VfC a. I If B Make Em Happy Grandma, grandpa, mamma, papa, sisters, S brother, daughter, son, the baby, aunt, uncle, cousin g or dear friend, will enjoy something that will add to g the comforts of life. That something is easy to de- g cide on. Get them a Pair of Slippers Or Perfect Fitting Shoes ALL WERE F NED m m H 9 We make it our special aim to supply Child- 3 ren's Slippers and Shoes, and have a select line for you to make choice from. The celebrated Aiireci uoige jxomeos ana juii ets are handled by us. T G W Tapp passed through town Thursdnv evening on his way from his homo at Hot Lake to Port land. Charles Cahoon has returned from Hot I-nke where he spent n icw RESULTS OF THE DRUNKEN weeks rlddlnp himself of nn attack of BRAWL AND GUN PLAY, rheumatism. via. Rniiitt Hnnnor who has been Williams is Fined $20 and Cost visiting with relatives hero for the nerlv Will Also be Arraigned. R of j The participants in the drunken GvlDn oftns ctv, returned Thurs- hmwl nml cun ular in the bnsemeni , trn-in,i nmi nftnr nnpinllnc hall, beneath the W. & C- IL ticket 01 h- ()av htr(? ,eft ,a8l evenng for his fice yesterday afternoon were Mnome jn Rolse. Judge Fit Gerald this morning. . rni,ierheud general passenger After the fray vesterday afternoon , " Lamenieuti gentrui iaBib. , -!Lk i-iiimmi nronrietor of the and freight ncent for the W. & C. R. m i, ! L? lew a cun Tnd Present I railway, and G. W. Snell, a prominent creating thv disturbance, went before , nigm. District" ttornev Hailey and had com-: Roy Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. plaint filed aga'inst Williams for as-lit. Alexander, returned this morning sault with a dangerous weapon. This from Portland, where he has been at forenoon Williams was taken before j tending the Hill Military Academy. Judge Fitx Gerald for trial. District He will spend the holidays with his Attorney Hailey prosecuted the case I parents and then return to college. and S. A. Newberry defended Wil-, I(ams ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. The first witness called wns D. V.i Goodlm. one of the men on whom Wil- Joseph Allen In Jail at Walla Walla Hams was accused of drawing the (0r the Crime, pirn and who was helping to create! Joscph Ai,cn ,ormcriy of Walla the disturbance. His testimony, it : WnlIa COUnty, but now a resident of . l. lnnlnr an till .... seems, was uvi su iUUi.Ut..ub " Harrison. Idaho, s In Jail In walla statement to the district attorney the day before. His memory seemed to be bad and he had forgotten that he tni.i the district attorney that Wil- Walla charged with forgery. Allen is quite well known here. He spent several weeks here recently. He claimed to be n timber cruiser. Diactinge, Wilson & Co., GOOD SHOES CHEAP The Only Exclusive Shoe House in Pendleton I il - FRIDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1902. ANOTHER CIRCLE. Women of Woodcraft Institute Circle No. 527, and Elect Officers. Thursday afternoon, at Hendricks i hall, Special Organizer Ella M. Por-j ter, on behalf of the Grand Circle, "Women of Woodcraft, instituted Pen-1 dleton Circle No. 527. The following officers wil preside over the destinies of the new circle for the ensuing term: Past, guardian, Lila Krause; guard ian neighbor, Minnie Stillman; advis er, Mary Johnson; magician, Minnie Renn; attendant, Augusta Kimball; . clerk. Elva Fletcher; banker, Kittle, Ferguson; captain of guards, Lee Drake; inner sentinel. Martha Hays; , outer sentinel, J. E. Krause; music-' ian, Mrs. Mary Krebs; managers, A. D. Stillman, Louisa Lent, Ada C.i Boss. The new circle starts out with an i enthusiastic determination to win one ' of the big prizes in the sixth adver sary campaign. j this morning he deemed that as they had already served one day and their offenses were nothing more than plain drunks and disorderly that two addi tional days was enough. One other case, that of John Scoor. for peddling without a license, came up for hearing. He was fined $2 and compelled to take out a license. liams had drawn a gun. He swore i . iocatlng men on timber lands litively that he did not see a gun. Jn Eastern 0regon, The Btory of his but Williams put his hand In his j trmlbIe In WaUa Wala lg ns follows' pocket and he ran. He also swore He wrQte two checks on bani.s of under cross questions