Vou always pet GOOD GOODS t Alexander's. . !. GREAT SAVING I Our Big Sale affords a rare chance to buy Christmas pre-ents at a great saving. Wlosinff Days of All Week's Bargains THE CITY OF VALE1 survey or one of the through lines mapped out by the Harriman frater-' nlty cannot be disputed. That Vale is to have the railroad Is established i beyond preadventuro of a doubt, but . . that she Is going to get the county RESOURCES AND POSSIBILI- .seat remains to be seen. She Is go TIES OF MALHEUR COUNTY. I lnE to be a good substantial town In I the near future. ' Vale on an Ideal Site Forty Feet of' Valc has a hot water deposit 40 I Hot Water-Enormous Deposits of 1 be,Iow. the ,s"r,fco, ,hf 1 h vn I u.nii.. i-i, Itself to be absolutely Inexhaustible. . Kaolin-Lakes of Oil. ! As mcdIclnal watc lhero ,B noth. tor lour ears the town of Vale Ing in the West to exrel It. Its heatl jiHes Dressing Sacks Nothing better offered this sea- They are stylish made, of rdknt material, in all the pre rHnir colors. I'ice range from 98c to $3.75 Silk Skirts Special Priced $6.50 Values for $5.20 iBeautlfully tailored skirts in le very w1 8li lto YERY SPECIAL PRICES In New Silk Waists You want something service able and stylish for a holiday evening waist. What could be more appropriate than the hand, some Taffeta and Peau de Sole Bilk Waists we are selling at a reduction this week? The regu lar price is $6,50. You can se cure them now for $5.20 Don't forget our Big Sale on Ladies' and Children's Jackets Come early; we can fit anybody now. De lay, and it makes a different story. lexander Dept. Store IF A FELLOW LOVES A GIRL, THAT'S HIS BUSINESS If a girl love a fellow, that's HER BUSIKESS If the fellow that loves the girl, and the girl that loves the fellow, marry, that's THEIR BUSINESS. If the ellow and the girl want to buy a piano, that's OUR BUSINESS Call at 315 Fast Court street and we will convince you that It's YOUR BUSINESS to buy of us. Re member our prices lit your pocket and payments are arranged to suit yourself. THERKELSEN PIANO HOUSE, Successors to S. L. WAKEFIELD & CO. 315 East Court Street. has been begging for some railroad company to give them a railroad. If they could not get a through line, they were content to get along with the toot of just any kind of a steam locomotive. During .all these long years their cup has been filled with joys and sor rows. Sometimes the scheme was up, but more times it was down, floored, beaten. Sometimes their ef forts were ascribed to a pull to hold the county seat, other times somo other motive was seen In the railroai' rumor, and oven now when the re ports show a branch line from Nyssa on the Oregon Short Line, the old cry of "county seat wind' Ms being raised In quarters that would be a candidate for the seat of government. The site of Vale Is Idea for a village. On the west bank of the Malheur river. In a canyon val ley, where the summer winds fan the heat away and where the rich loam soil Is' heavy enough to stay down when the wind blows, and where a broad stretch of fertile soli spreads out before the eye in three directions is the present county seat of Malheur county. No more beauti ful site for a good town can be found In Eastern Oregon, not a more fertile spot exists therein, not a better key to Malheur county can be found, and now with a railroad the future is more bright Those who would have taken away their county seat before. have another song to sing. Those Is immense. It Is hotter than Is nc-i cessary to rook and egg or boll a j ham. Us supply Is great enough to . ......i . . inahu nun iiIIIU'a dull, n-iii to heat a city Twenty miles from Vale is an enormous deposit of Kaolin. This material Is not found In commercial quantities on four square miles of ter ritory in the United States outMdc of Malheur county. Tlw rounty w enough of it to duplicate all tho fine wares now tn existence. Vale savs this Is one reason why she is gcltint; a railroad. It Is hard worh sho says, to get an enabling act that would re move the Kaolin. That Harney county Is j.iet now bursting out upon the horizon of tha financial world Is another reason given for Vale by the new line of roan. Harney county can do no bet ter than to unload her product through this gafeway. A vast empire unsurvcyed and not on the maps In telligently lies beyond Vale. Vale takes new life under the Irri gation animation that Is taking hold of the West. With nmple water for the arid lands In her region one more spot In Eastern Oregon has ushered in upon the scene of prosperity. In the very heart of tho new prcsperout picture is the present town of Valo. Hundreds of Ideations mark the hills and gulches. Those who claim to see further in the ground than the ordinary man. see great lakes of oil underlying the other formation. They EWARE BEWA This Advertisement is