OAILY EVENING EDITION! ? DAILY J ... t Tour residence Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight anil Tuesday. rTly J5cA WtLiutv , i loudy continued cold. PENDLETON, TOATILLA'CWXTY, OHEGOX, TUESDAY, J")ECEM HE1 10, 1002. .15. NO. m;k; Lsb .MwMMIIMIHIHII Hill IIIiIWiIMII III I HiUillliJgEESBB 1 a mm . fPOENIN CATTLE PERISHING. fiielans Believe Tha (,jy Designs to Seize (FLAG FLYING I OVER PUERTO CABELLO, Threatens a Revolution j Not Interested In th -Italy Sends Warship For- Tiployes Safe. uvra, Vcnezuola, Doc. J.G.- German warships nave off Murgarlte Islands. 'shin surveyed the Island and It has since been be- Ihat Germany has designs on rltory. Is generally calmer though nslon Is general. Way the IlrltlBh cruiser Char id the torpedo hoat Quail the harbor and took po- lommandlng the fortifications, fearing a bombardment, he country. The commander fortress called on the foreign (asking tlieir intervention and It he had orders to evacuate b-ess, but would fight if fired he could withdraw. Later tho warships sailed away. i House of Lords. '' Dec. 1G. In the house of ly, Lansdowne, said the al- llo blockade the Venezuelan . It was in no wise intended . British force or occupy any Employes are Safe. Dec. lli. The bundesrath isked to sanction a more strin- bckado of Venezuela. DIs- received here say that nil the o: tho Gorman ana British !aro safe. British Fortificatlono. iDec. 16. A Caracas dispatch at British fortifications are Bllt lu the environs of San House of Commons. Dec. 1G. The Venezuelan again ud in the house of today. Cranuurno was a ir questions and said that kitain had not attempted to I forces. trance Not Interested. I Dec. 1G. At a council of today It was announced pee was not interested in the Ecrents of Venezuela. Guaran- tiettlcmcnt of the" French lie last spring, being sulllc i proven inadequate. France, !,iaa only wait till the time trout is due. Goes to Venezuela. S. W., Dec. 1G. Tho jiWire of the Carlo Alber- warship for Venezuelan "topped the Marconi ox 1,1 s certain, however, JWiplished intermittent uUI toamunication. fcwfobn Threatened. Hike. 1G. A privato cable- Ptttaa President Castro. It ll 'os, who refuses to co- nuut tho allies. Re- 'E"TI0N FOR PARDON. CtUllty p.nnl. aLr P"8 James Weaver. r. Dec. 1G. Governor f received a petition, p uhn t.j . .. ... Id.7 "uu representative ciu I'lmtv i. n. ..n Inf., Jim, iiji mo iiiii I. . e JaK10S Weaver, who Is l"""Jterm n u, .,,.tt.,fi. . Miction of the murder. In ""degree, of one William Mo Lr Harney county, on tZn,fet fonh that, although i irt j ,of MoKlnnon. it was ld not h.ivn l,n lf lw.t1)?1-'n for tho prominence I ill'?.1 was aroused over the 2yt Case. nAf- 16 The famous r before CianJ up for arfiU- a aDnlloii V oi me n btisinoV V"-1" irom car- Th a7, . m rostra nt of vi ief0I'dants in the case Pera anrt ;:1VB and ey ar"t 18 0t theso m- ce Uw8 anTl a,?(1J '"toratatl Reports From Wasco County Sayi stock Is Caught in Mountains. The Dalles, Dec 16. A report has reached this city that a large drove of cattle bolonging to various farmers of this county, on acount of the recent snow storms, have been driven from the forests In tho vicinity of Mount Hood, to a place called the "Mead ows," located about five miles east of Mount Hood and practically at its foot, and there huddled together they are fast porlshlng. There is five feet ot snow at the "Meadows," with not an ounce of hay within 15 miles. Tho "Meadows" consists of a tract of meadow land in the hoajt of a heavy forest, in extent about 700 acres, which in tho summer time pro duces a luxuriant growth of grass, but in tho winter is a most dreary and dreadful locality, covered with snow from a dopth of fivo to 10 feet. and which becomes practically unln habitablo for stock of any kind. j JUDGE GRfi! ANGRY Recommends Laws Forbidding Employment of Women and Children at Night. PRESENT CONDITIONS WAR RANT DEMANDS OF MINERS. BARRETT IN INDIA. Addresses the Bengal Chamber of Commerce in Behalf of the