East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 17, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    . A,
ic nAILY
Eastern Oregon Weather
a r- K Aft W -t K
Tonight nml Thursday partly
ctoudv continued cold
)3C A VT
NO. 4017
Ltd Interstate Commis-
Mows Net Earnings of
Ms Are Unusual,
Hie Existing Laws Are Totally
xguite Senate Passes Defic
r Bill In Five Minutes $500,000
Given the Attorney.General to
litigate the Trusts.
ilngton, Dec. 17. Tho annual
I of the interstate commerce
fission sent congress today
that the nut earnings of the
js In the United States for the
ending June 30, 1902, was
j,000 or 13100 per mile. It ex
' the coming's of the previous
ty J31.000.noO, and paid $30,000,-
toe In dividends.
report is outspoken regarding
hatlons Competition which for-
I existed has bean largely sup-
aim It is only a matter of
lit the present rate, before the
I situation will bo controlled by
individuals. The present con-
invnu'o consequences to the
ffhleli should claim most seri
Iteration It recommends corres
hg changes In regulating stat
the existing laws are totally
criminal provisions of tho pres
Iw as tested by prosecutions in
fit year are a dead letter. There
fto bo some power by which to
ll the grain carrying roads of the
mest to maintain a published
i well as tn make fair and reas-
i rates
ntion is called to tho gratifying
i or the safety appliance law by
there wore nearly 10,000 less
i among those engaged In coup
nd uncoupling cars than during
evlous year.
Ihiugton, Doc. 17. In tho sen-
pterday Morgan tAia.j asi;eu
lis hill fixing the salaries of the
Ian canal commission at $5000
he referred to tho committee
ler-oceanic canals. Ho said ho
eon informed that the present
ssioucrs were paid $1000 a
each, and that their sorvices
Utended over "9 months. In
so to an inquiry troni Hale,
bald that out of the 29
tho commission had spent
Baths in Nicaragua and two
I In Panama.
kit is u very remarkable state-
" said Hale,
la a very truo one," replied Mor-
Eial shows tho necessity of our
IBmetlnng to regulate these ex
iting, Morgan said it was
1, "In advance of striking one
y canal, to mako such pro
U Mil nrovent tho United
j" running into tho horrible
tho old Panama Canal
Uvnll JlH thn nnw nnn "
f.f'ffor it except two-fifths
" H thero which was filled
!K extent
"ration resumed of the
'1 0111.
Uendmpnt llfPnrrwl !, VnnW
treed t0 strfking out as much
,- of tho bill as related
inspections and Instructions
euro e,i i i, .
S tho military bill was dis-
,u, "luuiuus siaienoou Dili
a dlspnqcii
Cfl.l w t( lu V U 1 1 ill V.k
-c4ie DaSSPlI n tilll mlntlnc in.
!U(a. Idaho nnrl o ,anWlni
, 2 t0 tho senato tho report
yMUc reindeer in Alaska.
ro Reduce Tariff.
"higton iw it r .l. .
N , i "eons committee auth
far !!-, I- '"pure oi ino oiu
llVpkm '? 0,1 Goods Imported
,e Wnrt. pp,?es t0 25 Pr cent
cent. 5' 13 Thoy now pay
it Urgency Bill Passed.
aa uvoat0 tho urgent deficiency
it .se1 Up and nnHaort In
the t ?tlon .was Passed that
Young men Take Diet Prescribed by
Agricultural Department.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 17. About
a dozen young men Monday began
boarding on a diet furnished by the
agricultural department and designed
to test food adulterations. It was
tho first day of the actual inclusion
of borax and other preservatives in
r meats which are to bo furnished
to tho young men for a long period,
under the direction of Chemist Wiley,
of tho department. He believes the
results will show tho hannlessness of
preservatives, whoso presence In ex
ports of tho United States has led
to exclusion of such food products.
The young men have been taking
incir meais ror two weeks under Dr.
Wiley's direction, but until today no
adulterants were used In tho- food.
