East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 23, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 10

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Christmas Slippers
Christmas Shoes
Our Stock is still large but Drenkiug fust. We
recommend that you come as early ns possible
and thus avoid the last day Jnm. : : : : :
Warm House Slipper for Ladies and Misses in Red,
Black, Green and Drab. For
These are especially suited for GIFTS and are
made of Heavy Pliable Felt and are, Beatlfully
Trimmed. ::::::::::::::
Dincttnger, Wilson & Co.,
The Only Exclusive Shoe House in Pendleton,
E. J. Couper, of "Elgn, is in town.
C. E. Nelson is in town from Wes
ton. Q. W. Proebstel is in town from
J. M. Hemphll lis in town from Pi
lot Rock.
L. H. Shlpp is In town from Stew
art Creek. (
A. C. Henderson Is In town from
Pilot Rock.
Elt Spike is at Hotel Pendleton
from Echo.
William Alspach and J. J. Whalen
aro in town from Helix.
Miss Morrison, of Adams, is visit
ing friends in Pendleton.
George A. Young, of Adams, is a
guest of Hotel St. George.
J. B. Saylor and R. B. Stanfleld aro
in town from Butter Creek.
W. C. Ilider and wife, of Elgin, are
visiting friends in Pendleton.
Misses Clarke and Campbell, of
Weston, are guests of Hotel Pendle
Mrs. M. L. Taylor and Mrs. E. Best,
of Huntington, are in town visiting
Anson Woods and wife, of Weston,
vrero guests of the Golden Rule hotel
last night.
Jack Semppi, a Russian, 'has ap
plied to tho county clerk for citizen
ship papers.
C. B. Wade, a prominent citizen of
Pendleton, is at tho Imperial. Ore
gon Dally Journal.
R. M. Akers and A. P. Young, prom
inent citizens of lone, are in town
transacting business.
James Lleuallen and daughter aro
In town today from Adams, doing
their holiday shopping.
Georgo W. Proebstel and daughter
Grace, aro In town on their way to
Portland to spend tho holidays with
A marriage license was Issued to
day by County Clerk Chamberlain to
Rich Cttt Glass
Rae Select Pieces
Sparkles like Dia monds.
Most beautiful stock ever
shown in Pendleton. See
display in out window.
Real Estate Opportunities i
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, $2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, 26500
173 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton $1500
Good house on West Alta street.. . . , $1 100
320 acres on the river, Rood house and barn, 25
acres alrlafa, balance wheat land 4000
p room house on West Altn street $750
Two five-room cottages on West Webb St., each J! 800
Dutch Henry Feed Yard
Good proporty in olty and country too numerous to 'mention, any
location that ono may doBlro,
Gentlemen, black and tan g
Roy P. Thorp and Lieuella Meyers,
both of this county.
Colonel William Parsons and fami
ly have sold their Interests here and
left for Manila, where they will make
their future home.
Roy Conklin, assistant principal of
the Pendleton public schools, will
leave this evening for Union where ho
will spend tho holidays.
Miss Miriam Strong, ono of tho
teachers of tho Pendleton public
schools, left this morning for Port
land to spend tho holidays with rela
tives. James Peters, who is keeping time
for the O. R. & N. company at Cas
cade Locks, Is in town to spend tho
holidays. Ho says the snow has caus
ed work to cease on the line In tho
vicinity of tho locks until after the
flrst of the year.
Flakes of Dandruff on the Collar and
Shoulders of a Gentleman In Full
This Is the thing you quite frequent
ly see In the ballroom a man's black
dress coat literally covered with dan
druff. It must bo annoying to the wearer,
and certainly not a pleasant thing to
serve. But dandruff can bo eradicat
ed. It Is a germ disease that will
some day cause baldness.
Newbro's Herpiclde kills tho hair
destroying germ, and stimulates the
hair to a rich, abundant growth; It
does more keeps the hair soft and
Furthermore, Herplcldo is a most
pleasant toilet accessory; pleasing of
odor, and cooling to tho scalp. Sold
by F. W. Schmidt & Co. Send 10c
In stamps for sample to Tho Herpi
clde Co., Detroit, Mich.