by the defense Waa Waa ono i0T $5 and tne other that he had dared Williams to draw fof ?22.60. They were cashed by local his gun a few minutes before, but saloon nicn mlt wncn presented it when he thought he was going to do i wag fmmd that no moncj. was ln tne it the evidence showed that he was bank t0 Ailen.g credlt. He is also ae. uot so brave and made tracks for tne clIseU o wrltlnt; a check or a man outside. n Waitsburc for $46. which was not D. B. Waffle was the next witness. nonore(j He saw the gun in Williams' hand,; "THE MILITARY GIRL." 6o Successful at Walla Walla That it Was Given Twice. Walla Walla, Dec. 19. The event of the week In social circles was the presentation of "The Military Girl,: an operatic extravaganza, presented ! prettily and successfully by the ladles of St- Paul's school. The first en gagement was Wednesday evening, and so successful was it that a repe tition was demanded, and last night the show was repeated with most hearty Indorsement. IN POLICE COURT. TO RECOVER DAMAGES. Columbia Valley Irrigation Company Sued for S50O0 bailed to Furnish Water. Elvira Teel has filed suit against the Columbia Valley Irrigation Com pany, a corporation, to recover $5000 damages. I The complaint alleges that in 1S91 defendant agreed for a certain consld-1 oration to deliver perpetually and con-, tinuousiy two Inches of water to ; plaintiff through a pipe from the com pany's ditch, above what is known as the drop in its canal. It further agreed to furnish 144 Inches of water1 for Irrigation purposes each year dur ing the time between March 1 and June 15. j She says that the company failed ad neglected to do this during the years 1897, 189S, 1899 and 1900. For falling to furnish water through the pipe plaintiff alleges that she was damaged in the sum of $1000 and for the failure to deliver the 144 inches of water for Irrigation purposes each year she' was damaged In the sum of $4000. Therefore, she prays for a Judgment against the Columbia Valley Irrigation Company in the to tal of $5000. The company has a ditch or canal near Echo, which It has had in use for several years, and through which it agreed to furnish water for irrigation purposes to several people in the neighborhood. The ditch passes near Mrs. Teel's place and she purchased water for irrigation and domestic pur poses. Carter & Raley are attorneys for plaintiff. but did not see him point it at any one. The next witness was a man named Borsch. He saw the whole af fair and testified that the crowd of drunks were using profane language to Williams and had dared him to shoot. One of them called him to the door and after a minutes' heated con versation Williams backed off. pulled a revolver from his hip pocket, pre- New Helper Engine. Engine No. 3, belonging to the Co lumbia Southern railway, passed through Pendleton yesterday even ing on an east-bound freight. This Is a monster locomotive weighing about 95 tons. It is larger and more pow erful than the present freight engines i of the O. R. & N., and will be used OUR DOLL Dtt Last Saturday was a great success'n Xmas. "une off., S a. ..I ... the hearts of many children this Xm . I" to do still better next Saturday. and learn how Sntnrrlov 1 Inn OH ,it. - ..v,. u a 0Uar , more of crockery or glassware wo will "i novelty worth 50c PUigW They consist of card trays, suga f bons, jellit-8, etc., and are lacquered on ti,.?llB"- not tarnish in the open air. 1 FURTHER With a BO. , glassware we will present a gold-plated pirw iN worm zoc. ooui presents will make tT? themselves, and cost you absolutely nothing Uome early, as our supply is limited. Young man, if you want to touch a woman's heart, buy her a piece of china. Buy your wife ner set you pros NOW Josh Billings said, "Court the girl's mother half the time. The girl won't object and the moth er likes it." Josh was right. Buy the old lady a dainty piece of china and the old lady will do the rest. When you stay night, come to us tic ( thing in the mora:s lect a nice present m will square you mti , better seven-eighth, vj tiling pleases a t better than nicechiu sented il toward th men. but his "per on Tiiocaset hill, east of La hand was caucht.