SL Louis Exposition. Calcutta, Doc. 1G. John Barrett ad' dressed the Bongal Chnmber of Com' merce yesterday in behalf of the St. Louis exposition. Today he confer red with Viceroy Curzon relative to India's participation in the fair. Merger of Mexican Cotton Mills. Mexico City, Dec. 1G. At a meet ing held today at Monterey arange- monts were practically completed for the mercer of all the cotton mills in Northern Mexico, with the exception of two. More than $3,000,000 of capi tal Is represented by tho firms that have joined tho amalgamated com pany. RAILROAD WRECK 111 CLEVELAND ENGINEER KILLED AND TWO TRAINMEN INJURED. Erie Fast Freight Wrecked on Union t Street No Passengers Hurt. Cleveland, O., Dec. 1G. The Brie fast express was wrecked on Union street today. Six cars were piled up and the engineer was killed. The firoman and conductor were fatally injured. Tho passengers all escaped injury. FOR HORSE STEALING. William mans, or Ontario, Given a New Hearing Case May be DIs missed. Ontario, Ore., Dec. 1G. William H. Itiggs, a prominent stockman of Weiser, who was last spring convicted of grand larceny, has now been grant ed a new trial, with strong indica tions of being a free man. He has been at liberty under a heavy cash bond since bis trial. Mr. Rigg3 was convicted of having sold a range horse that he did not own. Throughout Eastern Oregon there is a practice among horsemen of etting the tall go with the hide. If they find, upon loading for shipment, that they have a horse for which they have not paid, they make a note of it and settlo with the owner upon re turn. This Is the trap into which Mr, Itiggs fell. Ho had doubtless done tho same thing many times, before, as had nearly overy horse-shipper in iastera Oregon. The last year had been a flourishing time for the East ern Oregon horsethief, and efforts were being made to stop it at tho time Mr. Higgs was arrested. Under othor circumstances the case would have been settled, as hundreds of other cases are yearly settled, but his enemies got in their work at the op portune moment to do the damage in this instance. Mr. Itiggs has many friends among the best people in the region. FLOODS ON THE OHIO. John Haddock, an Independent Oper ator, Surprises the Other Opera tors by Standing Up for the Union Miners Large Companies Had Tried to Freeze Him Out. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 16. Immediate ly after the opening ot the strike commission this morning, Judge Gray said that the committion desired to J impress upon the community nnd tho state the testimony of tho nttio gins taken yesterday, so that in tho future all laws on the statuto books might bo executed. "The commission," ho said, "had no desire to criticise tho laws of Pennsylvania, but recommended the enactment of laws absolutely forbid ding tho employment of women and children at night. He desired the op erators to present the earnings of the fathers of the little sick mill girls, and showed great anger when ho learned that the fathers earned from $900 to $1100 annually. Darrow then called John Haddock, an independent operator, as witness. Concedes That Demands Are Just. Haddock surprised the other opera tors by asserting that he believed that a proper organization of labor and the present conditions warranted the demands of the miners' union. He said the large companies tried to restrict the output of the independent operators. He had lodged numerous complaints with the Interstate com merce commission and had finally won out. Ready to Treat With Union, He said that he believed tho miners had a right to be represented by whoever they chose, and that he was always--ready to-treat with the officials of the union. Lloyd, one of the miners' counsel, asked permission to submit evidence showing a combine of the coal-carrying roads. Judge Gray consented within certain bounds. History of Unionism. Samuel Gompers this afternoon was before the commission and testified concerning the history of unionism. i