1 8 f Vt A Christmas Gift That means much toward tho futurn of young ladies and young gentlemen Give them a Scholarship in the Pendleton Business College Could anything be more sensible than a thor ough business course-? The Pendleton Business College has strictly practical Commercial, Shorthand and Type writing Departments. The Shorthand and Typewriting Department Is undor the principalship of Miss Mary Wood, one of the most rapid stenographers in the United States, and the classes have been in creasing so rapidly that the Pendleton Business College has been compelled to engage au as sistant instructor, and Miss Delia Privett, one of the pupils of Miss Wood, has been installed. The Typewriting Department has grown to euch an extent that additional typewriting ma chines have become necessary. Put a Scholarship in the 3 5 ft on PIONEER c ANNUAL MEETING OF HISTORICAL SOCIETY Pendleton Business College In the hands of the young ladies and young S gentlemen for Xmas Call on or. address I THE PENDLETON BUSINESS COLLEGE H. N. Robinson, LLD., Principal Corner Court and Johnson Streets j FECHTER'S FOR 1 XMAS CANDIES St An abundance of the Purest, Most Delicious and Most Wholesome Candy and Finest Line of Bon Bons await you at our store. We will save you Christmas Sweets. mone' on your I Beautiful Bon Bon Boxes Christmas Tree Trimmings or Orna ments. See us and save money. Fechter's Confectionery Store 221 Court St. Lumber, Lumber, Lumber. All kinds for all purpose Sash, Doors and Blinds. Five Survivor of Orerjon's Constitu tional Convention Present Nln Delegates Out of 60 to That Hlstorl Meeting 'et Alive. Youth ntii! age tllitinKiiiuhed thr an nual meeting of tho Oroson Historlefil Society Saturday. It wan a notable gathering Many well-known eiti zens were present, name ol tliem rounders ui Oregon, men and women who have been active all their I:vps in the uroaresg of the statu. Thttl fnrnK lieameu beneath tho Silver of many winters, on the yoiiURor gunum tion that was coming .Into its inhori tnnce. The addresses stlneil a Otmti. of foelinir sometimes hnnpy, some times sad. "The men ami women of Orogon': formative period were stnlil and prac tical and serios minded," remarked tiimeuodv after tho meeting, "hut they were not without tender sentiment,' says the Sunday OreKonian. Discussion clustered around the- Constitutional Convention of 185". The framers of that instrument were eulo siseil as men in whose veins flowed firm purpose, liighminderineuh and en during sagacity. "Tliere were giants in thiwe days, the salt of all the earth, " one parson remarked. The best brains of Oregon wore contained in the convention. Nine delegates out of 00 survive. live of whom were present. Stirring scenes of early days passed in review before the audience. Patriotic zeal and hope ano purpose were enlivened. Five witnesses were there to ttjtity to past grown dreamy. Strange and mys tical it seemed, enlivening and flesh in contrast with the d y and pi osy record of the pen. Memories of Past fievived. The men who had come down from a former generation spoke entertain ingly. The memories of Dead-. Fred AVaymire, Dclazon Smith, Tom Dryer, Shattucli. OIney, Reed. Logan Kolaay, Farrar were revived. John 11. XI c Ilride. Tt. V. Short, W. A. Stark weather. H. 1'. Iloise and George H Williams were there In person. I.. V. G-over. James K. Kelly and William H. Fackwood sent regrets for inablli ty to attend H. B. Nichols, tho ninth surviving delegate, did not come down from his home ,in Benton coun ty. Among other well known persons in the audience were: Governor Geor, of Salem; Judge W. D. Hare, of Hills boro; Judge George IT. llurnett. of Salem: G. L. Rowland, of NoTth Yam hill; William Merchant, or Carlton: F. O. Potter, of Eugene; itev. W. G. Eliot, of Salem: Mrs. Eva Emery I)e. of Oregon City; Professor H. L. Hates, of Forest Grove; J. R. Robertson, of Portland; George T. Prather, of Hood River: John M. Leezer, of Pendleton; ox-Governor Z. F. Moody, of The Dalles: F. G. Young, of Eugene, and many Portland people. New Officers Elected. Now officers of the society wero elected as follows: President C. li. Bellinger, of Port land. Vice-President