East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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crap HMbtmiMi
Beginning Willi Monday, Dec, is
We will give with every pur
chase of one dollar or more a
Beautiful Scrap Album Free
Thi will continue until
all the Albums are gone.
Comprises many beautitu! and
useful articlt-s, and our prices
defy competition
Come and See For Yourself
Brocfe & McComas Co,
"What " t am asked "do you think
of a mother who permits her lG-yenr-old
daughter to entertain a regular
caller without lights In the drawing
room, and who. by oxamnle, teaches
her to foe disrespectful toward her
father ami to disregard his opinion?"
I think such a woman unlit for the
position and responsibility of mother
hood Hut then, only one mother in
10o Is fltti'i' for snrh a resiionsibillty.
The sill hen. running about the
yard srreaminc In shrill tones while
a klnO hand endeavor to direct her
little brood loopwnrd awa from
nichthawks where food and Bhelter
nwalt them, is as wise as the mother
described by my correspondent and
the scores who resemble her And
the conceited and selfish rooster who
cnlls the barnynrd fowls to witness
his enjoyment of a worm he has un
earthed is typical of the paternal
side of many a family.
Indeed the animal and bird king
doms far more frequently Illustrate
wise, sensible and kind parentage
than does the human race
The parents who deny their daugh
ters all association with young men
and the parents who allow them 11-1
cense like the one described above
are equallj to be censured.
One type indicates a selfish for
getfuluess of the natural rights and
needs of the young: the other seems
surprisingly ignorant of the ay of
the world.
The wife who Influences her child
: ren to feel and show disrespect for
I ... fnf to ... ... !.!..!. !.. I..,- .
j titer iiiiuiri 10, lu uij illiniums.. .11! nil- a
ruornl factor in the world's social I
, life. i
' t ;
' To rear children in a home of dis
cord, I have Insisted. Is fur worse !
' than to Shadow them with a divorce
scandal. '
running can ever compensate a
Friday, Bee. 12, Saturday, Dec. 13
Monday, Dec. 15
i l .... irtit i ril in i nrr tft v t iU 1
(111 UK' three taVp ir"ve mnuiuucu .-.v. '"b "J b' ouyme nnKV
I'en.iletun and vicinity the greater BARGAINS they have ever had oSeiX
We want t make th- next three weeks the best three weeks' of business I?
ever had. and in order to do so we are going to give our customers exceDtinn,! Jf
,. .. r J.. r..nSnn thnt .T.iH rn Mflh annna arlri r l.
in all lines 01 gonos. jvuuihs mi u sw, aw uargain pney
insure us all the business we can handle.
You arc especially invited to attend this Sale and get the benefit,)!,
special prices quoted below.
r . i-.ir.Mfi ,-f nuttprns. 10 vards to one person
Outing flannel, regular 7c grade, to yds to one person M
r- . T T r..nt.n -.m-i.it mint ...... 1
rule graut- l. ,uu-u. ; "u"""' , -j
T-v 1.1.. tlA n 11lc m rtnn nrQfin '4
lUUUlt IUIU pfliaiua, lu . v....- t ...... it
Bleached Muslm, 10 yds to one person . . (
r 1. c- Tdroifl i.x cftnnlc rn nnr tiers on
.ticuun ? iim.au. iv.i.u . ----r
U .4 . . not In many instances simply foster- child for the horror of a quarrelsome
I i fcllbV KJWidXiS ",E ldleness b-v lielulng such? Is it "omc:
I 't . ' ' - . uucharitablt to refuse aid in such
aves a scar upon the heart ,
time cannot efface. lienor be an
The jingling of the guinea,
helps the hurt that honor feels,
and the nations do but murmur,
sr.arlinc at each other's heels.
ll'Ull- ....-l- i
u..e aucn questions are pro . ullan or a dlvnr,... n.mrt ornhnn
pounded each year, they remain uuun- by far. than come up In such ar en-
swered, for our iteople would rather vironmeiit
foster a whole arniv of undeserving whin a child Is one year old a
idlers than that "one o the least of ' tB,her mAt I?!',er of rl "r iaeas ""l1
. h , . . . , i a -sense of their tremendous respousl
.... UIIUB alml reraam ,n jollity should begin to guard thel: con
! want." versatlon in Its presence.
