East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
. M.it rour reilrtence
erf d '
P.?"' hn.Tnwi bT writer l
5c A WEEK.
Tonight and Tuesday, partly '
cloudy; cold.
NO. loCI
nig ii iinrrTiTurniir inn m .vmx iwummm.1 innw rmiMrffrrTn-TtiiimiMtmMtmMMMMii '
ia River Basin Irriga-
Association Launched.
IJutions Adopted.
Disunion Over Foreat Ro-
Resolution Association In
line Action of Secretary
bck In Setting Aside Re
telling session of the Colunv
Irrigation Association was
order by temporary preul-
Hartman. at 8 o'clock Sat-
pent organization was effect-
bfflcers of the association be-
Ifollows. President, G. A.
vice-presidents. Judge
new. or Morrow county;
Bbert, D. C. Brownell and T.
By, of Umatilla county; sec-
p. uoiia, 01 penaieton;
Frank Gilliam, mayor of
K executive committee. Dr.
D. C. Brownell, W. A. Hob
IT. C. Taylor.
dge Lowell's Address.
ddress of Judge Stephen A
lupon the provisions of the
pd Maxwell laws, was recelv
I enthusiasm. He went Into
luative review of the work-
he two laws and cave a very
blanatlon of their differences
Ef the perplexing provisions
rrigatlon question embraced
lActs, were made plain to the
bn and the address was one
post proatablo features of the
He explained at length the
br the laws nnd said that as
is necessarily imperfect. It
intended by the authors of
Irious acts to make them the
Ints of fraud. Their weak
pe due to a lack of experience
pg with the subject of lrriga-
reclamation. Ho urged the
take advpntace of their
pistons as a means of bring'
pt a perfect state of agricul
f the arid districts. At the
i his remarks the association
a hearty vote of thanks.
Lively Discussion.
the resolutions were nre-
K Colonel E. D. Boyd, chalr-
Eae committee on resolutions,
discussion was indulged in.
lutions contained an indorse
es forest reserve and Walter
le moved the adoption of the
la as read, with inntrurtlnnR
sretary 0f the association to
I a cony of the forest reserve
n. to the secretary of the in-
pa me Oregon representatives
Speeches were marie
itlis resolution by Thomas G.
iw Judge Bartholomew, of
wwy, while Mr. Plerqe, O.
C "Uliam flnllnronv an nfhara
f" ceienderl it
N report of the committee
"r adopted and that portion
s 10 tnft nnnnfmn xuna nr.
ra' to the congressmen from
Md the secretary of the in-
" annual meeting will, be
wooer 29, 1903.
are the resolutions adopt
6M. The, , l.l..
- wuai virni miuP(f.i. n
0n Of Eastern nrAcnn nnrt
awes has, by legislation.
- j-jurago and promote, and
? to aid nil practical and
Pins of this nature, by ap
" ' of money In carrying
-. mercfore, bo it
That thlu ncu.w.in.lr.
' an efforts looking tn thi
tLWe ,Pcla"y direct atton-
aria nnptfAnH .r n .m.
W COUntleS. nnri rrmmniw)
i lrrinUlaUne aorao de1nlte
-"uu wunin those lira-
ofw, We ufse upon tb0
ubleet 82nVvt,,e Pfraotion
as iiii nd the Rd(Pt,0n of
Men win i , uraso we aomo
I behf ied i0 favorable ac
Ps L,f ?Joson' 00 th0 nart
SoTernn? oraclaIs W
ZTTT1 T"" the mem-
f tW B " eKisiaturo, ;s
to hrtnm EaB,ern Oregon,
UnK lrrigaroD:H","""'l,u"0
m- That a
ea-fc '"""uiiu.il ui
. MOrrOUT ami irn.om.
dSfSR1-" ,0 Investigate
for Tr, , 0",, 8,'e!t
lrr'atIon nrolerts In
,SJ'1 wport the same
lUon. B """mute,, of thl
F; Th
o Mn.i.v; '"inmiuee of
- HTru,fT)l 111
determine what legislation may be '
necessary' and urge its adoption.