IS REMOVED MRS. GRANT IS DEAD. Southbound Queen & Crescent Express Wrecked Near Moundville, Alabama. TWO TRAINMEN KILLED THREE FATALLY INJURED. Dastardly Deed of a Train Wrecker Removed a Rail Near Trestle Train Piled Up on Creek No Pas sengers Injured. Birmingham, Aln.. Dec. 1G. Tho southbound limited express on tho Queen & Crescent was wrecked near Moundville, Ala., early this morning. A rail had been removed near a trestle. The locomotive, mail, bag gage and express cars and two coaches were piled up on the creek bottom. Two express messengers were killed and the fireman and two mail clerks were fatally Injured. No passengers were seriously hurt. BIG STOCK MEETING. PACIFIC CABLE IS CHRISTENED. Over 30,000 People on the Beach at San Francisco Witness Ceremonies. San Francisco, Dec. 16. "In mem ory of John W. Mackay, I christen thee Pacific Cable. May it always carry messages of happiness." with these words, Lucile Gage, the 11-year-old daughter of H. T. Gage, Sunday christened the trans-Pacific cable and, breaking a bottle of cham pagne over the shore end, Inaugurat ed a new era in the commercial devel opment of the Pacific coast. Tho landing and splicing of the shoro end, which is to connect the mainland with Honolulu, was accomplished without any hitch of any kind and was witnessed by thirty or forty thousand people. Ideal weather pre vailed, there being scarcely any surf. Headquarters Opened at Kansas City Plans for the Annual Meeting of the National Livestock Association. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 16. Head quarters have been opened at the Coates House in preparation for the annual meeting of tho National Live stock Association next month. Sec retary C. F. Martin is in receipt o ad vices which indicate that the gather ing will bo the largest of its kind ever held. The number ot delegates will reach nearly '2000, and this num ber will be increased by alternates and visiting stockmen to 10,000, who will represent every state and terri tory In tho Union. The attendance from Colorado, Montana, Wyonmlng, Minnesota, Nebraska, Arizona, New Mexico and the Dakotas Is expected to be unusually large. The conven tion will last four days, and tho citi zens of Kansas City have raised a fund of $20,000 for entertainment. Among tee subjects which will bo discussed by tho convention arc: "Op position to the Romovnl of tho Tariff on Wool, Hides, Meats and Live stock;" "To Urgo Congress to Imme diately Pass the Grosvenor Anti- Shoddy BUI;" "The Amendment to the Census Act, so as to Provide for a Classified Census of Livestock;" To Amend the Interstate Commerco Act by Extending the Time Limit for Unloading Livestock in Transit From 28 to 40 Hours;" "The Practicability of Co-operation In Marketing Live stock;" " To Improve tho Present Laws Governing Forest Reserves and the Public Domain." Among those invited to address tho convention are President Roosevelt, Congressman C. H. Grosvenor, ot Ohio ,aud Secre tary Wilson of tho department of agri culture. True American Woman, In Whom De votlon to Family and Charity Were Prominent Traits. Washington. D. C, Dec 16. Mrs. Uuysses S. Grunt died at her resi dence In this city at 11:17 o'clock Sunday. Death was duo to heart fail ure. Mrs. Grant having suffered tor years from valvular disease ot the heart, which was aggravated by a se vere attack of bronchitis. Her ngo prevented her rallying from the at tacks, Her daughter, Nellie Grant Sartoris, was tho only one of her chil dren with her at the tlmo ot her death, her threo sons, who had been summoned hero, all being out of tho city. There were also present at tho bed sldo when tho end came Miss Rose mary Sartoris, a granddaughtor; Dr. Bishop, one of tho attending physi cians, and two trained nurses, Death came peacefully, tho sufferer rotaln Ing consciousness practically to tho end. 