East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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m, I
Articles that make useful Xmat presents. Some- S
thing to delight the sweet little baby, the rollicking 3
boy, the merry little girls, the gallant youths, the
charming young ladies, loving mamma and papa, S
and dear old grandpa and grandma. S
Concerning the People of Pendleton and Vicinity Notes
Personal and Otherwise By Our Regular Correspondent
Strong, yet stylish shoes to please all tastes. Dainty
shoes lor dainty feet.
Holiday Questions.
Socially, tho past week has beeu
rnther quiet. OutaUlo of tho sale anil
dinner Elven by the Parish AW So-
Icloty, and one evening entertainment,
there has been little doing. Christ
i mas shopping has begun in earnest,
and It Is probable that until niter thJ
hnllilnvs nro n:st llttlfi thought will
be given to social pleasure. At this are rehearsing a pretty llttlo drama,
time people are lying awake nights j "Up Above the Clouds," to bo given
slvc games and a delicious lunch was
served by Mrs Lowell.
This afternoon the members of tho
Junior Society had a social with a
Jolly good time at the house of Sirs.
Lnura Hampton on East Court street.
High School Drama.
Some of the high school students
wonderlnc what to give this one and
that one. Asking their friends If
at the Frazer opera house some time
near the holidays. Five of the young
tlier mn nffer .mv snceestlons In the I ladles who took part in "The Military
way of suitable gifts, and then after Olrl." will take tho leading roles,
they have their list made out, the I which means a great deal towards the
Idea comes to them, whether the success of the entertainment.
gifts assigned to tho different ones
Just stop and think if some member of the family
doesn't need a pair of nice, warm, comfortable slip- 5
SLIPPERS in red, drab, black and green recognizad
the world over as the best appearing, best wearing
and most comfortable slipper made.
We Continue to Sell Good Shoes Cheap.
will be. appreciated by the recipient
or not until one Is thrown Into 9iich
a state of unrest, that at times it
seems as If Christmas was a bore,
instead of a pleasure, and the out
come Is that tao. presents are sent,
regardless of whether the recipient
is pleased or displeased at what they
Card Party.
A pleasant card party was given
by Mrs. William Matlock at her home
on Garden street Thursday evening.
Only a few friends were present, but
tho affair was very pleasant to thoso
who attended.
At the
parsonage of
the M E.
I Dtndt&getf Wilson & Co., i
E The Only Exclusive Shoe House in Pendleton, "
pastor, on December 9, 1902, Mr
Charles E. Green to Miss Cora C.
Gray were united in marriage. Tho
wedding was very quiet, the sister
of tho bride, Miss Edith Gray, being
the only relative of the contracting
Current Literature Club.
The Current Literature Club held a
pleasant meeting at the home of Mrs.
Homer Hallock, on Johnson streets,
Friday afternoon.
The program was highly Interest
ing. Amnni. thn pnfnrtn.r.fne features
was a naner by Mrs. R. Alexander, on I Parties present. May long, life and
"Indian Dances." Mrs. T. M. Stark- sxeat happiness como to these now
weather read a poem by Eva Emery voyagers on the great sea of matri
Dye, the well-known Oregon his-1 mony.
torlan. "Tho Story of John Astor. I
and the Founding of Astoria," alsoi Bush-Bell.
selections from Irving's "Astoria, 1 William Bush and Mrs. Lottie Bell
were read by Mrs, W. H. Carmine. I wore married at tho home of the
1 Mrs. R, Atesandcr gave an interesting bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
He says operations have been stop- talk on "The Contest Between the Wagner, in Athena Wednesday, Rev.
ed because of the snow. Chinook nnd tho Cold Wind I ArmQeld officiating. A number of i
W H. Reedor one of Umatilla Brothers," which was seasonable and I relatives and friends were present, a
county's extensive farmers and am hri'v appreciated. Mrs. T M. Stark-j reception and wedding dinner fellow ,1
enthusiastic irrigationlst is in town! weather followed with a talk on I Ing the ceremony,
from Athena to attend the irrigation "Lleut- Bonneville, and the Fur Trad- -"reconvention.
' ere," reading also from Irving's "Bon-1 Social Notes. I
inevllle." Mrs. Fee gave an original1 .Mrs. t-.uwin i iiarsnall entertained
A Man With a Level Head
Knows there is nothing please:, a woman mor
" thin i
pretty piece of China. Gratify HER just once.