The object was to put them in the
best possible physical condition be
fore beginning preservatives.
O. R. & N. May Run Dining Cars In
stead of Losing Time to Eat at
Portlaud, Dec. 17. One of the nioit
unique features of a journey over the
u. it. & n. Hallway the log cabin
eating station at Meacham, presided
over by Grandma Munra may have
to give way, it Is thought, to the mod
ern demand lor lime-saving utilities
in transportations. While the plans
lor the station eating house have been
drawn at the engineering headquai
tors, no steps have yet been taken
to rebuild tho cabin which was de
stroyed by Are some weeks ago.
Hadlcal changes are pending in the
truiu service of the O. H. & N.-Uniou
Pacific system between Portland and
Chicago. This fact Is confirmed by
i'resldcnt Alohler himself, who today
said that it was contemplated to put
on a dining car on all through trains
so as to cut out the log cabin eating
house entirely. It Is an expensive
lcaturo tojnaintaln, but the president
said that the principal reason for con
sidering the abolishment of the eating
station was the time that could bo
Only Those Included in the Following Provisions May Vote
on Sewerage.
"No person shall vote at any special election for the purpose of de
termining any assessment or tax, unless he shall be at the
time of voting, the owner of property, within the city, of at least the
value of $100, subject to taxation, and which property was assessable on
the last assessment roll, in the name of such voter; further, that women
having the same general and property qualifications, as qualified voters
of the city of Pendleton, under the provisions of this act, may have the
right to vote at any special election, for the purpose of determining any
assessment or tax."
The voting places for the four wards of the city have been desig
nated by the council as follows:
In W. S. Byers building, opposite the mill, on Court street; Judges
J.M. Ferciuson. Walter Wells and W. P. Tcmole: clerks. Geo. E. Prrinner.
! C. C. Sharp and Thomas Thompson.
In the Bailey building, at the corner of Water and Main streets;
Judges, R. Alexander, W. H. Jones and J. B. Mumford; clerks, G. I. La
Dow, E. J. Murphy and Frank Frazier.
At city recorder's office, on Alta street; Judges, C. F. Colesworthy, M.
A. Rader and B. F. Renn; clerks, William Hilton, S. R. Thompson and C. R.
In Boynton building, corner of Webb and Cozbie streets; Judges, Louis
Larone, Frank O'Hara and H. O. Moussu; clerks, J. F. Howard, A. B. Chap,
man and J. W. Kimbrell.
Granted New Trial.
Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 17. Jim How
ard, who was sentenced to bo haug-
en tor conspiracy in the assassination
of William Goebel, was granted a new
trial today, which will be the third
time for the same crime,
Body Placed In Two Feet of Concrete,
to Prevent Robbery of the Grave.
Portland, Or., Dec. 17. Solomon
Hirseh, ex-minister to Turkey, was
buried hero this morning. A great
concourse of people attended tho bur
ial. The body was placed in two feet
of cement and armed guards are to
watch over the grave till the coment
hardens. This precaution is the result
of tho theft of the body of W. S.
Ladd, some years ago.
tt?A r. ' oaiuraay. Mor-
PC ri5hJ'5 1)111 t0 Pvldo for
" ot - ; ; , E to tho con-
euuni no
Cruiser Ashore.
Copenhagen, Dec. 17. A German
first-class cruiser is ashore near Kos
vor, on tho Baltic sea. The battle-
hip Kaiser Willi el in der Grosse and
other vessels aro trying to save It.
No Improvement.
London, Dee. 17. Archbishop Can
tohury continues the same with no
noticeable improvement this morn
Prehistoric Mound.
Contractor Goerig has unearthed
what he believes Is a strange prehis
toric mound on tho high ridgo back
of Lowoll, Washington.
A few feet below the surface of tho
earth, where great firs and cedars
have been growing, the workmen
found a perfectly flat, circular bod of
concrete, laid on a pyramid of stones,
Tho concrote bed is ton feet in illame
tor. Mr. Goerig says the concrete is
perfect and that the stones were un
Being Organized in Montana to Help
Out the Venezuelans.
