asfless Cads and Societies SESSIONS AND TRADE8, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. " note Hours, iu i- Telephone rea i I'TtrMU ere tronnies, camr- W'11?.!. fined for retractive er- S Wn "31 Bl"1 "cinffs rinnk. Telephone gypTmnOlaln 301. TrLD. M D.. I10ME0PATIIIC Li.rii (Jfflce In Judd kBfV. Office, black 73: bnUI.U "Onil IT ASHOCIA felcp'ione. main 831; resl- rHEN'ni!SON, PHYtflOIAN r0ilce In SavluRs ISank bulld i.Bln 331 fsS i KBYES, OSTEOPATHIC Ollce one diock wesi in post- Ijl'CHLY PHYSICIAN AM) 8UR- FRATERNAL ORDERS. UMATILLA TEXT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. fleets in secret Society hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All visit ing Sir Knlchts cordially Invited. J. S. Kees, Itecord Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, i ounuunuer. l'liNDLKTON I.ODflR, NO. r,2, A. P. AND a. ju., meets nrst and third Mondays of each month. Visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy. V. II. ; Joe II. Parkes, Sec. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Tnylor, II. P., V, P. Wamsley, secretary, meets second and fourth Fridays of each month In Masonic hall. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHT OF Pythias. I.. V. Held, C. C. ; It. Wi Fletcher. IC. of It. and S. Meets everv Monday iu Secret Society hall. MODERN WOOMEN OF AMERICA. Tutullla 'amp. No. C300. Meets first slid third Mondays or each month nt Odd Fellows' hall, fleorfte A llamhlln. Con mil : G. A. nebbing, Clerk. INSURANCE & LAND BUSINESS. JOE H. PARKES, OFFICE COTTONWOOD St Opera house block ;lnd office tmv loess, such as mine of claims and Initiating contests a specialty, john" iuiley, "jrTu. s. land com- mlsloner--Specialty made of land mines and proof; Insurance and collections. Of flee In Jndd biilldtnc. room 10. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. (5EORGE O'DANIEli, NEW AND 8KCONU hand Roods bought and sold Court St.. Opera houe block Call and see him. V STROPLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand Roods. If there la anything yon need 1n new or secondhand furniture, stores, cranlte ware and crockery .call and set his prices, No. 212 Conrt street. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., I'ropa. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as nny rou run'; Thompiv FOR RENT. Ft KNH1IKI1 ROOMS, pro'lle M, K. church. a K 11LAKESLBB, UHIIONK- rtMpnaes anu uiHeuaru ui vw Em bulldlnc, corner Main and Ollce pnoue main ii i ives. DENTISTS. ilGUAN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN Mnj. 'rnone reu ii IS' PIOTIST. OFFICE IN AS- i block over ncumuit s new urug tee red 271 SNKS AND BROKERS. hATIONa. MANIC OF ATHENA, Capital, surplus and !t-00. Interest on time deposits. ' forelcn and domestic exchaug". ptomntlr attended to. lleury . srnldent T J. Kirk, vlce-nresl- i h. Harnett, cashier: F S Le- t. E . i. . . BictSDl casuier WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, W. of W. are held In Secret Society hall every Saturday evening. Vlsltins neighbors are nnvays welcome, j. r. walker, Clerk; A .1 Owen, C. C. ,..i ri it r i. ib ii is r c u must In ii n n it s ih ATTORNEYS. JAMES A. FEE. LAW OFFICE IN JUDD building. HAILEY & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT law. Ofllce In Despaln Iiiock. I1ALLERAY & McCOURT, LAWYERS, As sociation building. H. E. COLLIER. LAWYER, OFFICE rooms 7 and 8, Association building. CARTER & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Savings Bank building. HENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Hlock, rcndieton, Oregon. N BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Association Block. E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street. BMEKS' HANK OF WESTON, Oregon Does a general bank- is Kxinanse bought anu sold, promptly nttended to. R. ftr-ldem George W. Proebstol, Meat J ii kll;;ore, cashier; dl- A liartman, M M, Johns, T. I) Ornw J F Ktlgore, Robert n r n I'rofDstei II. ItEEUER, ATTORNEY Pendleton, Oregon. AT LAW, LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER W.e can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money. DOORS WINDOWS PENDLETON TRADE BUSINESS GROWING TO THE CASH BASIS, STILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices und makes n specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10. 