Things That Look Good
to HER
Salad Sets from $1.19 to
A pretty piece of Haviland
China Cake Plates from 15c to
Water Sets from 65c to $3.85
Cups and Saucers from 10c
to $1.50.
Souvenir China with Pendle
ton scenes, Mush and milk sets
nnd numerous other things that
make HER eyes sparkle.
We can surely please you on
We have three grades of white
semi porcelain at $8.75, $10.50
and $12.95 for 100 pieces.
Have a beautiful rose pat
tern, a Cobalt blue, Peacock
green, Imperial blue, and a gold
Illuminated Green, in open
stock patterns, besides Havi
land and German china, both
plain and decorated.
Wf haven't Mid B -our
line of jardinieres
have a beautiful line ia C
Wood Stvle. ran.,;.. 1. '
to$5-5. Others ranged
Don't forget our Scotch 1
flemish ware. Both arts
ly out. If you a 1
you had hurry.
Free Dolls
On Saturday, Decembe
commencing at 9 o'clock,
will give a handsome 11
rlr.ll witl. , )
crockery or glassware.
Dolls will be displayed i
window one week before i
Only one doll to a perset
Rosa Stratton, Amanda Wolfe,
' ' j list of questions on Oregon History, a few friends at dinner Wednesday
Owl Tea House
.1 1 Tin 1 , r V- t-.. 1 : 1
i..,r.ui0 unw nr Tvhn i nt Wotel S-.i. which furnished a spirited guessing , evening.
Pendleton. Moscow- were at the Mden "U onfe 111030 Present- Mrs- Ilo'- Miss Ena Dren- nIece ot iIrs- K
t Talbott and A Hopson are in hoteMa'st night on their return from'coe Brysoa and Mrs- Magsle Clark 1 ?rt Wnrner- haa arrived from SP
tr, Tl WrSnn uopson are ln J n Jr 1 r.ffln hr.?o hv rts elected to membership in thelkane and Is the guest of Rev. and
town from Weston. tho La Grande land office where thej c,ub Mrs. ;CIark ls a 8i8ter-ln-Iaw of Mrs. Warner.
Mrs. Ringer and child, of Pullman,' went to prove up on timber claims. , . Mihnr nnH w n nmmi.i Miss Frpdn rrnh h
Wash., are visiting friends in town. ' Typhoid fever has developed in the nent club member in her former home I attending school at Bryn Mawr for vwVWVVrVVAW
M. E. Marbloy. a leading business caae of Hon. H. C. Adams, representa- at Carbon, Illinois. I the past few months, has returned
man 01 uayton, wasn., is in town on ".--;. luumj, """ 1 nome, inienmng to remain perma
ue was icuiuvru revumiy 10 me uus-, ,, . . . iipnllv
pital at Walla Walla, where he is1 Mrs- Hailey Enterta.ni. nentl-
under the care of Dr. Bingham. Some I ne of "I0 moai delightful parties
little Improvement in his condition 1 of the season was given at the home'
. . , f ml.n r T T (1 . .
is reponea. wesion ieaaer ut -n. inumaa vj. iimiKj, .ut vu lauiuua.
A. S. Pearson, recorder for Free
water, ls In town as a delegate to the
Irrigation convention.
M. L. Warren and William Cather-
A New Years Health. Guide.
The edition for 1903 of the famous
Cheapest Place in Oregon
man, of Echo, are in town attending
the irrigation meeting. :
when the vounc ladies and gentlemen i cow ready, and may bo obtained from
who gave the private dances at Music, your druggist or general dealer, frea!
9 also the young gentlemen who enter-1 ing reading matter, both for the young
jtalned on December 6, 1901, three of;rnd old, and it should tiiereforo find
of the whom have since become benedicts, a nlace in evorv hnmo thmnrhnnt th
use was Deauiuuuy aecorateu . country, as a handy reference. Their
a prolusion or enrysanthemums, . celebrated Stomnrh rmtr. r,ni,i
Louis Winters, of Walla Walla, was Umatilla County Has the
a guest of M. F. Kelly at the Golden' su.t u th. st-t.
Eule hotel Friday night TT tl,fy8tem e 8tate
m t.ii. . . Umatilla county has one
sanr. at Pendleton, ii T "at the Perkins. !nf.e!t.bar? ? .0AlelZe ' T1A? house .was beautifully decorated , country, as a handy reference,
flr" - Daliv Tournnl nunc, jcatuw iiuiu x-cuuie-; wan a prolusion 01 carysaninemums,
Tnn rn rriP llPnn fir fho r "nin Si n r 1 n rrt: tiitrnarnno nnnH nnhvn hnln rv ntflp. i. .. ...