'CHRIS LEWIE TREATY WITH CUBA. The Provisions Will be Effective as Soon as United States Desires. Washington, D. C, Dec. 16. Gen eral Bliss arrived from Cuba this morning and delivered a draft of tho reciprocity treaty to Secretary Hay. Bliss says tho provisions are effective as soon as this government desires. Coal Famine in Omaha. Omaha, Dec. 16. Unless coal Is re ceived from somo source, all tho pack ing houses hero will shut down tomorrow. Against the Beef Trust Chicago, Dec. 16. Arguments are being heard In the federal court today in tho injunction suit against tho al leged beef trust CITIZENS TALK ON SEWERAGE OPINIONS WARMLY FAVOR A MODERN SYSTEM. BUST OF M'KINLEY. Three Thousand Dollars Appropriat ed for Its Purchase by Congress. Washington, Dec. JG. Clark, of Montana, made his first appearance on the Benate floor this morning. There was agreed to without objec tion a concurrent resolution appropri ating $3000 for tho purchase from Mrs. Emma Cadwalder Guild, of a bronze' bust of McKinley. NEW ACADEMY BUILDING. Vill Corl Picic, Barges and Boat6 Washed From the Wharves Great Damage Already Done, Cincinnati, O. Dec. 16. Tho Ohio river is rising rapidly and Is now 10 fret above the low water mark. Im menso daraagchas been done and farmers are fleeing to the uplands. Tho coal piers here, this morning were torn loose from their moorings. Fifty loaded barges, 10 loaded boats and 60 empties were swept down the river. Tugs are pursuing the floating piers and barges. The loss is already , monP(i from Denver. $50,oon. U is sun raining nara. Be' Completed Within a Few Days. A story has been circulated (o tho effect that tho new academy building was found to be faulty in construc tion and. would bo rejected by the board. This Is a canard. After care ful Investigation it has been learned that this rumor was started by some jealous person who seeks to injure the prospects of tho building. One of the leading members of tho board said today that tho building had been tested and so far was perfectly satis factory. The new building will bo complet ed within a few days and tho board will then meet and pass upon the building and it will be received by them between now and the first of tho year. iN CRITICAL CONDITION. Mrs. W. A. Clark, Jr., Suffering From Blood Poisoning Specialists Sum moned From Denver. Butte, Dec. lfi. Mrs. W. A. Clark, Jr., who two weeks ago became the mother of a millionaire boy baby, Is In a critical condition and is not ex pected to live. Blood poisoning has set in. Specialists have been sum OPPOSES NORD. HORRIBLE DEEDS OF MANIAC. Livelv Finht for President Golnn on n."i..rBu..' M.h ,H I" Negro Republic, Port nu Prince, Hayti, Dec. 1C.- uiwy ci, rinnAI rnlfn tha mlnlaiAr r,f Mio 111 Lapeer, Hich., Dec. 1G.- -John Best, recently released from the state In- sano hospital, this morning cut the throat of William uiegg, a aecrepu man 70 years old, and attacked his mother with a razor, whom he des noratoly wounded. Ho then cut his daughter's face, arms and hands in many places. The mother's and daughter's outcries brought aid. Best took a revolver in his pocket to com mit suicide. Laura Bigger on Trial, Freehold, N. J., Dec. 16. Laura Tllcrtrn,. nnnenrnd in COUrt today to stand a trial on tho charge of conspir acy to secure the Bennett estate. terlor. and an opponent of General Nord in the contest for tho presiden cy, has sought refuge In tho Ameri can legation. There has been much firing on the streets of the city and grnt excitement prevails. CALLS FOR CORRESPONDENCE, Omnibus Statehood Bill Taken Up This Afternoor. Washington, Doc. 1C. McCall in troduced a resolution In tha house calling upon Secretary Hay for all Correspondence relative to Venezuela The omnibus statehood bill was taken up at 2 o'clock this afternoon, California Beekeepers. Los Angeles, Cal., Dee. 16. Mem hers of tho California Stale Beekeep ers Association commenced a three days' convention today in the rooms of the chamber of commerco. Lead ing agriculturists of tho state are In attendance and tho meeting promises to be one of more than ordinary in terest to those engaged in be nu! ture. It