East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 16, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    '" r --" FIVE CROWS DEAD it pays to trade at the peoples warehouse s I
fee 11 eiMSOT TOT, - A - - I
Uj I . ,t;,r"irr: i Jfe, Urn ll L HI I II
ME AT"pTT X TY1 Q O Faithful Friend to Oregon Pioneers. S Jlf V Vlll JL ,JH)
n,ar ... H I V 111 fl,V ! Flvo Crows, (Pa-ha-croho). one ot 1 J ;W
P'ace w,l .0a LtA -J the most noted Umatilla Indians, has I jzf --------------- flfifft
'earlv evuroii.- 'KT passed lroni this earth Into the happy 1 I VVNB " - - -- vMl)
' cv'rywia hunting" grounds. I -vAfcv v fafi7
1 select what vm Whiskey was the cause. 1 $.
n ... . II 'm ... it is time vou vere tnmkintr ahnnt ihc II V. "" i: l -j .IJMI'i
o o ui i ,., -. v ., Ti i r .i wen. iiu icii ma wiRwaiu du ine res- BJ f w III
Kit will you get? You say, "Can think of noth- (ervatlon and started astride or his I i i 1 k I
. come in and let us show you a line of useful pony for Athena, -where he began to I 1 J 11 YA I
HRrttite for Christmas presents. For gents we have 11,1 "P firewater, in the evening I I IsS .jlfKd I
;Hklsrrchicfs, silk mufflers, dres shirts, dress gloves, he started home and Monday morn- H VTjfV lWj I
'K, a suit or an overcoat. For ladies, fine" pock! 'S I 8 I
jng shawls, silk handkerchiefs, silk tics, dress few miles from Athena. I I 5 tt I
iscinators at .n MJs. coats, jackets and many other things very use- Five Crows pony was standing, tied I I MhMtW I
mrs and aaajgetkc for" presents. 8
Jewelry ciWH B
H I doing and that ho got off his horse, I I W 1 I ablCS 0S to Olfcf them at I fl
H ' I tied it to the fence, laid down and I I 1 I W 1 I I WT
I 'Bi ( . V .
id overcoats li
st you about jj
our compel)-
isses overslots,1
misses Alaih
'd ti.35-
our rubbers to
r all purposes.
descriptions iej
your order j
I until yott
DECEMBER 1C, 1902.
Sjrd, farm loans.
i's clam chowder
Sjsters at Castle's.
set for shoe repairing.
(or cigars and tobacco.
tie candy dally at The
or clothing cleaned at N.
let repairing for shoes.
Premium hams, and bacon
pre money by buying gro-
he Standard.
Bine of canned goods and
fat the Standard.
andies In beautiful pack-
specialty. The Delta.
fday clearance Bale on all
pilinery at Mrs. Campbell's.
iclgar store, Maloy's old
hdquarters for smokers' sup-
ue Bood bus'i ess on Court
Earnhart, the real estate
His Body Found In the Road a Few
Miles From Athena Supposed
That He Froze to Death Was a
Faithful Friend to Oregon Pioneers.
Five Crows, (Pa-ha-cro-ho). one or
the most noted Umatilla Indians, has
passeo lroni this earth into thp happy
hunting grounds.
Whiskey was the cause.
Sunday Five Crows was happy and 1
wen. He lett his wigwam on the res
ervation and started nstrlde of his
pony for Athena, where he began to
fill up on firewater. In the evening
he started home and Monday morn
ing his body was found lying in the
road at the Hank .Vnughan place, a
few miles from Athena.
Five Crows pony was standing, tied
to a fence post near the body, which
was lying stretched out In the middle
of the road. It Is supposed that he
was too drunk to know what ho was
doing and that ho got off his horse,
tied It to the fence, laid down and
froze to death as the night was very
In the' Bannock War,
Five Crows was in the neighbor-
noou ol iu years of ago. lie was
well known and distinguished because
of the part he played In the Bannock
war of 1S7S. It was he who killed
Egan, the famous Bannock chief, who
was responsible for tho uprising of
tne uannocks,
In 1878 the little handful of settlers
who were living In this country, were
expecting every day to be swooped
uown upon by the Bannocks and
Five Crows was a young man and
a true friend of the whites. His
B A girl to do general
ik. Good wages. Apply to
Pendleton People Prefer
n's Ponular Product, Pur-
E Indian Robes for Presents,
le Lodging house, 12 rooms
ke lots on Main street Good
A bargain. E. T. Wade.
tic Pendleton People Prefer
bn's Popular Product, Pur-
! Indian Robes for Presents.
i In land; 480 acres of wheat
ties 25 to 30 bushels per acre;
! In winter barley. Will har
( bushels per acre. All fenced.
biee. $2500, easy terms. Own-
jot health. E. T. Wade.
fUJ) acre tract Is Hold but I
w.raet and 12,000 aheap.
