Yoffll Have 11 V) U.WLIJ ! nay nrlvlllgw through tho country to relieve Mm In Lis uelplew condl nb and tho Improvement of new sections i tlon. V ot the West Is retarded by the sencc of rival companies. Oregon lias tnllllonR ot acres E, Morris, who was mis taken for Tracy ami shot by n posse. near Vancouver, will present a hill f !..,.. ,.iir n.vnrltin 5400 ' intllril COLUMBUS. If you expect to make your selection of Xmas Presents from our -Stock, as they are going 'like "lot Cakes," and at the present rate will soon be soli We are offering Special Inducements on a!! remaining stock. Call and see what we offer. land that would be available Us homes with a touch of Irrigation nnd better I transportation. The productiveness ot Central Or- eiion could be lucrensed four fold by the construction of three hundred miles ot road from Portland, or The Dalles Inland toward Idaho and Ne vada That vast section lies practl c:ill dormant today, for no other rea son than that the fear of competition Is dispelled by the knowledge thnt western railroads are all one. The bluster occasioned by the Idle Both tnnn expenses and loss of time. nie erlpiiled for life. The sewer question Is settled. Three to one was a handsome vote ,m- health. Now when the pipes are overed and the cesspools drained. I'iMidletoii should lay a pavement on Main street, at least, to seal a Rood work. MAKING A FARM IN IRELAND. Brock k McCoiaas Co. When, In the course of some years, oi Incredible toll, the tenant has at l.iut Ii-iii-ii1 n urn v n level snncp as bin talk of Portland and tho Sound, about j ,,s l0 00r or n smalI landing the new terminus of nu Imaginary Chicago when he has literally taken , toad at the mouth of the Columbia, away the spongy surface or the swamp has nu moie charm for Hasten. Ore- . ilrloil and burned It-lie starts , upon the task of making his pitiful 1 Kn- little Hold ready for tillage Transportation Is needed lor uou 1 tral Oregon and nothing short of It will bring the lull fruition to thnt , splendid region. ; Portland knows this. She has the , capital with which to bring perfection to an empire that belongs to her, but . she dallies with fate. Some day the hand of enterprise j will reach out from the south, and , pour the stores of her tributary zone j into tho lap of San Francisco, j The merged powers cannot long de- lay inexorable progress. Ilehlnd him lay tho gray Azores, liolilnd the gntes of Hercules;' Ilofore him not tho ghost of shores Hefore him only shoreless sens.' The good mate snltl: "Now must wo pray, "For lo! the very stars are gone, llrave Admiral, speak; what shall I say?" Why say 'Snll onl sail on! sail on!' " They art ' - averages ZuL detail, u2TIj2' the nflw ..... is" the new '.My men grow mutinous day by day, .My men grow ghnstly, wnn and weak." The stout mate thought ot home, a at. I'll 1 Of salt wave washed his swarthy I F W SCHM1DT, checck. J ' ft, 'What shall 1 say, brave Adm'rl, say If we sight naught but seaB at dawn?" "Why you shall sny at break of day "Sail on sail on! sail on! sail on'" Me must dig a ditch all around It. else It will bo' constantly under water. and at best the surface It IPtle better They sailed and sailed, ns winds1 might blow, I Until nt lust tho blanched mate) said: "Why now, not even Ood would know i Should 1 and all my men fall dead. than mud. Then he must got gravel, These very winds forgot their way clay and sandy earth fiom some place wny, and spread It out In a thin layer over ror uou worn inese dread seaB WHRKK The upward tendency oi the hoi. so market Is a promise for Eastern Or egon. How many of the old horsemen of the balmy days of stage coaches Se Is gone, speak, brave and say " snld: "Sail on! on!" Adm'rl; speak sail on and y 'lled. ' Then , i -" mm