IHBHTOXMIKnBSBnHBnnMBBlKnnMMnBinnHBII n Make Em Happy GAMBLING ISSUE: Company, ot 1 Grandma, grandpa, mamma, papa, sisters, brother, daughter, son, the baby, aunt, uncle, cousin or dear fr.iend, will onjoy something that will add to the comforts of life. That something is easy to de cide on. Get them a Pair of Slippers Or Perfect Fitting Shoes M I a l M H m m We make it our special aim to supply Child ren's Slippers and Shoes, and have a select line for you to make choice from. The celebrated Alfred Dolge Romeos and Juli ots are handled by us. Dinc&nge?, Wilson & Co. GOOD SHOES CHEAP The Only Exclusne Shoe House in Pendleton, BBBBBBflBBBflBBBflBBflBBBflBBBBBBBflflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB: 8 m m committee Is composed of Ed Culp, Dalla O'Hara and Lee Brake. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEIl 17, 1002. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? ARRESTED FOR HORSE-STEALING Q. A. M. Is the Name of a New Danc ing Club. "Q. A. M." is the name of a now dancing club formed hero to give en tertainments each Saturday evening at Armory hall. Just what "Q. A. M." means is a puzzle. Tho management of tho club refuses to tell, but offers a season's ticket to tho first one to guess what the letters stand for. It is the Intention of the club to give clean dances each Saturday eve ning, where tho best people of the town can assemble and enjoy them selves. Invitations have been print ed and will bo handed to the young men. These will have tho names on them and without they are presented at the door, accompanied by the 50 cents admission fee, they will not be admitted. Kirltman's orchestra will furnish tho music. The floor "Rich. Cut Glass Rate Select Pieces Sparkles like Dia monds. Dick Brisbols Having Preliminary Hearing at Milton This Afternoon. Jllltou, Dec. 17. Dick Brisbols was arrested at Athena Monday and his preliminary will bo held hero this af ternoon on the charge of horse-steal-Ing. Brisbols Is accused of going to the pasture of W. D. Murray and taking an animal from tho pasture which be longed to Murray. Tho ovidence Is very strong against him and tho indi cations are that ho will be bound over to the district court. Brisbols is a brother of Ed Brisbols, the noted Indian policeman, who died here sev eral months ago. Loses His Queue. Jack Lung, tho Chinese noodle dis penser on Court street, is mourning the loss of his queue. A few nights ago some young men becamo involved in a dispute with Jack and one of them drew his pocket knlfo and slash' ed off tho celestial's "pig tall" regard' less of his protests. A warrant was sworn out for the arrest of tho perpe trator and placed in tho hands of the officers, but so far ho has not been arrested. Most beautiful stock ever shown in Pendleton. See display in out window. A Surprise. John ltanley, a nephew of Chris Itanley, of this city, arrived here yes terday from Marrysvllle, O., and will spend several days visiting, at the home of his uncle. They had not met for 21 years and Mr. Hanloy did not know that his nephew was coming. Consequently tho meeting was a great surprise to the uncle, but an agreeable one. Giving Shakespearean Recitals. Mr. Robert Davis, a druggist form erly In the employ of Brock & McCo mis, and later of Tallman & Co., of T ATT TC7T A KT D- in C ! t,lls clt' and wel1 known to tho young 1 aLsJIVIXxIN GL tuiiii People of Pendleton, is now giving THE DRUGGISTS Shakespearean recitals in tho Snnmi cities. h T i s , t , ?i Keai nsxaie upponunnies g 120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, S2500 li 600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, $6500 l 173 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton $1500 l Good house on West Alta street 1100 320 acres on the river, good house and barn, 25 acres alrlafa, balance wheat land $4000 ? 5 room house on West Alta street $ 750 li Two five-room cottages on West Webb St., each $ 800 Dutcli Henry Feed Yard Good property in city and country too numerous to'mention, any j location that one may desire. ?. W. F. EARN HART, AH 8.0 CI ATI ON HIjOCK CORRESPONDENT FOR ' REVIEW DREAMING. .Careful Inquiry Among Gamblers In This City Falls to Disclose Any c twlty No Move on Foot to Break Weak Place In Charter, If Such Ex ists. In Tuesday's Spokesman-Hovlow ap peared an article which read In part: "As a solution of tho gambling question in Pendleton, an attempt is being talked or by the gambling ele ment to break Pendleton's city char ter. In which some Irregularity has long been supposed to exist." After careful search and inquiry among those who are In touch with tho gambling element ot Pendleton, an East Oregonlnn representative has been unable to find any one who knows of auy such thought having been entertained by the gammers. There is no apparent placo where tho gamblers could attack tho charter. Gambling Is forbidden by tho state statutes and should tho gamblers dis cover a discrepency in tho charter which would give them a chance to break it, there would bo nothing