East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Wcrvther
Tonight nnd
Sunday partly
XO. 1G1 -l
Citizens From
Ling From Many Points
, Bright for Success of
I Project Permanent Or-
i tie call for an irriga-
irton. Issued by Judge
December 4, the citizens
ai adjoining counties,
rlors of the Commercial
'at 2:30 this afternoon,
i temporary assocla-
A. Hartroan called the
order and read the pro-
jsd by the committee from
Association, appoint
keeling held last Thursday
le committee consisted
0. Halley, Leon Cohen,
T. C. Taylor and G. A.
ol the committee em-
lorn of organization, the
of which provided for
A. Hartman was unanl-
tted temporary president.
pinker was elected tempor-
of the organization is the
tircr Valley Irrigation As-
led its objects are to pro
Iterests of irrigation in the
luls In Oregon.
era shall consist of presl-
rice-presidents, secretary
w, and an executive com-
Ire members.
beetings shall be held at
Iplace necessary for the
of business. Special meet-
ailed by the secretary up-
of the executive commit-
ne of eoinc to press the
!was in session, having
i form of organization pre-
rche committee.
ng session will be held at
which permanent organ-
be made.
Ik. Lowell will address the
slon upon the "Carey and
atlon Laws."
Leading Subject
Beet Walter M. Pierce is
bee upon the irrigation
ay, He is highly pleased
spects that He before the
inty Irrigation associa-
ln warm terms of
I arid Oregon, reclaimed
uujt.i.k ui ii.iyavivii
tissue before the people
ten Oregon the ques-
-yw4i impuruncc, as inc
3 J .1 . - ! I
uic muunictina iuiii-
"sinaance or water
! solve the entire
ft ft. J..,:,.
ovciouii umi 1 y
'mparatlvely speak-
tocto rHnlm verv foot
114. '
'Mnt has acted wisely
liberal allowances for
Potest TU. .,,.. f nr.
I, ' I VI W-
Hjulate In such a man-
land of these two counties grow five
tons of alfalfa to the acre Is a thor
ough soaking during the winter sea
Several others will arrive hero this
evening from Heppner to attend the
evening session of the convention,
Among them will bo O. W. Phelps,
joint representative cz Umatilla and
Morrow counties; E. M. Shntt, sheriff
of Morrow county; Mayor Gilliam, of
Heppner; W. L. Sailing, Thomas
Ayres and James Hager.
Freewater's Plans.
A. S. Pearson, who Is in the city
from Freewater, is one of the enthus
iastic irrigators Of the east end of
the county. Mr. Pearson said this
morning that the meeting this even
ing would be represented by a large
delegation from Freewater and the
Hudson Bay country. In speaking of
what they wanted from the irrigation
movement in the east end of the
county, Mr. Pci.rscn said:
"We are all enthusiastic irrigation
Ists. We want something done to re
deem the 6400 acres of land In two
townships between Freewater and the
Hudson Bay. This is one of the finest
bodies of land In the state and can
be prepared for Irrigation with no
more than 910 an acre. When once
water Is on this land it will grow any
thing under the sun. I am now sell
ing land that Is not as good fruit,
vegetable and alfalfa land as that,
which Is now worthless, at from $300 j
to $500 an acre In the neighborhood j
of Freewater. With water on this
land it will be a veritable garden of
Eden. This land can be irrigated at
little cost. Experts have gone over
the ground and it Is estimated that
one levee can be built on the Walla
Walla River for $3000 that will Irri
gate almost all of it."
Committee of Council Makes Report Old Plans Available,
Thirty-Year Bonds With a 20-Year Option.
Pcnalcton, Or., Dec 13. 1902. (To only one valid argument that can bo
tho Editor East Oregonlan.) By res
olutlon of the common council, tho
committee on sewers was directed to
make a statement through the press
of the plans and estimates for the
sewer system now contemplated for
In compliance with that resolution
advanced against the building of tho
sewers at this time, and that Is the
question whether or not tho city shnll
Incur an additional annual Interest
expenso of not over $1600.
Health Demands It
Every other argument is for and
not against tho question. Health de-
ttie committee asks that you publish Uiands It The growing needs of tho
swwmtiuu. manufactories, mercantile buildings
Some years ago Engineers Adams and dwellings call for It. From one-
and Gemmol prepared plans for a half to two-thirds of the total cost of
sewer system, which plans are still I the system would bo expended for la
available. At the time tho matter of bor, so that a large cart of the money
asking authority from the legislature i borrowed would he spent right hero
and give work to a number of men
for several months.
The system will be constructed so
that as the city grows additional lat
erals and feeders may be added
thereto. There are at present a num
ber of private sewers constructed and
in use In the city, tho user of which
are vitally Interested In hav-
Pple will receive the
' the nlans rtt nnu.
