gtfsiness Cards and Societies PROFESSIONS AND TRADE8. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. -ZTZ nPPIPB IN JUDD 0- "'"'X... in to 12 a. m. mm w r - fLLER. D.. DSPAIN BLOCK. urtf nd Impairs hearing Id "'.'"""lloln 1181. TtltP""c . jJsife telephone. Main 301, "n t n rfflMnnPATITIf! larVumor' Office in Judd T.nnp Office, back 73 1 jncj'"- - ifcUfk 24 -"TV FAULU K00M 17 ASSOC1A irZ Toicniinnp. male 0.11: real 1 1 zL. snM'initlM. pv. par. noee i:.; nrrirp in Na vines uanK duiiu Ec main 331 rSrES AKBYES. OSTnOPATHIC Lwidi. Chronic and nervous aiseascs LliltJ O&icp one diock wei ui iuai' frcBCCHLY, PHYSICIAN AND BUR 0 'lI.N'N K 11LAKB8I.BK, UUIIUSIL' t itrTOUS aiReaaea auu uweus Jndd Dunaing, corner jmiu uuu i !u.. Office "phone main 721 ; Res. 6l DENTISTS. VACGIIAN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN I ircltdloj. 'Phone red 71. MACK. DENTIST. OFFICE IN AS- futlco block over Schmidt's new drug Tfcone red -ii. BANKS AND BROKERS. NATIONAL HANK OF ATI! EN A, on. capital, tsu.uuu ; surplus ana 16000. Interest on time deposits. In foreign and domestic exchange. rtloni promptly attended to. Henry Urns, president : T. J. Kirk, vfee-presl-C. L. Harnett, cashier: F S. Le ft, assistant cashier. OF WESTON, FRATERNAL ORDERS. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27. K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All visit ing Sir Knights cordially Invited. 3. S, Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Entabrooli, .uuiiuauuer. PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 152, A. F. AND A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month. Visiting brethren welcome. i. j. Tweedy, w. si.; Joe ii. rarkes. Sec PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. 'rayior, it. i, r. v. wamsley, secretary. meets seconu ana rourtn i t mays or each muuin in masonic nan. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHT OF Tythlas. L. W. Held, C. C; R. V. Fletcher, K. of R. and S. Meets every juontiay in secret society nan. MODERN WOOMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp. No. C3fin. Meets first and third Mondays of each month nt Odd f ellows nan. (icorge A llamblln, Con sul : Q, A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, . of W. are held In Secret Society hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neighbors are nlways welcome. 3. P. Walker. Clerk: A. 3 Owen. C. C. TONSORIAL PARLORS. BILLY KRASSIO. BARBER SHOP AND bath room. Main street, threa doors north or Hotel St. George. FIrat clan service. NEW TONSORIAL PARLORS, COURT ST , Three doors weit of Golden Rule Hotel. J. n Pace. Prop. First cls Workmen, every thing clean, all modern Improvement!. f TRANSPORTATION LINE8. Washington & , Columbia River ! Railroad Ves, sonnle. I'm advance agent for S.inty Clnvia: Jest trot me out a lo nn' I'll size up yer chimney fur him piece of PATTON'8 SANITARY BARBER SHOP, DF.3 nam block. Court street: nest workmansnln: "lithe modern Improvements; all tools stcril. Ized; bith rooms In connection. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. S. ROWMAN, LEADING rilOTOGRA- nlier of the city, narvest views, In dian photos for sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St.. near bridge. 'Phone red 276. BOOT aND SHOE REPAIRING. L. OltEENAWALD, THE OLD RELIARLW Shoemaker. First-class repairing with best materials. Shop In rear of Dlndlnger Wilson & CO. JOHN WILSON, FIR8T-CLAS8 SHOE- maker and repairer. IleBt material used general uuhk- , : . . . : . , : Exchange bought and Bold. ' "na kooq worK none, enop ii i aiib au I FAiiMHUS' HANK pstcn. Oretron Doe6 ktlons promptly attended to. U. - prealtlent . (ieorge l'rocpstei, grMldent J It Kllgore, cashier ; dl- Ir, (! A Hnrtman, M M. Johns. T. ' KMPlllB I.ODUINU UUUBK, cuius till Ul' BOARD AND LODGING. Ice, C. I) (irnw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert w iToebstel. PENDLETON RAVINGS HANK, fcdleton, Oregon Organised March 