Untat und 2,500 sheep.
ywHilntj Block much.
itrl 75 head of cattle.
MJhuni 100 Ion of lmv onlvMOOO
" wheat land, (, 0,000.
" Ififts mi Mm rlviip ft Trills friirn
i'ttidlelnn 'cinn '
fill Hin xlimx 1 tullfo triii
ffeaittnii inn-
ftobonly a partial list of the many
"took ratR-liei I Imve lifted.
Property a Specialty
we & long list cf desirable
" res!dencfi8 ai.il hiiGlnoSK
I dO "O' tint nrti,-irv iinUu tht.
,rl Is right
Keal Estate Dealer.
Whltnkor, the dentist.
Christmas ties. Teutsch.
Read the St. Joe Store ad.
Olympla oystors at Castle's.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
75c men's half soles, Teutsch.
40c ladles' half solea. Teutsch.
For Christmas gifts, go to Teutsch. lather, Five Crows, was the chief of
Don't fail to read St. Joe Store "'e Cayuse Indians.
ad. Egan was recognized as the one re-
Tables loaded with holiday goods, sponsible and It was thought that
St Joe Store could he be outwitted and slain or
', , ',. , , , captured that the backbone of the
fmpor rd Imburger and Swiss UIirlBing woud be broken. Egan was
-heese sandwiches at Gratz's. n wlly ol(, chleff however, and ,;eut
Our store is crowded with suitable himself In the baekcround. whore It
holiday presents. St. Joe Store. was Impossible to capture or kill hlm
No Chinese cooklnir at Phllllms' res- without strategy.
'aurant. Everything tastes good. was camped with his band of
Rees' cigar store for smoking artt- w"rriuyB, ln tlle, mountains south of
pIoo f .ii wnj. Tnttnn. llcle aIul was planning a raid on the
cles of all kinds. Pattons old stand. ll!Uldfnl of wnl(eR thon cnm fl Qt thJ
Seats are now on sale at Frazler's agency,
book store for Eugene V. Debs' lec- Uniaplne, another friend of the
ture- white settlers, went to the general ln
Largest variety of holiday goods In command of the little soldier band at
the city and prices lowest. St. Joe the agency and said that ho could
Store. prevent the proposed raid. Accord-
Fine lino of Eastman's perfumes lngly ue went ,0 the bloodthirsty
for tho holidays. Lowest prices. EBan am1 tH,d him that ho had come
Nolf's. to talk over a probable alliance with
!',, ti i j the Umatilla Indians In the proposed
ai7J ouf.e.r B now prepared to massacre of the whites. This pleased!
v$.F?n?ltbJ?2t at 11,8 neW Sh0p Egan and he gave Umaplne a prom I-
uu aHu nma 8lrBeu et ,)0sItion ,n ,,, army. Unm,)lne
Perry Houser's meat market on then began to plan to kidnap Egan,
East Alta street Is now open. Best and sent word to tho soldiers at tho
meat, prompt service. agency to be Btatloned at a certain
Special low prices on candles and I Place read to swoop down upon the
nuts to Christmas tree and social " " c",et wnen me woru was given.
committees, at The Delta. earing treachery on the part of Dma-
Plunna fnr rnt. viv,f.aaa in. l'ln. the soldiers refused to go and
strumeuts at reasonable prices. Ad- ""'a",ne sml ,lor a 1 " n UMa"
dress "C. W." care this office. Iias',amotn?,tlln! ',eg ve Crows.
