East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 17, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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Vou id"?
get GOOD GOODS at Alexanders
, uf Big Salt affords a rare chance to buy Christmas
-entsat a grt at saving.
tig D(f'!s of All Week's Bargains
Dressing Sacks
itltler ottered this sen
S&.re stylish iiiHcle, of
,iimtcril. In all the pre-
colors. Piice range irom
95c to $3.75
Skirts Special
Values for $5.20
hllv tailored skirts In
listed styles and ninter-
tliH weeK .
fn New Silk Waists
You want something service
able and atyllsdi for n holiday
evening wnM What could he
more appropriate than the hand,
some Tatl'eta and Pesn de Sole
Silk WaiutH we are selling at a
reduction thiH week? The regu
lar price Is .10.50. You can se
cure them now for
P 1
i't forget our Big Sale on Ladies' and Children's
Jackets Come early; we can ht anybody now De-
0 1 .. 1 Altt . ...
lay, ant' li iiiuio-: t uinciciu iuiy
lexander Dept. Store
Hunt up those pictures and have them framed at once
Christmas is Not Far Away
You wih get the best work and newest style frames if
you will come to ns. Largest stock to select from
I C SHARP for sLJfrs-1
r 5
Reports That it Is In Better Running
Order Than Ever Before Unusual
ly Large Holiday Rush Free De
livery Satisfactory.
Inspector T. J. Clarke, of Walla
Walla, spent Monday and Tuesday in
town checking over the business c'
the local postofTice. He found -very-thing
in very good shapp and 'n fact
he said last evening, that it was In
better running order than ever bcfoie.
Several changes novo been made re
cently in the office which have made
the work much more convenient and
tnsier on the employes. To this is
attributed a great deal of the Improve
Business Increasing.
Incidental to the holiday mail, the
business of the postofflcc is increas
ing rapidly. It is also said that the
volume of business, although always
heavy during the holidays, is very
much heavier than at this lime last
Letters Must Have Two Cents.
It was announced through the press
at tlio time tlio free delivery was es
tabllshed that no drop letters would
bo aeccpled unless they had the reg
ular two-cent stamp on them Just the
same as If they were addressed to
New York or Chicago. Some have
misunderstood this and thought that
a drop letter addressed to anyone In
the city would be all right as long
as the person to whom it was address
ed called at the office for It, out that
It would not bo delivered. This Is a
mistake. -No letter will be put in a
box in the office If the one to whom
addressed has a box unless it has the
two cents on It. People sending let
ters should bear this in mind. The
postmaster has been compelled to
send back several letters and mark
others "Held For Postage," just be
cause they were only adorned with a
one-cent stamp. "Absolutely no let
ters can be delivered without two
cents hereafter." said Deputy Post
master French this morning.
Now that the people have the de
livery they are showing their appre
ciation. For more than a year past
there has been greater demand for
postofTice boxes than could bo sup
plied and had not the free delivery
Merry Xmas Goods
Wen promised more boxes would haw
! een added tc. the office. Now thcr
are boxes in nlentv fur everv or...
who wants one. Out of the 600 bois
In the iwstoilice, 150 have already
been given up although they cannot
be vented uutll the first of the yen
or the beginning of another quarter
By that time It is expected that m
less than 200 boxes will be given up
and perhaps more as the people will
appreciate the service more and more
and more as it grows In age. There
have Doen from 20 to 40 applications
lu every quarter for boxes at the of
fice which could not be supplied.
Most oi ihesc applications were .from
count rj people and these can now be
supplied. There will be boxes in plon
t tor all hereafter.
Free deliver) has bet n In vomie In
Pendleton Just two weeks and a half
and Deputy Postmaster Chas. French
says that from all appearances the
service is giving perfect satisfaction.
No complHlnt has been registered at
the office and the carriers have been
giving the people all that they ex
pected In the way or satisfaction
For nearly two years the people of
Pendleton anxiously awaited the slow
movements or Uncle Sam In estab
lishing this service. The free deliv
ery was promised and everything
was put in readiness lor the service
but from time to time the matter was
postponed tor various causes lume
of which are known here lTncle
Sam keeps hi? secrets and no explan
ation was made of the delay
This Advertisement is For
Men's Handkercbicfs
A Million Voices j
Could hardly express the thanks of i
Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen '
why: A severe cold had settled on his
lungs, causing a most obstinate!
cough. Several physicians said ho I
had consumption, but could not helpi
him. When all thought he was doom
ed ho began to use Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption and
writes "It completely cured mo and :
saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs."'
