You always get quod WOODS at Alexander's, g A GREAT SAVING Our Big Sale affords a rare chance to buy Christmas presents at a great saving. Closing Days of All Week's Bargains MALHEUR COUNTY liome of Mrs. Kllllan for Mr Clarence Orton, December 11. Mies Tilla Pierce Is suffering from an attack of rheumatism. Mrs. J. Pendergast Is on the sick list. NEWSY LETTER FROM REG- I The winter has come with wind and ULAR CORRESPONDENT. ifos- either of which is very disagree able. Prospect Bright for Malheur Towns it,TT AmuX lmB ,ut a telephone In -Surveyors at Work Between ( Mr grkey departed for Pemlle- nyssa ana vaie New toun Mouse : ton last Wednesday. Ladles Dressing Sacks Nothing better offered this sea- .... . .1 1 . . i .. r nn. 'inev are bi.yuhu iuuuc, i excellent material, in nil the pre vailing colors. Pi ice range from 98c to $3.75 Silk Skirts Special Priced $6.50 Values for $5.20 Beautifully tailored Hkirts In the very latent styles and mater ials. Price this week $ VERY SPECIAL PRICES fn New Silk Waists You want something service able and stylish for a holiday evening waist. What could be more appropriate than the hand, smno Tatieta and Pemi de Sole Silk Waists we are selling at a reduction this week? The regu lar price is $G,50. You can se cure them now fur $5.20 Don't forget our Big Sale on Ladies' and Children's Jackets. Come early; we can fit anybody now. De- 5 lay, and it makes a different story Alexander Dept. Store ! IF A FELLOW LOVES A GIRL, THAT'S HIS BUSINESS If a girl loves a fellow, that's HER BUSINESS.' If the fellow that loves the girl, and the girl that loves the fellow, marry, that's THEIR BUSINESS. If the 'ellow and the girl want to buy a piano, that's OUR BUSINESS" Call at 316 Fast Court street and we will convince you that It's YOUR BUSINESS to buy of us. Re member our prices lit your pocket and payments are arranged to suit yourself. THERKELSEN PIANO HOUSE, Successors to S. L. WAKEFIELD & CO. 315 East Court Street. i Hunt up those pictures and have them framed at once Christmas is Not Fa? Away You will get the best work and newest style frames if you will come to us. Largest stock to select from for SHARP New Ideas. Opera House Block. g v Uy buying baking powder of usjou can get beautiful artlolea Christmas preseuts without expending extra money. I lite H. . I H III "11 J J J J J Given with Prize Baking Powder. The list includes popular kB, historical works, children', book, etc. We 1ho give large, attractive and UMjful pieces ofchlnaware ilh baking powder. Fresh citrons and raisins for the table, just in. r M . . M K A -J . w mm w. fm 1 f n T kJ d, li.nil v v j . r WW-WW Vi and lrn. UN r - - v I f Vf N I 1R V III' (V5 I I I 1SV.. ... WU 11 - - vrui in nr to be Dedicated Christmas. vale, Ore., Dec. 16. The present winter started In to be another scorcher, but at present It seems to have changed Its mind. The snow Is deeper throughout the mountains of Malheur county at the present than It ever became last winter. The cold Is almost as severe. Yet the alarm that was felt In the early part of De cember has subsided everywhere, save in the minds of a few of tho rural distrlcters. who have not been down to Vale to get the more recent reflections of the old-timers. Prospects Brighter. s The prospect of getting a railroad Into Vale Is attracting widespread faith in tho Interior. Those who have waited, lo these many years, for the toot of the locomotive, may now be rewarded for their faithfulness. That the vast interior country is to be brought 10 miles nearer to the outside world is a thing devoutly to be deslr ed by those who have braved tho privation incidental to entering a rail roadless sphere to kill tho snakes and build bridges. The new railroad has crept in upon the people unher alded and silently. Just