iiesoived. That a commltteo on
finance, consisting of five members,
be appointed . to raise the necessary
funds for the promotion of the ob
jects of this association, acting under
the direction of the executive com
mlttee. '
Resolved, That we commend the
socretary of the interior In his efforts
to preserve the forests which shelter
the sources of our streams, so neccs
sary to Insure a water supply, and in
establishing a forest reserve under
proper restrictions, after carefully in
vcstigatlons and suveys, he should be
encouraged, as we feel be is render
ing a great service to the present
generation as well as to posterity.
Echoes From the Irrigators.
'The tendency of the American is
to destroy everything natural he puts
his hands upon. There must be some
restraint put upon him, therefore the
movement toward preserving our for.
ests by legislative action, Is wise."
William Gallagher.
"The forest reserve sentiment Is
not an attack on any industry. Stock-
raising, mining, agriculture, mercan
tile pursuits and manufacturing can
stand side by aide In Oregon, each
sustaining and strengthening the
other. The West mu6t take some ac-!
tion to help herself; so far the East
has done most of our legislating."
O. D. Tee I.
'This association Bhould make its
position known. If we are not going
to take steps to preserve the natural
water supply of Eastern Oregon, Irrl
gatlon will loose Its meaning. The
first necessity In this movement I
water, and we should declare In favo
of maintaining our water sources by
preserving the forests that surround
them, and we should encourage our
representatives in congress by mak
ing known to them our stand upo
this question." Senator W. M
"We are here to discuss irrigation.
It seems that wo are going out. of our
jurisdiction to pick up something hot
when we open the reserve question
Mayor T. G. Hailey.
"Morrow county is ready for lrriga.
tion. She needs It badly and Is will
President John Mitchell of the
United Mine Workers Given
a Monster Reception.
Continued on page 8.
Would Make Forest reserve a Source
of Profit and a Thln-j rf Beauty
Many Idealistic Things That Might
be Done.
Washington, Dec. IE. Secretary
Hitchcock has devised a means
whereby he believes the forest re
serve system, Instead of Iieing a kov
ernment luxury, as Is charged by
some public men. will bect:a-.; se)f-
sustaining. He sent to congress ihc
draft of a bill authoring the secre
tary of the Interior to sell timber,
grass, plants, fruits, seeds aud other
material growing or being grovn
upon forest reserves. Including stone,
earth and all other inorganiic mate
rial, at what shall be deemed a fair
price, provided such sajes do not in
torfero with the present mining laws
and regulations on any reservation, or
with the present practice of selling
forest reserve timber.
Ideal Forest Reserve.
The bill also authorizes the secre
tary to rent or lease lands within the
reserves for tho purpose or erecting
and maintaining cummer resorts.
stores, mills and other establishments
nnd to lease suitable reserve land
for grazing and other purposes not
Incompatible with the objects for
which reserves are created. The
moneys derived from such sales
rentals and leases are to create a spe
cial fund to he expended In the care
and protection of foreat reserves.
Each state is to have a separate tuna.
Income to be School Funds.
Wherever therp shall be a surplus".
25 p-r cent of such surplus is to go
to the school fund or the staio or ter
ritory In which the reserve is located.
Where a reservation lies in more tharil
one state, the surpliif is to be pro
portionately divided.
This bill contemplates placing ior-
est reserves on a higher plane tnan
at present, making them more like
the Yellowstone and omc- nuuor.ai
narks. While the bill Is not such as
to meet much opposition In congress,
there is littlo chnn-M 'or H:- passime
at the short session.
Crusade Against Gambling Getting
Warm Prominent Citizens Indict
edSports Leave Town.
Portland, Or.. Per. 15. Tbe district
attorney Indicts a number of promt
nent citizens fur gambling: Among
thtm Is Kred T Merrill. ouncllm.an.
The rrusade Is jRettlng warm and
many gamblers are leaving the city.
Rev. Martin Discharged.