It's positively guaranteed for coughs,)
colds and lung troubles. Trlco 60c I
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Tall-1
man it Co.'s drug store I
White silk initial handker
chiefs. A complete assortment
at 25c, 50c, 75c.
Something new K.xeeldn with
a silk Initial, 2c.
White silk handkerehiefsheui
stitched and plain. All sizes at
20c, 50c, 75c, $1 00.
Japaliette, a niw, soft, ready
for use material, ta.'sc.
Fancy bordered and colored
silk handkerchiefs A vciy
large line at very low prices
25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00
A chance to blow yourself.
Silk handkerchiefs for i2s'c
A complete stock of Imported
linen with all width liorders
25c, 35c, 50c, 75c. $100
One-half dozen good linen in a
fancy box. A good present
Suspenders A wiy large line
of fancy silk lu the latest color
lugs 75c, i 00, $1 2s, $1 50.
Oloves Golf gloviw lu black,
pearl and fancy colors joc, 05c,
75c, $1.00.
Umbrellas -Fine black silk
with nice handles $j 50 to $6.
5ult Cases Men's leather
cases, S2, 21, 2 Inch $6 to $20.
(Hove Dent's line kid dress
gloves, heavy mid medium
weight $2.
Suit Cases I.iidies slue 22
Inch. Plain mid Illled-Sia to
fllovcs-Bllk lined Huedo at
popular prices $1.25, $1 511,
$1.75. $2 00.
Neckwear Beautiful creations
Just from the maker - 25c.
The most complete line in the City,
and we can prove it
The Gift of Furniture adorns, beautified and comforts the home,
where all may enjoy its Luxury. It typifies the pinnacle of good
taste and wisdom in following the custom and laws of Old King
Santa Glaus.
Let us Direct Your Attention to our Line of
Morris Chairs and Morris Rockers
Miss May Stockton, Who Took the
Part of the Little Newsboy in the
Play Last Night, Was 19 Years Old
Miss May Stockton, in "The Little
Outcast.' which held the boards at the
Frazer last night, was Just 1 0 years of
ago yesterday. Miss Stockton has
been on the stage only thiee years,
but in this time she has made an en
viable reputation for herself and Is
making a wonderful success of her
She lias been taking the roll of Bob
in "The Little Outcast" company only
during the present season, but she
certainly portrays the life of a New
York newsboy very plainly and there
is a strain of loyalty and noble trains
in her character during the play
which wins not only the applause of
tlio audience wherever she goes, but
makes lasting friends for her.
AIlss Stockton has the distinction
of being tlio second actress to hoi
made an honorary member of the Se
attle Newsboys' Union. Sho played
"Tim Little Outcast" there aud the
newsboys were so pleased with her
rendition of the part that they called
a meeting and made her a honorary
member of their union, presenting
her with a very unique badge as a
token of their good will toward her.
Kate Kmmett is the only other girl , It. W. Harris, a hobo, was Bontenc-I
to receive these honors ut tlio hands ed to one year In the penitentiary by
1 -
Corner Main and Court Streets.
Jesse Moore, a Umatilla County Pio
neer, Speaks of Cattle Business.
, , Pendleton, Or., Dec 1. iiui
Jesse Moore, one of the pioneers, ' ' 'J
of Umatilla county, who wns in tho ( llis is to certify that we, the
rlt, Incl tidrht lnnlrlflfr nflnf tlliulnoeq .. .1..-..: 1 1 i i
.y ...v ....... ....... ... " , "", ii--i:ikiicu, mivu agreed netween
ourselves to establish uniform
Interests, says that winter has set in
in earnest at ills home on Hutter
Mr. Mooro says all the cattle aro
now being fed and quite u number
huvo been sold recently. Ho estimat
ed that no less than 5000 head wero
brought from tho ranges to lie fed
on tho Butler Creek airalfn this fall,
and that out of these about 3000 aro
yet on the creek. The other 2000
liavo been sold to outsiders und ship-,
lied ouL Cattle aro looking well and
dealers have experienced no dlfficul- J
ty in keeping them In good condition. J
Mr. Mooro has lived on Putter!
