East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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Merry Xmas
t. arrain It IS time VOU Were thinking ahnnt t-lincn
presents. What will you get ? You say, "Can think of noth
L 1 We say, come in and let us show you a line of useful
Uticles, very nice tor presems. ror gents we have
s silk handkercmeis, suk mumers, arcs snirts, aress gloves,
JltsS SUSpenuers, a sun ui au u'uium. rui uuics, line pocK-
(Jooks, evening shawls, silk handkerchiefs, silk ties, dress
..ttprns. muffs, coats, jackets and many other thincs verv use-
yas well as nice for presents.
I J A. Howard, farm loans.
Trr Gratz's clam chowder
Eastern oysters at Castle's.
I Try Teutsch for shoe repairing,
tollman's for cigars and tobacco.
Irresh made candy dally at The
IHare your clothing cleaned at N.
ISwllt's Premium hamB and bacon
I lie Standard.
Ifou save money by buying gro-
Iries at the Standard.
Finest line of canned goods and
serves at the Standard.
"resh candles in beautiful pacU-
our specialty. The Delta.
"hirtv dnv plprirnurp Knlfi on all
tier millinery at Mrs. Campbell's.
tfmpmhpr fhnt n PpnrllAtnn Indian
be is a uselul and appropriate gift.
Hays' cigar store, Maloy s old
id, headquarters for smokers' stip
es. Panted A girl to do general
nsework Good waces. Apply to
iance at Armory Hall, Saturday,
jcember 13. Admission 50c. Kirk-
P's orchestra.
Ca't forget the dance at Armory
1. December 13. Tickets 50c.
Ilman's orchestra.
lor Kent Cueap 440 acres, good
oin house and good barn. See
nhart, the real estate man.
tor Sale Lodging house, 12 rooms
I tbree lots on Main street. Good
fcrty A bargain. E. T. Wade.
fence every Saturday evening,
nencing December 13, Armory
Tickets 50c. Kirkmans or-
All cordially invited.
iialn in land: 480 acres of wheat
I raises 25 to 30 bushels per acre;
Jiaes in winter barley. Will har
ts bushels per acre. All lencea.
kouse. $2500, easy terms. Own-
spoor health. B. T, waae.
it SllflL ........ ..... t..it I
'''4 .rnr.f ui.tl 19 U)rt Mllifll.
Uu t mid 2,600 nheep.
jlMid 7f head of chUIu.
-"na 1IHJ ton or lmy oniywiw
Vitnniiu.it 1,11.1 n mil
1 f 'ue river, o mum inmi
t un mr river 1 mm imui
I fntiili .... t i. ......
f)' Property a Specialty
HJo not jut property unlew the
Real Estate Dealer.
Whltaker, the dentist.
Christmas ties. Teutsch.
Head the St Joe Store ad.
Olympia oysters at Castle's.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
75c men's half soles, Teutsch.
40c ladles' halt soles. Teutsch.
For Christmas gifts, go to Teutsch
Don't fail to read St. Joe Store
The best repairing for shoes,
Tables loaded with holiday goods,
St. Joe Store.
1903 diaries at Nolf's Book, Toy
and stationary Store.
Imported limburger and Swiss
'heese sandwiches at Gratz's.
Our store is crowded with suitable
holiday presents. St. Joe Store.
No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res-
taurant Everything tastes good.
I Remember that a Pendleton Indian
robe is a useful and appropriate gift.
Rees' cigar store for smoking arti'
cles of all kinds. Patton's old stand.
Largest variety of holiday good3 In
the city and prices lowest. St. Joe
Employment wanted by competent
housekeeper and cook. Apply C02
Garden street.
Dr Blakeslee's office removed to
ludd building. Main and Court
streets, room 20.
Dr Blakeslee's office removed to
fiidd building, Main and Court
.streets, room 20.
Perry Houser is now prepared to
supply you with meat at his new shop
on East Allta street
Perry Houser's ' meat market on
East Alta street is now open. Best
meat, prompt service.
Special low prices on candies and
nuts to Christmas tree and social
committees, at The Delta.
The Daily East Oregonlan is on sale
In Portland at the Rich news stand In
Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port
land. Say! if your eyes trouble you in
any way, consult Henker , the eye
specialist. No charges for examina
tion; 120 Court street.
Furnished rooms at 777 Thompson
street, opposite the M. E. church, are
offered for rent in the classified ad
vertisements. New belts, neckwear, drawn work,
albums, toilet sets, manicure sets,
lnutliers, hosiery, scarfs, fascinators,
furs sweaters. St. Joe Store.
A hitching weight was lost liom
James Basler's delivery wagon yes
terday on either Main or Water
streets. The tinder will be rewarded
by returning the same to this office.
Cheney Bios., have had eight men
at work on a levee along tho river
below town for the past beveral
weeks. They aie building a half mile
of levee to protect their place from
the ravages of the high water.
After Being Jabbed in the Ribs by
the Press and People, She May
Take Action Some Transportation
Schemes That May Materialize I
the Future.
lici me Dustness community and
the property owners of Portland take
notice that surveyors are in the Bold
locating a line of railroad from Nyssa
on the Oregon Short Line, to Vale,
in the Malheur valley. Let them con.
suit the maps and note the facts of
geography and topography; and the
let them consider tho significance of
this movement Nyssa Is tho point in
Oregon first touched by the Oreco
Short Line; Vale lies In the valley
or the Malheur, on the line of th
most direct route conectlng the Short
Line with the Malheur, Harney, Goose
Lake and Klamath regions. From
Vale it is an easy stage to Burns and
Harney county; from Burns It is an
other easy stage to Paisley or Lake
view, in Lake county; and one more
stage reaches the heart of Klamath,
says the Oregonlan.
Through Rich Country.
The route is an easy and natural
one; and it passes everywhere
through productive or potential coun
try; and a railroad operating through
it would command absolutely the
whole traffic and resourco of that
fourth of Oregon that lies to the
southeast. And it would command it,
not for Oregon and for Portland, but
for Salt Lake City and the East Thus
hooked up with no direct connection
with home markets at Portland, our
Southeastern district would, for all
commercial purposes, be lost to us
and lost for keeps. Its cattle, its
wool, its wealth of timber, would In
the nature of things go East and its
commercial patronage as well for
with its outlet opening to the East,
It would be as effectively shut off
from Portland as If it lav on the other
side of the Rocky Mountains.
An Empire as a Prize.
From the standpoint of the Union
I'aclnc Railroad people, the move
ment is a very natuial one. The
country lies within the belt contig
uous to their through Hue, and its
traffic, already large, is hound very
soon to be greater. By the time the
railroad line of 300 or 400 miles in
length could be built say in two or
three years the country will easily
afford a highly profitable business.
And from the standpoint of the south
eastern counties this connection is in
every way to be desired and encour-
ged. They have been appealing for
20 years past for a railroad connec.
tlon' to Portland, San Francisco, to
the East. They have tendered an em
pire as a prize of the first comer, and
have grown weary ana sick- with dis
appointment because nobody has
thought it worth while to heed them.-l
They will welcome the eastern coll
ection just as they would welcoir
ny other connection promising to
break the fetters of their isolation.
Portland Must Act.
The projected line from Nyssa to
Vale- is but a first step. The succeed
ing steps are inevitable if. when time
and convenience serve, the opiiortu-
ity shall be what it is today. But
they are not likely to be taken If the
country shall be entered by a rall-
oad trom another route. There Is
still the chance for Portland to fore
stall all foreign movements, to make
the southeastern territory her own.
prompt movement from Slianiko
through the Upper Deschutes coun
try, and with blanches to Klamath
Falls and Burns, in like manner with
the movement now making in the
Klickitat valley by a Portland com
pany, would hold the southeast for
Portland. It would give her a terri
tory far better in its trade possibili
ties than Alaska, upon which the re
cent V-rtuiies of Seattle have been
built this. In addition to a great nav-
Ing Investment
Bankruptcy Suit Settled.
Referee Fitz Gerald this morning
closed the proceedings in bankruptcy
case of Noah Anspaucli, whereby he
asked the law to protect him from
paying his debts. Ten o'clock was
set for the apearance of creditors,
but none were present and no claims
were filed. There was no assets and
the creditors would have been unable
to have seemed anything had they
appeared. Mr. Anspaugh is a resi
dent of the east end of the county.
lilious na Nervous Disorder
Sick Headache and Constipation,
Jr,?.GMlins. Kullnesj and Swelling after meals, Diiziness and DrowsineM,
lctaon ,Vrt i?&tl Heat- Lo o Appetite. Shortness o J weaw, w"'""1
bCic Di'urlcd Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Tremb.
UlrHoas, etc. The Vir.t rw:'.!!i r.Unn iwentv minutes. This Is no
FetliteMi5 Stomach, DUofdered Liver and 'Pa'd,
Pi tier ai i ag!tf Every luflerer is earnestly invited to try a Box of these Pills,
kuth? Thev P,LLS UUen as directed, will quickly restore females to complete
' r-"T"y remove any obstruction or irreguianiy ui iut 3iv.
S' A' aPt, 368 Canal t., New York, la boe. 0c. "
Plead Guilty, Fined $30 and Allowed
His Freedom.
Oscar .McKliizle Is now u free man.
"or six weeks he has be'-n an inmate
of the county jail on the charge of
ssault with a deadly weapon on the
person of I. W. Durrell.
His trial was to have come up at
the January term of court, but since
his attempt at suicide and tho evi
dences he has shown of being men
tally unbalanced because of his con
finement and troubles, the district at
torney concluded that he would let
the man on with a light line. Accord
ingly, he was taken before Judge W.
R. Kills Friday afternoon and allow
ed to plead guilty. The judge then
gave him a fine of $30, which was
paid and McKinzie walked out of the
courthouse a free man. McKinzie
has broken In health considerably
while In jail.
McCabe Arraigned.
John McCabe was arraigned tills
afternoon Uy District Attorney Hailey
ou the charge of uttering forged
checks. He was held to the district
court, but ft is likely that he will
plead guilty and receive sentence
soon. McCabe Is the man brought
back here yesterday from Nampa,
Idaho, on a warrant sworn out In Mil
ton, where he cashed a cheek qu the
bank for $22.50.
Judgment for $5,
In Justice court this morning, Judge
Fitz Gerald rendered judgment in fa
vor of Willie Mae Jones against Geo.
Olmstead for $5. It was alleged by
plaintiff that she had been employed
by defendant and had earned $10,
but defendant refused to pay but JB.
She then instituted suit to recover
the other $5, but defendant failed to
A Concern In the Middle West went
wrong. A shipment Intended for them was
representative of the maker sold them to us at
a SACRIFICE. Were intended for $25.00
Salts. We bought them at a price that
ables us to olfcr them at
There are four patterns, the material is
the style is RIGHT.
Peoples Warehouse
Celestial and Mutton Diet.
On the east slope of Dixie moun
tain is the home of a large cougar
whose reign is supreme in that lo
cality, and while tuere are many cou
gar hunters up there, none seems to
be able to capture the beast, it was
only a few weeks ago. the Blue Moun
tain Eagle learns from T. O. Hobbs,
this animal entered a sheep camp on
Bridge creek, only a short distance
from Mr. Hobbs ranch, and killed
and carried away 15 head of sheep
in one night. It is a common occur
ence for young stock of all kinds to
uiu nil missing, and this same cou
gar is charged with com.nittlng tho
Quito a number will remember that
an aged Chinaman turned up missing
near the ranches of P. J. Fiiilan, on
the Middle Fork, last Bpring and
everything points to tho man having
fallen a prey to Ui!h man-eating beast.
On the night the Chinaman disap
peared the beast was heard screaming
In the locality ho was last seen.
Now on it
The Nolf Store
After 46 Years.
"Mr. Shick, this is Mr. Shlck."
Such was the introduction offered by
C. Russell the other day to A.
Shick, of this city. The third party
figuring in the Introduction formali
ties was Mr. Stewart Shick, of Penn
sylvania, a brother of A. Shick. The
brothers had not met before In 46
ears, and to say the meeting wuh a
Joyful one Is not half expressing It.
Athena Press,
Stricken With Measles.
Hie children of Alex McRae, who
have been down with .measles, are re
ported by Dr. McFaul to bo much
Improved. For seveial days thiee of
lie children wero very near ueain.
and it was only by the very heft of
caro and attention that their lives
wero saved. Tho entire family was
sick with trie measles at uie samo
Toy TmliiB 18o to $2.1)8
Hundreds of Iron Toy,... 6c to 8.05
Magic Lanterns f)So to ft. 1)5
Hulioer Balls Go to .HA
Rubber Toys ,. . 100 to .19
Iron Banks all styles 5i to 2. CD
Toy Bureaus, Cradles, Black txiarri, ,
Rocking Chairs, Toy Pianos, Toy I
Tubs, Etc. ,
Fancy Gifts
New Line Celluloid, Combs.
Brushes, Manicure Beta. New
Ooods and Styles.
Greatest Line in Eastern Oregon at'
I.oweut Prices.
The Delicacies
of the season am always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs Clams $ Crabs
and f Lobsters
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
O R A G E.
.Telephone Main 4,
A 8nap.
All sheet music this week at 15
and 20 centa a copy, a"t Therkelsen'a
Piano House.
In Step With a Progressive City
Two thirds of your life is
pent in your shoes. Don t you
think it is worth while to make
your feet glad by buying comfort
able shoes t i
Douglas Shoes!
Pvor Men I
Gloria Shoes
For Women
Red Scho ilhouse Shoes
.. ..For Boys and Girls ..
Have the "sole of honor"
which has made them famous all
over the world The only place
in Pendleton where you can buy
the W. L. Douglas and Pingree
Gloria is at the I3ig ,
Boston Store
Where Whole Families are Shod.
Handsome People
Is shown at our store in our magnificent display of
Dolls. The children fall in love with our big assort
ment. We have laughing dolls, talking dolls, dolls
that close their eyes in slumber when laid down.
Large Dolls
Small Dolls
Medium Sied Dolls
Never in the lustoryjof Pendleton was such a beau
tiful and complete collection of dolls shown,
First se the dolls and then get our prices, as we
are offering special inducements.
Price $1.00
per bar at the
Best In the
World In Bars
E. 0. Office