London, Deo. lE.In old Bailey
court this morning, Itav. Martin was
diohars',d. TeHtlmony showed that
overwork nnd unbalanced hi mind
at the time when he threatened, to
blow Ht fUe grandstand "Hinting the
Mhlf 'paradn
Wheat In Chicsgd,
Chicago, Tc 16 -Wheat 7itf7.V
c pir bushel
Miners of 8pring Valley, Illinois, Act
as Hosts Immense Labor Parade
Mother Jones? Accompanied the
Springfield, 111., Dec. 15. President
John Mitchell was given an ovation
by the miners today on his return
from the East. In the immense pa
rade were laboring men from all por
tions of the state.
Excursion trains brought hundreds
of visitors and the school children
participated in the occasion. Mitch
ell's train was met by a large -eiega
tion. Mother Jones accompanied
The parade occurred at noon. Pros
ident Mitchell retained his accustom
ed immobility and continually bowed
from his carriage.
President Roosevelt to Visit
the Middle West and Pa
cific Coast in May.
Anthracite Commission Will Not Meet
During the Holidays.
Scranton, Pa., Dec 15. Judge Gray
this morning submitted to the opera
tors a tabulated 'form for evidence
desired, which he said would facili
tate the work of the anthracite com
mission. He announced the adjourn
ment of the board next Saturday un
til January 2.
Little Girls Work.
Darrow called several little girls
to the stand this afternoon to show
the necessity for the entire family
Gray and the other commissioners
were very Indignant. Judge Gray said
the statutes of Pennsylvania were not
being enforced and wanted Darrow
to summon the girls' fathers.
Three Hundred Vessels Sunk in the
River Danube Much Grain Lost.
Vienna, Dec. 15. Three hundred
vessels in the - Lower Danube have
been crushed or sunk by Immense
blocks of Ice which fill the river. All
the boats weie loaded with grain and
the loss will amount to several mil
lions. Four hundred other vessels
are endangered. No loss of life has
been reported.
Grlscom Appointed Minister to Japan
Pearson Goes to Persia Presi
dent Tells Western Senators That
He Will Visit Pacific Coast
Portland, Or., Dec. 15. A Washing
ton special to the Dally Journal says:
"President Roosevelt is announcing
to the Western senators that he will
visit the West in the spring, proba
bly in April and May. It will be a
resumption of his Four interrupted by
his abscess. He will visit the Middle
West cities, San Francisco, Portland
and the Sound cities.'
Chaplain Kelly Retires.
Washington, T. G., Dec. 15. Chap
lain Bernard Kelly, Tenth infantry,
U. S. A was retired from nctlvo ser
vice today by operation of the age
limit. This is the last retirement for
age to take place among army of
ficers this year. Chaplain Kelly serv
ed during the civil war for two yeurs
as first lieutenant and captain of the
One Hundred and Third Illinois In
fantry. He has been In the regular
army since 1897.
A formal announcement wan made
at the state department Saturday
afternoon of the appointment of Grls
com. minister to Persia, to be minis
ter to Japan.
Consul-Gieneral Pearson, at Tehe
ran, Persia, formerly a congressman
of North Carolina, becomes minister
to Persia.
President Hoosevelt today promised
to bn present at the formal dedication
of tlio St. Louis exposition, on April
Offers to Cease Opposition to Eng
land If He Is Ceded an Open
Bermera, East Africa, Dec. 15.
Proof that the Mad Mullah Is not
dead was received here in a letter
received from him In which he offers
to cease opposition to the British pro
vided Great Britain cedes to him an
open port and allows him to import
10,000 Tons Shipped to Dawson 74
Below Zero at Zetwln.
Skagway, via Seattle, Dec. IE.
Tho coal mine at Forty Mile Is ship
ping 10,000 tons of coal to Dawson.
This output is settling the question
of the fuel supply on the Yukon. Last
week the thermometer registered 74
below zero at Zetwln, on the Yukon.
Qulgley Nominated.