F.or Rent Cheap 440 acres, good frlends wshed to johl ,n tho ldulnK
" ,uu"1 "ul,DD "uu euuu mm, ooc 0f the whites and they wore admitted
Earnhart, the real estate man. t0 Egan's tent. At a signal from Uma-
Patriotic Pendleton People Prefer pine .the warriors pounced upon Egan,
Pendleton's Popular Product, Pur- bound him hand and foot and started
chasing Indian Robes for Presents, to carry hlm away. In some manner
The Dallv East Oreconion Is on sale the wily chief got his hands unfasten
In Portland at the Rich news stand in d and was Boing to kill Umaplne,
Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port- when Five Crows detected what he
land I WUB imenuing 10 uo ana siauuea nun
c . ui , to .death.
" c, uuu ,u u To convince tho whites that tho
mr wu,. m nuM. , luo Umatlllas meant to be true to them
frC , "tcnareeB ior examma- and that they had nccompIi8hed thr,r
i. vuuu purjjose, Egan's head was severed
Don't miss hearing Eugene V. Debs, from the body, placed on the end of a
the ex-railroader, speak on "Modern polo and carried to the agency, where
Problems" Wednesday at the Frazer; it was laid at the feet of the com-
25 and 50 cents. mantling officers.
"Modern Problems" will be the sub- This was a grewsonic trophy, but
ject of Dob's lecture Wednesday. The the sight of it brought relief to the
Boston dallies eaj that it is oue of handful of soldiers and white settlers
the greatest o lectures. huddled at the agency barracks, as
New belts, neckwear, drawn work, "icy knew that In the death of Egan
albums, toilet sets, manicure sets, tl,H a"noek war had been ended,
mufflers, hosiery, scarfs, fascinators. His Father in Massacre,
furs, sweaters. St. Joe Store. Chief Five Crows, father of the
M. A. Rader. the furniture dealer, alayer of Egan, was one of the lead
will have a special sale next Friday rs in the Whitman .massacre. He
and Saturday, when big inducements was a peculiar character and always
in the way of low prices will be of. longed for a white wife. When the
fered men were all killed in the Whitman
1... ,...lnln l-tl. ...nn.n.,
ATv Flees in now ntlllz nir h s entire "mf"""-,u' "u ."'' "
" r. ,f i, flHi and carried her away with hlm
1 II Will Wii VJWUl I, DVl vvt UltU WW" "k" I Ti .
I n IH l laii
A Concern in the Middle West went
wrong. A shipment intended for them vas
STOPPED by use of the TELEGRAPH. A
representative of the maker sold them to us at
a SACRIFICE. Were intended for $25.00
Suits. We bought them at a price that en
ables us to offer them at
There are four patterns, the material is
the style is RIGHT.
up a neat and attractive card parlor ne was Miss Ilewley.-and Jm
which is n well suited place at which 'aU V?, ,lle ' K u
to -enjoy, a social evening or while Sua!;.; UK..,, where she was rial, A
away the leisure time.
royally until ransomed by the mem
bers of the Hudson's Bay Company.
.ji-nl mumliarc nf thlo r-nnmnnv
j)th 7 mi. I S m liloi-K 1 i. in J-lver- ....... , tn,, ,.i,i,.rB iioim. Willi
-jnoie'H addluor.. whk- Hold today by n imti,,ad of blankets and trinketh.
E. t wade, the leal estate denier, ior A)tf1 a Kr0f)t ; 1uJ of ,H,K and !jal.
K i.. rornes, to airs i.iueun niuu i. .aureed that for SDU0
Consideration $150 aml a amount of uoodn or diff
urent Muds, the chief would gm up
zZZZZ2Z?.?.zZ&2 JIIsk Uowley. but he is said t.i luvi
j unci
Free Mail Delivery
shed i ears at the parting.
Is uow iu operation in Pendloton. Prepare
to have your mail Delivered properly. We
have House Numbers, large and distinct.
Door Plates with your name plainly engrav
ed thereon Mail slot for doors. Mail deliver
ed inside your homes through those slots.
Arrange to shut out the cold. Iron Mailboxes
with locks. Mail perfectly safe. Neat and
very convienient.
Students Cheered.
i'hen Eugene V. Deba was in the
I i.UOL mat lie nua iintu ' " " ' '
ti before the students of Harvard Unl
flvfiPHltv mid h w nt fully Into the
H subject of the great problem of the
relations of labor and capital. For
'A two hours and thirty minutes they lis
tened and applauded, greeting me
nolnts with i-ikelne cliCurs.