11, 12 and 13, Association Block. IUIVK..V. ATrnnNK.Y.AT.LAW: COL- lectious and Insurance Offico in E O. build- in ir. E.S'DLRTON SAVINGS BANK, i Oiezon Organized March 1, ' . IplUl, IBO.OOO; surplus, 500,000; TONSORIAL PARLORS. (slIowiM on time deposits. Ex- - iri mint and sold on nil priucipni Hii.L, kkamiu, jmmit,u ,mui Special attention 'given to col bath room'. Main street, three doors north or W J Furnish, president : J N. Howl St. Oeorge. First class service president T J Morris, cashier Money assistant cashier. (- ATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE- apltal $70,000: surplus, $05,000. a eeueral bunking business. Ex- fed telegranhlc transfers sold on San Francisco, New Y'ork and ipolnts in the Northwest. Drafts BCalna, Japan and Europe. Makes on reasonable terms, ievi an- iident W r Mntlock. vlce-preai Wade, cashier ; n. F, Johnson, kashler IITECTS AND BUILDERS. WARD, ARCHITECT AND SU- Went, makes complete aim reua 6or buildings In the city or conn 17 Judd ouiiuing. J-'KV TONSORIAL PARLORS, COURT ST , Three doors west of (loldon Rule Hotel, J. SI. Pace, Trop. First elms Workmou, every thing cloan, alt modern Improvements PATTON'S SANITARY BARBER KHOI', DE8 paln block Oourt striet; ! st workmanship; II tho modern improvements; nil tools sterll liod; bath rooms in connection. PHOTOGRAPHERS B u i Idin g paper, lime, cement hrick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber yard Alta St., Opp. Court House I have bargained with a competent Timber Crniser to locate Valuable Timbet Claims W S, BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOORA pher of the city. Harvest views, In dlnn photos for sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St., near bridge. 'Phone red 270. COLE, CONTRACTORS AND Estimates furnished on short Bob Work a specialty. Prompt Ehop on Bluff street near Main. "contractor AND BUILD- itlnintes airmailed on all kinds . cement walks, stone walls, etc. its at East Oregonlan office. fcCTMAN, ARCHITECT AND SU- wu lioom i:, Association tvendleton, Oregon. LAI!. PLASTERING AND CE- Crment walks a specialty. Ins ulted free, work guaranteed. i it Iladley and Zehner s cigar i St., P O. box 104. IUR1CAL SUPPLIES. IMS. 217 COURT STREET, uuiciang, ne,uors in eiec P Houses, stores, wired lor Lulls or telephones. Eiec- '(ill kinds. Uet our prices. "Wlalty. FHtW AND SUPPLIES. fXUlR.t anniriwp W A HIV Fi pTt a-' i n P. rellnlng, repairing, pAND FEED STABLES. R UftRY HOARD AND 8 ALE Err ' CtmAV tirnnrlMnr tn fltt Ltt' Alta street. SEMlr.r wmrt v a iti ton riSi 'trt Lindsay i. Doty H'W KM RnA anlA afrnht Hn.l. iiuiei, nurses tor saic. STAULES, G. M. FItOOME Wont. ,i. L "n.. oa.,.nl r rendleton -Phone main 101. Enil.i ""t . T. UU1WTUCS r "Peclal care Elven tn horses left Lwer Webb street. 'Phone BOOT rtND SHOE REPAIRING. L GREENAWALD, TIIR OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker, FlrHt-cIass repairing with best materials. Shop in rear of Dlndlnger Wilson 4 CO. JOHN WILSON, FIRST-CLASS SHOE-1 mnlicr and repairer. Best material used I and good work done. Shop 117 Alta St. BOARD AND LODGING. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE. CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets. Good large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rales ! and 00c a night. Thos. Smart, Prop. HOTELViLTA." CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Rates $4 and $5 per week Pendleton Feed Yard In connection L. Neff, prop. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT, TERM reasonable, at B02 Water St., 'Phone red ice. THE ST. OKOROE RESTAURANT REOU lar meals 2S rents. Short orders a specialty. Open day and night. T. A Oldfather, Prop.