Rome. Dec. 15. The College of
Propaganda today nominated Bishop
Quigley, of Buffalo, as the arch
bishop of Chicago. Spalding's name
was not presented,, Qulgley is a Canadian.
To Protect Macedonia.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 15, It Is offic
ially announced that Russia and Aus
tria have reached an' agreement to
maintain a status quo in Macedonia
and Balklns.
7500,000 to Stamp Out Cattle Diseases
$500,000 for Rura1 Mall Carriers
$40,000 for Families of Postal
Washington, Dec. 15. The senate
this morning agrped to the bouse res
olution fixing the holiday recess De
cember 20th to January 6.
Cannon, In the house this morning,
called up the urgency deficiency bills
appropriating $500,000 for stamping
out tho cattle diseases In Now Eng
land aud 1500,000 for paying too rural
fro? delivery carriers. The bill also
carries $40,000 to be used as a fund
to pay $1000 to the families of rail
way postal clerks killed In tho serv
ice. The bill passed .
Quotations Furnished by the Coe
Commission Company I. C. Major
Local Manager, Room 4, Associa
tion Block.
Minneapolis, Dec. 15. Wheat
Firmer cables this morning started
the market nearly a half cent higher.
Receipts were liberal, being 1137
cars here, against 560 last year,
Duluth, 50, against 152 for tho same
period last year. Sentiment contin
ues somewhat in favor of higher
prices, though some of tho largo op
erators are awaiting a more divided
tendency in tho market in hand, and
wll Iprobably give values a decided
movement In tho near future. The
upturn in tho market early In the
day caused considerable short cover
ing. The cloao was strong at -c up
from Saturday s close.
Corn Cables were a shado higher,
as there was nothing special In tho
way of news to Invite now buying.
lsxcesslve oncrlngs permitted a de
cline of V,r In the May, where It held
Provisions Started better and
maintained tho improvement. Arriv
als at the yards wcro a surprlso to
tnoso who were committed to the
short side, and much investment buy
ing resulted. Our vlows as to future
values aro not changed, and wo feel
mat on any decline purchases are In
Chicago, Dec. 16.
Wheat . Opened.
December ,. 76
May 77
December 64
May 43
December 32
May S3V
January 1670
May 1656
Minneapolis, Dec. IE.
Wheat Opened,
December 74
May 75?P
New York, Dec. IE.
Wheat Opened.
December 80
May 81
83 'A
74 V4
President Roosevelt Contem
plates Sending a Special
Message to Congress.
$40,000,000 IN CASH.
Morgan Leads a Big Money Loaning
Trust in Anticipation of the Com
Ing Panic.
New York, Dec, 15. One of the
biggest money loaning combinations
on record was formed today to handle
$40,000,000 for loaning In capp o
emergency on market demands for
ready cash. Morgan and the recently
formed Western National Bank are
the prime movers. J. Plerpont Mor
gan, James Still man and George Par
ker wre appointed to take charge of
J ho money, which is all really avail-
Fighting Tobacco Trust.
Detroit. Mich., Dec. IB. It is now
war to the death between the inde
pendent retail cigar and tobacco deal
ers of Detroit and the tobacco trust
The retailers have succeeded in form
ing a strong organization, embracing
all the prominent indeiiendent deal
ers in the city, and after much delib
eration It was decided that the hard
est hlow that could be dealt the trust
was to refuse to handle its goods,
This decision became operative today
ud In accordance with the mutual
agreement, no trust goods of any de-
Heriptlnn are to be seen in the inde
pendent stores. This Is the most
rullcn' ften yet taken ny any or the
Irdeprndent organizations formed to
fight the trust and the result will be
watched with close Interest in Chi
cago. New York, Kansas City. Phila
delphia and other cities where simi
lar fight" are in progress.
Ira Presaley, who was accused of
murdering his wire at Missoula,
Mont, has ho acquitted ,
Petition to Keep Sheep That Far
Distant From Homesteaders.
