East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 18, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    " iiHinntnNPR imiui k vjr, jgmm. -s
' rrnremn J npns' LEf.TURE.
LUULIIl. ' "
$n.0O. $0 00 tin J $7.50-
$4 00 and $'.50
$1 00 to $2.50
$2.25 and $2.50
Slippers (()c to $1.50. Shoes
$2 110 to $.50
The "Angora" Brand all
sizes and late styles two
for 25c. The well known
"E&W,"a complete as
sortment, 25c each.
Good Madras Shirts all sizes
and different Patterns to
select from. (5c, 75c,
85c and $1.00. Extra
Quality Madras Shirts two
Collars mil one pair Cutis
to match, 75c 85; and
$1 00.
Initial 25c and 50c. Linen
25- to (H)c. White Silk
25e to $1.00. Fancy Silk
25c to $100. Mufflers fiOc
to $2 50
50c, 75c and $1.00
Laundered very Fine Quality
$1.25 and $150. Full
Dress $2.00.
New Patterns at popular
prices. Large assortment
of Tecks, 25c, 50c to
$1.25. Shield Bows 25c
Shield Tecks 25c and 50c
Four-in-hand all the new
widths 25c to $1.25.
We have just received a new
Line of Hats, especially
for the Holiday trade.
The new shapes and colors.
See them. $2.50 and
wlilcli i
to liis I
and to the
flic people in
'ess a,4 Hattes
He Pleased the Audience by His Easy
Manner, Clear Logic wJ Undenia
ble Conclusions Will Be Welcom
ed Warmly In Future.
Tlu lecture of Kimone V. Debs, on
Modern Problems," was sreeted
with a eiowded house at the Frnzcv
last nlRht Although the coming of
Mr Delis to this city, hnd not been
na thormmhlv advertised ns It might
have been, the large crowd
erected him was n testimony
reputation as a lecturer
deep interest taken uy
the subjects discussed.
Mr. Debs began his lecture bj say
ing that man has conquered every
thing In nature, but himself, and for
an hour nnd n half, clearly and lucid
lv pointed out the errors of the capi
talist system, as seen by socialism,
and gave the remedy for Its evils )io
pused by the socialist Idea.
The conclusions drawn by Mr. Delis
appealed forcibly to his audience. Ills
easy, graceful system ot icasonlug,
his ready and complete mastery of
his !uu?ct the telling and log'cal
roluts ho makeb without a seeming
effort, place him at the head of the
list of lecturers before the American
public today.
The vlvhl manner In which he
tiaces tho ovolutlon of society,
through Us many periods of develop
ment in the American nation, shows
him to he a student of extraordinary
powers of observation with n wonder
ful clearness ot expression.
Tho sentiment heard on every hand
warrants the statement that Mr. Debs
made many warm friends for his
causo In Pendleton. His audience fol-i
lowed the thread of his analysis close-1
ly and showed Its appreciation of the (
point made by heartily applauding
the conclusions drawn by him at j
many places In the lecture. !
He is an active, aggressive worker.
His heart Is In his work. He is a be
liever In that social system which
I promises to give to humanity tiio best
, environment possible, that the best I
j possible traits and sides of human
; character be -developed and enthron- j
1 ed. I
He Is not an agitator, ho is a reas
! oner. He would not bring reform by i
' passion, but by the utmost degree of
i peaceable and fraternal discussion.
I It Is refreshing to listen to his ap
peal for better conditions. It Is sel-
dom that a Pendleton audience has 1
tho opportunity of enjoying such a'
treat and it Is fully and highly appre
ciated. His coming at any future
tlmo will be hailed as an Intellectual
The house Tuesday passed the sen-
ate bill appropriating $22,000 for
erecting a lighthouse at Mukllten
point, Everett harbor, Wash.
It Is announced from Seoul that the
United States minister has demanded
tho payment ot $1,500,000 duo to the
builders of the electric railroad.
.Coming to Pendleton in the Very
1 Near Future Laugh and Grow Fat.
, The lean will fatten from laughter
land the fat will lean on the arms of
1 the chairs while laughing at the per
formance ot "Peck's Had Boy," which
will be given in the Frazer theater on
iTiuay evening, Dee. 19.
This piece of American humor is an
everlasting favorite and inclusive with
the strong line of specialties will bo
the best farce comedy that will he
seen here for some time. Miss Violet
Hllsen, the natural-born bad boy, will '
ulai' tl, tltln mIa l TT
According to advices from Hungaria , 0 than who n there is no better
63 persons were frozen to death dur-' "J' w ep Ly the par oT
devastating the sheefolds and b.t.j&Tffi'rip.Sfi
uevoureu uiree suepneiua. Ba(, Boy Cq , famQUs TravegtJ
xiiu iwiv iuik uuuiu ui uiucimcu i sextette, presenting a short travesty
m.. nn .1 n ..tn.1 f ACn AAA innt .. m -I . . . ...
iueauuy vuicu fiuv.vuu m uuf tuai on noroaora. Tnis is the nrett est
Good Citizenship Will Be Discussed
In This City Tomorrow Evening.