Cieek for tho past 3G years. .
prices for the care and hoard of
horses by the month. One horso
to hay by the month 512 50, One
horse to hay and grain per month
tj. Commencing Dec, 1, 1902
G. M. Froome
M. J. Carney
S. F. Hays
W. Llndsey.
1 Combination Book Cases.
iQdoa Closets.
ftfaslon Tables, Round and
Cnlng Chairs.
Turkish Rockers and Chairs.
Oak and Mahogany Rockers.
ladies Desks.
Office Desks.
Parlor Tables.
Library Tables.
Shaving Stands.
Dressing Tables.
Parlor Suits.
Music Cabinets.
Book Cases.
Office Chairs.
Brass and Iron Beds.
Bissel's "Cyco" Bearing Sweepers
The Highest attainment in FURNITURE Elegance and Beauty
Is Reached in our Collection.
Prices Positively the Lowest in Pendleton
Soleot now and it will be held for you and delivered Christmas.
Baker & Folsm,
Store Next to
the Post Office
of the Seattle newsboys.
Miss Stockton has not let her sue
cess on the stage turn her head, but
Is just an open-hearted, frank little
woman She was born In Kentucky
and her mother died, leaving her "an
oiphau when sue was very young
tone was graduated lrom a convent Jn
Nashville, Tenn., and from tho Unl
versify of Slmilott, N. C, and in 18'J'J
made her first appearance on the
stage with a stock eompauy.
Hotel Pendleton.
J 13. I'urklng, Chicago.
C. M. Crewdon, San Francisco.
O. C. Gearhardt, San 'Francisco.
W It, Glendeniug, Portland.
P. M. Morse, Portland.
T. Muellhaupt, Portland.
It. S. Morse, Portland.
M, U, Gwlnn, Boise.
V. H. Rhodes, San Francisco.
Charles T. Ames.
David Henderson.
Virginia Clay.
Dolly Dupee.
Frank Burton.
O, J. Gould, Chicago.
Maurice Gumbaene, Chicago.
G. A. Watson, Salem.
K. L. Herron, Portland.
W. H. Hooley, Nye,
B. J. Neare, Suokane.
Charles Jones, Walla Walla.
F. It. Silversmith, Denver.
D. D, Warner, Denver.
The Colden Rule.
J. S. Hughes, Prairie City.
M. Flint. Kansas City.
John Morris, Chicago.
Lea Madel, Chicago.
Blmer Grlnno, Chicago.
Claude Nlles, Chicago.
Miss May Stockton, Chicago,
Miss Harriet Barton, Chicago,
Selraar Komalne, Chicago,
Willie Slater, Vernon.
Samuel Page, Spokane.
W. H. II. Scott, Athena.
H. W. Cameron, Spokane.
J. HaaB, Joseph.
L. K. Hlght, Portland.
Nanda Nolman, Spokane.
R. Schrensky, San Francisco.
L. Cunningham, Portland,
A. J. Hall, Caracas.
C. Hlnker, Spokane.
Doug Belts, Pilot Hock.
It. B. Porter, Meacham.
D. W. Mumposel, city.
Frank Nelson, city.
Charles J. Smith, city.
Henry Hill, Helix,
James Wellington, Echo.
Charles McFarland, city.
C. B. Minton, Salem.
Christmas ties at Teutsch's.
Judge Boise, at Albany, Tuesday, for
slcallng a Jar of fruit from a cellar
of a farm house.
one am us
All children need the ele
ments of fat in their food be
cause it is of first importance
in proper nourishment. Doc
tors say one child in forty is
properly fed the other
thirty-nine don't get a right
amount of fat in their food at
the right time.
If more children were given
Scott's Emulsion it wouldn't
take long before more than j
one in forty was properly fed.
There is in Scott's Emulsion
something that seems to take
hold of children who do not 1
get enough and proper nour
ishment from their every-day
First there is that important t
element of fat; this is con- 1
tained in the cod liver oil in
the very best and most desir
able form. Then there are ,
the hypophosphites of lime
and soda which tone the blood
and strengthen and nourish 1
the bones. The perfect com- '
bination of these food prin
ciples in Scott's Emulsion
makes this preparation of .
great value to all children.
Going out of
All sewing machines
in stock to he dis
posed of at cost.
C o til e early and
select a bargain
milwauk-- famous;
We'll send you a sample ree upoa . K ot imported lunclie..
' v ' I hot wiener whtb, sauerkraut ana
reluest- pigs feet at
scott & bowne, KOHLER & GO'S
409 Pearl St., New York. I Main Streets near PoMOffice