the outcome to be expected is a mystery. That it will extend far out Into the interior from Vale is surmised by the know ing ones, but that Vale is to be the terminal for years to come Is contend ed by others who have a record for wisdom. New Railroad Survey. The surveyors continue their work between Vale and Nyssa. The grade stakes have been set on a portion of the line and yet the engineers are dumb to all Inquiries. All they know is that they have been instructed to run out the line between the two towns. They ' don't even appear to know who has sent theni hero to do the work. Their huge maps and reports sent off by U. S. mall, are jealously guarded so that now after several efforts at this in quisitive Investigation, your reporter has been unable to get a glimpse of tne address. Vale is putting on airs under the present outlook and threatens to soon blossom out as a full-fledged railroad town. The site for depot grounds has been selected and the bridge stakes mark the spot where the river is to be crossed. The town has extended a cordial invitation to every person in Malheur county to visit Vale on Christmas day and eat turkey dinner in the bran-spankin' now courthouse. New Courthouse. This dinner Is to be perfectly free and the enterprising Valeltes .assist ed by admiring country people, have hunt a magnificent stone courthouse and It, too. Is free to the county, hav ing been a present from Vale. This is the most substantial present ever received by the county and on Christ mas day the formal dedication takes place. The sister towns will Join In the festivities by sending a lot of tho nungry delegation therefrom. An elaborate program has been prepared and the real artistic talent or the place is to be brought into recqulsi tion in tho celebration of the Import ant event in the history of the town. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. M. K Jones, Portland. J T. Shuld. La Grande. George T. Williams. Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Grant, Portland. Mrs. Woodward and son. Portland. H. W. Loveland, Portland. J. J. Fowby. Portland. J. V. Thurston, San Francisco. G. S. Johnston, Portland. I, . Light. Now York. George Harris, Portland A. Nylander, Portland. T F. Ogg, Minneapolis. R. A. Seeds, Spokane. E. R. Bird, St. Paul. f O. Iikln, Portland. D. A .Osbum and wife. James Fitz. Wallula. Daisy Trasher, Wallula. Horace Walker, Helix. The Colden Rule. F. N. Churchill, Chicago. J. S. Warren, Milton, Stella Chapman, Milton. Martha Kelly, Milton. T. H. Williamson. Milton. J. W. Sullivan, Seattle. C. T. Robinson, Seattle. W. C. Cunningham, Seattle. H. T. Duncan, Umatilla. Matilda Hale, Hood River. Daniel O'Connor, Goldendale. Seth Hurlburt, Ophir. Walter Clem, Heppner. Walter Allison, Uklah. W. R. McRoberts, Spokane. K. II. H. Scott, Athena. A. J. Kelly, Frccwater. B. T. Vaughn, Spokane. J. P. McManus, Pilot Rock. E. B. Evans and wife. St Charles. John Seldon, city. J. Wellington, Echo. John Pgyr Portlanu. P. A. Worthlngton. Portland. G. D. Galley. Portland. The cooks' and waiters' strike was settled at San Francisco Monday. It had been on for a year and a half. The men practically win every point. Mayor Schmltz was arbitrator. HELIX HAPPENINGS. My little .hl liulr did not (trow. It wu harnliHiiil ilrv.nn-l would In ,'aU olf, ami lier bcalp full uf dryil.iiiiiiulf that 1 could not corn), out A'l'Ui'-c aiouixl Uic Lack of her head wan l,.ild, nut oo tlit-to) of her head tun hair u-im unlv two or tli-t'O luchpt long. I ui-ed 01 Tli'i ha tur ami wmu- CuucintA Oiutint'iit, .Mid hi'r hair hatt i-nuio In thkk ami ae sol t n - k M us. A . mm N 1? V, A If red, U. Wtrm l(uiii.f ii with Ci TICUMA bulFftod light drew, tuf with ClTii N, .ui,'t of .miilli.nU, will clew th. lealpmiU In rf ctunt., calei, ud il.pdrutf, iiooUi. ImUUnl tril it dins fcurfticu. fTi;MIIT3i mm Urbaim III , Oct. '20. 