Kf should further In every
commendable work that is
j oirough national action.
'IOn of Kta anrl natlnn
work will convert East-
" '"W the mnot fruitful
....VTTI, w man.
Countv in I I.
Blrtaolomew. nf Wonnnpr
ia city today to attend
uon Convention I- f
I . le UilO UI
I 0(1mslsl!c irrlgationists
I "e " strongly in
I Morrow and IT,noin
Per i. ' w"ivi4 i-vuu-"s
'a the oifn-i i ..
ration of the plans the
Bet. In (retting tL .t,i
and lir.,m.- . . .
in . ",,a counuc8- in-
" VMtlOn." tiM T...J r..-
tern,; arr poroon of
W ru,d ea8,Iy be
its...., Part f Morrow
Uimii Prtln of Morrow
brounui . case Snake
TiM .' benfit Morrow by
Butter ;." nt her arid ter-
"drun. .u 3,80 head "
P of a? throu8h 80t" f the
kr i-S? county. In case of
lorro" u&ed o good advant
,!Vte ln,a here,
" WtnW " 90 10 wate
to ora"d 8andy Part, of
quirJ'? 1 adv"tc. All
q red 10 "ae the eandy
Tobacco Experts Declare That the
Rice Belt of Texas Will Raise the
Very Best High-Class Cigar Goods,
Austin, Texas, Dec. 13. The jnan-
agement 01 me souiaern .racinc pur
poses to establish Texas as one of
the nation's foremost tobacco-produc
ing regions. For a long time the
road's industrial agents have been ex
perimenting with the soli of certain
sections of the Lone Star State, and
they are convinced it is well adapted
to the culture of high-grade tobaccos.
including many kinds that are now
imported. It is planned to Interest
tobacco growers of Wisconsin, Ken
tucky, "Virginia, Conectlcut and other
parts in the possibilities of Texas.
It Is the purpose of tne road to af
ford a systematic course of educatlou
to tobacco growers of the country,
with special endeavor to picture the
qaullncation of Texas for filling r
"long-felt want" the want of a ter
ritory that can give to America what
nnw rnn hp hnri nnlv frnm frelirnprs.
Well-Informed tobacco men say that
If the plans of the Southern Pacific
are reaitzed the tobacco trade will be
revolutionized, with almost inestima
ble benefits to the country at large. It
is believed that TexaB can be made fc
equal. If not surpass. Cuba and Su
niatra as a producer of high-class ci
gar goods. If Texas can place itself
on a level with these two countries
the trade says, the tobacco men of the
country will save vast amounts an
nually money that now Is spent for
transportation. Yet, it is neia, grow
ers would be able to market their
products at very good profits .after
making allowances for transportation
charges. Even should Texas fuln
all that is expected of it, tobacco men
say the Industry in Kentucky and
most of the other leading producing
sections would continue to thrive and
prosper, as these parts would not be
brought Into serious competition
owing to the difference In the grades
grown. The seed-leaf planters of the
North would not sufTer, but the for
eign leaf would be displaced by that
of Texas. Of course, all of the vast
stute of Texas is not adapted to to
bacco culture. Experts say that that
part of the commonwealth known as
the rice belt is the only part fitted
for the cultivation of the high-grade
to issue bonds for the purpose of pro
viding funds, with which to con
struct sewers, was under discussion,
the engineer, who was then In charge
of the sewers being built In Walla
Walla, was asked to come to Pendle
ton and investigate the conditions,
area to bo drained, etc
For $30,000.
ao nnr.e..nn- ui.., , .n '"K tlio sewer system constructed, for
as other eX'rs d er L had "0t the cunc d"rln tho ,nst
So Uma"e. "eBb? Adams ""and to s lZlZt
Gemmel, It was decided that all the' df p"'" a in
'. . .,,i,.,!., ! is early a moment as poRSlble, In-
H , L li'ii'rt10 proceedings (the papers had
T w t Ini lffM i alai)- bUn drawn) would have been
L ( h.i? LTh 21 n J. "Md that would in all proba
000 (thirty thousand dollars.) This bl h , h(J .
. .. , .,. j vj. i sewers now emptying into tne river
point near the lower railroad bridge nhnv w,0r- inin
well up Into the city, where it would I
hrnnrh nnil fnllnu- 1in main onat mil 1 As to Private Sewers.
-ot cfrootu throncVi iho thlKifiv. I If a system is put In that will drain
built nart of the cltv. 1 the greater part of tho city, it Is not
x I.. a. . .1 ii ... likely that tho small amount of seW'
uMi n u ctr, "I orage carried into the river by tho
nn H? t ?J bl!Mt Tf rUr ?pr Pvate sewers would be deemed a
on the north side of the river, near , and tnelr prescnco mlght
it" ""'v,. ' l" ..;? tT 1 be tolerated for years.