1, Capital, JM.U1J0: surplus. SDO.OOO: at allowed nn time deposits. Ki bought nnd sold on all principal epeclal attention given to col J I'tirnlsu. nresluent: J. rv, rice president; T J Morris, cashier; ualotiey, assistant cashier. -NATIONAL HANK OF PENDLE Capital, $70,000: surplus. $05,000. arts a general banking business. Ex. ann telegraphic transfers sold on o. Fan Francisco. New York and pal points In the Northwest. Drafts i on ( tilnn. Japan and l;nrone. Makes flon on reasonable terms. Levi An president, W K Matlock, vlce-presl-f II Wade, cashier: n. V. Johnson. tit cashier ICHITECTS AND BUILDERS. : HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND SU Btendent. makes complete and' lella- kns for buildings In the city or coun :oom 17 Judd bulimng. E. Court and Johnson streets. Good large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and COc a night. Thos. Smart, Prop. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard by the day or week. Good table set. Rates $4 and $5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Ncff, prop. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, TERM reasonable, at D02 Water St., 'Phone red 150. THE ST. GEORGE RESTAURANT. REGU lar meals 25 cento. Short orders a specialty. Open dayund night. T. A. Oldfather, Prop No True American is ever satisfied except with the best. The oldest is not alwavs the best, and is seldom the strongest. In this case, how ever, the best is the oldest and strongest. Let figures speak: The At u of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York (organized 1843) exceed tho of any other Ufa Insurance company in existence. They are em $352,000,000 It hai paid Policy-holder over $569,000,000 hlch Is more than any other life Insurance cosapuy 10 the world has disbursed, A policy in The Old Mutual gives a man or a woman that sense of assurance which can not be enjoyed under private investments. Write to-day for Where Shall I Insjre?" The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York Richard A. McCt'sor, President. SHErtWOOD GILLESPY, Manager, Seattle, Wash. SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES J M. E. Church, South Revival serv ices begin. Sunday services as fol lows: 10 a. in. Sunday school, I. E. Earl, superintendent; 11 a. ra. preach ing, by pastor, subject "Lessons from tho Life of Ruth;" 0:30 p. m. Epworth League, leader, Mrs. Etta Thompson, subject, "Our Fellow- ship;" 7:30 p. m. preaching, subject, The Doom of Nlnlvah." Services every night the coming week. The pastor will be assisted In the meet ings by Rev. J. D. Crooks, of Illinois, who will arrive Morday. The mem bers of other churches of the clly are cordially Invited to ass'st in this work. Even-body invited. 13. U. Jones, pastor. First Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preaching at 11, subject, "Lost Opportunities." In the evening the pastor will speak on some oi tne pnases or ur. wises lecture. The public are cordially in vlted to attend all these services. R, V. King, pastor. Take this route for Chicago, Bt. Paul, 8t. Louis, Kan wis City, Bt. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland and points 011 the Sound IIMR CARD. Leave Pendleton, datlv except Pundats al TWO. pm. Arrive Pendleton Moudei, Wednesday sod Friday 11 25 pm. Arrive Pendleton Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 925 am. Leave Walla Walla datlr, east bound, 11 310 pro. Arrlre Walla Walla dally, west bound, R:1 am. For Information regarding rates and aecen. modatloni, call on or address W. APAMR, A rent, Pendleton, Oregon. 8. B. CALDKRHKAP, O. P. A.. Walla Walla, Wash. GOOD SOUND WOOD Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can get the best lor tne same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 LET US FILL THE 8TRAHON ROOMING HOUSE CIS MAIN ttreet, lira H. E. Cooper, Prop. Erervth'nr new and strictly first clans. Katen &';, &0c and fl perdny YOUR BILL THE WHITE LODQINO HOOSE. 