John Lnhrs, of Stewart Creek, is almost 20 miles. spersed about the rooms, giving a ' a means of counteraZL l
In the city transacting business and ! It was inaugurated during the past, pretty effect. Various amusements ! nJne.s No otLr menP ?f JonH i
attending the IrrigaUon convenUon. summer and worked to perfection un-i were the order of the evening, the ' " hirthurn nl?nf gmn
Miss Dora Renn is expected home til wet weather set in. when some first of which was a guessing con-! ndlPsnn riv, In i, l?P.it Vi
this evening from Portland, where trouble was experienced. While it is j test. Slips of paper with the name ' Jl Jrjl f ' dy9'ePsla. constipated,
not imnoslble to talk over this line of someone nresent written nn thel ' uu" ""u uwuruurs,
Bo sure
surely cure
have our '
convention. lnose conditions to carry on conver ed at the top, 30 minutes being the! ,V V3 ,f. c "iB nech- voiy
W T Shaw and W C Gallaher of!satlon- allotted time. The slips were then I a" substitutes.
y,;hJ iS'.Tnn; tricity. and when the fence posts are read aloud, names being withheld.
SMitES irrigation thoroughjy 80a:ted wlth water or aretThe one guessing the largest number
n. , covered with anow the electrialty U of names correctly was awarded the
F. W. Walte, representative of Ba- carried into the ground instead ofi prtee. Miss Ethel Johnson proved
ker & Hamilton In the Northwest over the wires. the lucky one and received a large
la at the Hotel Portland from his Another difficulty with tho barbwire boquet of carnations, she having 29
home in Pendleton. Oregon Dally system is its tendency to get out of ' correct. Another feature of the even
Journal, i order. It takes very little to cause Jing's pleasure, which gave much
James B. Welch returned Friday trouble. A crossed wire completely sport was when cards with the namo
evening from Portland, where he, cuts off the circuit and any object of somo animal written on the top.
spent a couple of days on business. I lying over the wire impedes a conver-1 and a piece of chewing gum, were ills.
He says the weather was clear
George Ernst, who was confined at
his home with rheumatism for sev'
in satlon.
Signed With Cleveland.
Jess Stovall, brother of George Sto
vail, of this city, passed through
town Friday evening on his way to
his old home at Kansas City. Jess
was the whirlwind pitcher who play
ed with Seattle last season and holds
the second highest batting average
of any player in the Northwest
league. He has signed with Clove
land. Ohio, team for the coming sea-
Holiday Goods For All
Our shelves. Tables and counters are loaded withnewasJj
desirable goods for the holiday season The largest Tinajl
we have ever shown. We have a lovely line of hanQkercniea, I
mufhers, Mexican drawn work, belts, neckwear, gloves, cosierj, j
a bums, toilet sets, manicure sets, shavinc sets, ehatehm
lewelrv, wool scarfs, fascinators, sweaters, furs. Also tibltsl
loaded with presents suitable for children in fact, our assert-1
ment you will find the greatest and our prices the lowest, fi-'l
have marked prices down in order to make December the bi
ner month this year, 1902.
Come and see us and save money.
Remember: The largest stock of goods In the city to select fee
820.000,000 ot
tributed, tho hostess requesting the son,
I guests to make, as best they could,
j with the gum ,a likeness of the anl-J Switzerland exports
mal named on the card. Tootbnicks silks each vear
eral weeks, ls now able to be on the The Cause Must be Removed, Same j wero given to aid tnem, and It ls 1 - -street,
but Is walking with the aid Way With Dandruff. needless to say It must have brought Too Late to Classify,
otacane. I Kill the germ that causes dandruff ' io..mem0rthe ?ays when they made n .. B..lalII,t
1 falling; hair and baldness, you will ! ' P,e?; . "3""", J ?! Thomp.on Rt. orpo.i.eiCKVchhf'0'
Sam Mathews has returned from
Sumpter, where he has been employ
ed on the Sumpter Valley railroad.
Rkt Cut Glass
Rare Select Pieces
hn.n ,t.,,i.., j i" ""3 cuuiuai, ami
riot nnlv pnnt.ilns fho n.mnmfP fro.ir i , . p.