to gain. Gambling would bo held In check just tho same by the state law regardless of whether or not Pendle ton bad a charter. Mayor Halley is also district attorney and he would exercise his rights as such and keep gambling closed. The Uuview says ltirtlior: "Tho first probablo move is to make the offices of city marshal and city recorder electlvo Instead of appoint ive. It is considered far easier In Pendleton to get an open policy mar shal in than a majority of the .council and mayor for open gambling. At present tho marshal and recorder owe their appointment to the city ex ecutive, and consequently arc entirely governed by that body. Tills is a unique condition existing in few Western towns. Pendleton's next election will probably see a hard, oloso town fight." It Is a fact that some are agitating the electing of the city marshal and recorder by tho people, but If this was done nothing would bo gained hero, as the mayor would have tho same power then as he now has. If the mar shal did wink at gambling and over look it as much as possible, the may or would have tho reigns in his hands and could issue orders to keep gambl ing closed and If the marshal refused a man could be secured to make the arrests and the gamblers would bo fined just the same. The gambling element had the say in !io electing of a mayor the first of last year, and lllakc. M-Full raner 'ortlaml. tititi.n,,, itnnse left this morn- lllK or Weston, where she goes to 1oln Dr. House, wnu " hire She was accompanied by Miss rthol Parsons, her sister, who goes !tn attend a few nays wim In her new home. I H Hoberts. of Omaha, who has 1..,'.,'.. i' thn vehlclo nnd implement hnsinoss lor the past several years 1.; In that city, is In Pendleton looking n- business location. He Is well pleased with Pendleton and may de cide to locate hero. EUGENE V. DEBS ARRIVES. Noted Reformer and Lecturer Warmly Greeted by the Citizens of Pondle ton. Eugene V. Debs, Who Is to lecture on ".Modern Problems" nt Frazer's opera house tonight, arrived on tho 12:30 train today. Mr. Debs needs no Introduction to the people of the West. He was greeted at the train Uy a partv of friends who escorted him to Hotel Pendleton, where ho has been kept busy all afternoon answering questions and getting acquainted. The national movements In which Mr. Debs has taken an nctlve part have made countless friends for him, in advance of his coming. His gcninl personality and wido sympathies, the peculiar experiences of his career, endear him to every class of people. Mr. Debs expresses keen delight nt the hearty reception accorded him nt every point he visits. , ' He loves the West, knows its bioad. rugged sympathies, and is en joying his visit hugely. TOUCHED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. Fifty Dollars Melt From Sight Sud denly and Mysteriously, This After noon. A voung man who asked that his name he withheld because or the posi tion or trust lie holds, and which he mlcht loose, were the company to find it out, reported to tho police this afternoon that he had been touched for $50. The young man apparently lost tho money. He was not drunk and was paid off today, receiving a check for ?50. He was. on Man street in com pany with another fellow and thoy walked Into ono of tho saloons to take a drink of beer. Ho had had the money a fow minutes before while standing on the street and when ho left tho saloon tho money was gone. He has no Idea who did It and is at a loss to know how a man could get his hand In his pocket and extract ?50 in loose gold without him knowing it.' The police are working on the case. they will chance of doing the same again. Then the only relief will be to elect a mayor who will tolerate an open policy. No Reliance in Vaults. Sinco It has been nroven that the have a I strongest built vault can easily bo PERSONAL MENTION. FRAZER OPERA HOUSE BAKER & WELCH Friday, December 19 Now get wise lest you forget the forever favorite musical farce comedy, PECK'S BAD BOY Will bt. Auburn, Mgr. All laughs, no cry! The best acting company, the best singing company, the funniest comedians, the best dancers. Come and laugh with us. Seats on Sale at Fraziors Book Store. Prices. 26c, 50o, 75o. C. D. Minton is in town from Sa lem. James Wellington, of Kcho, is in town. Henry Hill, of Helix, is at tho Gol den Hulo hotel. Charles Jones, of Walla Walla, is at Hotel Pendleton. H. Connell, tho railroad man from Uniatlllal is In town. J. Haas, of Joseph, Is in the city transacting business. O. D. Gibson, a prominent Walla Wallan, is at Hotel St. George. Doug Helts, tho sheepman from Pi lot Hock, is transacting business in town. J. W. Thompson has gone to Lynn county to spend tho holidays with relatives. Mrs. Dell Ferguson, of Tho Dalles. is the guest of Air. and Mrs. J. M. Ferguson. Ex-Governor Frank Steunbenr. of Idaho, Is in town today on his way to Spokane. Harry llogers and Thomas Sheri dan, of Putter Creek, were lu Pendle ton Tuesday. liov. It. W. King left this morning tor L.O. Grande on business