301 80UTn Mam ttreet Mre. Mary William., Prop. Houeekeeltlnr' room. And lod?iner rooms. God comfortable room, and clean, well kept ueus MHjeiaz zacenix. CABS AND CARRIAGES. S. (,'OI.K. CONTllACTOItS AND aers Kntlmatcs lurnisnea on suort Job Work a specialty. I'rompt Shop on BluC street near Main. EMAy, CONTItACTOK AND ItTJILD- : Intimates lurnisnea on an Kinas tonry. cement walks, stone walls, etc. (orders at Kant Oresonlan office. ITEOPTMAN, AKCHITKCT AND 8U- t'.toUent itoom lb, Association Pendleton, Oregon. UEU.AU, PI.ABTEIUNG AND CE- 3 Cement walks a specialty, Ra ft tnnlahed tree. Work guaranteed. Briers at Badlcy and Zchner's cigar xsla St., P O. box 101. lUECTRICAL SUPPLIES. USDS. "17 COURT STREET. I Esctrlclan., dealers In elec "ea Houses, stores, wired for Wa, bells or telephones. Elec t"sot all kinds. (let our prices "ftt aneclaltr E,BERS AND SUPPLIES. XRlnT civii.-ium u'icir " haimore. Second-hand type- rellnlng, repairing. KUUISEK TIIIE HACK, NEW AND VEUV lates style, for tne Berrlce or tne public. C D. Carnn and Jas. S. McKay, props. Call at the Commercial livery stable or tele pboue main 101 and the hack will call (or you. FOR LUMBER CITY CAB LINE, EltWIN BAKEIt, PIIOP. Telephone main 353. Stnnd In front of French restaurant. BLACKSMITH I NG. OPKI.AND & SON FOB WHEAT HACKS. Cheapest and best In town, 314 Webb St. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. GEORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND band goods bought and sold. Court St., Opera bouse block. Call and see him. V STltODLE, DEALEIt IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new or second-hand furniture, stoves, granite ware and crockery .call and get his prices, No. 212 Court street INSURANCE & LAND BUSINESS. FEED STABLES. AND tcm , . . Ik'J 110 A KO AMI HALE K fun c""eJr. proprietor, lor fine LOST e ,,o Aim sireui, JOE II PAP.KES. OFFICE COTTONWOOD St Opera house block ;land office bus iness, biich as filing of claims and Initiating contests a specialty JOHN H.UI.EV. JI!.. I.. S. IjAND COM uilssloner Specialty made of land Slings and proof : insurance and collections. Of. fire in Judd building, room lu. We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money. DOORS WINDOWS 13 u i ldin g paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House LOST. IN NEIGHBORHOOD OP SISTERS' Rnhnnl Mnnrlav Tniirnlnp. nnrHp cnntalnlna' I over seven dollars. Kinder plcaie leave at E. 723 O. office. Mrs. R. L Grant. Helix. FOUND. F OLD glt)T r v . .... Shl... 7-. Kb I UUU S tlU, t .." Street I.lnrlsnv i Dotv Li.'!?' ,eed at"d sale stable. Sad- i:1 'I all tlmra llnniM fnr aalo ' r 4t I -I 1 FODND-I1ICYCLE. THE MAN WHO LEFT Ncili. a bicycle at NeaitleBro'. Machine tSbop on Uf ' ' tne nrst oi tne inouin, may nave iiDy caning wlarri. . nn" ooaraiug. aii at tne snop. i 1 umperent uriyera. w- WANTED. Ylv rr - h ' .7..r VAItD, W T. IJOYNTON UfiwTvni Pnarnnv k rnsruAN' OK uLtarfEJTen t0 horses left , large wheat or stock ranch by experienced ")wer Webb street. 'Phone hand: Ont-claa. references. Address M., box - Bi, Jyexingion. ure. KE COMMISSION CO. capital:and surplus $300,000 nd Soils Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds and Cotton for Cash or Future Delivery kV?'",''1 t'OVerillllHtlt .. . wl . .. tonal I., nu, .,11 ca..i 1 rl t luu OlUlllllir siualU u?,,1(MtejctiUslve private wlrouvntem in tlie world we can execute fe niai. er" "lorfi I'rotnptly and batlsfactory than any other concern. aWo. ..Ulce lO eXfHUltu rtrHcM u-lian llmlla rttartiaii Wa tin tint lirilrl (it fnr'Jl. f1r ,nore tuan the margin you place In a trade. We charge no ARaiNc r DS stocks, 'ir&ln l KEPUIIED-Gmlu 1c per husuel, rilocks $2 per share. CouiuiU - i.m io Per buahpl Hi,w.i 1 i' ..... ' "na jou our Bnok of Btatlttlcs and Daily Market free. Write for It. i'.fSEDENCEl 7K mill ritnto Kankl. ""i-AL, ItKFKItENCKi I'endleton Snvlmrs Hauk) Minneapolis Minn. Kx- the Northwest, includintr lrBc. con8truot'" to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Everett and W you hiva . . . . iii- "Of 75 mh, "-m uiHjii iraoe or account wnu us j ou van ujjr-nsio omct fM. HANSEN, Western Manager. adleton Orrtce, ltoom 4 , Atoolntiou Hlock. Phone Main 461 0- MAJOR. Local ManageHl Let Mwrphy Frame those Pictures for Christmas Don't put off having the work dene. If Murphy does the work it will be good work and you will be highly pleased, Best stock of framing material. E. J. Murphy's Best work at lowest prices. IriJViSBaukof Commerce BulldluL'. We. rvT,"1 u.le Principal towns nnd cities of .