East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 16, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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Make Em Happy j
Grandma, grandpa, mamma, papa, sisters,
brothor, daughter, son, the baby, aunt, uncle, cousin
or dear friend, will onjoy something that will add to
the comforts of life. That somothing is easy to de
cido on.
Get them a Pair of Slippers
Or Perfect Fitting Shoes
Wo make it our special aim to supply Child-
ren's Slippors and Shoes, and have a select line for
you to make choice from.
The celebrated Alfred Dolgo EomeoB and Juli
ets are handled by us.
. g
Dindinge, Wilson & Co.,
The Only Exclusive Shoe House in Pendleton, "
J. Wellington, or Echo, Is In town
C. E. Nelson Is In town from Wes
C. V. Flnloy, of Athena, is In tho
A. J. Kelly la In town from Free-
H. T. Duncan Is In town from Umatilla.
Walter Clem, of Heppner, is In
"Walter Allison is In town from
Louis Proebstel Is in town from
Judge W. It. Ellis is in Heppner
holding court
James Fitz, of Wallula, is in the
city on business.
Zoeth Houser, ex-United States mar
shal, Is In the city.
It. N. Thompson, of Walla Walla, is
in tho city oi business.
J. S. Warren and T. H. Williamson
are in town from Milton.
George T. Williams, a Walla Walla
business man. Is at the Golden Hula
Fred E. Judd left this afternoon for
Portland, where ho goes to transact
Matt Mosgrove, ono of the promi
nent merchants of Milton, Is at Hotel
8t, George.
Hisses Stella Chapman and Martha
Kelly, of Milton, are visiting friends
iu Pendleton.
County Commissioner Horace Wal
ker is at Hotel Pendleton from his
homo at Helix.
Stephen A. Lowell left Monday
erenlng for La Grande whero ho went
to look after legal business.
District Attorney T. G. Halloy has
gone to Heppner to attend an adjourn
ed session of the district court.
Henry Shockey has returned from
New Whatcom, Wash., whero he has
fcoen working tho past summer.
J. P. McManus, editor of the Pilot
Itock Record and Adams Advance, is
in town today looking after business
W. II. H. Scott, ono of tho promi
nent wheat growers of tho cast end
of the county, is registered at tho
Golden Hule hotel.
Joseph Cox, who has been employ
ed with Demott & Co., left Monday
for his home In Iowa. He will remain
several months and may not return
hero at all.
J. W. Thompson, Jr., who has been,
in Umatilla county for tho past four
years, leaves Wednesday for his old
homo at Rowland, Linn county,
where ho will spend tho holidays and
may remain for some time to come.
Link Swaggaot, ono of Umatilla
county's prosperous farmers living
three miles northeast of Athena, was
In Pendleton during tho afternoon of
Monday. Mr. Swaggart Is one of the
prosperous diversified farmers of the
county. He raises wheat, deals in lino
hogs, cattle, horses and In fact, has
a variety of all kinds of stock around
his place.
Meacham Citizens Say Campers and
Hunters Are Too Careless.
Join. Anderson, of Menchnra. was
in the rltv today and in regard to
IDLE LAND THAT ,u. 11H,,i 0f legislation for I'.asiorn
, "There should bo a moro strict law
Over Six Thousand Acres Between providing for punlsliiaent of care
Hudson Day and Freewater Will loss hunters and campers In tut
Grow Fixe Tons of Alfalfa "Per Year T.f'" ,,assos but Eastern Or
and 300 Dushels of Potatoes.' .. s,fie"S untold losses from wan-
"Ono levee can be built for $3000 (on and criminal carelessness. The
limber Imrned down is an acium iu
to the country.
"It I our property, a resource,
.ni,i, nr tho state, and to burn
down year after year Is no less crim
inal than to burn up wheat crops or
orchards. Resides tho loss to tho
general government, poor men whoso
sole possessions consist in a tow acres
of timber or a few hundred cords of
wood, suffer the loss of tneir iaai u-
source. ,
Tim rnrivjtn suffer fully as much
from this source as they do from tho
greed of the land grabbers.