connected wun mo cnurcn. Itov. M. H. Marvin, or Walla Walla, passed through town last evening on ins way to Portland. Itov. Georgo II. Vary, of AIcMinn vine, was tho guest of Itov. It. W. King last night on his way to La urnnuc. Collin V. Dyment. traveling cones pondent for tho Spokesman-Itevlow, was a guest of Hotel St. George l.st nigiit. a marriage license was granted Tuesday evening to Samuel Hoffman and Emma Mario Stausell, both of umauua county. Postmaster Lot Llvenuoro and son, Itobert, left Tuesday for Heppner, where Mr. LIvermoro went on busi ness and to visit friends. News comes from Walla Walla that Lois, the llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Swaggart is very low with pneumonia and is not expected to llvo. Montle D. Qwinn, of Bolso, ono of tho leading sheen men of Idaho nml n uiumui ui j, ii. uwinn. or this eitv. passed through town yesterday on his way to Portland. Mrs. John Luhrs nnd Bister. Uua Lillian Iteady. left Tuesdav for Paradise, Or., where thoy wero called on account of tho death o a sister, Miss Alice Iteady. Carl Hansen will leave morning for Santa nosa. ho will spend tho winter. Mr. Hansen leaves I'enuioton each fall about this time of year and sneuds tlin mrJ uiunuis in the land of "orange bios- soma." Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Gallowav nf Bolso City, aro guests of Hotni p. dleton on their way to Portland to spend tho holidays. Mr. Galloway Is tho genial traveling salesman for tho opened by expert safe-crackers, tho treasurp department has decided to add to their massive vaults and com plicated locks a novel electric burg lar alarm, While tho government Is endeavoring to protect tho nation's wealth in the best manner possible, it Is very important that wo should en deavor to protect our health from the Inroads of disease. The safest medi cine to do this is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. By strengthening tho stom ach, perfecting tho digestion and puri fying tho blood, it prevents disease from obtaining a roothold. It will also cure dyspepsia, flatulency, constipa tion, bllliousness, nervousness and malaria, fever and ague. Ono bottle will convince yon of its value. Don't fall to try it. Boise Visitor. Air. AI. B. Gwinn, general manager of tho New York Lifo Insurance Com pany at Bolso City, state secretary of tho Idaho Woolgrowers' Association, and a brother of J. W. Gwinn', of this city, is now attending to business In The Dalles. Ho visited hero a fow days witli his brother, en route. Thursday Afternoon Club. The Thursday Afternoon Club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at tho homo or Airs. A. P. Nash, on Jack son street. Leggins and Overgaiters For Ladies and Giils Men and feoys 50c to $1.25 Per Pair Best on Eatftli I Women ot Men t !! PEOPLES!! : WAREHOUSE j; uuk uull DAY Last Saturday was a groat success , . tho hearts of many childron this Xmaa v lu iiu on" kuhw uvav uoiuiuuy, Kesri ((, n,l lnovn limv ' ""Oiler Saturday. Dec. 20. with n .,.n. more of crockery or glassware i;ii JQ'c'ls novelty worth 50c. Thoy consiBt of card trays, auga 8 hoiiP. jellies, etc, and aro lacciuarnH an iU.. .. .. - I " W 111 AT tlw i not tarniflU m tno open air. FURTHER-With a 50c purchase of ftlnaatlMlVO WA Will nrOUOtlf o 1 .1 4 1 . worth 25c. Both presents will make fit thomselves, and cost you absolutely nothing1 Come early, as our supply is limitpd Young man, if you want to touch a woman's heart, buy her a piece of china. Buy your wi ner pf " , uu II Josh Billings said, "Court the girl's mother half the time. The girl won't object and the moth er likes it." Josh was right. Buy the old lady a dainty piece of china and the old lady will do the rest. n. .. M Villi (ill. thing in the men lect a nice present 1 will RflltlfA tfrtM -At juu WHO better seven-eighths. thine nlpa CAB better than nicechk' r 1 T 1 1 u w iea no Cheapest Place in Oregon JOE Holiday Goods For All 111 .7 1 1 L. 1 VtJi A. II t VI tilllllltbl Ulk 1UUUL.U n III 1 1 It t I " t f 1 11 1' wp nvp fuor fi invvn. w navt .1 invpiv men nanasm 111 11 111 ir c iv 1 I'Yir.m r wn wnrif. iih i i; i kivmsi. yiinch. 11 lewelrv. wonl scarfs, fascinators, sweaters, lurs. Also ... it r. 1 .1 . 1 ... niein you win unci inu urcaiusi anu our uutcb mciuwos- have marked prices down in order to make December tie ner month this year, 1902 Come and see us and save money. GIJ- USEFUL AS WELL AS 0RNAHEM f)T)T) RfinfrTCRS fin., mllorflnn to select !"Q' cash purchases made before Christmas, LAMPS Hanging Lamps, Stand Lamps, & Ki Oiobes, Largest line in Pendleton WRTTTMfl Tfoirc rr. .1 -rwl CfntlenieB' GLASSWARE Very fancy Water Sets, w KF.ATTTTPnT. 3ITW.T. XTmrPTmTWQ Snmd K3K T" . STEINS Verv ornamnnlnl. T.arOfi and SnWh uernian bteins. .iTinTlnv TP f VI COMPLETE LINE OF FDP MONEY SAVING PRICES PREVAIL. r nt r nil Yi w. t L- r l." mir h if tin - JTLI V III 111 " Presents vi mill .untsJ 1 PL uiiotds many fcargas fof Dollar. You'll exercise S00' Economy If yoa W R A D E R hi Vnld Bny now wltilo atook is complete. yon.