Butte, Mont., Dec. 17. It is stated
on what appears to be good authority
that a filibustering party Is being or
ganized In Butte to go to Venezuela
It Is said, at least, that an alleged
"josh" story In tho Inter-Mountain,
concerning a party of Montana fiii-
bustcrers, who are organizing to go
to Venezuela, is really based upon
A number of Butte men hnve al-
icady enlisted. The men conducting
the scheme are keeping It quiet, but it
Is said at least one well-armed com
pany, all crack shots, and old moun
tain men, will go south In a few days.
A number of Spanish war veterans
and several veterans of the Fenian
invasion of Canada, are among the
mon enlisted.
Over 4000 Cords Needed, 2160 Cords
Salem, Dec. 17. The board of trus
tees of the state insane asylum held
a meeting yesterday morning to open
the bids received in response to a call
for 400 cords of fir wood and 7D cards
ot oak. Fifteen bids were submitted,
all of which were accepted except one
of 50 cords of old fir, at $3.50, which
was rejected. The bids accepted ag
gregate 21C0 cords of bl gfir, at from
$1.93 to $3 per cord; 40 cords of
oak at $3.80, for tho main buildings,
and CfiO cords of second-growth fir at
from $2.25 to $2.50 per cord, and 10C
cords of old fir for tho farm buildings.
Although the wood offered does not
fill the institution's requirements, tho
board authorized the superintendent
to contract for all wood offered with
in the in Ice limits up to the amount
Invade Nicaragua In Order
Hold Both Canal Routes.
Washington. D. C. Dec. 17. What
ever doubt existed In Nicaragua as
to tho intention of Colombia to carry
out her threat to attack her as soon
nB her own revolutionary movement
had been checked has been removed
oy the receipt of advices of a semi-official
character hero that tho Coiom
hlan army officers at Panama and Co
Ion are steadily but quietly making
ready for a ninvaslon of Nicaragun.
It Is stated further that there Is a
double reason for tho attack. In tho
first place, Colombia wishes to tako
forcible possession of tho Mosquito
btrip, which would control both routes
available for the isthmian canal, and
so enable her to make her own terms;
:md, secondly, she must find congenl
al employment for tho Colombian sol
diers who have been lighting rebels
for four, years, and cannot now bo
easily turned to ways of peace, and
would, it Is feared, start a new revo
lution if not nllowed an outlet for
their energies outside of Colombia.
The advices are to tho effect that
the officials In Manngua are seriously
disturbed ut the outlook and aro cast
ing about for means to avert the at
tack by Colombia.
Quotations Furnished by the Coe j
commission Company I. C. Major
Local Manager, Room 4, Associa
tion Block. .
... 74
... -7mg77
December May
December 50
May I34
December 3tVi
May 32?iSKs
January 1670
May 1572'i
Minneapolis, Dec. 17.
Wheat Opened.
May 75
New York,
Dec. 17.
.... S0TA
.... 7S
31 If,
75 HS"
Young Lady of Gazelle, Cal., Meets
Death In Flames.
Yorka. Cal., Doc. 17. Tho homes of
13. II. Kdson and 1,. M. Foulko. at
Gazelle, were destroyed liv fire at S
o'clock this morning. Miss K. Foulke,
the oldest daughter of Mr. Foulke,
was burned to death.
TOOK $7000.
Former Cashier of Ashvllle Bank
Found Guilty of Embezzlement.
Ashvllle, N. C, Dec. 17. Laurence
Poulllnn today was found guilty In
tho federal court of embezzling $7000
from the Nntlonnl Bank of Ashvllle.
where ho was formerly cashier. Mo
took the money eight years ago and
escaped to California, whoro five
years afterwards ho surrendered to
tho authorities of Stockton.
Andjun, a City of 30,000 People,
St. Petersburg, Dec. 17. Andjun, In
Central Asia, has been practically de
stroyed by earthquake. No details of
the loss of life hnvo yet been nscor
tnlno'1. The city had 30.000 Inhabitants,
Miner Dunko, Who the Opera
tors Said Received $900
Last Year, Received $360.