-! wuux, fullmnn n n " " When Kris Kringle Holds tlie Relus you may rent assured the vehicle Is right as a trl vlt. When lie's the buyer the equipage Is bought right here. "Safe, sound, reliable" Is writ all over every carriage, run-about, hack and bugp y that leaves our establishment. Give Santa Claus free relu. NBAQLB BROTHERS Btorer ctsolloe enrlnea are the beat. agents for them. Wo are First Presbyterian Church 10 m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., regular montlily children's service; 3 p. ra Junior Endeavor; C;4G p. m.. Senior Endeavor; 7:30 p. m., regular even ing service with sermon. Stranser are especially invited to all tlie sorv Ices. Robert J, Dlven. pastor Congregational Church Services faunday as follows: Sunday school at JO a. m.; morning worship and scr mon, 11 u. m. Rev. II. W. Smith state superintendent of the Congrega tlonal Sunday School Society, will preacn. Junior meetinrr at 3 p. m Evening service at 7:30, Tho pastor will deliver his second lecture in the series on "Social Salvation, on the Development of Socialism. Arguments for and Against and tho Duties of tho Churches, etc. Special mimic by chorus of girls. A cordial welcome to all. Jonotluui Edwards, minister. Methodist Episcopal Church Sun day school 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, super intendent. A baptismal service for adults will be held at tlie close of tlie 11 o'clock service. CIbbs racet Ing 12:15, Rev. Q. W. Rlgby, leader, evening evangelistic meeting, begin rung wiin a soug service. 7:zo. A cor. dial Invitation to all services, Rob ert Warner, pastor. o Church of the Redeemer Divine service tomorrow (third Sunday lu Advent) at hours as follows: Sunday scnool at m a. m., litany, sermon and celebration of tho holy communion at 11 a. in. Evening prayer and ad dress at 7:30 p. m. Christian Church The services of the Christian church will be held at the courthouse tomorrow as fol lows: 10 a. in. Ulhie school, subject: Tne Hoy Samuel"; 11 a. m.. sermon 'Life of the Apostle Peter"; 7:30 p. m .sermon, "The Skeptical Disciple. All friends of the work are cordially inviteu to attend. J is, iMler pus tor. o The Mens Resort Rev If. E Smith of Portland, will conduct the Men s meeting at tho Men's Resort o clock tomorrow afternoon. Men cordially Invited to attend, No Memorial for Prince Consort London, Dec. 13. For the (list time in many yuura. December 14 will pass this year without the hold ing of the elaborate services lu mem ory of the prince consort on the an niversary ol lilfc death. During the lifetime of the lato Queen Victoria. the aunlvoisary of tho death of her husband was always marked by Im- resslve services held In tho Frog- more mausoleum, near Windsor Cas tle. Tho queen would attend theso services In poison and moreover. In sisted that the Prince of Wales and other membeis of the royal family should be present It was customary on these occasions to have an. elab-! orate musical service furnished by i tho choir of St. Qeorge's chapel and uirecteu uy sir waiter rarrait mug Edward, though the love ho bears the memory of his father Is well known, has taken his customary prac tical view of the matter and decided that the time has corao 'to abandon the observance. In future memorial exercises for the prince consort and also for Princess Alice, whose death occurred on the same date, will be held In