President Stephen I). L. Penrose,
of Whitman College, will deliver a
lecture at the Baptist church In this
city tomorrow evening. Tho subject
of the lecture will bo "Good Citizen-1
ship." Dr. Penrose needs no Intro-,
duction to the citizens of Pendleton. I
He will donate the proceeds of his.
lecture to the free reading 100m of!
the Men's Resort In this city. This j
lecture is the second In a course of j
four which has been arranged by this
institution for this winter. I
A popular lecture at the parish
house, Johnson street. Under tho aus
pices ot the Parish Aid Society, hy
tho Itov. Andreas Bard, of Walla
Walla, Thursday evening. Price 25
! cents.
Give Warning of Approach of flore;
Serious Trouble.-
T)o yon e-sporioiico llts of depression with restlessness, alternating '
with extreme irritability, bordering upon hysteria? Are your spirits
easily alluded so that one minute you laugh, and tho next fall into con- '
vulsivu weeping? . ,
Do you I'eel coniothing hko a ball rising in your tliroat and threaten-1
11 tho souses norvorted. morbidly sonsitivo to lifrhfc
and sound ; pain in tho ovaries, nnd especially between tho shoulders ;
sometimes loss of voice; nervous dysiiepsia, and almost continually
cross and snappy, with a tendency to cry nt tho least provocation?
If so, your norves aro in a shattered condition, and you oro threat
ened with nervous prostration.
Undoubtedly you do not know it, but in nine eases out of ten this is
caused by somo utorino disorder, and tho norves editoring in and about tho
organs which make you a woman influence your entire nervous system.
Something must be done at once to restoro thoir natural condition or
you will bo prostrated for weeks and months iwrhaps, and suffer untold
Proof is monumental that nothing in tho world is bettor for this
purpose than lijdia E. lMnkhiuu'M Vojretnblo Compound; thou
sands and thousands of women have written us so.
How firs. Holland, of Philadelphia, suffered
among the finest physicians in the country, none of
whom could help her finally cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Dkau jIus. Pinkiiam : For over two years I wns a constant suf
ferer from extreme nervousness, indigestion, and dizziness. Menstruation
was irregular, had backache and a feeling of great lassitude and weak,
uess. I was so bad that I was not ablo to do my own work or go far in
the street. I could not sleep nights.
"I tried sovoral splendid doctors, but they gave me no relief. After
taking Lydin B. Pinklinin's Vegetable Compound I soon began to
feel better, and was able to go out and not feel as if I would fall at
every step. I continued to take tho medicino until cured.
"I cannot say enough in behalf of Lydia E. Pinkham's medicine,
and heartily recommend all suffering women to try it and find tliu
relief I did."' Mtts. Fi.ouejjck Holland, 022 S. Clifton St., Phila
delphia, Pa. (Jan. 0, 1902.)
Another case of severe female trouble cured by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after the
doctors had failed. '
"Duak JUns. Pinkiiam: I was in poor health for sevcTal years.
1 had female trouble and was not able to do my housowork alone. I
felt tired, very nervous, and could not sleep. 1 doctored with several
doctors. Thoy doctored me for my stomach, but did not reliovo nie.
I read in your book about your medicine, and thought I would try it.
I did so, and am now cured nnd ablo to do my work alone, and feel
good. I was always very poor, but now weigh ono hundred and fifty
woman trmuiied with lonmle weakness will trivo
VegHnlile C'omiioiiiid a trial. T have recommended it to manv of my
friends." Hits. JLvuia DowL'its, Millersville, Ohio. (Aug. 15, 1001.)
"Will nut tlm volumes of letters from women liuulo strong by
I.ydia 13. JMuklmnrs Vejrutnblo Compound couvinco ull of the
Virtues of this niedioinc?
llow slinll the fact Unit it Trill help tliciu ho made plain?
Snrly vou i-nnnot wish to remain weak, and sick, and discour
aged, exl mi i' l -Mi ( day's work. You have somo dernngo
nicntni Hi leiiiinii.coi wHir-sni.auil Lydia E. I'iiikham's Vcgotablo
Comiioiiuu i' ill he') voii just as surely us It lias others.
half section oil!
land, all in
low, north o!f
Good imptpvs
sec&oi o
body, i i
tance north cita
800 MAIN!
thank you for the relief I have obtained, and I hope that every
troubled witli female weakness will give Lydia 13. Pinkham's
for tho poor o tlio city. The reso
lutlon passed last week .voting $100,'
000 for this purpose was recalled.
Tore cases of
under treatment
Island hospital, New York, at quaran
tine. The sufferers aro the first and
second cooks and tho second steward
of tho Princo Lino steamer Saxon
Prince, from Durban.