1M)2. Dr. 1'irrlu, Helena, Mout Dear S ri- I hare hf.i trvlnv tliiougn tbo drucglm here to obtain anothi-r bottle ol your pile ip(IGc as I hate been a lufferer from them for niatiy eau I saw the "art" in the IM ot Seattle, romelline In May last. At tl at time I wai ICO miles north of Seattle, to 1 entdo n to riettJ and found 1 1 hare used It up and have betn ti yng to g t more It liai helped me very much, more to than anythltg I .have everuted and t have been vrj arjzloui to use anolher bottle. Your, reiiiectfull, 11 S. Chandler I, .1 m mm maiuis m t i f f m nT.a- - - AGREEMENT THE BEER THAT MADE MILWAUK-"" FAMOUS. UNKfiUALlIB MR TMIE USE. All kinds of imported lunches, hot wiener w.urst, sauerkraut and pigs feet at KOHLER & GO'S Luke Holmes Sprains His Ankle Masons Have Banquet Alfred Sands Gives a Dinner Friday. Helix, Or., Dec. 15. On lust Friday evening Luke Holmes one of D. U. Richardson's clerks, went into the warehouse, forgetting the cellar door1 was left open, mid received u very j badly sprained ankle, and it will be1 some time before he will be ublr to! be out again. Len Gamble, who hud typhoid fi-ver and was taken to the Pendleton bos-1 pital for treatment, has again return-! ed to Helix. Mrs. E. E. Whlteman has returned from Spokane, whore she has btiu j on a visit to her daughter. Mrs. Renal Walker, Mrs. G. W. ICnlght went to Pendlo-, ton on business last Friday. flirs. .Mao soneti and Emma Green woro Pendleton visitors Saturday J,. u. Sinitli went to Pendleton last ' Sunday. Charles Alspach was In Pendleton on business last Saturday. Mtitur Knight and wife, of Pond h- I'c-nuielon, ur , utc i, jijo2 !entsfl,'of VhiSinpluce. ""' rr,""r'" "" j 1 ,,is is t0 cer,,f' tllat We' the fir Ringo and T. (j. Montgomery j undersigned, have auretid between were In attendance at the Masons' f ourselves to cslaUibh uniform uanquui given m-re sauii'day evening. Mr. Wilklns. the grand master workman, lias been hole In tlt inter est of the Workman lodge, of this place. The dance given Saturday evening by I'roressors Newkirk and Ray was well attended ami greatly enjoyed by all. On Friday evening last All'led Sonde gave one of his sumptuous din ners to the folltnvlug friends: Mr. and Mrs. Glass. .Mr. and Airs. Peter Bones, Mr. and Mrs. I.. D. Smith, Miss Emma Green, Miss Nellie Herudon, Miss Pearl Smith and Guy .Smith Mr. Sondo Is noted in Helix tor Ills excel lent cooking. prices for the care nd hoard of horses by the month. One horse to hay by the month fia 50. One horse to hay and (iruin per month 14. Commencing Dec. i, 1902. G. M. Froome M. J. Carney S. F. Hays W. Llndsey. LOWER VANSYCLE ITEMS. Quarterly Meeting at Juniper Birth day Party for Clarence Orton Per sonal Notes. Vancycle. Doc 15. Mr and Mrs. A. Pierce and their son, Homer visit ed in Helix last Friday Rov Rhodes conducted quarterly nif.etiiie at tho North Juniper hool houBe December 13. and pn-... !, 1 an excellent sermon December 14 Tho Misses Tilla Pierce and Ollvo nraco Hiient Saturday with friends in REMEDY CATARRH i Is Sure to GIVE Satisfaction. Ely's Cream Balm Olroi relief t once It cleanc, soothe! and heal, the diseased uutubrane, II :ure CaUrrh and drive UntelflAi n 1. r- a 1 cold In thelLIII II N II I MM oulcklr. It ll ihwulxd lleala and nrotecU the membrani awar a Head qu; abaorbed BE WARE BEWARE This Advertisement is For MEN ONLY Men's Handkerchiefs White silk Initial handker chiefs. A complete assortment nt 25c, 50c, 75c. Something uew. Kxcelda with a silk Initial, 25c. White silk hanilkerchlefshi'tn stitched and plain. All sIzcm at 20c, 50c, 75c, $1 00. Japnnette, a new, soft, rvndy for uso material, la&c. Fancy bordered and colored silk handkerchiefs. A