No Reliance In Vaults.
since. It has been proven that tho
strongest built vault can easily bo
opened by expert safe-crackers, tho
treasurp department has decided to
add to their massive vaults anu com
plicated locks a novel electric burg
lar alarm. While tho government is
endeavoring to protect the nations
wealth In tho best manner possible It
is very important that wo should en
deavor to protect our health from tho
inroads of disease. The safest medi
cine to do this is Hostettor's Stomach
Bitters, lly strengthening Uio stom
ach, perfecting the digestion and puri
fying tho blood, It prevents dlseaso
from obtaining a foothold. It will also
cure dyspepsia, flatulency, constipa
tion, bllliousness, nervousness and
malaria, fever and ague. Ono bottle
will convlnco you -of Its value Don't
fall to try It.
uuk oull DAY
Last Saturday was a great succe
on tho Walla Walla Ulvor," said A. S.
Pearson, of Freewater, "which will
Irrigate nearly the entire tract of
G400 acres lying Idlo between Free
water and tho Hudson Hay.
"When once under Irrigation this
tract of land will grow anything that
Is native to tho temperate zone. I am
now selling land at $300 to $500 per
acre, which Is not as good land a,s
some of this tract that Is lying un
used at our door."
Tho great tract of arid land is ono
of tho most wonderful Irrigation
schemes of tho West. It Is surround-j
ed on all sides by fertile fields and
orchards; it is a warm, sandy soil,
easily Irrigated and extremely fertllo
under a very mild application of
If a lovee costing not moro than
S3000 will Irrigate this body of land,
comprising 6(00 acres, It is a subject
for Immedlato investigation by tho
Columbia River Basin Association.
This body of land divided up Into
40-acro tracts would support 1G0 fami
lies, it would add at least 10 times
Its present value to the taxable prop
erty of tho county.
It will grow live tons of alfalfa to
tho acre per year; 40 to BO bushels of
wheat, 300 to 400 bushels of pota
toes, fruits of overy variety and such
an abundance of vegetables as would
bo almost Incredible.
Tho fertllo Walla Walla valley lies
on ono side of It, tho Milton fields
and orchards on tho other. Tho
same state of fertility would bo found
upon this tract under Irrigation, that
is seen in the adjoining districts.
Masons Elect Officers.
Tho Pendleton Masonic Lodge met
last night in their hall and elected
officers for tho ensuing year as fol
lows: E. J. Murphy, W. M.; Thomas
Ayres, S. W.; Gene Vaughn, J. W.;
Joo Parkes, secretary; W. D. Hans
ford, treasurer; George Buzan. tyler:
T. C. Taylor, Robert Forster and R.
Alexander, trustees. Tho new offic
ers wfll bo installed Monday nlirht.
the 22d Inst.
Decree Granted.
In tho divorco caso of Charles V.
GInley a decree was granted yester
day as prayed. The suit was brought
by Will M. Peterson, attorney for
plaintiff and the complaint cited do
sertion as the grounds on which ho
asked a divorce.
Rich Cut Glass
Rate Select Pieces
Sparkles like Diamonds.
Most beautiful stock ever
shown in Pendleton. See
display in our window.
Decree Granted.
In the divorco caso of Elizabeth
Dozier vs. William A. Dozier. Judge
Kills yesterday granted a decree as
prayed. Tho suit was asked on the
grounds of cruel treatment.
Alfred Tellman, a Swede, nnnlled
to County Clerk W. D. Chamberlain
this morning for naturalization pa
Visiting the Schools. .
County School Superintendent Now-
lln is putting In his tlmo this week
visiting tho city schools. He reports
that ho finds all the schools running
smoothly under a very efllcient corps
of teachers.
Take Luxatlve Hromo Qufnlue Tablet, All
Irusrglits refund the money II It falls to cure.
K W. Grove' dgnatuie Is on each box. L'oc.
Committee Enlarged to Assist
ing Holiday Season.
Tho committee of tho Commercial
Association, consisting of R. Alexan
dor, Jesse Falling and C. E. Uoose
velt, having the club building propo
sition In charge, held a meeting yes
terday evening to discuss tho pro
gress of tho undertaking.
Whilo no aggressive public action
has been taken, yet a quiet and tel
ling campaign Is being carried on
among the business; men, and the
committee has made progress that
places the plan upon a sure basis.