Tho general rainfall which has pre
vailed over Kentucky, Arkansas and
Tennessee since Saturday, has eras
ed, warmer weather and heavy precip
itation being reported in- the Quit
States. All Kentucky streams are
cut of their banks, and In many rases
rising rapidly.
and most catchy act over seen on a
Prices 2Gc, 50e nnd 75c. SeatB now
bubonic plague are on sale at Frazlcr's book store
in me swinenurne
The Pride of Heroes.
. Many soldiers In tho last war wroto
to say that for scratches, bruises,
cuts, wounds, corns, soro feet and stiff
Joints, Ducklcn's Arnica Salve is tho
best in the world. Same for burns,
scalds, bolls, ulcers, skin eruptl.ia
and piles. It cures or no pay. On'y
25c at Tallraan & Co.'a drug store.
Work on tho Oregon Water Power
& Hallway Company roadbed began nt(
Sellwood, Wednesday.
. Portland police have raided tho col-(
ored dens In tho tenderloin district, i
and every man who desires to enter
theso Joints hereafter is required to
glvo his name and address.
The first messago from the Pacific ,
cablo ship, was received Wednesday
at San Francisco. Tho ship has aver-1
aged seven nnd a half knots an hour!
since leaving San Francisco, (
Tho new officers of tho Oregon Poul-I
try Association aro Frank Fenwiclc,
Portland, president; J. I. Watts, of
Eugene, vice-president; 13. J. Ladd, of
Portland, secretary, and Frank Fee,
of Portland, treasurer.
Hetall grocers of Portland are pro
paring to adopt moro stringent rules
In.rogaul to tlio credit system, on Jan--ucry
1. The losses by poor customers
have lueroased so greatly that credit
will bo denied, except under the mo3t'
favorablo circumstances,
Louis Kberhard. porter of the Hotel
' Perklus, has becomo wealthy by tho
increase In valuo of somo Los Angeles .
city property He has received ?1000.
per foot for ono 7Cfoo( lot Ho still
wqrks as porter ana say ho will con-
ttlniio. in.;Pprtlrid. . , 1
The Baby mine of the Grant's Pass
i district has been bonded by an East
;ern corporation, which will begin
extensive developments at once,
gyring Humors
Itching, btirnitig, and Scaly
Eruptions of the Skin and
Scalr with loss of Hair
Complete External and Inter
nal Treatment by Cuticura
The Set 31.25
CoiiuiEllngof Cu ricuia Soap 25c.), to cleanse
tho ekln of crusts and ecaloa ami eoften llio
thickened cutlclo, CimcmtA Ointment (50c.),
to Instantly all.iy Itching, Irritation, ami In.
Uainnmtlon, and eootlio anil heal, ami Con.
cuitA Itissoj.vii.vr (50c.), to cool ami cleanse
tho Mood. A single ect Is often sufficient to
cuio the most torturing, disfiguring skin,
scalp.nnd hlooil humors.rashej.ltchlnss.and
lrritai'.ons, with Ion of hair, when the best
i!im"I .1,-. !i all iihvi rcmed'.ua tall,
VOI5ITI llii ,. ijnu..' . nr SMrou.Iio.tou.
at- lloi. if, itv-n i-ki.iund MW1 llumnr ' Irra.
Xsiias Books
Riley's "An Old Sweetheart of Mine," "The
pinian." by Wister, "Mrs. Wicgs of the Cal
le vir-
Wices of file CalihaPR
n.i.i. it i t .
1-i.icn. uy negan, "wantea, a Matchmaker," and
"Wanted, a Chaperonc" by Paul Lester Ford, illus
trated by Christy, and all the new fiction.
We have sets of Dickens, Scott, Shakespeare, Du
mas, Smollett, Riley. Hugo, Thackery and many
Fancy Calendars in Christy's subjects, the View
Calendars, nnd a big line of other fancy styles
Come in and look around before you decide on
Xmas gifts.
By buying baking powder of us you can rt beautiful articles
for Chrlrttiiius presents without expending extra monoy.
Given with Prize liaising Powder. The Hat includes popular
books, historical works, children's boolw, etc.
Wo aleo give large, attractive und useful plecen of chluaware
with baking powder.
Fresh citrons nnd laUlus for the table, Just hi.
Mattm's Family Grocery and Bakery
0pp. Wi 4 C.
When getting
.1.. 1
crnrv m a j iiuui
A nnP MrtnMin.
.. . I
11 ar.vr-niKac:r.uK;:r
Free Mail Delivery I
Ih now in operation in I'ondloton. Prepare
1o have your mail Delivered properly. We
have Mouse Numbers, large and d'iHtinot.
Door Plates with your narao plainly engrav
ed thereon Mail slot for doors. Mail deliver
ed inside your homes through these slots.
Arrange to shut out the cold. Iron Mailboxes
with locks. Mail perfnoilv safe. Neat and
very convionuut.
Kpcr i m
r.9 11 lU
caKes v r
M Pf
. nnnrFR
1 uw
. ,...M.i.lu.MMMhw-M-iaiUjVWian
For Health, Slreir-th and fl
Pleasure Drink ::::::: 1
Murphy & Langever, Proprs J
IV 111