For,..,,. MEN ONLY Men's iiandk,ercliefs who would have sent nearly every in-! have sent away and purchased drills dividual In Vale Into bankruptcy by for sinking and these machines are depriving them of their railroad iiros- not toys They are the regular stan pects are now confronted with the dard oil drills. like those used In very strong rumor that a line is to. Texas and California. This Is an be Immediately built. Just what is other reason Tor a rallioad now pierc to he done with this rumor remains I Ing this domain. to be seen That it Is backed by the best men In Vale cannot be denied and that it I sa feasible undertaking Is Insisted upon by different railroad companies who have guarded the field with a jealous eye for several years. That the branch is exactly ou the HOTEL ARRIVAL8. Hunt up those pictures and have them framed at once Christmas is Not Far Away You will get the best work and newest style frames if you will come to us. Largest stock to select from . r. SHARP for SHARP New Ideas. Opera House Block. KSSSSSS3 BEAUTIFUL BOOKS Suitable for Christmas Presents are Given with Prise Baking Powder. Sauer Kraut. Pickled Pigs Feet that are fine. Buck htit Fl nnr anr! H O Relf.r!s!ni Ruekwheat. L.OET Cabin M'Ple Svruo. Enelish Walnuts. Almonds, Pecans and all -inds of nuts--all fresh and cood. Martin's Family G rocery and Bakery For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES (A l.t. rxi Colesworthy at run- CHOP Mil L and iaiK,t Alta Strict CLYDR fTTTT T PM , I' H. I'ttteut Office t! PATENT . Z ' "oa -Pjrr sbu Wnablnatonj D. C. ASK Cifof- 7 rVJORlo, :?r THAT MADS '. ! L W U v. MO us. All kinds of imported lunchts, hot wiener wurst, sauerkraut ami pigs feet at KOHLER & GO'S Main Streets near Postoffice Consumption is Like a Plant. No matter how much corn . falls o'i a bare rock, it wont grow there. Neither will con- j sumption germs grow in per-, fectly healthy lungs. But if the lunj-s become weak and : inflamed they are good soil for consumption germs, and ( if these enter they may take i root and grow. j There is no medicine that t will directly weed them out. I The thintr to do is to make 1 the lungs so healthy that the germs will have to stop grow ing because there is nothing for them to thrive on. The lungs must be nour- ished with plenty of good ! blood, kept pure by breath ing pure air. There must be more sleep; less work and worry. Perhaps some medi cine. The doctor will know. The most important thing is nourishment. When the body is weakened by con sumption, the digestive pow ers cannot obtain from ordi dinary food enough of the elements needed to make good blood. The lack is best supplied by the use of Scott's Emulsion. It is extremely rich in the substances, which make good blood, and it also helps the digestion to obtain nourishment from ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion is a food medicine; not a stimulant; not a mere "extract" or so called "wine" of cod liver oil. It contains the whole oil per fectly emulsified, which is the only way of preserving its valuable properties. These are united with hypophos phites of lime and soda into a combination which rapidly builds healty tissue through out the whole body, -and par ticularly in the lungs. j We'll send you a sample free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. New York. Hotel Pendleton. U V Cozin. Moscow. J C. Wright. Spokane. Chester Rolihins. Sumpter A. D. Chase. Portland. 13 n. llramlct. Walla Walla. J. M. Kernek. Shanks. .1 II. Roulstoi'c. I'nrtlaml. Sir anil Mrs. W Bollinger. I,pwIk ton. C. M. Smith, l'or land A. G .Bartholomew. Heppner W. D. Chamberlain, city. James Kopechey. Chicago. H. V. Reeves, New York. C. h. Stlllnian, Nebraska. GeorK- A. I.ovejoy. Wallace. J. .1. Bums. I'ottland. C. Ottershngen, Portland. W. . Tonsh, New York. .Mrs. E. A. Cook, Walla Walla. Will M. I'eterton, Athena William Maher, Portland. S. S. GUI, Spokane. J. L. I -our, Milton. G. W. Hunt. Portland. A. Johnson, Portland. W. It. Glendenlng, Portland. V. Markham. Waltsburg. J. Topper, New York. A. Slnshelmer, Portland. G. II Hutnmens, Pomeroy. W H. Hooley, Walla Walla. j. Markey. Chicago. S. II. Mattln. Portland. J. B. Miller, Portland. G. W. Derrick, San Francisco. E. G. Ieaf. Rochelle. G. W. Phelps. Heppnc- Frank Glllan, Heppner. A. S. Heatfield, Spokane. M. H. Patton, Spoknne. T. W. Jackson, Spokane. G. S. YoimxniRii, I'oilfaud White silk Initial handker chief!". A complete Hwortment at 35c, 50c, 75c. Something new Exeelda with a tdlk Initial, 35c. White gllk hnmlkcrchlefrt,hem stitched and plain. All sizes at aoc, 50c, 75c, $1 OP. soft, ready- Japanette, n new. for use material, iaac Fancy Ininlered and colored silk handkerchiefs A veiy large line at very low prices asc, 50c. 75c, $1.00 A chance to blow yourself. Bilk handkerchiefs for I3)j.c A complete stock of lniKrtod linen with all width borders JSC 35c, 50c, 75c, Si. 00 One-half dozen good linen in a fancy Ikjx. A good prcbent $1.50. NECKWEAR Suspender -A very large line of fancy silk hi the latest color ing 7se,$ 00, $i.Js, $1 jo. Oloves Golf (staves In black, jwarl nut fancy colors 50c, 03c, 7SC, $1.00. Umbrellas Fine black Hk with nice htiudliM $a 50 to $6. .rult Cases MenV leat'ier caws, 21!, 1U, J(t lnch-$6 to $30. fllovcs Dent's line kid iln-.s gloves, heavy and medium weight $a. iult Cases Indies nWe Inch. Plain and lltted St 2 to $30. Oloves-811k (xipular prices $1.75, $3 00. lined Hucdc lit. - $1.35, $1 511, Neckwear IleHtitlful creation Just from the maker. 