1W thn arid K Useful Holiday Gifts ma in mnnnnnniTrn h IHHItU 'l HE NEW CLUB BUILDING IS NOW ASSURED. Men's Business Suits -Men's Overcoats -Youths Suits - - -Boys Suits - - -Bovs Overcoats - $10, $12 to $25. $10 to $20. $4 to $i2.5o. $2 50 to $6 00. - $25o to S10. SUIT CASES and TRAVELING BAGS Each $2.00 to $1 50 SILK. HANDKER CHIEFS .ND AllFUKS. 25c to $2.50 NECKWEAR A Splendid Assortment to Select trom. Tecks String";. Four-m-hand and Ascots, 25c to Sl.nfl, SMOKING JACKETS $5.00. $(i 00 anil $7.50 OFFICE COATS $4 00 and $1.50 NEW II AT "The Hamlin" Shipment mst in. $2.50 ami $3 00. MEN'S SLIPPERS tiOc to $1 75. OTHER ARTICLES THAT MAKE USEFUL PRESENTS. Silk Suspenders, fancy Hose, Gloves, E. & W. Col lars and Cuffs, Umbrellas, Sweaters, Night Robes, White and Fancy Striped Shir s Articles of Incorporation Filed Yes terday Capitalized at $30,000 $10 a Share. Tiu' nuwt definite move so far to wnrd slit- now club Iiouk' was nuuli Msterdtn wlton articles of incorpora item wi-ri' filed with thr rounty clerk, u A Haitman. Jr.. It. Alexander and I .ion Cohen were the Incorporators. The company Is cnpltalistctl at $30 tin and was Incorporated tinil"r tru nnnif of the Commercial Association, u, Pendleton, Oregon. The shares nre ti. lie divided Into SOO11 shares at ?lu i-iifh to he sold to those wishing to t..lce stiH-K In the company. V cominittee has been appointed 101 several weeks to see what could he done toward raising money for the pew club litiildlns. hut this committee deemed it best to incorporate first This In ins done as soon as the lioli oas are over this, committee will be cm selling stock in the building It 1- estimated that it will take 2ii.-0ih t. build and equip the lililldltm as "upoed and the Incorporators, after a:eful consideration, concluded that II would t.e best to incorporate lor :!"iini" am: have $1U,IHM more thai: v. as needed to fall back upon in cas." el it being needed at any time in the inure. It Is not thought neeesmir) thai the full $30,000 Fhoilld lie sub scribed before the building can he erected After the necessary $20.00i fs subscribed the remainder can be mised at any time. The committee having the stock in harge will have litttle trouble in tnising the necessary amount and erection of the building is now almost assured. Everybody is nnxious for the club building. The town needs it ami the citizens are expected to be lilit rul 111 subscribing for stool; The shaves were put at Jin each so that those with limited menus could pur chase stock and not give this privi lege exclusively to those with large capital Each stockhnldei in the cor poration will have a voice In electing officers and transacting business for 'he association more ii. - tracts are surrendering to the pro cess of reclamation, hut there is need of more extensive operations. An Electric Flyer. An electric locomotive has Just been constructed which Js claimed will travel at the rate of from 100 to 125 ...1.... l,nnr Prnm til Is It WOllltl seem that there Is no limit to spued i.oslbllltles. nor is there any limit to the possibilities of Hosteller's Stom ach Hitters for curing stomach, liver and kidney complaints Us record of tires during the past 50 years proves this without a doubt, and also estab lishes Its superiority over all other remedies. When the system has be mine venk and run dow neither from sickness or neglect, you will find n lew doses of the Hitters very benefi cial It will give you new life and energv. restore the appetite, purify the blood and cure Ilatulency. head ache Indigestion and dvs'epsln Try it Carl V. Eshelman. managei or the Unlversltv of Washington football team for 1902. lias been suspended fiom that Institution for a period Jf one year by the faculty. Gifts for Gentlemen what to Xay soj GET THEM GOOD ClQARs SPECIAL BOXES vny HO LID A Y TRADE Stanford La Verdad La Integridad El Principe De Gales La Mia General Arthur PROSPEROUS ECHO. BAElK & DALEY One Pf ice Qlothiets Fssmish- mmmmmttA iSwi r WILLIAMSON MIXED. TUESDAY, DECEMBER. 