W. D. Fentou of Portland. Secretary F. G. Young ,of Eugene. Treasurer Charles R. Ladd. of Portland. Directors to serve four years. .las. U. Robertson, J. R. Wilson. The board of directors now 'consists of: The governor or Oregon, tho sup erintendent of Public Instruction, Mrs Harriet K. JIcArthur. Mrs. Maria L Jlyrick. W. D. Fenton, J. R. Robert son and J. R. Wilson. IniinHU"'' ol till"- S;im KianciKi-o snw mill ' T.i llu-llll'i il" wondc tin! ilinli' r. n 111-.,, i. T1IH1 iMfM-lltll' MMtl. Point and will noon . "i.mienc. ,,,, . Tin- llvm Is im.Mi-K per mi K'i in-vf" ""'"l"';' 1,11 '" which If- iis-'d l"f v. neer rk Another illustration of the value of some oi our timber resources comes from tin city or RnteM. r,,rI ;,R,1,. , being sold by the wagon load at for fuel purrees when n nmttor of toil, thr same w" converted info lumber, wl 1 readll sell In tl ctt of Grand Rapbls. Mich.. Jor at leas. $380 to $ per 100 eet. TM- null maple. Mr. n lyue states li.it- no equal In the world tor heouti in fln'sh He has made a studv of thi different wood or the entire world and unhesitatingly say rha Oregon leads, lioth in titmntlty and dliallh having to Ills personal nimwr edge over ift.fl'irrerti?.rtinrrti'tiv'?''iiir.ii! mi tes I On Furniture f n,.. . 1 nolidaJ chantable borders. AO dlatittct species oi niei woods growing within Its ALBA NOTES. ucu.c i.ui given to tootinn.V $ horn nnlp;; vp hara c?,,,!- 6 TBS I to toot about I We have somethi riff cnai:.i ami n is uu. w. ui uaiC VY CCS OnFiiml to , tl: WtJther Clear and Cold Mr. Shipp Moves to Ukinb Mr. StocUer Takes His Horses to Juniper. Alba, Dee. 23. The weather is clear and cold. Sleighing is good with about 10 incnes of snow. Will McLaughlin is hauling logs to the sawmill under contract irom vie broch & Smldth. The stage company haB built a de- uot nt Carney unmn, wnere ph- songers arc exchanged from tno coach to the sleigh. Hiss .Man- Whitaker is visiting here, the guest of Miss Blanch Quant. Harvey Taylor has purchased Jim Shipp's feed ham and lias moved that place. Mr. Shipp will move Ukiah and go into lunsinesb there. Walter Rlneheart and ills motlioiN will move to Pendleton after the holi days. They will reside there all win ter. J. H. Stocker drove Sf head ot horses to the Juniper country lasd week to winter quarters. His sou Carl will attend to the animals during the winter. Earl Baumgiirtner Iiub returned from a visit with his friends in Pen dleton. Roy Council is tending 100 head of stock and is a very uusy young man. The school hero under the niamtgt ment ol Professor Quant has a large attendance and teacher and pupils are getting aiong mceiy. i ture. Our stock includes the house furnishing line. everything fj Look at These BED ROOM SUITS ODD ROCKERS STANDS PARLOR SETS COUCHES LIBRARY TABLES HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. J. A. lreton, Boise. H. P. Brands, Portland. V. 1!. domiciling, Portland. A. D. Chase, Portland. J. J. Burns, Portland. E. II. Burke, Portland. V. H. Chaston, Milton. G. C. Oshorn, Athena. .Miss Clark, Weston. .Miss Campbell, Weston. R. B. Coats, San Francisco. , E. Gonele, Spokane. Kiting Spike, Echo. W. D. CharHberlain, city. 5.1 COMBINATION BOOK CASES WRITING DESKS BRASS AND IRON BEDST'DS CHILDREN'S FbRNITURE ULAooVVAKC LmiNAYVAKE ART POTTERY ENAMELED WARE STEEL RANGES STOVES r n n -f 4- ifiH - r n vvc tan m yytut nunit; thing required from ?h 1 kitchen to the parlor, from the cellar to the garret Bear in mind our Cut Pate Prices continue only until New Years. 8 213 Court Street OREGON'S WONDERFUL WOODS. A Waste of the Hlahest Priced Tim. ber Goes Constantly On. M. C. Van Tyne. who has one of the finest collections of Oregon woods in existence, has just received from his home in Eugene, a number of sam ples showing tho beautiful ilnish of some of our most common woods, says iii vsiona midget. Among the pieces of particular in terest Is curly maplo and tho Coos Baj myrtle, the latter hoiiiE a vorv fine wood for furniture manufacture. and can bo found In Hi'cat abiindnnec at Coos Bay. The Golden Rule. Miss .Morrison, Adams. V. A. Cross, Fairfield. Mrs. George Brewster, Kendrick. E. Brewster, Kendrick. C. H. Brewster, Kendrick. Anson Woods and wife, Weston. A. C .Connelly, Seattle. C. I.. Downer, Spokane. R. A. Farrens, lone. C. S. Jayne. Condon. R. M. Alters, lone. A. F. Young, lone. Mrs. O. C. MeFarland. Moscow. Mrs. C. II. Spurbeck, Genossoe. J. W. Mooro, Spokane. W. I) .Marks, Spokane. James A. Nelson, city. A. J. Hall, Caracas. John Puntenney, Moscow. Mrs.