- On the line o. z railroad now under construction, This means a big chance for nrst-comers. See N.Berkeley Have some good farms for sale. THE STRAHON ROOMING HOUSE MS MAIN Blreet, Mrs II. E. Coorxr, Prop Evervth mr new and strictly flrt clasi. Riles av, .vie and (1 per day THE WHITE LODOINQ HOUSE, 101 SOUTH Main street Mrs Mary Williams, Prop. Itouiekeepiug rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable roonii and clean, well kept bed Lodging 23 cents CABS AND CARRIAGES. RUIIBISR TIRE HACK, NEW AND VERY lates style, tor tne service ot ine puouc. C. D. Carlln and Jas. S. McKay, props. Call at the Commercial livery stable or tele phone main 101 and the hack will call for yoq. oitv OKU LINE. EUWIN BAKER. PROP. Telephone main 353. Stand in front of French restaurant BLACKSMITH ING. COPELAND & SON FOR WHEAT HACKS. Cheapest and best in town, bi eou ai E COMMISSION CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $300,000 nd 8e'a Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds and Cotton for Cash or Future Delivery POVufii.. ....... . . . , n - .-lit,-.. Hmolnn rtlni c,ui ""unicipai, anu miscoiiuueouo iraunuco. vnuiuj, I sm.ff . n,08t extcnel vo prlvAte wire system In the world we can exeoute IpodsIm Becuie ortiera wuen limus are reaoueu. vyb uo iiuu umu f f arrSi1" n'i0ro than the "' place In a trade. We charge no PSnG,QU,RED-Q loper bushel, Stocks $2 per share. Commls raM.?.'"'! ?' Ivor cent. r4 u -j-u um jjook or QiailfltlCS anil JJttliy niuruui. nee. mire Loc?ET5,y!.,.. 78 Nntloiml nud Htntc Ilank. Eicl, tnliee. Tlnnlr rtAmM -n..n,il Hflt.iionrallu Minn. Kt. ,Colf T)eV,r,noI,(U towns and cities of the Northwest, Including Tera.(er cotl8lrctIon to Portland, Tocorua, Seattle, Everett and f" 75 ori?oilttVe an Peu tro1 r account with us you can operate It in I unices. h hiwcpn. Western Manaeer. Pnileton Oflloo, Ttoom -1, Atisoolntlon lllock. Phono Molu OBI O. MAJOR. Local Manager Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can Ket the best lor tne same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 i 0' nX A Cliristmas Dilemma Santa Claus would find himself in if he had a breakdown on "the night before Cluistmas." Others would be just as disappointed if their carriage or wagon should break down on the road, unless they had a first class repairing shop to bring it to, such as you .mi r - i vt .i T-i I r . . More Farm Produce Coming to Mar ket Than Ever Defore Country Districts Paying More Heed to Small Items of Income. "There is less credit trade carried on In Pendleton than In any other town oi lis size in urecon. s-ald n prominent liuslnesb man to an East Oreconlnn representative, today. The entire business of the city is growing nearer and neater to a cash basts each year l find thnt the peo ple who formerly ran large accounts with our merchants arc now paying cash, to a great extent, and are reap ing a benefit trom It, as are a!s,o the merchants. "The credit business is ruinous to any man or institution, but at the same time, it Is one of the great de velopments of the age, and has serv ed a good purpose. "In a country of diversified Interests lil;e Umatilla county, it seems that a cash basis could be established and maintained. Some of the many re sources of the farm and range should furnish ready cash with which to meet the needs of the community. "Farmers don't enjoy going in debt. and business men certainly prefer to do away with the great expense of bookkeeping. "One of the most promising facts In the trade of Pendleton is the gradual Increase of farm produce from the outside points in the county More butter, eggs and fowls are he- lug marketed this year than ever before." CONTINUE TO RUN TRANSPORTS. Ludlngton Advising House Commit tee Against Contract System. Washington, I. C, Dec. 1". Quar termaster General I.udlngtou, of the army, before the house committee on military affairs advocates continuing the transport service under the con trol of the war department He said the cost of the service as now con ducted is about 13000 less than any of the estimates submitted by private concerns, but said that In i s onin Ion it would be In the