- The drunken men'uranae- then left the place. , Tlio rfofonso n-ns thai Williams call- Deaf and Dumb. ed for the police several times and . O. H. Fay, a deaf and dumb hoy, asked them to clear his house of the I is in Pendleton on his way to Port rowdies. This they failed to do and land. The boy is 19 years of age and Williams went home, secured a- re-! says that he has been in Montana volver. put it In his pocket and after I and is going to Portland to join his returning to his place was only pro-, reiauves. He nas means witn which tecting his own property in his own to pay his way and is not tramping it. place of business. The court held j that under the statute he had the1 A Painful Finger, right to do this, and Williams was, James Bradsley Is suffering with discharged on this complaint. ' some unaccountable effection of the During the progress of the com- forefinger of the right hand. Several plaint District Attorney Hailey niartyjdays ago the finger began to swell out complaint against Williams for and since has continued to grow larg carrying concealed weapons, and heer. It is very painful and no cause was arraigned without leaving the has been assigned for the trouble court room. His attorney entered a plea of not guilty to this charge, but Indians Sick, after a few minutes conversation with i n.h T A, . ,, , v-i it.. -i j ... i f' The acting Indian physician renort?. uia t-iicui timufccu 1UB pica iu mui ui mnsi,!,,-!. B.r..noao ,u , , . -v. u.,ivu UUIUUf, UUiU ' tillflS. PCoriP nf It hnar.ror (e nt a ' Owl Tea How Cheapest Place in Oregon guilty as charged. Attorney Newberry asked that his client be discharged giving the plea that he was guilty but under the cir cumstances had a right to have the revolver in his pocket. Prosecuting Attorney Hailey pre-1 sented his side of the case stating very serious nature, but mostly ma Iaria or some similar unimportant malady. Three Indians Get Two Days Each j Peddler Fined $2. ' ELK DRIVEN WITH CATTLE. Three Umatilla braves were sen tenced to two days each in the city Jail by Police Judge Fitz Gerald yes terday. These men were arrested Wednesday night and remained in Jail all day Thursday as no court could be held on this day because of the city election making it a legal hol iday. When taken beforo tho judge I Eighteen of These Stately Animals ' Going .From Oregon to Nevada. I A unlnue sleht will be witnessed here in a few days. Two great droves of cattle, amounting to some 1200 head, will arrive at Winnemucca from Miller & Lux's ranches at Al vord. Or., says a correspondent of tha paper. What will be more interesting will be IS cattle with horns that double dis count those of Texas steers. In other words, the droves will in clude 18 head of elk. There was that f" T" number when they started, but some xvcLre o elect irieccs are llable to be loat on tne road un- I less the vaqueros' ponies are swift, 1 Indeed. ! These broad-horned monarchs of the mountains are from the John De vine Alvord ranch, which has been leased by Miller & Lux. They will be taken to that firm's private park. near uuroy, Nev. Rick Cut Glass To Become Citizens. Three subjects of the kintr of Den- that Williams had admitted his guilt i mark' Lon Poulson. Nelsine C. An and that there was no excuse of his j derson and Leslie Mark, applied to having a revolver on his person. 1 the county clerk this forenoon for Judge Fitz Gerald assessed a fine of naturalization papers. $20 and costs on Williams, amounting in all to $25.35. The fine was paid. Special Council Meeting. Goodlln, one of the men causing the The city council will meet at the disturbance, was then arraigned in po- city hall this evening at 5 o'clock to lice court for raising a disturbance, canvass the tickets cast at the special and after pleading guilty was fined election for sewerage, yesterday. $15 for the part he took In the affair, j Mayor Hailey then announced to the' Ethel On Edith's birthday I'm go police that he wanted them to arrest ing to send her three copies of 'Crick Ragan and WTilllam Connerly, the j et on the Hearth." Bertha Why other two participants in the disturb-1 three? Ethel She's sentjne the book ance. and have them arraigned on the for four Christmasses now, and it's same charge of disorderly conduct high time to put a stop to It! Puck. ST. JOE STORE, Holiday Goods For All Our shelves, Tables and counters are loaded with sett desirable goods for the holiday