' .... ,: ." . f , hey. ine cards wero then put on
ilfhVfM L. ',,1 . a 8 Tf display, and It is said some of the
lightful hair dressing for regular to!- gests are 8t), laughing.
lot use. No other preparation Is on I RefrpshmpntK u.-ro thr, i...
this scierltinc basis of destroying the the hostess, who was assisted by her
dandruff germ than Newbro's Herpi
clde. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co,
Send 10c In stamps for sample, to
The Herplcide Co., Detroit, Mich.
Sparkles like Diamonds..
For Medical Services.
The civil suit of William House vs.
T. iir 1 l E- Baltezore for $80 alleged due for
ceatltilttl STOCK ever , medical services. Is being heard in
Judge Fltz Gerald's court this after-
Snown in Pendleton. See' noon. Dr. House asks Judgment for
' tho above amount, claiming that it ia
display In Otr windoWt' -ue 'or 8rTlces rendered defendant's
Deed to Church Directors.
A deed was filed with the county
recorder this morning from C. A. Bar
rett and wife to the directors of the
First Baptist church, of Athena, Con
sideration $l.
I Real Estate Opportunities
iao acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton,
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water,
173 acres, jo miles from Pendleton , . . . . $1500
Good house on West Aim street Jinoo
320 acres on the river, good house and barn, 25
acres alrlafa, balance wheat land
5 room house on West Alt street
Two five room cottages on West Webb St., each
Dutch Henry teed Yard
Good property in city and country too numerous to mention, any
location that ono may desire.
$ 75o
t 800
sister. Miss Beach. .Miss Frazler.
James B. Welch and Oliver Kelsey
sang a number of coon songs, which
brought to a close a most enjoyable
evening, -inose who responded to
the Invitation were: Misses Fanchon
Borle, Flo Hallock, Elsie Folsome,
Ida, Harriet and Edna Thompson,
Eva Froomc, Stella Alexander, Mablo
Nye, Lenore Sheridan, Ethel John,
eon, Ralloy, Roberts and Frazler;
Messrs. Charles Bond, Georgo Hart
man, Jr.. Oliver Kolsey, Fred Lamp
kin, Mark Moorhouse, Hoy Illtner,
unaries sampson, wynno Stewart,
Harry Thompson, James Welsh ,Guy
Wade and -Messrs. and Mesdames C.
T rpmian nrtA f O T
1 vi(,u9ui( uim jv. o. jji ytsuu. i T
United Artisans' Social.
Alpha Assembly No. 9, United Ar
tisans, held a "necktlo and apron" so
cial Thursday night and about 175
people visited tho hall during the
evening. The program opened by a
selection by Kirkman's orchestra and
was followed by a duet by Misses Nel
lie Hardman and Ethel Kimball. Fol
lowing these two select. mis tho sale
of neckties began. The lien had been
made by tho ladles from ihn
cloth that tho anion which thoy wore
and Girls
Men and Boys
50c to $1.25
Per Pair
on Eai?th
told to rind tho lady with nn apron 1 1
on to match his tlo and take her In T Wfmpn n. TVT-
Kiinnnr Ao unnn nc .1. ,uo 1 T T UXii&lJ Of Vlfn
supper. As. soon as minner was over
me noor was cleared and from I0:3f
to 12 was spent In dancing to music
furnished by Kirkman's orchestra.
Sunday School Social.
The Intermediate classes of tho
Congregatlotial Sunday school had a
social at the house of Judge Lowell,
on Johnson Htrot Inst evening. The
tlmt was Hprnt pleasantly In progn's-
ODD ROCKERS fine collection to select from.
BOOKCASES AND SIDEBOAIIDS-10 per cent discount ofl
cash purchases made before Christmas,
T.AMPS t-l r c 1 r alt sizes. M
Globes, Largest line in Pendleton.
GLASS V7 ARE Very fancy Water Sets, W ine Sets, Ton1!
OmtllHO IT . ... , r- II Real ImCM8!
ujLjjixio very ornamental, Large ana oniau, -
German Steins.
Basler's Big Bargain
Free Mail Delivery
Is now in operation in Pendleton. Prepa
to have your mail Delivered properly. '
have House Numbers, large and diBn
Door Plates with your name plainly eng
ed thereon Mail slot for doors. Mail deiw
ed insidn vour homes through w.6"
Arrange to shut out the cold. Iron Mau"
with locks. Mail perfectly safe. eat8"
very convienieut.
Laxative ikww-v.