Public Ball.
The Jolly Club will give a public
ball at Music Hall tomorrow night.
Klrkman's orchestra will furnish the
music and a good crowd Is assured.
Closed for Holidays.
The Pendleton public schools, acad
emy and Sisters' school all closed
their doors this afternoon for the hol
idays. They wll lremain closed until
thn first Mnnrlnv nftnr Now Vonra
j A great many of the teachers ami
i students will go away to spend tho
holidays, especially those whose
relatives aro elsewhere.
To Members of Daphne Circle.
On account of the quarantine plac
Pfl nn mv linmn momliora rt Tm nnnli
no Clrclo aro asked to pay their De
cember assessment to Mrs. W. A.
Mumford, EOS Clay street, one block
iiuove my residence, ana receive re-
Grand Ball 1 ! I
Grand Hall I ! 1
Christmas Evo 1 ! I
Wednesday night 1 ! I
Jolly Club I ! I
Klrkman's orchestra ! I !
Music Hall 11!
Everybody como 111
Signs Of Christmas
in Store Windows
The fast approach of tho holidays
Is easily foretold in tho storo win
dows of Pendleton. Not all of tho
windows have yet been dressed, but
thoso finished arc very beautiful at d
o,.noiivo nf thn enietv of the holi
days and the buying of presents to,
gladden tho hearts of friends.
Alexander Department btore.
The windows of the Aloxnndor De
partment Store present 11 very hand
sonio appearance. One-half of the
big double window In front Is decor
ated In red". There Is no other color
in this half. Red silks and fabrics of
tho very richest texture are displayed.
In tho background and behind a
sqreen is seen a handsome woman
looking through n window. Tho
other half of tho window Is suggestive
of winter. In ouo corner stands a
massive snow man with a silk hat
on and pipe In his mouth. In the
other corner stands a boy with a
snow ball drawn back to throw at
tho snow man.
The Boston 8tore.
The big Boston Store's windows
aro roally representative of old Santa
Clans' coming. In one window Is seen
a llreplace, grato and ashes. Thero
Is also a loof with a chimney tow
ering above, and a largo masque with
flowing white whiskers representing
Santa Claus just going out of sight
down the chimney. Hanging over the
Hro placo arc stockings representing
tho members of a family. On these
stockings are tho names: Grandpa,
grandma, Carrie, Ruth and Mamie. In
another window of the same store is
a largo black kettle hanging to a
chain fastened to a tripod. In this
kettle aro scraps of cardboard with
figures on them and a card hangs at
the top with the words: "Boiling
down prices."
The St. Joe Store.
Only one window of the St. Joo
Storo is decorated suggestive of the
holidays. This is trimmed In white
handkerchiefs. A windmill with the
wings made of handkerchiefs is in the
center, while dolls, toilet articles and
various articles of beauty are dis
played In profusion.
The Teutsch Department Store.
Perhaps none of the windows have
more of a semblance of winter than
those of the Lee Teutsch store. One
window has a miniature hill made of
cotton representing snow on the
ground and miriads of small sleds
with little folks on them are sliding
down this hill. Many of tho sleds aro
turned over -at tho bottom of the hill
and tho coasters aro dumped Into
the snow, giving tho scene a very
realistic appearance to tho small boys
and girls. In another window Is a
small snow-covered house, with the
head of a doll dressed to represent
Santa Claus, looking out of tho chim
ney. The ground Is also covered with
cotton hatting and an elephant is
harnessed to a sleigh loaded with
candy and nuts. On the sleigh is tho
-namo "hee Teutsch," while on the
elephant are tho words: "Christmas
in Africa." The corner window has
a small Christmas tree decorated
with various articles of beauty and
the words "Merry Christmas" writ
ten with a red cord In the front.
Tallman & Co. Drug Store.