is probable that considerable attention will be devoted by the con vention to ways and means of pro- venting the introduction into this state of "foul brood," which Is de vastating the apalrles of a large part of the West and Northwest. This so called "foul brood" disease thrcatcna to wipe out tho bee kingdom, accord ing to members' of the asosclation. It swoops down upon the rjueens. the drones and the busy littlp workers alike. The aplculturlsts compare the disease to Asiatic cholera and the foot and mouth disease. Library Opening Postponed. Washington, D, C. Dec. 16. On account of the recent Illness of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the dedication of the Washington Public Library build ing, which ho presented to the nation al capital, did not take place today as originally scheduled, but has been postponed for several weeks. Mr, Carnegie has accepted an invitation to deliver the principal address at the dedication ceremony Not Many Doubts Expressed as to the Triumph of the Plans If $30,000 Is Not Enough, Vote More Tax payers Are Willing. Tho most important subject hetoro the peoplo of Pendleton at present is that of voting buudB for a suworago system. Herewith is presented tho opinions of somo representative citi zens concerning this matter, C. B. Wade. "By all means, let us havo tho sow er. If $30,000 is not enough to build a sewerago system necessary to tho town, It will get the thing started and it will bo better to huvo that than nothing. Tho health of tho commu nity demands n better sewerago sys tem than wo have at the present time." James A. Fee. "Pendleton ought to have a Buwor uge system but I do not bolievo that it will bo right to vote a tax of $30, 000 on the tax-payoia of this city to build a pipo down Main and Court I btreets and leavo out tiio rest of tho j town. The amount of money nukod to bo devoted will only start a sowerago system. I am heartily In tavor ol sewerago and tho health of the town demands It, but it should In thorough I would bo In favor of voting a larger tax than $3U,ouo." Fred E. Judd. "I am in favor of voting tho $30,000 to build a sewerago system in Pendle ton. Tho town needs IL and If $.'JU,W0 is not enough to build a thorough sys tem it will bo much better than what wu now have, it will' place a sower down tho "principal streets and tho property-holders can thou connect with the main sewer pipes. 1 think tho measure will carry without a doubt." Judge Thomas Fltz Gerald. 'There is 1,01111) kick against voting a tux of $30,000 to build a sewer sys tem here on the grounds that it will 1 not suffice lo put lu enough pipo to be j of material advantage to tho majority of the people. This should not ho tho feeling Thirty thousand dollars may lie short of the amount needed to thoroughly hwer tho town, but It will he a start and when oricn stuitod the amount needed to flnlHh the sewer can tln.'ii be raised." I R. Alexander. "1 am heartily In favor of sowerago. We need it badly. If $30,000 will not build a complete system, It will bo a Hart in tho right direction. The fu tine health of the city depends upon a thorough and up-to-dato nyntiun Leon Cohen. "Sewerago first, last and all the time. Voto tho $30,000 bonds and If this docs not build a complete sys tern voto more to finish It." Colonel J, H. Raley. "Tho suworago (jination ib the greatest question which has comu up for settlement by the peoplo of Pen dlcton fdr years and there should not be a dissenting voice agulnst the Ihsu ing of bonds to build tho sower. 