Bauer City, jjcc is. mere is a
petition in circulation in this part of
the state asking the legislature to
enact a law prohibiting the herding
of sheep within a distance of two
miles of any habitation. It la being
pressed by the cattlemen In tbe main,
although a great many business men
who are not Interested In stock rais
ing, are signing.
Idaho and California have such
laws, and the cattlemen Insist that
they are entitled to such protection
from the sheepmen in this state, It
goes without saying that there will
be! a counter-petition gotten up by the
sheepmen, and then there will be two
lobbies at Salem this winter working
for the contending Interests.
The adoption of ucji a law, the
cattlemen Insist, is absolutely neces-
rary to their well-being, and in some
Instance thrir very existence de
pends upon It. On the other hand,
tbn Bbevpmen claim that they will be
shut out from the public domain for
grazing purposes, because tho cat
tlemen caen easily put up bouses pn
tho ranges and liavu them occupied
to that It will be IiuiKUHlble to herd
sheep and keep them outside of the
two mile-limit.
Will Be Sent to the Senate for Rati
fication Before the Holidays Har
ran Has Full Power to Sign.
Washington, Dec. IB. The treaty
with Colombia for the Panama canal
will bo signed this week and sent to
the senate for ratification before the
holiday adjournment. Harran has re
ceived full power from Colombia to
sign the treaty which he agreod up
on wim becreiary Hay.
The terms "perpetual control,'
which were misconstrued by Colom
bia to mean sovereignty, have been
replaced by a clauso providing for
100-year lease, and givlug thu United
States sple right to renew said lcaso
In effect, this lease Is In perpetuity.
Counsel Day Asks Court to Restrain
13 Railroads From Granting Spec
ial Rates.
Chicago, Dec. IS. Special Counsel
Day, representing tbe government in
tho injunction petition, granted at tbe
Instance of the Interstate commerce
commission, which temporarily re
strains 13 railroads from granting
special rates and rebates to favored
shippers on livestock and packers
products, today asked the federal
court to make, tbe Injunction permu
nent. He declared that tho packcra
who comprlso tho alleged. beef trust
re reive udvautages in rates making
competition'' Impossible. Arguments
will be heard tomorrow.
Chicago Chemists Declare That
Fumes From Chemical Engines
Caused Deaths In Lincoln Hotel.
unicago, Dec, Jo, unenitsts em
ployed by a local paper decluro that
the 14 deaths in the Lincoln hotel
firn were caused by tbe fumes from
the chemical engines of the Are de
partment, They created carbonic
acid gas, smothering those attempt
ing to escape. Damage suits against
toe city may follow.
Standard Oil Dividend.
Now York. Deo. JB.-'-StockboJdera
of tho Standard Oil Cprapatiy today
received Christmas presents in tbe
shape of a $10 dividend on each share
of their holdings. This is $2 a shaio
in exrras of the dividend declared at
this time last year, but on the otber
hand, tbe total amount of the com
pany's dividends for this year falls
slightly below tbe total for last year
Colombian Government Suppressing
me news or uie uitatter vessel
Was a Government Transport,
Chicago, Dec. 16. Colon advices
from Barranqullla confirm the report
of tbe total loss of the steamer lie-
gota, which was loaded with soldiers,
Tho vessel sunk In the Magdalenn
BJvor. The government has suppress-
Prominent Oregon Politician and
Bualnesa ManPee Away,
Portland, Or"Dec. 18. Solomon
HI mob, ex-minister to Turkey under
President Iarrlson, a man promisest
ihrouch life In the butlne.Sfl'and mMt
tics of Orfgon, (lied this morning' at
11 o clock aged 01, v
Ellensburg baa bad .IT loettea of
snow during the month of December
Italy Will Join In Blockade GermanjJ
Rather Aggtesslve England Readj
for Arbitration Castle of Llberta
dor Blown Up by English Marine.
Caracas, Dec IB. A movement
asking for President Castro's resigna
tion has been started. If the. roiuea4
la tondoreri and granted, It Is pro
posed to ask VJco-Prosldent Ayula to)
nssuino tho presidency.