- J .M. Angell, RlUevlllo. Clara M. Angell, Rltzevllle W, L. Alspach, Helix. J. J. Whalen, Helix. John Lang, Nye. W. C. Kent, Nye. H. J. Blddle. W. C. Rider and wife. Eluin h. bimpson. Baker Citv. Christmas Giving is Not Complete Unless it Contains a Box of Delicious Candies. J f R J. C. McFadden and wire, Pocatello, Mrs. R. R. Duffy, Ontario. Miss Raley, city. E. E. Alton and wife, Med ford. O. E. Gaslin and wifo, Medford O. M. .uictals and son, Wallace. George McCauloy, California. Harry Mcore, Spokane. Planing of all descriptions done to otder. XJon't place your order (or Building Material until you have consulted us. Pendleton Planing Mill Lumber Fard, K0QERT f OUSTER, Proprietor and Dally East Orenonlan by carrlar, only li MMta warak. A Christmas Dilemma Santa Claus would find hinisulf in if he had a breakdown on "the night before Cluistinas " Others would be just as disappointed if their carriage or wagon should break down on the road, unless they had a fust class repairing shop to bring it to, such as you will find Neagle Bros, always to be. We repair a vehicle and nut it in first class order equal to new at a reasonable price. NEAQLE UROTHCRS Blorer cuollue euiflnni r the . 'Wa fanUfar lusm, ' 'Whanthilr- ktnaVB "trucl mo u" '"" "'""Har In this world "The man who ha m,-,n.. .n.. . lit- wjuiu." ' lu puj- us no ko can get all the credit Lovvjiey's Candies in boxes from ioc up to JJe Pam Candies in boxes from ikc to li.W. Fancj uoxeb anu naskets tilled witli (nocoiates, duu and Crystallized Fruits as ordered. We have them from 25c to S5.00. And on the-quiet, we never law a healthy girl who did not prefer a box 0 Bon Boas to a verse of poetry. Our candies in fancy boxes are guarantee. to create new friendship, or to brice up old and weakening ones. Perfumes . . Anyone will appreciate a bottle of perfume, especial- lv nf vlr.i nnnrl Tlmt ;c rVio Irind VOU filldt0DI store. Several new imported odors have just tea received. Beautiful P'-fume Atomizers andSprmis lers from 35c up to ,57.50. These make elegant Christmas nifts filial with nerfnme. Ask bet t odor she would prefer she is sure to appreciate youtj tlinnr'lif-fiilnt;c ( We have placed 011 u wiianttu table a lot of Holldsy tlmt we think you would like to buy ut a saving w w dollar. We M-unt to sell them-you will wonder .V make a reduction -better look them over1, It la Just M BU iiig money, Safetv Razors v 1 i, ... win BDteeW 1 mi euu uepeiui iiiou it Hint any gouiieiunu a Safety ltazor. Any one cau use it. Even if he uw ..!... .... 1,1 ir 41 ..1 41 i.oun useasnei) Knives, lirush and Comb Sots, Military Hair lrushw, BM lug Sett Toilet Beta, Glove und Handkerchief bet), Q TT M riTO I rVl 4nnrnn nnri Monrl nnHnUn Our lino of CuiidleHtlek!) In the "Art Nouvean" Jl'fi, plutecl and wrought iron, are excellent values for tne ia 1 Now designs. WROUGHT IKON Mirrors and Tucrmoniotow at Btnall prlcrf' FRUNt.rt STAO Mmilcur. sets, Military BruHhes and Cloth Brusa The proper thing thla seaaan. , . for BURNT LEATHER (illuruntl Cull'Doxes make elegant present EJWINf WOOD Neoktie. Glove Boxes mid Toilet Sew; beautiful gift for uontleiiiMii or ladles. , . ... aiffvi POCKETBOOUS. We have a largo asuortment and we liae aJ made a wppclaltv ut good pooketbooks. . i,itiful. FOUNTAIN PENS make an ideal Christmas P'ese"t-ftJX useful and lasting reniembrauee, $1.63 to 2.60, guaranw" work satislaetorlly. , ,, . nice POCKET KNIVEO, A pearl handled pooket knife will raeflneD present for 11 lioy, clrl. man or wonmu. We have 1 a u , leotlon from iio cents up to Jii.50. JSxttinlue our dollar 1 handled knife made from the best steel. Walk in and Look Around You Don't fHSave to buy nvt We are always glad to show our goods aud tall yoU know about them. ICoeppens Drug Store ,(W steps from Main Street toward Court House.