1 know of a number who will build flue residences and somo business houses which will be put up If tho bill for a sower system carrion, but ff It docs not tboy will not bo erect ed. If 130.000 Is not enough to build a thorough system when onco started tho balance needed to complete tho system can be raised. Pendleton needs a sower system and must havo It" GS 1 F Brooding Over Brother's Sui cide, a Prominent Farmer Decides to End His Life. WIFE FINDS LIFELESS BODY IN THE BARN. Was 33 Years Old For Fifteen Year a Resident of Umatilla County Leaves Wife and Three Children Wife Prostrated With Grief. Word wns tnlophonod to Pendleton this afternoon that Chris l.empko had committed suicide by bringing .a hin homo near Warren stntlon. about t:30 p. m. No particulars havo boon rt- e'ved othor thnn that Mrs. Lompko went to tho barn between 1 nnd 2 o'clock tli 1st afternoon nnd upon entering woa startled at discovering the lifeless body of her husband dangling in tho air. Ho had gono to tho barn, se cured a ropo, tied ono ami to n cross beam, placed ft noose tied in the othor end around his nock whllo stnuding on n box and deliberately jumped ofT. No causo can ho assigned for his rash act. Ho wns a very plenRant fol low and never appeared down-hearted! but always hnd n pleasant look and word for overyono. Ho had nern: said a word to anyone about killing himself nnd his wife la prostrated by; tho sudden shock. Only Inst Saturdny forenoon Claua I.cmpko, a brother of Chris Lompko, committed sulcldo by bringing in a most tho same Identical way. He leffl his wlfo In tho houso without a word tf warning and went to an outhouse, where ho tied a ropo around a beam and his ncclc, jumped oft n box and was dead whon found. Chrla attend ed tho funeral nnd burial of Clan at Warren Monday, and It la thought (hat ho brooded over tho ending off his brother until ho hecnino crazed with tho thought or self-destruction, nnd planned lo end his own II fo 'In tho samo manner, Chris Lompko was about 33 years of ago. Ho had a wlfo and two children and hns lived In Umatilla, county for tho past 12 or 15 years. In this tlmo ho has mado consldersv blo money nnd owns a lnrgo tract of land near Wnrron station. IIo Is sold to ho worth about $16,000. Acting Coroner Fltr. Gerald wan no tified of Mr. Lempku'H sulcldo, but ho thought It unnecessary to go out, w It was a clear caso of sulcldo. MERCHANT8 APPROACHED. Old Premium Advertising Scheme la Renewed Under a New Dress. Within tho past week sovtiral mer chants of this city hnvo been ap proached by agents ot a foreign :ul- ve 1 lining scheme, which proposes In furnish coupon or stamp tlckctH, lu book form, to bo distributed to ciih toinnrH, and afterward redeemed fu prizes and discount!! on purchases. Somo of tho morclinntH of neighbor ing towns havo accepted tho offem of thnao agents and tho results Imvo been most unsatisfactory Tho pro moters of tho Beheino nro not resi dents of tho statn, they do not Hpond their money in the cltlca in which lliey seek to oporato and It Is tho gen oral oxpresslon In this city that all such methods of advertising l dis countenanced. Business man find the old rcllabln and trustworthy method,) better They know who tint .n- dealing with and are not xeii'llriK (heir money out of the coiiiitiy Mil get it linek again lu patroimt:- nwl tnidu. This 4r:hcm In one of the old pio mliim plunii which has been put In n new iIipmh It Is 11 threadbare and vtornout proposition, with which tho people havo grown weary. II menus tint expenditure of legitimate profit by those who uccepl It and only ot rJeliUK somo foreign concern which l not Interested lu the welfm. ,.1 tie home merchant Resigns Position, Miss Cella 1 ten 11 Iibh announced that she will resign hor position as fctenographor lu tho county recorder's offlco to tako effect tho first of tho year. Miss Henri has boon dopnty In tho county dork's ofllcr; for tho pattr two years and Ik an efficient storiKgra pher. Hho resigns lo take it slrnllni position wilh the Hartman AbKti;ir Company, CKACKEK CUP.V.K PACTS The vulue of Hih Compiiny' oi eiut lh on tlio mother lode an follows, Iwtd on tliowiine capital tw Fnulli Pole Columbia $1 per share E. and . OOo per share North Pole $6 per share Oolconda started at 10a now sell ing: at 50o aud worth more Scum Pole is starting at ior The time to buy la on the flrvt offer ing of stock anil profit by all advance, Onliapan at Ifftrttiran'n titwtraet ofttrw.