i mrtj -nu mum TUESDAY, DECEMI3EH 23, 1903. All men seek happiness, then is no other goal or Intent in life, whether men seek It through license or asceticism, through selfishness or sacrifice, it is toe one eternal quest.! The Phili tine. tie in the invigorating breezes hei sea coast and Sierras. A few hours more of sunshine seemed added to the lot of the dying m the whis pering zephyrs that spread theii heal ing wings across that favored state. The feeble have Hocked to the cities and hamlets of California until she is ( sick man's home, lluslness is ear 1 1 ried on almost' exclusively in many I with $200 mares. It was not uncom- FARMERS' INSTITUTEG. Heaven bless the tanners ot Uma tilla county and oi the world; they bear the burden, pay the bills and till the coffers of civilization. During the wintei months, while the ceaseless grind of labor, relaxes Itn grasp upon the country districts, the time should be spent in improv ing the conditions that surround the farmer. Farmers' institutes cannot he held late in the spring, after the waiting swept inland by the winds of the near-by ocean. Hours of bright, warn, sunshine are few anil I'm between. Waltd Wellmnn. i LAID TO REST. Alnnv nC tum -irrt lmrnfiml wlntnr or and freight trains would rojolce to a8 wof, aK Rllnmlor. They are In rags. see mo ranges once more siociteu Tiiett liouies are lll-uourisueil. Tile winds blow sharp and cold across tho dreary moor. The rain falls nearly In. If fl,.i tit.,.. f. n... ....... ltrlt, nlil.t.lu ... , , . , l .....i L.t.i- ...'III nu.V .'u... .-..Jlt.in. wuu pocKeis so mil oi u pieces I that they were stooped over witti the weight. No land on earth is better adapted to thrifty, strong, ileut-tootcd horses than this. Its record as ft horse country will never be beaten. small towns by people who are just L. T. Hauis. a representative trou, " Ami X hcimei on the wall: ' simply hanging on to the edge or lire, l.ane county, is gathering strength as ' Willie's playthings won't lie needed hoping for the climate to Keep blood n candidate Tor speaker of the next I rl'i" ,nt oarl' lla's ot fall in their veins nnd hrnnth in fhoii- iim,.u n . ..... I Put away the canvass Jacket. lull-., nnotlior v nr , .o , u6 u, . wuh ,tg , b Qf luugi. another ear. ubk. loyal and worthy oi the support , Willie's made himself a hero The salaried positions are filled ! of his party. ! Put his siilurge this vear is o'er with cheap men who are willing to: ' j work for a bare living in order to be I " 1 ""' " weir esca-j able to temain in that state. The la-! 1paUM- ln,L,y aml Morrl11 w"' 1)0thi boring man finds an invalid readv to I .T lelesentatlves before the next try to hold his job, at a decreased the guard who, t-no oliif In- M.. 111 it... .i r . . The state is thronged with : , lm UI u,u ghastly men and ' 6iiC'""-' wl" uaU for " "I'l'roprlatlon ' his ptospectlve held. The skinned bog Is only n foundation a black, Now reeking platform upon whlrb to build a rami! Having no horse or wagon, he must i arry flip new earth and gravel upon his back and put It there. The wo men and children help. You may see them tolling to and tro. their wil low hampers full of dirt upon their bent, tiled backs, after traveling u He curls his lit, ho lies In wait, mile or two with each tiny contrlbu- With lifted teeth, as lr to bite' tlon to the soil of a farm from which Urnvo Adm'rl. say but ono good word. What shall be done when hope is gone?" Tlie words lept as a leaping sword: 'Sail on! sail on! snll on! Ball on!'" They sailed. They spake the mate. "This mad sou shows his teeth to night. they hope to gain n livelihood. Thou pale nnd worn he paced his deck. And peered through darkness. Ah. that night Of all dark nights! and then a sped; A light! A light! A light! A light! It grew, a star-lit Hag unfurled! It grow to be Time's burst of dawn. He gained a world: he gave that world Its grandest lesson. "On' sail on'" JOAQUIN MILLEH. The AitstocnliJ the WhlsfeUj d Old SchooUs a peer. JOHN SCHBDi Nasa! Senoi Escaudon has been re-elected , mayor of Mexico City. SJLi ll ..) fti (.", th. t.v V! Kly's Cream Bah rleau-es, (!. jr. iMllY A CU.J ID tap I. i.l i-.ilA:.j- intilhtoinJiirareu'kijri UliUt; nut I'rodocoicrtcn;. .