Tho proposition is ono of great mag
nitude and considering tho presence
of other public Issues before tho pea
plo has met with a cordial reception
and is in hands that will bring it to
a successful termination, within due
time. Chairman Alexander expresses
his satisfaction at present progress
in tno warmest terms and feels confi
dent that no obstacles will be met.
Tho committee feels so highly en
couraged with tho result of their work
carried on quietly among the business
men of the city, that two moro mem
bers were added, at yesterday even
ing's meeting, to push tho work of
organization as fast as possible.
'flc greatly increased trade at the
beginning of holiday season, makes
such demands upon tho tlmo of those
comprising the committee, that Chair
man Alexander decided to relieve the
excessive pressure of private and
public business combined, by enlarg
ing the committee, and accordingly
appointed Leon Cohen and Judge G.
A. Hartman to assist in the work in
At present tho work Is of a prelim
inary nature. Tho business men are
being interviewed and all the
strength possible is being enlisted.
Walla Walla College Receives Dona
tion of 25,000 Copies of a Book.
The work now being done for Walla
Walla College is but a part of an
effort to build up allied educational
Institutions throughout tho world.
Two publishing houses aro printing
auu.uuu copies or mo UDject wes
sons," which aro given by tho author
ami publishers to tho causo of edu
cation, 25,000 copies going to Walla
Walla College.
The book Is already issued In three
languages, and other editions above
the 300.000 iu America are being used
to establish schools in Europe, Africa,
Canada and Australia.
This enterprise is meeting with
general favor, tho "Object Lessons"
being highly recommended by lead
ing men In different demonstrations.
Somo 200,000 copies havo been sold
up to the present time, thus raising
nearly a quarter of a million for
schools, the whole proceeds being ap
plied directly to educational work, as
no person receives any commission
for handling. It Is expected that the
sale of the book will reach half a mil
lion copies. A representative of tho
collego is now working In Pendleton.
.i i i ..o i ?i -i ... "i "uitoi .i
uie nuarts ui many emiuren this Xmas v n
to do still better noxt Saturday. Rea(i
and learn how:
Saturday, Dec. 20, with a ma, . .
moro of crockery or classwaro wo wilt purcl h
novelty worth 50c. FekenltflTJ
They consist of card trays, auga 8
Even children drink Grain-0
because they llko it and the doc
tors say it is good for them. Why
not? It contains all of tho nourish
ment of tho pure grain and none
of tho poisons of coffee.
At pocera everywhere j 15c, and 25c. per package.
I Real Estate Opportunities jj
& 120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, S2500 ft
000 acres,, 10 miles ironi station, plenty of water, $6500 ft
13 atiiis, 10 nines irom renmeton Si son M
Good house on West Aha street
320 acres on the river, good hone and harn, 25
acres alrlafa, balance wheat land
5 room house on West Alt- stteet
Two five room cottages on West Webb St., each
Dutch Henry Feed Yard
Good property in oity and country too nnmorous to mention, any
location that ono may J..!.
Eugene V. Debs Will Lecture Wed
nesday Night on "Modern Prob
lems." Tho Lansing, Mich.) Tribune, speak
ing of .Mr. Debs, says: "One striking
imng auout. tno audience which Mr.
Debs draws is the largo percentage of
euucaiors and students. When ho lee
tures near a university or collego it
is a common thing for an oxcurslon to
bo run from the institution of learning
to hear tho creat teacher of Inlmr
emics and economics. Among tho
churches all who aro interested in
Christian socialism are eager to hear
him. Ladies always attend by hund
reds. Business and nrofossioimi min
swell tho audience, too, and even tho
managers of largo concerns employ
ing inousanus of workmen, go and
are surprised to find that Instead of
a ranting, raving waver of tho 'red
shirt,' they find a well-bred gentle
man who entertains his andin 11 nn Kn
luuasauuy and argues so skillfully,
leasoiif: so logically and nmm.ilR du
mp unfortunate so eloquently that
;ven his enemies go away ashamed to
denounce him." Tickets now on sale
ni iTazier's book storo. Popular
inn-ra, 0 nnu no cents.