season The largest ran we have ever shown. We have a lovely line of handkercfc muiilers, Mexican drawn work, belts, neckwear, gloves, no albums, toilet sets, manicure sets, shaving sets, chatu jewelry, wool scarfs, fascinators, sweaters, furs. Also I loaded with presents suitable for children in fact, cut it! ment you will find the greatest and our prices the Iot. have marked prices down in order to make December lit ht ner month this year, 1902 Come and see us and save money. THE LYONS MERCANTILE Remember: The Urgent stock of goods in the city to te!lf HOLIDAY GIFT! USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTii PEP.SONAL MENTION. Sparkles like Dia monds. Most feeautiftil stock ever shown in Pendleton. See display in otr window. TALLMAN & C2 . THE DRUGGISTS Stock Doing Well, Cattle and sheepmen say their stock Ip doing better since the snow fall than before. Since the ernnnri hns been covered the animals feed bettor on hay than they did during the rain storm, and aro apparently thriving. Most of the stockmen are well pro vided with hay and can feed for three months. Times Mountaineer. I Real Estate Opportunities H 120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, 600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water. . . : ! l n ii. j -", iu nines wuin .reiiuieiun 51500 Good house on West Aha street Jinoo 320 acres on the river, good house and barn, 25 acres alrlafa, balance wheat land 5 room house on West Alt street Two five room cottages on West Webb St., each Dutch nenry reed Yard Good property in city and country too nnmorons to'nVention, any location that one may desire, W. F. EARN HART, AHHUUJATIOK BLOCK $2500 $6500 Jooo $ 750 $ 800 I Lon Knox Is In town from Pilot Rock. Nick Taitingor is in town from Athena. George Skelton Is in town from Pi lot Rock. Rov. R. w'. King has returned' from La Grande. L. H. Lunderbtirgor. of La Grande, is at the Golden Rule. W. C. Smith, a business man of I Walla Walla. Is in town. I H. F. Johnson is in town from Fair- view farm, north of town. Ira Henderson and G. W. Johnson, of Weston, are in the city. Rev. Andreas Hard left this morn ing for his home in Walla Walla. Herbert Boylan. a cattleman of the Pilot Rock country. Is In town. William Holdman and L. M. Wat rus aie in Pendleton from Adams. Postmaster Lot Llvermore and son Robert, have returned from Heppner. O. G. Chamberlain, Justice of the peace for Athena, Is in town transact ing business. John Mumin and Mr. Struve, farm ers, aro In town from their homes in the Cold Springs country. Colonel August Arp, of Adams, left Thursday evening for his homo, after spending the day in Pendleton. Mrs. M. F. Kelly returned Tuesday evening from Walla Walla where she visited friends for a few days. Thomas Maloy, wife and baby have returned from Portland, where they spent several days visiting. A. Vinson, marble and granite deal- er of Walla Walla. Is a guest of M, F. nciiy. 01 1 ne women ituie notei. M. F. Kelly and H. B. Mltchum left this morning for the John Day to loot. after things on their homesteads. George Bannister, a nromlnont farmer living near Athena. Is trans acting business In town today CHRISTMAS SHOES Fancy doll's shoes 15c Babies fancy shoes 25c to 50c Child's shous, black or col'd 50a to $1.25 Child ren's felt slippers 85c to $1,15 Rubber boots, girls boys $1.25 to $1.75 Children's jersey, leggins, red-black 75o to 90o Ladies' fancy kid slippers $1.50 to $3.50 Ladii's' fancy velvet slippers three colors N$1.50 Ladies' felt slippeis, red, black, green $1.00 to $1.25 Ladies' warm house slippers 75o to $1.00 Men's slippers $1.00 to $2.00 PEOPLES WAREHOUSE BOOKCASES AND SIDEBOARDS-10 per cat&a""0' I cash purchases made before Christmas, j LAMPS Hanging Lamps. Stand Lamps, iA lB' " 'j (jlobes, Largest line in Pendleton. TJDTJTTTHTfl TVPPVO T7 I a: rlonllxmM, GLASSWARE Very fancy Water Sets, Wineftft TtF.ATTTTPnT. httptt. wmrPT.T'rK'ci Cnme Rare Speats!"i STEINS Very ornamental, Large and Small, R' H uerman Steins. COMPLETE LINE OF MONEY SAVING PRICES PBEVAH RficlPf'c Rio- Raroraifl H( Buy Home Cofflfoi For Xmas Presents R A D E R Affords many bargains for A Dollar. You'll exercise gooP jLu conomy - if yo toy bef R A D E R ' , We'll ioim Bay bow while stock is cooplete. " you. Mate amd Wet Streets. 4 iiiiiimiiiii mX