Nebraska Real Estate Men.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 17. Tho leading
cities and towns of the state were rep
resented today at tho opening of the
annual convention of the Nebraska
Heal Estate Dealers' Association.
Three days will bo occupied by the
sessions of the convention and many
questions of importance to tho real
estato world will bo discussed. Pro
posed changes In the laws governing
state taxation will bo considered and
miiiiprtiv laid hv hnmnn hnnrtR. No other matters to receive attention in-
other stones like them aro found In elude changes in existing laws on the
tho neighborhood. He Is much sur- sale, rental and mortgaging property
prised at the condition of the concrete lut ,ulralul!. ul iuuiibb.
iuuiieis ruiiuujuiug me uebi, uiuiuuud
as ho has no idea where thn builders
obtained the cement
Ro0vftho Isth,ulan
H Khont 8 PlWatlon bill
IL naut objection or amend-
h llOUfin l
lie, ren-rt uuimittoo of tho
"Hi in,. -""wwii to. trio ludlc
h ta.r'?ttag half a mniinn
the attt with
u"el tor'H to em-
' 1SW now vC r""1 ol tie
Bw on the atatuto hnov
I MtTSX ?".'!! Ind'a
-V M
Seattle's Hunting Bag.
The hunting bag onco used by old
Chief Seattlo on expeditions in the
woods and on tho beach where now
stands the city that derives Its name
from his, has been deposited In tho
University of Washington Museum.
Tho historic rollc Is tho property of
Allen Barlow, of the Port Townsond
fndlnu reservation. It was placed In
the university as a loan exhibit, and
will bo used to 'llllustrato Prof. Ed
mund S. Meany's lecture on Indians of
the state.
Tho bag Is about 22 Inches deep
with a dlamoter ot 16 Inchos. It .is
woven of corn husks and cedar bark
fibres. Colored skeins of yarn tinted
In natural dyes decorate the sides of
the basket, on either eldo or which
Is a different pattern.
of making salos and tho size of com
missions also will be discussed. At
tho opening session today, President
Conkling called tho meeting to order
and prayer was offered by Hev. H. C.
Derrlng. An address of welcome by
President Harrison, of the Omaha
exchnnge and responses by represen
tative members of the association followed.
Tom and Tabby on the Bench.
Chicago, III., Dec. 17. The purring
aristocracy of tho nation met today
In the Coliseum In a friendly compe
tition for valuable trophies offered by
Mrs. Minnie Maddoru FIslte, Mrs. J.
Ogdeu Armour and others. The affair
is held under the auspices of the Her-c-sford
Cat Club and is tho first exclu
sively cat show to bo held in the Unit
ed Stiles. It called together a collec
tion of nearly 1000 felines, Including
Thomases and Tabbies of every con
clevablo variety. There aro to be seen
ovcry kind of cat. fiom Manx to Slam-c-se,
and from blue-blooded Persian
and Angora aristocracies to plain tab
lies of tho alley variety. The show
Is to continue through the icniainder
of tho week and tho premiums will be
awarded by A. J. I Hula nil and James
Vldal of England.
Friends of tho late Senator Vance,
of North Carolina, are raising funds
to purchase a llfeslzo marble bust of
tho senator, to be placed In tho rotunda-
of the Carneglo library build
ing of Charlotte, N. C.
To Form Church Federation.
San Francisco. .Cal.. Dec. 17. The
Federation of Churches and Christian
Workers of Northern California Is to
be organized permanently at a con
vention which opens In the Y. M. C
A. hnll this evening and continues
through tomorrow. Tho organization
is to be formed along the same lines
as similar federations existing among
tho churches of the East. Committees
will bo appointed on moral reform, on
evnmrniinin the state, missionary
comity, etc. Tho movement Is regard
ed as of far-reaching significance and
ono of tho most Important of the last
decade among religious workers. One
of tho nroblems to bo solved is the
overchurchlng of tho small towns, I
Boll Weevil Evil.