23, 1903. GENERAL NEWS, The serious effect of the drouth in Australia Is shown by ths wool traf fic on the railroads of New South Wales for the current year, which is only 34C.00O bales, compared with 527.000 in 1901. After eight experiments conducted with the Greatest secrecy. Marconi announces that he has solved the problem of wireless trans-oceanic communication, and has successfully transmitted wireloBs messages from the shores of Canada to the coast of England. The American tour of Pletro Mas cagni and his Italian opera company has come to n sudden close with the cancellation of all dates. The culmi nation of M. Slascagnl's woes came at Chicago when an attachment was made on his personal effects by a con stable representing a local claim for $134. As a result of the financial difficulties, Mascagnt Is now suffering from nervous prostration. President Jacob G. Schurman, of Cornell University, In an address on the problems of the Philippines to a large audience of the People's Insti tute. Cooper Union, was heartily ap plauded when lie stated his belief that the United States must ultimately give the Philippines their Independ ence. A vote of the audience on the question of Indorsing President Schurman's views was given almost unanimously In their fnvor. Is Now Investigating Forest Reserve Question in Eastern Oregon. At the Gelser Grand hotel last night Mr. Williamson was asked about the forest reserve and he frankly said: "I don't know. About half you peo ple want the reserve and the other half do not. I am investigating the matter and will direct my efforts in congress to please the people. I am ! on my way now to Canyon City with ! this object In view." . Mr. Williamson's position on the forest reserve question Is somowhat I like the candidate for the position of ! teacher In a country school. A di rector asked the prospective peda- gogue "Is the world round or iiat? The young teacher replied: "I can teach It either way Just as the pat rons desire." Baker City Morning Democrat. PACIFIC NORTHWE8T NEWS. The colored soldiers of Fort Walla Walla will give a grand ball Christ mas night. The Pacific Lumber Company of Carrollton Is moving Its largo plant to Kalama. The bakery of Smith & Doud, of Lebanon, was totally destroyed by fire Monday afternoon. Attorneys for Bradshaw, the Pasco hrakeman found guilty of murdering Peter Nelson have made npllcation for a new trial. The farmers of Ladd Creek, In Union county, are extending the co operative 'phono lino to Hot Lake, a distance of 10 miles from La Grande. The La Grando Sugar Factory will be thoroughly overhauled and repair ed during the winter. Some new sheds and much new mnchlnorv will lie uddi.-ti, Fedoral authorities In the North west aro finding many forged Chinese residence papers. In the hands of lato arrivals from China. It Is openly de clared that some one Is getting rich selling bogus certificates of residence to the Chinese. Immigration bureaus. I Many Cattle Being Fed on Butter Creek, and Prospects Bright for Ir rigation. W T Heeves. of Echo, is in Pen dleton today on business Mr Reeves says the winter has been very mild in that section so far and the stockmen nre feeding and shipping great quantities of beef Over 2500 head of beef cattle are being fed In the Echo and Butter Creel; neighborhood The weather has been very fnvorable to the feed ers, as the slightly fro-zen ground tends to economy of feed. Moat of this beef is going to Port land markets, although some small shipments have been sent to the Sound. There Is a spirited rivalry between the buyers from the different markets, which keeps the prices up und the trade brisk. Mr. Reeves says the people of Echo and adjacent localities are highly en thusiastic over the prospects of Irri gation next year. Some of the most feasible irrigation schemes of that lo cality will be brought to the notice of the Columbia River Basin associa tion, in hopes of securing immediate action by the government or state. Thousands of acres of excellent land, only awaiting the magic touch n the irrigatlonlst, lie within the im mediate vicinity of Echo. Each year the farmers of that vi cinity build extensions to their sys tems of irrigation and sow more and All the National Bank Circulation in the United States could not purchase the assets of The Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New York. Tut clitvlillos of U Nulonal lUolu In the Unite,) butet, September jo, 1941 $323,900,000 JUmU nf TK MutuaJ Lift Int. Co. of New York, art fcrfir thin those of inyuthtr company In exittenee, $352,800,000 fib n rjioiiatlon this Conpany hu paid policy holder! over $559'I59' wkkk le more the any other compear In the wvrld hes ditbumtl. Write txljr for Where thai! I Injure?" The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York IUchaid A. McCvidy, Vreeident. SHERWOOD GILLESPY, Manager, Seattle. Wash. We hnve these celebrated high grade all sizes. c,8n, s IP "IP a "w v A tiv . 