The council did not think It wise
the small sewers now running into
the river and delivering their sewer
age into the river at some point near
Walters' mill. Tho sewers must
reach tho river below tne mill, so
that enough volume of water may
bo obtained to carry of the sewerage.
On Alta Street.
The larger sewer should, unless
after careful surveys It Is found to be
impracticable, run up Aita street,
crossing Main street at a depth suf
ficient, to drain the cellars of the bus
iness blocks located thereon, and pro
ceeding east and passing beneath the
underground race south of Byers' mill
and on into the eastern part of town.
Tho exact size of tho pipes will
have to be deterw.ned by later surveys.
The bonds will likely be issued for
30 years with a L0-year option, and
should readily sell at a lower rate
than 5 per cent There is one and
to go to tho expense of surveying
and having plans drawn, which will
likely cost between 5 and 10 per cent
of tho total expense of the system
eforo submitting tho matter to the
tax-payers and obtaining their sane
As soon as their consent is given
then these necessary steps will be
taken before bids aro asked for or
contracts are let. Should tho est!
mates made show that tho cost will
exceed $30,000, then the legislature
will be immediately asked to author
ize the city to borrow the required
amount, or else be allowed to Increase
tho tax levy so as to meet the add!
tional cost.
Respectfully submitted,
Committee on Sewers.
President Schurman's Op'onion
Destiny of Philippines.
New York, Dec. 13. Brigadier-General
A. W. Greely nnd President
Schtirmnn. of Cornell University,
wcro tho principal spcakors at a
meeting of tho Nineteenth Century
Club Thursday. Tho meeting was do
voted to tho discussion of "Tho Unit
ed States In tho Philippines." Presi
dent Schtirmnn said In part:
"President Roosevelt has recently
stated that the Hag could no more
cotno down in the Philippines than It
could In Alaska. Whero tho Amorlcan
Hag goes It symbolizes tho sovereign
ty of tho people over It. Hence, If
tho flag Is to stay In tho Philippines,
Luzon and tho Vlsayas It must, ac
cording to tho logic of American phil
osophy become states In tho Union,
as New Mexico nnd Oklahoma and
Alaska are bound to be."
General Greely prefaced his re
marks by saying personally he
thought tho Spanlsh-Amerlcnn war a
mistake, as was the acquisition of the
Philippines, but ho said that ho was
a soldier with his duty to perform
first, so ho would not say moro than
that he did not think much good can
como from tho possession of tho
Eight Thousand Union Dockers and
Sailors Vote to Continue the Strike
Gendarmes Attack Them.
Marseilles, Dec. 13. A serious con
flict is in progress in tho streets bo
tween tho gendnrmes nnd striking
dock men. Tho fight started after
S000 union dockers nnd sailors met
and voted to contlnuo the strike.
Venezuela Severs Diplomatic
Relations With Great Brit
ain and Germany,
Masons Remember Washington.
Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13. A
representative of Lodge No. 4, of
Masons, of this city, will go to Mount
Vernon tomorrow, bearing, on behalf
of the lodge, a wreath of evergreens,
which will be placed on the grave of
George Washington, as a memorial
from his mother lodge on the one
hundred and third anniversary of the
death of that illustrious Mason. This
interesting custom was Inaugurated
by the lodge three years ago. In
June of each year a messenger to
bear the wreath to the tomb is elects
ed. Washington, In his early man
hood, became a member of the .a
sonic lodge of Fredericksburg, and
the records show his Initiation, pass
ing and raising and bearing his sig
nature to the constitution and the
Bible on which he was obligated are
sacredly preserved among the treas
ured relics of the lodge and are ob
jects of great interest to visitors to
the city.
The decline of Lake Superior
shares Friday caused a loss of more
than ?12,000.000 in the stock value
of the company. The capital stock is
1100,000,000. The common stock sold
down from $19.50 to $i.50, and the
preferred lost 13 points In five hours
of trading on the Stock Exchange. j
Letter Received by Mrs. C. B. Wade, President of the Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs.
The following letter to be sent by j home through a transaction sho was
the state federation legislative com- ignorant or.
mlttoe to every club in the state, con1
tains matter of the greatest Interest
to every club woman, and each one,
it is hoped, will do her utmost to
give it publicity:
Madam President and Members of the
The legislative committee of the
State Federation would like to call
your attention to the following meas
ures that will be presented to the leg
islature at Its next session.
No. 1. A bill to provide that when
patients are to be transported to the
insane asylum an employe of that
institution must bo sent to accompa
ny them, and when tho patient Is a
woman, a female attendant must also
be provided.
No. 2. Several measures will be In
troduced to bettor the condition of
defective children.