V, Miss Longfellow, the poet's daughter,
rS was ln the audience. Tho audience
5 was largely composed of the sons and
i daughters of men of great wealth,
M but they received the utterances of
K labor's champion precisely as a mass
gj meeting of worklngmon might have
P. done.
Otto Hobach will open bis bakery
on Johnson street, between Court and
Alta streets, ln the rear of tho Stand
ard Grocery, Thursday morning. He
has secured a first-class baker of
cako and bread and will have on
hand at all times a full line of the
finest cakes and pastry. Special at
tention will be given to holiday or-
Fifteen Hundred and Sixty Acres of
Land Sold to Lafontalne and Gar
rison for $9313 Other Sales.
The folowlng real estate trauslers
were recorded with Recorder Fol-i
som yesterday:
From H. G. Hurburt to Uertha
Spargur, G40 acres In township four,
north of range 28. Consideration,
Joseph Hoch and wife to Gustav La
fontalne and J. H. Garrison, 100 acres
ln township six, north of range 32.
Consideration, $1300.
Joseph Hoch and wife to Gustav
Lafontalne and J. H. Garrison, 1C0
acres in township six, north of range
32. Consideration, $1300.
Otto IS. Boecher and wife to B.
Doecher, 40 acres In township one,
north of range 37. Consideration,
Otto E. Hocchter and wife to E.
Boechter, 40 acres ln township one,
1C00 acres ot land lying in township
three and four, north of range 29,
township three, north of range 30,
township four, north of range 30. Con
sideration, $9314.
William BIrdsell and wife to 13. K.
Henry, three lots, block 84, Freewa-
ter. Consideration, $1C0.
Anna B. Vinson and husband to E.
K. Henry, three lots ln block one,
Ireland's addition to Milton. Consid
eration, $200. '
John L. Vinson and wife to E. K. I
Henry, lots nine and 10 In block one,
Ireland s addition to Milton. Consld-1
eration. $500.
Ian immense
Now on at
The Nolf Stoe
Toy Trains ISo to 2.U8
Hundreds of Iron Toyc ... 6o to 8.1)5
Magic Lanterns ... . (!5o to 3. 15
Rubber Halls 6o to .06
Rubber Toys 10c to .40
Iron Ranks all styles . Co to il.CI)
Toy Rureaus, Cradles, Black board,
Rocking Chairs, Toy I'Iriioh, Toy
Tul)s, lite.
Fancy Gifts j
New Line Celluloid, Combs.
Brushes, Manicure Sets. New i
Goods and Styles.
The Delicacies
of tlie season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present wu havu
Finest Oysters Frog
Legs $ Clams Crabs
and f Lobsters J
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
s toTTaTg k.
GreateMt Line In Eastern Oregon at i
Lowest Prices.
Telephone Main 4,
Oil Shortage in Walla Walla. j
Wollo Wolln lion 1(1 Will In Wulln
is short on kerosene, and the old-fash-1
loued candle has been pressed into
service ln some cases. Dealers re-1
port difficulty in securing bulk oil to ,
supply the demand, and for several
days the supply of Pearl oil has been ,
unning low. By closing time sai-i
urday nearly all the merchants were I
out or oil. and orders could not bo
filled '
In Step With a Progressive City
Two-third- of your life is
pirt in o"r -hoes Uun t ou
think it l" WiTth while to nidl e
.our fi-t ulad l,y Inning comfort
able shoes ?
Douglas Shoes
For Men
Gloria Shoes
For Vomen
Red Schoiilhouse Shoes
.. ..For boys and Girls ..
Have the "sole of honor"
which has made them .'amous all
over the world. The only place
in Pendleton where you can buy
the W L Douplas and Pingree Ri 1 1 "JI.
Gloria is at the Big WSlHilMT
Boston Store pneo $1.00
Where Whole Families are Shod." Pvr uur
Handsome People
is shown at our store in our magnificent display of
Dolls. The children fall in love with our big assort
ment We have laughing dolls, talking dolls, dolls
tint c)o-r- tin ir eyes in slumber when laid down
Lage Dolls
Small Dolls
Medium Sized Dolls
Nivi.-r in the ln.toryfof Pendleton wan such a beau
tiful and complete collection of dolls shown.
First see the dolls and then get our prices, as we
arc offering special inducements.
Bast In the
World In Burs
E. O. Office
I dors.