Interest of the soldier and service lor tho war depart ment to operate "Its own line. Gen eral Ludlngton, speaking of the mat ter of carrying private parties on tho government transports, said the num her was insllinlficant and that where abiibes had oceiined In that direction they already had been corrected. MISCELLANEOUS. IX POUND THE KOIXOWINO PESt'llinKl) animal have been taken up br the mir.tml o' the City of rvn.lleton, to wit; One rc1 stwr, nmrkoil crop rft unit Mlt in right er ind unlit In left i nr, no tranl vllll . II mlit nnlmalu nr- not eUlmcil by the owroit or thou cnllilcl to the Moi'nion, cotiHnd xienengMnt tliem plu ml them taken awa within ten tn;a from the i)te hereof, then nt 2 o'clock p. m.ot tho ith ilnr of December, W2, the .alii nnlmali will bo toll tu the hlRhot bidder lit pnhllp auction, forra'h, a! tin city pound, on the corner of rot. on wood and We bl Mreem, In the Ctn ot Pendleton, tho proceedt ot mich ta e to be anplied to tho juy nient of inch roit and expeoten of muklnj: ale. Dated thin IMh day ol December. IWi. J. A, BLAKKLY, City Mafhal Agree With Secretary Root. Washington, Dec. 17. Senator Fos ter and Representative Jones, of Washington, and a committee of citi zens of that state appeared before Secretary Hoot nt the war department In support of the movement to havo the government transport business with the Philippines conducted by way of Seattle or some other port In Puget Sound. They advocated acceptance of the bid of tho Boston Steamship Company. The secretary said he would take their wishes Into consider ation before final action. Headqunrtors for Traveling Meo. Cominodioua Sample Kooras. Rates $2 & $2,50 Special rnte! by week or mouth. Uxcelleut Cuisine. Prompt Dluliigroom Servko. livery Modern Convciilcnae Bar anil billiard room in rumination Only Three Blocks from Depot. TRANSPORTATION LINES. GOLDEN ROLE HOTEL Corner Court and Jolunoii Street, Pendleton, Otcfcon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. irS&ff!?V IWiion Pacific jBSR nr.rABT I TImo ScIicmIiiIw iiti I SWNlSRS fok Kiiiin I'enillvtoii trok i i L L . ChleaRo Portland Special ,".:.S0 p. in. VlrtllUllt- ington. STATIC OF OHIO. ) CITV OF TOI.IIDO, )b LUCAS COUNTY. ) Frnnk J. Cheney makes oath that he la the senior partner of the llrui of IC J. Cheney & Co., doing bualuei5 In the city of joieao, county ana mute uroresma. and that Knid firm will nar the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and evcrj caae oi tratnrrn mat cannot be cured by the ua of Hall' Catarrh Cure. Sworn to before me and subscribed Iv my presence tills flth day of December, A. I)., 1880. (Sl-nl.l A V OIXASON. Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testi monials free. V. 3. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c Hall's Family I'ltls are the best Hotels Want to Sell Liquor. - Syracuse. N. V., Dec. IC. Summer resort hotelkeepers of Now York state, at a meeting here . today, took preliminary steps for tho formation of an association which will endeavor to secure an amondment to tho law which provides for local option townB, The measure will piovldo that hotels In towns that have voted absolute prohibition under the local option act may sen minor, and that in future no such uuestton shall be put to a votr- of the people. Kxposure to a sudden climatic change produces cold In tho head and catarrh Is apt to follow. Provided with Ely's Cream Balm you are arm ed against Nasal Catarrh. Price BO cents at druggists or Ely Brothers, 56 AVarren street. Now York, will mall It. Tho Balm cures without pain, docs not Irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an Irritated ar.d angry surface, relieving Immediately Atlantic Express S:45a in. via Hunt ington. St. i'aul Fast Mull 8:15 a. m, via Bpokane. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft, north, Omaha, kau sal L'llr, St. Louli, Chicago and bait Fait Luke, Denver, Ft. worm, umana, Kan aas City, St. Ixiuli, unicago ana kwsi. Walls Walla.Lewlttoh, Spokaue, Wallace, I'ullman, Minneapo lis HI, I'aul, Duliith,; Milwaukee, Chicago and East. H tfO a , S3 11:10 p. in 6:M p. rc HEATED II Y STEAA LIGHTED BY ELECTIIICITy Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. 