conjunction with tho anniver sary service for Queen Victoria. School district No. 3B, of Malheur county, is larger than the state of Delaware, I have bargained with a compotent Timber CnilBur to locate Valuable Timber Claims HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendletoa and as good as any. Headquartors for Traveling Mob, CoimnotllouB Samplo Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or month. l:ccllent Cuisine. Prompt Dlulngrooni Service. Hvcry Modern Convcnleeoe, Bar and billiard room in connootioa Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Jolinaoil $ttects, rendition, Oregon. Kolly, Proprlotor. On the lino o. 3 railroud now nnder constrnotion. This means a big ohanoe Tor nrst-comers. See N.Berkeley Have some good farms for sale. Nasal In I lt utaRea there thouM bo cleanlUie.. Ely's Cream Halu cleanMia,auitUc'tind in alH tbti diaoaed incmtir.ihc Iteureni-atarrlittnild! t i away a cold lu the in-uil quickly. Criiiiil tliiliu U iilnrwl Into the Dontrila, upref H over tlie iiiembranu anil ia iliaorbed. Itell.f la lui- uirdlulu and a cure t ollim . 1 1 U cot dry Inu-iloc Dot producu iiuxAng, Largo tiU.e, CO cent, at Prug- ijlata or by mall ; Trial but, 10 cent by mall. ELY U1UJTUK1W. W Warren HUteU Now York. M. F. HEATED IJV STEAA LIGHTED BY ELECTHICITY Aliiiii'leuu l'lnu. I'lilim l a't (i fl.OH lior liv. Hunipi-mi l'lnu. flOd, TBo, I.(H). Mpeeliil riilos liy vrmk or imiiitli, Free 'bus meets all trains! commercial trade solicited Pine sample rwMpa Special Attention (liven Country Trad HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WKBB STS. CHICHESTER'S PILLS y-CTiK. OHkUiiiI mill Only (ifttdliir. J ,t ft ! A Mlliairl ltiul), I l '41 t iir. Avti Vl'V!i. to.ouu rf-iiifiui i.a.;i-,ii ih n tw. i.r nn lii.H'i kic- i m.uii u 1j VjJ iip rii,UHi, ltd. ii .ili-r Mrj- I W Nul'ttMlHH H 11 Ml' n- . ' 21 rt ,,f' - r I I ihI i ' tlmr y ff ilci-ilur, 'J.-1iii ' KfuLId -infer -xj 1 run. a., I 'A. tfPu OouiaUM IS not V triUirt. RTttHt dftQMCiiiin,o.HH MEN AND WOMEN. (Iu llli fir unnatural rfla. liArind.lllfl.IUtU.tlolta. IrriUllou. or utuil.tlon m bt uiucou. raeubr.ui, '.lclctfi. anil cot BIUO EnioCurmcuCo. .u or roiaobum. or trui lu i-lalu unfmL lit iDrHMi. rr.Mbl. lub 11.00. or 3 boU., i.19. Oircular a.ut ou rwiuuat. Url.lia, HI, Oct, SO. VUl, Dr. IVrrln, Helena, Mont, Pear Blr;. I bare bt-en trying through the druiiglrl. brre u obtain another bottle oi your idle aprAc a. 1 have beeu a auderer rom them (or many year. laaw the "ad" In the IM oi Keallle, .oinellino III May laat. At that time I una ll inllca north of Keallle, to I ent down to Seattle and found It I bare used it up and tmva Ien trying to wl more It baa helped me very much, more ro tban auythlrjr I have over uied ano i nave oeeu vary anno, to uae another botllc Voura reariectfully, II H. thandle GEO. DAI1VEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heatco Hiiro pea n Clan. Ulock and a hall from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE GOu, 75u, $1.01 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Auicrliau I'laii, Jj ptr day and upward. Ifcadquaitcia for aud cuiuiuriclal Ira, cirri. Kjirclal rate, made to lurullie and aing-U geutleiucu. The niauagtiurul will be otcaaed at all tluita to ahow room, aud give prkra. A modern Turklab Itatbeatabliabinrutlu the lutl. II C bOWKKH, Manager. Fijie . . . Cutlery For the lirothm' forks. holiduyb. Hogetu silvor kniveu and W. J. CLARKE & CO. Court H(ret ff fl MANHOOD RESTORED I mam 1 1 mutiiM nil IfiMUuilivdMa'nr nirliL. I'rmi tdtt m a uiffn nt i,f tlj!bj MMflf Ut htvrtutiorrhut ad miCtho l&rrurm r.f .rnix.t'!' ' UJL. or -i rtm ion TbroMoauiTrf mj-ttnoi cared tr ixrnorv w iwei vififff tmavnui iaaa rlin Btnd Mnitt-v iftneiiM It Spiftli. Berui tor rKiiicoriJuUr tu1 tt-ui'itwti JiU. 1 Vivutm vrlUiuut U L IiUimiiavoi. HKin iny. 4 ., i' o. itox srM. tita v y 80LD BY TALLMAN A CO DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, ORtftOK. A