85 Main Street, NearPostoffb PERFECTION IN FLnSl leia.jae.l Is reached in BYERS' BEST. Better Hour cannot l 1 ne cream 01 tne wiieat crop enters in Bvm' lul - .....w.i .a iur ureaa and Fancy Bakinc PENDLETON ROLLER W. S. Byers, Proprietor. For POULTRY i and STOCK SUPPLIES CALL ON Ma And Farm Wealth. l Farmers so far as actual wealth is concerned are the capitalists of the United States. The census bureau report on the value of farm property of the country estimates that the 6, 733,057 farms of the United States aro worth $1G,C54,690,217. Of this amount $3,600,198,191, or 24.4 per cent represents the value of build ings, and $13,114,492,050, or 37.0 per cent, the value of land and Improve ments. Farm Implements and machin ery are worth $701,371,550 and live stock Is worth $3,078,050,041, making the total farming wealth over $20,-514.000.000. Every Form of Torturing Disfiguring Shin and Scalp - Humors Cured by (uilcura Hi-KBtir Cche TitiUTMEST. Itathe the attected jvuts thorctislily with Hirr Water anil CtmceitA Soap. Next apply Concern Ointment, tbKrtut akin cure.and lajtly take a full llOSO Of CUTICL'KA ltESOI.VE.ST. TtU treatment win afford instant, relief permit rest ami aleep.aml point to a speedy, perma nent, and economical euro when all else fjttld. Sold ererjhere. Prtfe.Tna Skt. Il.tti or. CoTlceu guep.Mc i Oiamejer..! HawLreirdialt iIm).jo. rurriR Data atD rtiau. roe erope.. liualea. "--How to Cure EcietuOH-iiece took,'. Xmas Books The newest sensation, "Confessions of. a Wife," "The Conquest," the latest book of Oregon by Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, "The Bridge of the Gods," illus trated, "Wanted, a Matchmaker," and "Wanted, a Chaperone" by Paul Lester Ford, illustrated by Christy, and all the new fiction. BOOKS IN SETS We have sets of Dickens, Scott, Shakespeare, Du mas, Smollett, Riley, Hugo, Thackery and many others, CALENDARS Fancy Calendars in Christy's subjects, the View Calendars, and a big line of other fancy styles. Come in and look around before you decide on Xmas gifts. FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE OPEN EVENINGS CHOP MILL 127 and 12 Krwl Alta Htn-et AGREEMENT Pendleton, Or.. Dec. i, 190a This is to certify that we, the undersigned, have agreed between ourselves to establish uniform prices for the care and board of horses by the month. One horse to hay by the month $12.50. One horse to hay and grain per month $14. Commencing Dec. 1, 1902. Chrestmas That command the a; Christmas buyers ateshouJ ing Hundreds of rollsot an infinite variety of piti inc nest manuiaeturers. 1 1 . . anu coionngs in lie tajl styles. Body Brussels tinl wreath and other durEtfl patterns dow, bright colon lou can buy any ot these carpets lor the neittwow nearly cost. It will pay you to look at these goods and gttpti you need carpets for another year, it will pay you to buy ot. rr 1 1-1 . l unoeriaKuig a specially JESSE FAILING Colesworthy fpfee Mai, De,ivei Js now in operation iu Pendleton. Prepcj to have your mail Delivered properly. J have House Numbers, large ana aisuii Door Plates with vour name plainly ener ed thereon Mail slot for doors. Mail deiiverl ed inside your homes through theieeloU. Arrange to shut out the cold. Iron Msilboies with locks. ' Mail perfectly safe. Neat antf very convienient. SEE 0DR WINDOW DISPLAY W XMAS SUGGESTIONS G. M.JFroome M. J. Carney S. F. Hays W. Llndsey. I T. C. TAYLOR THE 1 I. MB Babbit Metal E. 0. 0ffi4 1 Price $1.00 per bar ai the The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAB IN CONNECTION m CENTER OF BLOCK BET. ALTA & WEBB BT8 F.X. SCHEMPP.Prop. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FREE By buying baking jiowder of ua youc" fZottj. for Christmas presents without expending u BEAUTIFUL BOOKS rtlvoii win. oi u.,1,1..., vii-Hr. The lb' 'nlu't' books, historical works, children's boo ? ott' We nlso give large, attractive and useim p with baking powder. . , . . ,,1(lt in. Knh ftlininh .wl mlalnu for the We, JUSl " and Bakefl Martin's Family Grocery For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Murphy & Langever, Proprs nil