-nla.lK gists orbjrnull; TrjISiitlltaahM KLY UltQTnm.MWim;lj salary, totterln Its condition is so serious that an effort is to be made to restrict the TNfil M.W ?f toughest stl entrance of consumptives into that' b). consUnt U4U ntOIjmve anew stilte- ! eilge if it is to do eixx uorl; rnat,.i A committee from the state senate .or'c dul1? a '"an us it does an ax, makci 1 has been appointed to t.j. i ... , , . , Investigate OI ,uJr "ml ' mind ill i i 1 1 i . ti i.em oegn.s to ueciion ine loner 10 ( present health conditions, and this eomethiu; tliat ill his task. This is the only season of j committee emphatically opposes the' restore the keennts the year at which leisure time for i wholesale admission of consumptives """d and activity farmers' meetings can be found. tl that state. It has been proposed to Lr Pierce's Go! 1 n Ever- day should be improved. The j establish a home ror such invalids at Medical DiscovVrv education or the practical farmer in I SOme isolated place, where elaborate 1 Puta new ife into the arts of adapting crops to soil, se- arrangements could be mnde for their I '!fw rT1"0"'' ""i lecting seed rorr the propogatlon of care. This plan is also opposed by women. ItstreiTgth. strong species of crops and in so ar-tbe health committee, on the ground ens tlje wk stom ranging and so cultivating his farm, j that such a resort would further en-i fi purifies the thnt the most highly productive state j courage tho sickly to Mock thare. may be attained, means the perfecting t where will the sick turn for relief? of the great profession known to man. mini suffering host: Irrigation will soon be a force in the j "To whom the goodly earth and air, hands of every farmer in the West. Are barred and banned, forbidden. He must know how to handle and dl-i fare." Tect It intelligently. He must study wil1 hc compelled to turn elsewhere to bring the greatest yield from the for health. blood, and effect ively stimulates the liver. The whole body is built up with aoutid, solid flesh by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery." "I was ounflned to my bed for four months from January in, liu, and commenced tu take 7 oar medicine January 6th, i8o), writ Mrs. DELAYS PRO- ,Vh?S Si 1 GRESS. took eight bottles of Dr, I Pierre1! HrMi tA- ture and every Industry of the West, 1 . Discovery, four of needs ventilation and discussion. I- llroad building In the West Is at KPriS ProrlnctlvpnesH is h haula of hnnfc " ui"uul uecause me great lines PelleU.' an. one bottle smallest area. Farmers' meetings must be arranged for mutual good, i COMBINATION Crops, livestock, dairying, fruit cul- accounts. Intelligent direction of tho great forces of nature, underlie productiveness, v. . of Doctor Pierce Com tuiiuuueu uy ine same siock- poond Kstract of Smart- holders, and thev lire L'sttlne- nil thn ween, as trade the country affords nlreadv The sham romnetltlnn whlnl, t.S: fcif ' "PJ!!