Son of B. B. Jarvls Runs a Needle
Under His Knee Cap.
Tho 0-year-old son of Air. and Mrs.
D. 13. Jarvls was taken to Dr. Smith
this morning suffering intensely from
tho efTects of running a neeulo under
his knee cap.
Tho boy, while playing on the floor
with somo of tho other children, was
walking on his bands and knees. A
needle had been dropped on tho floor,
which tho boy struck with his
Tho needlo was forced, head first, In
to tho boy's kneo under tho kneo cap.
Tho needlo was removed and tho boy
mauo as conuortauio as possible, but
tho wound Is very painful.
A necktie social will hn nivon Vr.
day evening at Hendricks' hall by the
I.odgo or Pondo. Admission 50 cents
for gentleman and each lady is to
bring a duplicate necxtio in an en
velope. Danco and supper as usual.
Everybody invited.
Christmas Shoppers.
Tho Peoples Warehouso says to Its
many patrons that it will bo pleased
to help them get their presents In
shape. They havo blank cards and
envelopes on which to put uamo ami
compliments and will put away for
you goods selected in advance, for
ward by express or mall if out of
town, and deuvor at tbo proper tlmo
and place if in town.
S 800
Has Returned.
Dan Shockey, formerly head lino
man with tho Pendleton Ulnrtrin t .!,,
Company, and who left several weeks
gu lor oeauio to remain, has return
ed to Pondleton and again taken his
old position. Ho says Pendleton is
good enough for him.
- For
Ladies and Girls
Men an ' Boys
50c to $1.25
Per Pair
School Board Meeting Tonight.
TIiIj ovonlng tho school board for
the cl(y will meet for tho purpose of
transacting the business of tho
on Eaffth
Women or Men f
bona, jellies, etc, and aro lacquered bo that ?'
not tarnish in tho open air. llleJ J
FURTHER-With a 60c nUrfir,a t . .
glassware we will present a gold-plated BictnT
worth 25c. Both presents will make fil -5
themselves, and cost you absolutely nothing
flnrnn nnrlv nn nnr annnl,. ; i; ,
j ""pf'j j.3 uinnea
Young man, if you want
to touch a woman's heart,
buy her a piece of china.
"uy your wife ttajj
" you promise
Josh Billings said,
"Court the girl's mother
half the time. The girl
won't object and the moth
er likes it."
Josh was right. Buy
the old lady a dainty piece
of china and the old lady
will do the rest.
When you stay
night, come to us the i,
tllinr, in ,V.
e "lc morning, 8
Icct a nice present aid
will square yon with yj
better seven-eighths. kJ
thing pleases a woa,1
Detter than nice china.
Owl Tea Hod
Cheapest Place in Oregon
Holiday Goods For AH
Our shelves, Tables and counters are loaded with cewai
desirable goods for the holiday season The largest variety
we have ever shown. We have a lovely line of handkerchiefs,
mufflers, Mexican drawn work, belts, neckwear, gloves, hosioj,
albums, toilet sets, manicure sets, shaving sets, chatelaines,
jewelry, wool scarfs, fascinators, sweaters, furs. Also table)
loaded with presents suitable for children in fact, cur assort
ment you will find the greatest and our prices the lowest, ffi
have marked prices down in order to make December tie ml
ner month this year, 1902.
Come and see us and save money.
Remember: The largest stock of goods In theclty toselettta
1 ttvvvswwvvvW!Ml
ODD ROCKERS fine collection to select rem.
BOOKCASES AND SIDEBOARDS 10 per cent discount on
casii purchases made before Christmas,
LAMPS Hanging Lamps, Stand Lamps, all m
Globes, Largest line in Pendleton.
WRITING DESKS For Ladies and Gentlemen. J
GLASSWARE Verv fancv Water Sets. Wine Sets, iH
STEINS Very ornamental, Large and Small, Heal Imp'
German Steins.
.. .1
Rflslpr's Rio- Rnrvn'm HOUs
Buy Home Comfort
ror Xmas Presents
-A.f fords many bargains for
1ollar. . You'll exercise goo
Economy if yoti by
now while stook 1b complete.
j vr Clooi&.
Main and weuo