Tallman & Co., tho druggists, have
a very unique window. A house is
built of tallow candles. This house
contains 620 of these candles and has
n window facing tho street, with a
door In the end. A beautiful doll Is
looking out at tho window and an
other Is standing in the door. Just
to tho right of tho door lies a largo
dog, and at tho corner of the house
is a pony with a saddlo apparently
ready for tho littlo girl to mount and
ride away.
Taylor's Hardware Store.
The representation of tho coming
of Santa Claus looks moro like the
teal thing In Taylor's hardware store
window than any placo in town. A
house Is built in tho window. Tho
roof Is covered with snow. A masque
with long flowing whito whiskers is
arranged so that It comes up over
tho top of the chimney every fow sec
onds, hesitates at tho top a moment
and then drops back out of sight.
This Is repeated all day long and at
tracts much attention from passers
by. Tho window Is filled with vari
ous articles kept In tho store for sale.
Tho words: "Merry Christmas to all"
arc in tho background.
windlnger, Wilson & Co.
Dindinger, Wilson & Co.'s shoo
storo windows are decorated with
holly and shoes. While there Is no
very elaborate efforts ,to decorato
these windows to any great extent
thoy aro very neat and attractive.
Nolf's Toy Store.
Tho windows In Nolf's tov store nrn
plied full of toys and fancy articles
iur uig, nine, old and young for the
holidays. Perhaps there I s r.nt n win
dow In town mat attracts tho atten
tion of tho littlo folks as much as
won s.
Koeppen'a Drun Store.
Tho Koeppen drug storo windows
aro very attractive Ono hnn tnut
articles galoro of tho very daintiest
finn nest, while tho other Is filled with
Domes or porrumo.
The Owl Tea House.
Tho windows of the Owl Ten Jlnuao
aro decorated mostly with faniv
uiuo-uury una lamps, in tho evening
the lamps aro lit and glvo a very pret
ty oneci 10 tno display.
, Rhorman's Grocery Sotre.
One window of Rhorman' a ernenrv
fctoro is decorated with a small Christ
mas trco Jadon with strJngo of pop
corn. Tho window nrnunil thn
Is filled with candles and nuts.
Frazier's Book Store.
TllO Window Of tho Prazior linnlr
storo is filled with toys, dolls and
small articles to gladden Iho hearts
of tho children.
Pendleton Merchants plan
to Please the Eyes of the
Purchasers with Tasty
Window Displays
1... nrtlrles.
windows are imea w m. "VticTes
cameras, purses and other lclc
Kent In the storo for sale wh eta 1 nro
Slated to make handsome holiday
nr & Daley, Merchants.
The windows In Hacr & Unloy'"
fclou- are docorateti wiiu v..u
Uclos of clothing. They aro trlnv
ned wUh small slips of holly to give
them holiday appearance.
The Delta.
Tho Delta candy store windows are,
as usual, very tastily arranged to
tempt tho passerby. Candles In pro
fusion nro in tho window.
Hunzlker's Jewelry Store.
Something handsome In tho lino of
jewelry can bo seen in Hunzlkors
window. Watches, cutlery, rings, fan
cy glassware and other articles or
beauty and worth aro displayed,
Martln'e Grocery Store.
Tho 1iinni.1v windows In Martin's
grocery storo are very heautltully
decorated with the various articles
kept In tho storo for sale, such ns
fruits, vegetables, etc.
The Standard Grocery.
The standard Grocery storo win
dows have not tnken on any great air
suggestive of tho holidays, but thoy
aro always filled with samples of tho
best on tho market In tho grocery,
fruit and vegetable line.
Basler's Furniture Store.
The large windows In Joe Basler's
furniture store arc filled with things
of beauty and utility. Ono window
has the finest display of sea shells to
bo found in town while In another Is
moving toys of various kinds.
Rader's Furniture Store.
M. A. Ilader, the furniture man,
lias mado no special display of holi
day goods. In 0110 window nro some
toys for the young folks while In the
others aro articles intended for use
about tho house which, as a substan
tial holiday gift, would gladden the
hearts of any. But the entire Inside or
the establishment is in holiday at
tire. Baker & Folsom's Furniture 8tore.