! What is to be doue? Whut is the i Even at that aire children are keen
ly sensitive to voice and facia! e.
Lsitlies drer-s skirts, !M er cent reduction on all skirts
above 4 00
Ladles silt and wool waists, 10 per cent reduction on
all grade
Millinery- all crude and -ttvle-s 3) mt cent, reduc
tion. Ladie and llfeies cost-and Jack-to, M !er cent re
duction Ladles black cotton lux, ll)c vulu, Tc pair.
Children black luxe, 10c valuei, 7c pair
Mens and Boys Farnlsliinp
Mens overcoats lu all grades 10 per cent redo
Boys overcoats in all grades. 10 ner pent kA,
Mens suits, worth J10 any other rUw
Mens MiU worth $16 at any other Btore. e
Boys sulU, two-piece, a',1 prices from J1.25 to(U
The above prioos are good for tho throe days mentioned only.
lc a
(answer? How will th enhiM
I met? That is easy pressions and their nervous systems
. I are often injured bv aggressive or
- Did the county court of Wasco . uuarrelsome attitudes between their
(county never hear of Pingree uud his ! parents.
iHJtato patch? Did It never occur to ...
column article. The lalle the people of the West that nine ' The unhappluess which domestic
discusses the subject of j cases of poverty
! scenes and words of anger and disa-
in ten Is :in unln
poT,y. charity and idlene.. in WM.., v.ted condition, and that with few " ?eZ? is .ndX"
co county With some bltteniess of j exceptions iioor people are hard le, and would seem incredible to one
Jelling it cudgels a eertain class of . working people? Such being the case, who had not experienced or deserved
poor people, which always hangs up-' wu.v '3 It not profitable, charitable 't.
on th- edge of civilized sociefj Its ; and just to provide public work for . Xot nI' lltf children rendered un-
those who are compelled to work or """J" " , , ' 1 V u ,1 .,
, ' lo urh uriseed Is sown in their minds which will
Have Your Water Pipes Examined
and Repaired at Once.
Delay will lead t sHr-jous Invakt--.
Firsi-class- work irua-ai eed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court Street, Opposite Golden Rule Hotel.
tone is somewhat harsh, but Its find
ings, though unpleasant, are too true
to be questioned.
i bear bitter domestic fruit for them
For the Holidays
Wasco county and Umatilla coun-.in later life, unless some great and
All kinds for all puipc;e I
Sash, Doors and Bil
Planing of all descriptions
to older
Don't place youi era
Building Material until y
consulted us.
-There are in The Dalles large '-'f aQed be- every count, in Ore-! wise influence Is brought to counter
families." savs the Chronicle, "who 5UU- tuu,u leul r uu 'au enougu
'yearly make their appeal to the coun-'to auPDort the charity with
act the early education.
The bickering and quarreling fath
er and mother are instructing their
ty r others, whether times are pros-,srowlng cro')S- manufacturing plants . children how to be unhappy when
Beru or otherwise. To them it'ur "umB u.ai woum unng m t marrieu.
m,L.t . rflffBrnP.. The nnhlif a Pront to Ue COUnty.
Roger hros StKerv-urt, Fine Carving Sets.
Buys tool Ulests.
Splendid Christmas gilts for your inends
The Thompson HardwareCo.
The place that saxes purchasers money.
Hiffernci. The nubile a Droflt to county. , It is an awful sin. yet it Is being
no difference ine punuc , . .. . . ,iIlnB .lniw- in siwnlipri nhrUtifin
ow., them a living, whether they " T solution of poverty , h(jmes a - gM
ha.- aitrapted to earn it or not. In ' tbat lits within reach r moderate , again3t ,t.
tiesfc families are grown sons iu-i p aDB; ...