Dallas, Texas, Dec. 17. Tho boll
weevil evil Is to be exterminated In
Texas if a concerted course of ac
tion throughout the statu can bring
about tho result. At a conference
here today .held under tho ausplclccs
of tho Commercial Club and to which
members of the stato legislature,
state officials and representatives of
commercial bodies and fanning Inter
ests were Invited, tho preliminary
steps were taken for waging an active
campaign against the pest. Tho legis
lature Is to bo callod upon to mako
a liberal appropriation to be used for
weevil extermination.
Big Poultry Show.
Mlddletown, O., Dec. 17. One of
the largest poultry shows over held In
this section of tho state opened hero
today under the auspices of the Mid
dletown Poultry Club. Several states
aro represented among tho entries,
which are both numerous and of an
unusually high class.
Wedding In Capital Society.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 17. The
church of the Ascension Is to be tho
Fceno this evening of one of tho nota
ble weddings of tho season. The
bride-to-be is Miss Mabelo Herman,
daughter of the Commlsloner of tho
Land Office, and Mrs. Dinger Herman,
and the bridegroom Mr Howard Pros
cott Gatley.
Declares That if Eelzure of Gunboats
Does Not Suffice, It Will Be Neces
sary to Have an Actual Blockade.
Iondon, Dec. 17. Balfour replying
to questions in the house of commons
today repeated his assurances that
Kiiglund had no Intention of landing
troops or occupying any territory In
Great Britain Is anxious that there
should bo us little Inconvonlenco as
possible to the neutral powers In tho
blockade. Ho believed the Germans
had old grievances beslilo tho finan
cial claims. Nothing further, ho add
ed, had been iccelved regarding arbi
tration. To i. take Actual Blockade.
Me said if tho seizure of tho gun
boats doesn't bring tho desired re
sult It will bo necessary to proceed
with an actual blockade. Tho Gor
man and English ships act Independ
ently. Me admitted Unit there was
u. controversy as lo whether or not
thero was huch u tiling as a pacific
blockade Personally ho believed thut
a blockade involved a stute of war.
Thero was considerable excitement
at tho conclusion of tho speech, as It
Is taken as Balfour's meaning that a
blockade. If declared, will he against
tho ships of all nations. Question
then arises whether Secretary Hay
will agree to this, although It Is not
uppaietit how he can disagree unless
America denies tho right of Europe
ans to declaro war on any of the
South American republics.
French Claim Protection.
Paris, Dec. 17. Foreign Minister
Delasso has obtained assurances from
England and Germany that tho cus
toms of Venezuelu which by an agree
ment made last April were to be set
abide as guarantees of tho payment
of French claims, will ! protected
by tho allies.
Italian Minister Leaves.
Washington, Dec. 17. Minister
liowen cables tho state department
from Caracas this morning that the
Italian minister had left. - Bowen had
assumed chargo of the Italian legation
affairs according to Instructions.
Belgium Takes a Hand.
Brussels, Dec. 17. It Is officially
announced today that a diplomatic
noto has been sent to Venezuela re
garding tho settlement of Belgian
claims, which amount to $500,000.
Judge Gray Permits the Miners to
Bring a Few More Witnesses Re
quested the Miners to Not Let Their
Daughters Work, No Matter How
Deep They Were In Debt.
Chicago, Dec. 17.- ,
Scranton, Pa., Dec. 17. The coal
operators before tho nnthraclto com
mission today began their rerfponno
to the ehnrges nindo by the minors.
Former Congressman Wolvorton, ono
of the operators' counsel, began his
address when the commission opened.
Before Wolverton was fairly start
ed Dai row said ho desired to call a
few moro witnesses. Pernilsldoii was
granted. Ho called Minor Dunko,
father of tho little girl who testified
to voi king at nights to help support
her fnmlly. Tho company employing
Dunko entered n Btatomonl yesterday
that ho received $1400 Inst year of
which $000 was ills nhnro.