8.-OU p. m, I All aalllng datea sub ject to change. For Ban FrancUco Sail every 6 days. Dally except Sunday 8:00p m. Saturday 10:00 p m. Columbia Itlver To AMoria and Way Landing!, t JO p. m. 1:00 p.m. Sunday Aiiiei-lenii I'liin, l-uliwj I -jA lnj.-.'.o per iluv, Kiu-iiiiKiin I'liin. ,'le, 7 .'mi, M.IMI. mjhh-IhI rnlf by eel. or iniiiitli. Free 'bus meets all trains) Commercial trade solicited I'lne sample room SjK'dal Atli'iilinn (liven Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEHB ST8. Wllloiiiotto It Ivor. Boats leave Portland dally, except Hundav, (itaKO of water permuting) lor Willamette and i amain tuver points. Leave I Klparia 1 4a a. m. Dally Excpt Mom Fnake Itlver Mparts to Lewliton Ieave LewUton 7JXJa. m Dal It Excpt Alos Y. f WAM8LEV, Agent, I'eudlaton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Ht. J'aul, Ht. houls, Kan wts City, Ht. Joe, OmaliR, and All Points east and South Portland and points on the Sound TIM OAHD. Iave Pendleton, dallr exoepl Buudati si Iff), pm. Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday antf Friday II 'i pin. Arrive Pendleton Tuendar. Ibortdar and eaiuraay ssa am. Leave Walla Walla dallr. east hound Arrlvt Walla Walla dally, west bound For Information regarding rates and aetoia. modatloni, (.all on or address W.aiMHB, a gam, ' Pendleton. Oiesou. B. B. CAI.DEKHEAD. O, Y. A., walla walla, wasn, (JEO. DAIIVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated Uuropean I'lau. Block and a hull from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE - 60c, 75o, M THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON Anicikau 1'tuii, ti per day and ujiwm4. Ifcttdnumtei (or tourtkta and cuiuuieldal trav. clcra hpcdal rates made tu Uinllita and alufta gentlruitn The luauaiftmeul will he pleased at ail times to anew rooms and g-tvr prlcca. A mourrn rurkun iauitaiaiuiiiiutniiu lue uuau. II C DOWItkb, Maaa(r, ORLAl CLYDE CULLEN COUNSKLLOn-AT-LAW U. H. Butireiue (!ourt REGIHTEtKD A'JMOJtNEV U. B, I'utent (illce ;SS:M0gUl Preservative Paint Jor Loaky Hoofs tno pamiui innamrnation, eieatiBos rnnrinu pArrurs and cures. Cream fialm nuloUly furca isade Marks and ooovrishts tlif- rold. 70 t ,Ht, N W YV'HHliliintou, I). I Sold Only JJy W. J. CLARKE & CO. Court HI rent Sheet Metal Workers' Convention. Now York. Dei. IC. -Tho annual couventlon of tho Shoot Motal Work- era' Alliance of America opened to- willfind Neagle Bros, always to Aay ln4 900lie'; Union with deiegauia , w ,-: o i,;i j present from local unions of the or- be. We repair a vehicle and put it in first class order equal to new at a reasonable price. NEAQLE BROTHBR8 ganlzatlon throughout the country. The sessions will continue through the remainder of the week and many questions affecting the Interests of tho sheet metal workers will come up Storerrisollneenrlnes are tbe best. "" Y" ? ' aceuts for them, ior aiscussion ana acuon. mm MANHOOD RESTORED;? til VluUUer1tliapfrlpUonoiuouTe.lpijratrlao.wUI qnleslrcurayou oa4 fiiirvouaor JjaMa.4of lha KtumrthUvm orxaui. aoci, u MMml Hi ttmUuvtl, fflymfav J'Mlli tm (ts Uxk.Sculual Kiululuai, Mrrtout mhlHIX, 1'liuplaw lnflaueaaso JTMrrr, Jliauxlotf Jtralna, Yurtrorrlttitutl OM.IIimllon, Itauipaall luueabrdaonilf I.L l'revouruicKnuis(' (Jiu-iiarKr. wiilrli Itiiiitrlieckbt wtpriaalorrlJMiandaJI lio torrors c( ImpuUner. ilflllf:f(iclelifUi liver, ins fcldoes and lie urluary organs ol all Impurlllea. WriUKSiKtUtLitUiAai ftnd restores smaJ 1 h t-ak orsaoa, TiiarauonaufTerera are not cured br DortOttUbeeaaMianeronitare tr' --i - ii . I'ruaisUlls. VOrlDKliiC turn cm mown rrmrov cucjre wiwoui u c,era a, ui ruarante Klreo and money reinruedif siioieadoesiibl, tUtct u iruujiuit iluv. I Uix.lliil I 6 mull. Beod rHKKcireuuirand txatltoonuvls. AddreaaatAVOt, IIKUIL'IMK .. ! O. lior Zf7.Han Vraiu-Un, (Yd, SOLD DY TALL MAN A CO, DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, ORECOM. IKfl