flau-'htors lying idle in unkept shan- atnosnhere of love thev m badlv l65686533
lr Tho harvest spnsnn comes and aimospnere oi love tney are uainy
. ., . THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM reared, no matter what material hen-
U .-one, nnd while the cry has gone, ,nt 5tw st&tem. entg up(jn hem s
np from all sides for harvest hands, j Unless the home is the abode of 5,
th twvs have set in the shade of Tbe tax-payera of Pendleton have,love and ,leaee It ,s worse than an
Bon.e tree and whittled; the farmers' a l,lair- business-like, thorough state-' orphan asylum. l
i.. ,i , ihu ment of the sewer question before1 The father and mother who In-
,vive have begged for help at this ...!H.,lffo in nrHr nm,i. ,nn
time and the city housekeepers have ; comm.uee u. ne : chllSen are gu !to o A
Pendletun Planing I
Lnmkr Yard
placed ailvemseraent alter aovertise . , disorderly conduct, and are foes to
tnent in tho papers endeavoring to Painstaking efforts to put the entire puWlc peace and moramy
aecure asatatance in the kitchen .hut . situation before the public. There The birth of a child ought to arouse
juh,. , ,h.w ave many uouots as to tne emciency 'e wvi khq nuoiesi trans ir. a
uaugniers oi mwe ftv,c, cwi n,nk. v.i.i ...,.
,u..,t. t, u qiiijiii,, 1,1.-1 ir
l.uth to iWi-control and to the erad
ication of selfish whims and ugly tem
pers. It is a gruut responsibility to bring
a human being Into the world. Cut
few pBrents seem to so regard It.
Ella Wheeler Wllcok lu New York
I i
Is appreciated bv ever member of the family in winter.
Our garniture makes it a cozy and handsome room. Our
graceful tables, buffets, and chairs will transform the plainest
room into a handsome one
w. a 3tj,uoo sewor system it can
not be made to cover the entire city
within that amount The need for
sewers Is so great and the task of
building them of sueh vital Import
ance to the city that many of the
mont practical and far-seeing business
men of Pendletun doubt tbe wisdom
Btill the husky
'un ortimate poor" lounge about."
Every community feels like express
ing ihit very sentiment nt tlme.
Isofa'.id e of wanton Idleness
tun. the mind ot people against the
de"' ing imoi in many Instance.
We tMir faulte and know their
. . 1 at.,. t-.ntntlnn n
'""; i)ot ,Jlind,ng an incomplete system at
BPP tne iaD to an who appeal to us Hg tJnie Jf bowm arfi DQt lQ be of Thomas Nnst. the cartoonist, tells
for charity Is very strong, hut such -.,..,,, to thp pntIre rfMGnce and B story of Nast reflla'uB J10.000 from
eeneral condemnation would he e.v Z L rlL ,1 Z ,he National Republican Committee
rmw nninxt business districts, the menace to for nlg carrlcature of prominent poll-
" """ 'health will not be removed. If sew- tlclans during the campaign of 1876.
In utter helplessness the Chronic! erag0 ft I10t t0 ceanse the entire city
thrown up its hands and says: ths J30.000 will not be expended In The saloon men of Ellensburg who
"But what's to be done In the mat- the Interest of the whole people. wor: flrrf3ted r violation of the
t,.Muu tan. iii ziuguisi, were
ter? It a Christian community none Sewerage should be complete. If It found guilty In the district court Sat
It. V. .Mitchell, of Portland, a friend '
: Furniture Store near 'ostofflce
Out Cka?ance Sale is on
2t pt-r III' (' . ; 1. 1
Sewing Mar limes, praperus, V ail Pauer
tv articu- it. cur sot 10 to
a uvu 'lit unt Carpets. Hues.
Proprietor of the
announces his
g I Clearance Sale
Special for Christmas Gifts
Mirrcrs pictt.r-sraiiud and unframed. carpet sweepers,,
.stardf. book rarhF) ica,i,er coll,h,.c ltatu.r rockers.
eranu-iednor and brabs btd steads
yriU hf- left In want; and yet are we requires $100,000 to make It so,
urday, and fined 30 each, and costs.
, on Jackets
I Waists
M Skirts
I and Furs
W -M
.... I
s and Prices
t a.i.on ' King, $5.00
Everything Exactly as Represented,
Diamonds Jewelry Watches Silverware Cot Glass Opera Glasses
Ebony Choice Umbrellas Toilet Ware Hand Pointed China
with LHamond Setting; and Gold Chain, value $100 nn o,- t rcbi
T . e Vmm.M!mJLti:JIim wHh every iolvj
An iaea ot the low Prices We are Offering
UiM Goid P.1W .,. A,ta movement $,2.50 - L, Vj Goll,,, A
American movement