vety large line at very low prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 A chance to blow yourself. Silk handkerchiefs for I2c A complete stock of Imported linen with b11 width borders 25c, 3jc, 50c. 75c, Si. 00 One-half dozen good linen In a fancy Ikjx. A good prvM-nt $1.50. NECKWEAR' Suspenders - A ery lare line of fancy silk in the Intent ol r hiRH 75C$l 00, $1,25, $1 50. Qlovcs Oolf glove. In lilnck, pearl and fancy color 500,050, 75c, $1.00. Umbrellas Fine black xllk with nice liiimlliM $j 50 to $0. .Suit Cases Men's leather coses, '2'2, 21, 20 Inch -$6 ti $ jo. Olovc Dcnt'ii line kid gloves, heavy and medium weight $2. jult Cases Ladles rfr.o 22 Inch. Plain and lUted-Si2 to $20. (llovrs-SIlk lined Snide at H)pular prices $1.25, $1.50, $i .75i $2 00. Neckwear lteautlful creations Just from thu maker.- 25c. NECKWEAR The most complete line in the City, and we can prove it The Boston Store V Corner Main and Court Streets. PERFECTION IN FLOUR Is reached in BYERS' BEST. Better (lour cannot be made. The cream of the wheat crop enters in Byers' Best Flour, which is right for bread and Fancy Baking, PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Christmas Christmas Giving is Not Complete Unless it Contains a Box of Delicious Candies. 'J 'f Candies Lowney's Candies in boxes from 10c up to 2.50. Pa m Candies in boxes from 35c to $1.50. Fancy boxes and baskets filled with Chocolates, Bon Bons and Crystallized Fruits as ordered. We have them from 25c to Js 00. And on tho quiet, wo never knew a healthy girl who did not prefer a box of Bon Bons to a verse of poetry. Our candies in fancy boxes are guaranteed to create new friendship, or to brace up old and weakening ones. Perfumes Anyone will appreciate a bottle of perfume, especial ly of extra good. That is tho kind you find at our store. Several new imported odors have just been received. Beautiful Pp'fuine Atomizers .and Sprink lers from 35c up to 7 50. These make elegant Christmas gifts filled with perfume. Ask her what odor she would prefer sh'J is sure to appreciate your thought illness. We have placed on a t-erarato table a lot of Holiday (Joodn that wo think you would like to buy at a mvlni; of 10c on the dollar. We want lo sell them you will wonder "uhy" we muke a reduction - better look them over, It Is Just llkttflml lug money. Safety Razors You can dejiend upon It Hint liny Kei.tlciimii will uppreclat,, h Safety Hu.or Any one can iihoit. Kvfii If he dots no shave himself, there uru always time when lie can 11 e a safety Manicure Sets, Manicure Scissors, piles and Knives, Urunii anil (.'ombHets, Military Hair llrusht, Hhav iiiKKets, Toilet HeU, Olovoaml Handkerchief Ht, (uxors. Art Metal Mirrors and Candlesticks Our Ilneof Candlehtlcksln tie "Art Nouvutn" IIijIhIi, gold plated and wrought Iron, are excellent vulucs for the money. New desiuiif. WROUGHT IKON Mirror und Thermometers at hiiiuII price. FRENCH STAO Munlourw sets, Military llriiBhcw und Cloth lirushes. The proper thing this aeiinin BURNT LEAIHER Collar and Cufntoxes make elegant prtMiiils for Kentlemeu BURNT WOOD Necktie. (Jlove Iloxes and Toilet Htu; U iiiitlful uti for uenllemen or ludles. P0CKETB00K8. We have a large axortment and wu huve ulwuya niadoaM!cIulty f good pocketbooks, FOUNTAIN PENS inako an ideal Christina jintnt-tt laut ful, useful and lastlriK rwuembrunce, $1.60 to 12.60, KuaranleoU to work Mtlstactoriiy, ........ . POCKET KNIVES. A parl handled pocket kulfo will make a nice prweiJt for a boy, fit), man or woman. We have 11 fine sf. lection from 25 cents up to2.60, Kxamlne our dollar iwarl handled knife made from the best steel. Walk In and Look Around Vnn nnn't Hava io buv We are ulways glad to show our goods and Ull you pXi w irnnw rihiul mem. 1 1 I Juniper. Main Streets