Dunko testified that tho money had
lipr'ii divided between two minors nml
two laborors. Ho recolvcd only $30
a month and was deeply In debt to
tho company store when his girl wont
to work.
Gray said ho should not let his
daughtor work llko this, no matter
how deeply ho was In debt to tho
Another father called, testified that
his daughter mado only $1.50 a woek,
nml that tho silk mllln never demand
ed a certificate that her age was over
Judgo Gray said, "It's up to that
ImsB now." Ho requested tho witness
to keep his daughter from such work.
Judgo Gray nsked the counsel ot
the Pennsylvania company for an o.v
plamitlun In tho discrepancy of tho
statement. Mo wns nnswcrud that tho
company kept no record of how many
niPii assisted tho contrnct miners.
Railway's Defense.
Tho railway's dorunso will bo based
upon the ground that inlno workom
nro forming a monopoly of labor. That
thero Is no similarity betwoon bitu
minous nnd nnthraclto mining, and
Unit all laborers nnd minors nro paid
more wages thun other o.-eupallons ro
quiring tho saino skill. Thoy will nlao
try to show that tho educational fa
duties aro good nnd tlrnt mining l
not a dangorons occupation. Thoy
will also try to show that It Is Im
practicable and almost linpoHHlhlo to
adopt tho systom ot weighing nskod
for by tho miners.
Wants Laws Against Child Labor.
Judge Gray, after hearing the testi
mony of sovoral Inspectors, recom
mended thut the commission petition
tho legislature asking It to puss strin
gent factory Inspection laws against
chlld'labor. Wolvorton then address
ed tho commission In behnlf of tho
Dairy Topics Discussed.
Mlllsboro, Oro.. Dec. 17. This wan
a busy day for tho delegates to tho
annual session of tho Oregon Farmers'
CongrosH. Among the papers present
ed and discussed nt tho forenoon ses
sion were tho following: "The Kail
road's Inteicst In tho Dulry Industry"
M. E, Loiinsbury, Southern Pacific Co,
of Portland; "Dairy Farming and lla
Tli Pi.iducts." William Hihiilnn ilch,
i'aimlngton; "Variations In Mnml Mop.
orator Cioam," F. O. Cutllp .liputy
duliy L-oinlsloner, Portland. T.i con
tention will como lo a cloud with a
scrlou of Interesting address, this
Jenkins vs. Mclnerney,
Clovoland, O., Dec. 17. Torn Jen
kins, tho world's champion catdi-ag-rateh
cun wrestlor, ami Tom Melnor
noy, who aro to meet op the mat In
this city tonight, have complntod their
preparations for tho bout. Both men
appear to ho In tho finest feltii ami an
interesting contest Is oxpeclcd to bo
tho result
For Christmas Reading
Chatting about books, Instead of
society, brings to mind two beautiful
editions, among tho many tor holiday
trado. Ono Is tor children "Tno Uio
and Adventures ot Santa Claus," by
li. Frank Baum, author of "Fathor
Goose." Mr. Baum's new dook is
charming and Jt answers that oft-repeated
question, "Whero did Santa
Claus como from?" Another hook,
remarkably attractive In its new dress
Is "An Old Swetheart of Mine" by
James Whltcomu IUley.
President Castro has Issued a man.
Ifesto to his people calling upon
them to awake to tho dniifrers that
confront them.
North Polo mlno was offtreu for
ealo tfireo years ago for fCOO.000 it
has 0000 feet on the mother lod'- Tho
rnlno 1b now worth twenty million dol
lars. South Polo mlno adjnln haa
49-11 feet on tho same lod, has ulx
tunnels, amounting lo 2200 tact, all
In ore, Wa epoct within !' than,
three years', work to have a mine as
valuable as North Polo is today
South Pole stork Is selling at 15
rents until about January 1st Buy
beforo tho prlco raises.
See Uahagan at Martman's Abstract
olilco, Pendleton, Oro.
Bee Gahagan at Hsrtman Abstract
office, Pendleton, Ore.