-16 t..do''i'uo''''" ImJjcrstioa. cocurttpation, and harU.ninof the Hver was mv trrvthlo T ni Ul a . i . ' liniment. Obstioatc Your niri1irin i-H m CALIFORNIA TIRES OF INVALIDS, i Valled ln tha das d ahopJkhUI j iiuuuing nas uisappeareu wttn the -"- Since the balmy breezes ot Call-j merging of interests. Don't be fooled into trading a sub- fornla first became known to Ameri- The rivalry bred of the hot scram- 5nce, for a. shadow. Any substitute cane, she has been a mecca for the ' We for trade Is vanished. The conn- S,l wLCry" TULToU Invalid. Her cities have been over- try can come to the roads that are medicine. There are cures behind ever run with people who could not live in now in operation, or stay away, Just cJaun made fr the " Discovery," which no "just as vood " medicine " can show . - w..w. . ui "a ,,vuoa ,1, hid kiii. Duuicaiea IliliousnesrJ is cure 1 I tl f rw- I was promised tho tottering conBump- hold most all the available right of Vierce's Pleasant Pellets!' GREAT SALE OF Christmas Good 1 Ins is the time to buy your Christmas presents (or your friends, and at no place rilf find trie assortment so good nor the prices so low as at THE FAIR. We have nearly ever anybody needs, and now our stock is complete, so we urge you to come at once and sekcUM want. We have all kinds of toys, dolls, doll carriages, toilet cases, work boxes, moving toys ' k kinds and bcoks for all ages. SPECIAL FURNISHINGS FOR PRESENTS LAlUJib wool opera capes, head shawls, silk mittens, ice wool and silk fascinator priLLs. sun waists, namlkerclnels; perfumes and toilet articles, iewelery and purses, furs it of all styles. ', GENTLEMENS initial handkerchiefs, neckties, gloves, mufflers of all colors, jewrl i..v.-, niii pen IIllVCb. CIC, SPECIAL PRICES ON CLOTHING We will give a special discount of r nnr r.,, n i,-0 .-.. cnitt udovMs . -1 f 1 . . , r VI, Mil IIUV.1 HIIU 1 1 J .... .1 1 . I til Llinstmas day. Ten ner cent nff nf watp on- ' .u.i.im mrtvou to 30 per cent less than at other stores in Pendleton. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS Our stock is complete and the very best to be bought, and prices are far below our wsjj tors on the same grade goods. Mens overshoes, Si.io; womens ouershoes, 85c; mrs"? 55c and 60c; mens Alaska defenders. 80c: womn Aln..i,n ri..f-H,c rr and 6i misses j defenders, 38c and 50c; mens rubbers for German socks and felt boots, a, $1.65 and !. All the above prices an nn nn- irijs ..,i u 1. 1 ,.,niiin our trw-1 . . - jwu-r. own HIM uui aiuuii, mm IVC RU give satisfaction or refund your money. THE FAIR THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY A FEW MORE DAYS, THEN CHRISTMAS If you ,v not already secured your presents we take the libty of reminding you that it is a bad policy to wait until the iast moment before making your purchase We have so many M show yo, t,. ,t ,s best to tak,- your tune and ,vo,d the crowling that usually takes place during the last few days of the holiday season. We call your attention to a few of tl,e luainj rt a rM I 1 1 -S-S-" " viv t 'U L GLASS WATOHiQ -t-m , r. I I I v.yiwv 1 I O Mounted and unmounted The largest collection of the finest gems that has ever been shown in one stock in Pendleton, Under this head we are showing so many pretty tilings that it will be impos sible for us to enumerate them. L. HUNZIKER, Diamond Merchant, Jeweler and Optician. The largest store of its kind in Pendleton. The finest and best collect ion to select from. All the new designs. Rare beauties. Are sole agents for the Hawkes' world-renowned Cut Glass. A guarantee in itself of the excellence of this display. In bewildering profusion. In solid gold, gold filled and silver. Something to please all desires. Grade high prices low. Largest and best stock of its kind in Pendleton. I 1MV-I tlLUI K. Ml ll IL 111(1 1T1 r t-1 II I Goods Held fo Re.cnnncffifo P-J.IW jr u.a ixt In ebony and solid silver. To sec them is to make up your mind what lo get for a gift. n TJ T? A. it will PW0" Zd our stock befo pui L. HUNZIKER. Diamond Merchant, Jeweler and Optician Main Street Remember the $100.00 Prise We Giye Away.