A general fooling prevails In gor
ernment circles that tho Unitod
States will como to Vonczuela'a re
lease. It Is learnod this morning that
u German resident nnd two servants
at Sincstoban, three iiiIIph from Cv
hello, were killed In Saturday's hot,
linrdmcnt. ,
At 5 o'clock yesterday aftornotio.
British marines blow up tho aulmiV
rino cells of tho Castlo Libertiufor.
with dynamite and also burned all
tlio wooden buildings surrounding th
castlo. They carried away ovorjw
thing that could bo transported, thU
Will Debate Venezuelan Question.
London, Dec. IB. In thu house of
commons this morning, Tim Healej;
caused disorder by demanding to
know what was tho comparative
value of tho Gorman claims nnd the
gunboats which hnd beon sunk In tho
vonozuelan waters.
The Breaker succeeded In ralllna
ordor when a motion was passed that
thu houso adjourn until 0 o'clock to
night when tho donate will begin on
the Venezuelan question.
English Shirk Responsibility. '
London, Deo. 15. In tho houso oj
common today Cranbourno, pnrlhv
mentnry socretary of foroign affalra.
niado a statement wherein ho doulc4
that tho British admiral was rospon
slbto for the sinking of the Venomo
Ian ships.
It Is 'umorcd In official circles thai
the government has ordered tho Brit
ish warship" at Venezuela to cease
aggresslvo measures until consider
tion is given tho proposal n arbi
trate. American Proposal,
London, Dec, IE. Lansdowuo, mfa
Istcr of foroign affairs, in tho lious
of lords today announced that a pro
posal had been rccolvcd from the)
Amor'can government that tho Vono
zuelan n.falrH bo submitted to arbi
tration, 8p?clal Message to Congrei.
Washington, Dec. ICPros'ldoiiS
Roosevelt thin morning held u con
sultation with Secretaries Hay. Hoot,
Senator Cullorn of tho senate foreign
affaire commltteo, and Hltt .chairman
of the houso foreign atfalrH comlttco,
regarding tho Venezuelan affair.
Secrecy is maintained, Tho calling;
together of such a meeting, however.
is regarded a.e at tho utmont slgnift-canco.
It Is said tho president contem
plates sending a special message ca
cernlng tho Venezuelan developmental
to congress.
Immediately after tho white fiousa
conference, Becrctary Root called at
tho state acpartrnont. where hn waa
closeted with Socretary Hay,
Cabello Bombarded1. i
Washington, Dec, IB. Thu st4tai
department received a cablegran
from Minister Uowen ronflrmlni; tho
bombardment of Cabello. Among
Secretary Hay's callers today was
Doeplancnes, tbo Italian ambassador.
who held a consultation regstnlfnit
Italy's Venezuelan clalmf.
Italy WIM Join.
Berlin, Dec, 15. It Is officially an
nounced that the Italian wawblpii III
join tno Angio-uerman allies agalust
Venezuela as soon as a blockado is
It is officially stated today that
Castro not only 'expressed a desire' to
arbitrate, but uiudo a formal proposal
through Minister Ilowori. ln-nco no
need of dlsmHlnK that point. Tin
United Btatr'x U regarded ait a letter
bearer only and there Is no reason
to believe, that (hoy w)l altur tin) at
lltiido they have hitherto preserved.
Jl J-.J-U u- JHW8U! i' '. I'-.il IIS
Thu vaJlie ;f I lie (Ywinunv i nitrat
ing on the motbtr loWe h hi. follow ,
based ri tlmfttoicciijdlMaotfoutb fl
Colonbia H per gta
t, d X- 9o per, share
JTwtfc Jtele $5 per share
Molemk stapled at lOo bow sell-
bk at SCO xtiid worth moro
Stptii rmt is starting at loo
Thu iSinr to I n 1 thu oW-
lne iif atoi'ii uuuiriv nv an twtvwi
1Id.I.i.. fatlklWill u