Baker & Kolsom's windows nro not
decorated with anything other than
the fine display of furniture to be
found In this establishment. Rockers
and fancy pieces of furniture of var
ious kinds aro to be seen,
Falling's Furniture 8tore.
Jesso Falling has a beautiful dis
play of framed pictures in his furni
ture store windows. In addition to
the pictures nre articles of furniture
lor the home.
G. R. O'Danlel.
The windows of G. R. O'Danlel's
furniture and second-hand storo are
decorated with art pottery of a very
beautiful design.
Murphy, the Painter.
E. J. Murphy's windowB are decor
ated with framed pictures representa
tive of the work done In tho shop.
Fechter's Candy Store.
Tho windows of W. D. Fechter's
candy store aro decorated with sweets
of various kinds. It would indeed, be
a sour tooth that would not bo tempt
ea oy a gianco at them.
The Fair Store.
Tho Fair Storo windows aro not
elaborately decorated for tho holidays
but are filled with clothing and dry
Eben, the Ladles' Furnisher.
Ed Ebon's storo windows nro filled
with fancy dress goods and holly.
Thompson Hardware Co.
The Thompson Hardware Co. storo
window is filled with cutlery of varl
ous kinds, including carving sots, etc,
Take Lax.itivo Ilrcmo Quinine Tablet. All
uriiKviria remnu me money ii it tails to euro
t , wruvv - Hpii'Kure ir on eneii it. :ic
j Fancy doll's shoes
t Babies' fancy shoes '
25o to 50c
i Child's shoes, black or col'd
OOo to $1.25
Children's felt slippers
85c to $1.15
2 Rubber boots, girls-boys S
$1.25 to S1.75
Children's jersey leggins,
75o to OOo
J Ladies' fancy kid slippers t
$1 nn dio en V
T Ladies' fancy velvet slippers
uuee colors
t Ladies' felt slippers, red, I
Dlack, green
$1.00 to $1.5
1 Ladies' warm house slippers
Yfjo to $1.00
Men's slippers
$1.00 to $2.00
ad Sets
Dinner Sets
Toilet Sets
Owl Tea Horn
Our store was crowded on.Saturday last from early 1
until closing time. Our great variety of appropriate ud t
ular priced holiday goods was the attraction. It kept ill)
force on the ninip handing out to the people who I
store, these nice new goods. Our variety is treat mil
prices right, hence this great rush. We still have a nice aj
sortmcnt of Dressing Sacques, Fascinators, Dress SHrM
coats. Neckwear. Underwear. Waists. Furnishing! of t!l M
tho Prettiest Line of Handkerchiefs in the city, hMei J
with small articles we can't enumerate here. One of tit I
novelties is the Monte Uarlo Bead Chain, The Chicagonji
says ivury woman who makes any 'pretense of dressing
wears a lone head chain oi some sort, we nave uo"
and wood Como and look our line over before bnjiif.
nav von. -I
Remember: The largest stock of goqds In the city to w-fegj
Presents givon to ovory purchaser Wednesday, Peel
What could be more acceptable lor iiuj
than a
Bisse! "Cyco"
Bearing Sweeper?
it'i the WrtJ
The reacun we say ''.BiMioir' becuuse v
think us partial ask your friends wlioWje
and would never lie without one. 1 dlfferti
,.,..-,. !,.. llw. i.,r..ri..r .rroHpK. 11 111! WD
no noise, nerfeot ease and comfort h mil
wo nave tor me uunsimu """1 ' ;n,aittW'z
Hwfoporn, lunched m natural, K""'"'' ;j Volid b"
nLoIonou'Y".. ,11
No7o ourlcer.'' IMg
Ituplds WfiO; nickel trimmed, (3.60, ;i
"Ideal,'' !t.76.
Basler's Big Bargain
For Xmas Presenl
R A V -
Affords many tergal
Dollar. You'll
17 a hifS
j-jconomy " ; - -
D a n E i
Buy now while stook 1b couplet' A
you. . j
Hata and We
Brock-& McComas Drug Store.
drug atora