35c. NECKWEAR The most complete iine in the City, and we can Drove it The Boston Store Corner Main and Court Streets. HBHHHHHHHMinHnHnHHBnnn PERFECTION IN FLOUR Is reached 111 BYERS' BEST. Better flour cannot be mnde The cream of the wheat crop enters in Hyers' IJeM Flour, which is right for bread and Fancy baking PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. The Colden Rule. U, J. Bwing, Walla Walla. D, J. Kirk, Milton. J, D. W'llson, Athena. H. G, Pyante, Portland. Nick Molltes, Chicago, W. F. Courtney, Walla Walla. J. S. Doaring, Colorado Springs. W. T. Shaw, Milton. J. J. Brlnlstoll. I.oa Angeles. Ray C. Brock and wlfn. Hood River, J. p .Harris, Hood itivcr. S. C. Harris, Hood River. B. Boyd. Hood River. A. F .Bernard, Portland. W. P. Jlmmett, Adams. J. H. Fredrick. Biggs. R. B. Sturgis, Portland. A. M .Nicholson, Portland, B. C. Johnson, Walla Walla. Miss Nina Dorrnan, lone. . N. VV. Wilson, Portland. A. W Tlchner, Portland. W. A. Banister, Milton. G, W. Ingle, Milton, John O. Helfrleh. Spokane. John W. Holler, Walla Walla. W. W. Evans, St. Joseph. W. J- Moore, Sjrakane. C K. Marison Portland. S. A .Frans, Spokane. Rev. H. IUcks, Walla Walla. D. Lavender, Walla Walla. Dan Bucking, Weston. R. T. Bellard, Ml .Pleasant. A. R. Stalker, Merridan. H. H. Harris. Joseph. F. J. Gardner, Portland, Mrs, Henry Taylor, Echo. C. H. Dennis. Washington. A Million Voices Could hardly oxprcss the thanks of Horner Hall, of Wen I'oint, la. j.isien why; A severe ccld had settled on his lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Stveral phyielan said he had consumption, but could not help him. When all thought he was aoom ed he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and writes "It completely cured me and saved my life, I now weigh ZZ7 Itn." It's positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and lung troubles. Trice 6O0 and JIM, Trial bottles tree at Tall man & Co.'s drug store There are now on Die In the gov ernor's offlce over 400 petitions for pardons. T Let Marphy Frame those Pictures for Christmas Don't put ofl having the work dene. If Murphy does the work it will be good work and yon will be highly pleased, Best stock of framing material. E. J. Mtitphy's Best work at lowest prices. AGREEMENT Pendleton, Or., Dec i, 1901 This is to certify that we, the undersigned, havf agreed between ourselves to establish uniform prices for the care and board of horses by the month One horse to hay by the month $12-50. One horse to hay anil grain per month ti. Commencing Dec, 1, 1002. G. M. Froome M. J. Carney S. F. Hays W. Lindscy. Going out of BUSINESS All sewing machines in stock to he (lib posed ol at cost. Com e early and select a bargain WITHEE B I 1 (tMJItT HTIIKKT The Queen Hotel Now Open The nev. building, 36 by Ho, recently erected by Joe. IJII, on Garden strest, between Court and Alta, is now open to the public Contains mj well 'ighted, and venti lated and ncwl furnished rooms Not an inside room in the build ing. Modern innrovemt-nts, eiec trie lights and baths. The Hotel is directly back of of the Queen Chon and Oyster House on wain street, and the Queen Chop House and the Qurni HoieJ will be run n connection uy Messrs. Olson Sc. Van Puymbroeck Proprietors Real Estate... Young man, do you desire tn lay the foundation for weal'ht Kldorly men, do you wish to Insu c you noire competency T If so, do as others have done. Look around you and see who are th well, to-do men In tho community. They are thou who tare tni sled In real estate However small your means, buy real estate Commence now. I will ell on small nartlsl payments, or for cash, the following properties! A house with 6 rooms a cellir nd lot I7C0.00 A pretty cottage and lot 800,00 A house and two lots,.,. , 700 00 A dwelling, stable and lot 701.00 A dwolllng, stsble and 2 lots DHOIO Vacant lots from 1160 to 100. A block of 14 lots 1200.00 A half block, 7 lots ,., 00 A plat of 4 lots C60 00 A plat of 2 lots 300,00 G. D. BOVP, III Court Street farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capaeliy I AO Iannis 11 (liy Flour i' changed fur wli- ut Flour. Mill Fi1. Choii.l Fetd, uU always 011 hand,