inclusive, the 0. R, & N. Co. will
have on sale tickets trom Missouri
Iflvi.r iintntH In Pendleton for $22.50:
from St. Paul, $2.50; fiom St. Louis,
427.50. Call on tho O. It. & N. ticket
agent for full particulars.
Christmas Gifts
Manicure Sets, Manicure Scissors, Brush and Comb
es, Military Hair Brushes, Shaving ets, Toilet
aets, Glove and Handkerchief Sets, Razors, Safety
Kazors, Burnt Leather, Burnt Wood, Pocket Books,
Metal Mirrors and Candlesticks, Wrought Iron
lirrors and Thermometers, "Japanese Cloisonne
nare," Japanese Mnriasri Ware. Pearl Handled Pock-
- rouutatnT'ens
teps From Main St., Toward the Court Hoase 1
w1 an WKmmmummmtms uu'iwiio'i
Correspondent Mistaken.
A dispatch from Walla Walla yes
terday stated that the colored troop
ers of the fort there would glvo the
first ball given by tho colored people
lu Eastern Oregon or Washington
This is a mistake. The colored nopu
latlou of Pendleton gave a grand bull
iu this city last year, which was at
tended by a large niimbci from Wal'a
Where Ignorance is Bless.
A Dalles woman hurrying to catch
a train rushed into her husband's
store and finding that he was in the
barber shop next door, flew in there.
imprinted a catch-as-catch-eau salute
on the lather covered face of the man
in the chair, admonished him to write
every day and then boarded the train
Is blissful Ignorance that her husband
had viewed the performance from the
chair next to the other bewllden
man. -Dalles Chronicle.
Fraud Causes Hardship.
Homesteaders who now wish to
commute homesteads will have a
much harder task than formerly, as
U. S. commissioners and other land
officers have been notified by the de
partment that the usually loose inetu
od of staying a night or two on the
claim every six months won't worl,
now. unless they give a very valid ex
cusf for their abseiiee. Wheeler
County Times,
Pendleton is becoming famous
through the Pendleton Indian Robes.
Nothing is more pleasing nor appro
priate for holldlty gifts, and thousands
are being sold throughout the coun
try. Remember In purchasing prea
ents not to forget Pendleton Indian
Robes, ;
For Ladies. For Gentlemen.
Kid Gloves Furiltoas Smoking Jackets Hllk Binpendew
Handkerchief Thlllon Uoa Bull t'ase Novelty Necktie
Umbrella Coat Lounging Kobe tint
Neckwear Golf Gloves I'mbrella Silk Hamlkerehlef
Silk Hcmo . Silk Dress Pattern Kmipy Hlilrt .MnHler
Cape Silk WaNt Sweater Silk Lined Glove
Couch Cover Dressing Sack Overcoats ' Suit of Clothe
Lounging Robe Silk Klmouak Trunk Kanoy Vest
Silk Wrapper Silk Petticoat Traveling Hag Mutllet
Outfitters for Men and Women. I
a Convict Sent From
Expires in Penltentl-
James Nolen
ary. 1
Walla Walla, Dec. 3. James No
lan, a convict In the penitentiary. ,
died of heart failure yesterday morn-1
ing. death resulting before assistance
could be had. The man came from
Ellensburg eight years ago, and had j (lHl vn,l fihimnni nmifliHtitur
ImoiT In fnllltii hpnlth for severnl . .y.. o
Remarkable Offer
ings for the Holi
day Rush
Wo have just received 2
of Silverware and Candies.
and rather than carry any;
months. He was considered a model
prisoner and had been on the trusty
list lor years, uuiiig ui. uio nuie ui,. i ..n . 1 .1 .
his death employed In caring for tho voi wc ciuin jhijucu uju jiiiuo
poultry kept at the Institution. Nolan even if It 18 less than tllO
was 53 years of age and was sentenc
ed for 10 years. Recently he had
been occupying a cell with another
man. Sunday night the cellmato
heard a noise and called a guard,
only to find his friend dead, having
just expired. Friends have taken
charge of the body and will give It
hristian burial outside the prison.
The Umatilla Indians and a Town
Team Will Play Christmas.
A football game has been arranged
for Christmas afternoon between the
Indians and a town team.
This game is expected to be very
Interesting. Tho Indian team will be
composed of the best material to be
found on tho reservation while (ho
town team Is picked from the heaviest
players In town.
Orand Hall ! ! !
Grand Hall !!!
Christmas Bve ! ! !
Wednesday night ! ! !
Jolly Club ! ! !
Kirkman's orchestra ! ! !
Music Hall ! ! !
Everybody come ! ! !
original price. i
Fine teaspoons, plated with sil-!
ver on a brass and nickel base, at j
39 cents a set, ,
Best quality A-i extra plate sil
ver teaspoons, will last a lifetime,
at $1 98 a set 1
Other fine values in knives, j
forks and fancy silver sets at re
duced prices.
CANDIES Fancy New York
mixed candy at 10c a pound.
Other nice creams at 20c and 35c.
line at lowest prices.
The Nolf Store
The Delicacies
ol the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters Frog
Legs Clams fr Crabs
f and f Lobsters $
and other salt and fresh
water foods. . . .
The French
TolOpllONH M Kill 4
K,or Rent Cheap 440 acres, good
room house and good barn. See
Karnhart, tho real estate man.
Drop in at the
Boston Store
Purchase a pair of 1
Douglas Shoes.
For Men
Or a pair of
Gloria Shoes
, For Women ,
Walk away and unless you look ,
down you do not know new shoes
are on your feet
are a blessing to humanity The
best, and best selling in tl.r mar
ket, genuine- oak tannel soles,
iressy durable and a perfect fit,
combining ase and e egance. We
sell warranted goods.
We thank a customer after the
purchase and thry thank us,
Boston Store
Where Wi. e Families are snoa.
Handsome People
Is shown at our store in our magnificent display of
Dolls. The children fall in love with our big assort
ment. We have laughing dolls, talking dolls, dolls
that close their eyes in slumber when laid down.
Large Dolls
Small Dolls
Medium Sized Dolls
Never in the lustoryjof I'endleton was such a beau
tiful and complete collection of dolls shown.
First see the dolls and then get our prices, as we
are offering special inducements.
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Omee
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel