East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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11 Vf Vllll
Beginning Willi Monday, Dec, is
We will give with every pur
chase of one dollar or more a
Beautiful Scrap Album Free
This will continue until
all the Albums are gone.
Comprises many beautiful and
useful articles, and our prices
defy competition
Come and See For Yourself
appointive power. They would exer
cise their rights In voting nnd would
have the satisfaction ot knowing that
they; themselves, were the nuthors of
the ofnclol, ho ho good, had or Indifferent.
j It Is suggested that evil elements
i would comhlne In an election, to u
I feat th$ alms of good government, j
Is not this the case In all elections" j
I Is not the state election and the emm I
! ty election subject to the same ham j
poring agency. And for this very)
reason all ofIlclal should he chosen
by the people. In order that a mlstnli" j
In choice would be a guiding force'
for the future! j
Brock & McCoiias Co0
Nations, like men. fall in
nothing which tney boldly at
tempt, when they are sustained
by virtuous purpose and firm
resolution. Henry day.
Preamble. The club building shall
be erected.
Article 1. Irrigation association,
not only organized, but effective, ag
gressive and wide awake.
Article II. Sewerage, from one
'border of the city to the other; no
home so lowly, but in It health shall
.reign supreme.
Article III. Paved streets; the
feet of the pioneers who built Pendle
ton are entitled to marble pavements;
will you give them common macad
Article IV Plant shade trees and
build sidewalks. You enjoy the labor
and wisdom of the past; do something
that the future may be likewise
Article V. Lay awake at night and
think of something that will improv
the city. Central thought always:
.Help the women's clubs.
gathered in this city todav. are hut
fragment of that vast army of the
struggling to revive the desert.
and to touch the parching prairies
Into the throbbing life of usefulness
and beauty.
The hand of irrigation will be laid
upon the dead wilderness and it will
hurst into bloom. The long stretches
of the Oregon plain will be converted
Into habitations; the Hoods that run
idly to the sea will wear the harness
of Industry nnd do the will of man.
Think of the empire that lies with.
In your grasp, as the prize for honest
An exchange contains the following
wholesale arraignment of public i
tastes In Journalism: i
1 "The average man Is an idiot
' therefore the newspaper must he j
' idiotic. The people would '
rather read evil than virtue. They !
prefer sensation nnd depravity. They
I prefer unclean to the clean. They
j would resent serious discussion."
If this is the standard of the masses
' If this Is the mission of the news-
paper, the quicker press censorship
j comes, the better.
But do the people accept this as
the true portrayal of their moral
tastes. Do they wish to let this Idea
of depraved Journalism gain credence
among the children of the Innd.
If so, give vicious principles the
rein. If not, bar them from the light
of publicity. The slow poison will
taint the blood of soclnl nnd moral
health, If It Is allowed to spread.
Friday, Dec. 12, Saturday, D&c i
Monday, Dec. 15 '
n t.h hrca davs above mentioned we are coing to piva tK
Pendleton and vicinity the greatoat BARGAINS they have ever
We want to make the next three weeks the best three weekB of W N
vr hud. and in order to do so wo are going to give our customs 111881 i
in all lines of goods. Knowing that good reliable goods, sold at bar2
inure us all the business we can handle. 6&1D prin
You arc especially invited to attend this Sale and get th6L,
o.w.mnl trifoR minted below:
C.Ahc.n in sreat variety of patterns, to yards to one person
Outing flannel, regular 7c grade, 10 yds to one person ' - .J
Fine grade L.L Muslin, any amoum
Double fold percales, 10 yds to one person
Kleachcd Muslin, 10 yds to one person
Merrick's Thread, 10 spools to one person
If Boston should hear of n wood
riot on the Pacific coast she would
thank providence that the continent
Iny between her nnd the heathen.
Yut we listen to reports of coal riots I
in Iioston without n shudder. Her
manners are so mild, however, that
a "scrap" there would not be as ex-
citing as a funeral here.
Lallet dresH Hklrte, 20 jter cent reduction on ull skirt
above $4.00
Ladies Bilk and wool waists, 10 per cent reduction on
all gnides.
Millinery, H grades nnd styles, 20 per cent, reduc
tion. Ladies and Misses coats and jackets, 20 per ceut 're
duction. Ladles black cotton hose, 10c values, "c pair.
Children black hose, 10c values, "c pair.
Mens and Boys FonJ
Mens overcoats In all grades 10 per 3!
-.w""" i Kniues tupera
$8 75 $1 fei
Mens suits worth $15 at any other J1
$12.50. im
Boys suite, two-piece, all prlca fan j
The above prices are good for the throe days mentioned onlj,
It Is impossible for the bully to
keep his hands off the smnll boy.
Germany was not Justified In siuking
the Venezuelan fleet. But it may be
better for the future of South Aiuer
tea that the fleet was sunk by Ger
many. It will save some rebel com
mander the task.
Today another tnlle-stone Is plant
ed in Umatilla county. Since the
borders of the county were surveyed
and hor rugged lineaments traced up-
on on the map, no greater movement
than the reclamation of the waste
lands has occupied her citizens. And
in thp history of this movement, there
lias bpen no greater occasion than
this day's work.
Wo gather as neighbors, to bring
the arid desert to lire. We stand at
the open gateway of a radiant dream,
so beautiful, so full of possibilities,
that its splendor Is dazzling. Around
the altar of this industrial fraternity
of reclamation are gathered the
choice spirits of the age. This hand
ful of pioneers, laying the flrat foun
dation stones In Eastern Oregon, for
that perfect edifice of the future, Is
worthy or a place beside the greatest
These master builders, who
The people of Pilot Rock are to be
congratulated upon the progress and
growth which justifies the establish
ment or a newspaper. It is an an
nouncement which will be greeted
with pleasure by Umatilla county. It,
is a certain evidence of increasing
business strength. There is a rich'
sectlou tributary to our neighbor city j
which unserves every recognition
Tlie Pilot Rock Record, publishe t
by Mc.Mnnus and Brown Bros., is
now before the public. The East Or-
egonlnn welcomes it warmly, and
places it upon the growing gnlaxv
of Umatilla county institutions
thy of support and representative ot
a most progressive people and dis
. Nearly 1,000,000 acres of coffee
orchards In Central America are own
ed by Germans.
Have Your Water Pipes Examined
and Repaired at Once.
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-elaHS work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Pltimber.
Court Street, Opposite Golden. Rale Hotel.
Do the voters of Pendleton want
the chaarter changed to make the
omces of city marshal and recorder
elective instead of appointive? Is the
present situation satisfactory to the
You vote for councilmen. why
should you not be allowed to vote
for the marshal, who preserves order
and the recorder who Is custodian of
your rights?
Why should It be said by inference
that the legal voters of Pendle
ton are not capable of choosing all
their officials, If they choose one?
These suggestions are before the
people. They are thinking deeply
upon them.
The basis of city government, as
of all other government, Is tho rights
of the people. It stands to reason
that the people would be satisfied
with the officials elected by them. If
they made a mistake In tho selection
they could r.nt shift the burden to the
wor- j It is a great affliction for a womnu to
have her face disfigured by pimples or
any form of eruptive disease. It makes
her morbid and sensitive, nnd robs her
of social enjoyment. Disfiguring erup
tions are caused by impure blood, and
are entirely cured "by the great blood
purifying medicine Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. It removes from the
blood the poisonous impurities which
cause disease. It perfectly mid perman
ently cures scrofulous sores, eczema,
tetter, boils, pimples and other eruptive
diseases which are caused by the blood's
impurity, it increases tlie action of
the blood-making glands and thus in
creases the supply of pure rich blood.
Tor about one M-ar mid a half mv fa was
verv badly broken -ill." write Mt Ciiur
Annul, or 116 West Slain htre-t. Ilattlrcrtel,
Mich "I apent n rtat deal ofniunev v.iih doc
tors and foi diflrrvnt kind J of uif'icW but re
reived no benefit At lost 1 rt-.u! our of voir
udvertistments in n p-iei, nnd ubtvned abut It
01 ur rierci- wniti-n .Medical liiM.-ovcrv 1;
on- I had lal.eu oin- V.itlle of tliif median, t
n(.:-cedachKii:- Jiid after taking three bottle.
I v,at- entirely cured I can well recommt n
Dr Pierce's l.oldeu Medical Discovery to anj
one similarly alllictrd "
The sole motive for substitution is to
permit the dealer to make the little
more profit paid by tie:- sale of less mer
itorious medicines, lie gains; you lose.
Therefore accept 110 substitute for
"Golden Medical Discovery."
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, a book cotilntnig 1008 pages,
is given away. Send 21 one-cent stamps
for expense of mailing only, for the book
in paper covers, or 31 stamps lor the vol
ume oouuu 111 ciotlt.
Address Dr. R. V.
For the Holidays
Roger Bros Silverware. Fine Carving Sets.
Bo s- tool chests.
Splendid Christmas gifts for your friends
The Thompson HardwarejJCo.
The place that saves purchasers money.
Is appreciated hy every member of the family in winter.
Our furniture makes it a cozy and handsome room. Our
graceful tables, buffets, and chairs will transform the plainest
room into a handsome one,
j Furniture Store near Postoffice
All kinds for ali perl
Sash, Doors and
Planing of all descripJ
to older.
, Don't place yocre
Building Material until ;
1 consulted us.
s Pendleton PUgl
Lumber Taitl
Out CUsit since Sale is on
And includes even eer article in our stocl . 10 to
20 per cent discount all a on the line Carpets, Rugs,
Sewing Machines, Draperies, Wall Paper.
Special for Christmas Gifts
Mirrors, pictures framed and unframed, carpet sweepers,
music stands, book racks,' leather couches, leather rockers,
enameled iton and brass bed stads.
JiL Holiday Goods and
I Proprietor of tij
announces &
rfcafance Sak I
on Jackets
and Fs
Diamonds Jewelry Watches Silverware Cut Glass Opera Glasses
Ebony Choice Umbrellas Toilet Ware ' Hand Painted China
"alesmT a"' fe.bJf?" rtL!' bens, It will be profitable to you.
C i-4 n l7T j. xt i. t. it. r , ' cu"eos treatment will be accorded.
Sd Gold Ladtes' Watch with Diamond Setting and Gold Cfiafar value $100 00
T gJP'ge frlUU.Uggiven away Janaarv Ui. Tickets given with everx
A Diamond King $5,00
Everything Exactly as Represented
. : , j I.lCKe
An Idea of the low Proo w ,
Ladies' Gold FUled Watch, American movement.. .$,2io and M T " f (fl
aU and tip Ladies' Solid Gold Watch. American movement -. -$2U. W"H
t urTTM'7TKTrtt. the fan