No. 3. A bill making a wife's sig
nature necessary to any endorsement
or security whereby property may be
taken to liquidate the obligation.
No. 4. An amendment to the li
brary law, striking out tho 1.5 mill
No. 5. An appropriation bill for
the Lewis and Clark fair.
No. 6. An appropriation bill for
the St Louis fair.
Nos. 1 and 2 are In charge of tho
executive board of the state confer
ence of charities, but need our moral
and active support. Mrs. I, S. Cal
braitb, of Salem, has been appointed
from this committee to give the bill
for the transportation of tho Insane
her snecial attention. The gross
abuses of the present system and the
need of legislation may ue icarnea
frnm her.
No. 3 Is a bill which will come di
rectly through this committee, ana
needs no comment, as few women
have not suffered from the Impossi
bility of business men to refuse
when their names are sfllclted on a
note. The wife's signature Being
lng necessary would give many men
the excuse they desire, and above all.
a wife could not be aepnvea m ner
No. 4, since tho passago of the li
brary bill, which was secured by this
organization, but two towns have
availed themselves of It for tho rea
son that the 1.5 mill limitation has
made It prohibitive in small towns.
No, 5 should need no urging, as
every loyal woman feels that Oregon
must fittingly celebrate this great his
toric event, which had its consum
mation in Oregon.
No. 6 may need moro explanation,
as the significance between this and
the Lewis and Clark and tho bearing
It will have upon our success Is little
thought of. Millions of dollars worth
of exhibits may bo diverted to Ore
gon from St, Louis; thousands of dol
lars sent hither to make us richer In
treasure and more populous, and make
the Lewis and Clark fair the grand
climax of the greatest exposition the
world has ever seen, provided Oregon
does her part toward making the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition a sue'
cess. Tho reverse will be tho caBe
if wo aro ungenerous and Incur their
111, rather than good will. This ap
propriation should bo large enough
to enablo the commissioners to erect
a building where Oregon hospitality
could be extended. Tho want of this
was a great detriment to tho work
of our commissioners at Omaha, iinr
falo and Charleston. State pride dn
mands it! Washington has pledged
1 100.000 and will put up a building.
Something like 32 other states have
done likewise. Oregon has already
been honored by having an Oregon
woman put on tho national board of
lady managers to represent urngon.
Washington. Idaho and Montana.
i When the state allotments were made
there was no one to answer to tne
roll call for Oregon, Through tne
influence of Mrs. Montgomery, (ho
ground was reserved for a certain
time for Oregon. It now remainH for
the state to say what they will do wim
it, and to the club women to Insist
upon the right thing being done.
Sarah A. Evans.
Chairman Ig Com. j
Exasperated by the Collusion of the
Police With the Gamblers, He
Takes the Matter In His Own
Portland, Dec. 13. Wholesalo ganv
bllng raids aro in progress hero to
day. Mayor Williams, exasperated
by tho collusion of tho pollco, per
sonally gavo tho order that overy
house bo pulled. Scores of arrests
have been mado. Ho announcos that
ho will drivo out tho Chlnoso lotter
ies forever nnd has closed up all
games as tight as a drum.
Wages Paid Miners Only $300 Per
Year Mitchell Goes Home.
Scranton, Pa., Doc. 13. Tho Scran
ton Coal Company, belonging to tho
Ontario & Western Railway, filed a
statement this morning.
Last year thoy oporated nine col
llcrlcs and the average annual earn
lngs, of miners, was 30 mlno labor
era, $313, engineers, $1200, breaker
boys, J1D0.
Former Congressman Hrummo and
Kearney, of Shamokln, were two now
lawyers brought Into tho case today
to assist Darrow. After hearing tho
two minors' testimony. President
Mitchell was called to tho stand to
tell of the methods employed to do-
termlno tho difference In wages be
tween thn nnthraclto and bituminous
miners. Attorney Torrey declared
that his figures were unfair nml mis
Counsel Burns, for the Independent
operators, endeavored to lead Mitch
ell Into a trap by asking him If tho
operators mado a contract with his
organization, would ho liavo tho pow
er to protect tho non-union men now
working. Mitchell said If tho oper
ators would meet tho miners In
joint conference ho would take up
that question, but as long as they re
fused ho couldn't say whether ho
would bo aljlo to protect them or
not. He said ho would not admit that
union miners were responsible for
any violence to tho non-uiilonlsts,
Mitchell left at 2 this afternoon for
his homo In Spring Valley, III., where
ho is to bo given a reception on
Venezuela Closes Her Legation at
Port of Spain Castro Rejects
Every Point Proposed In the Ger
man Ultimatum Italy Wants to
Join the Allies.
Washington, Dec. 13. Alvln Smith,
tho United Stales consul at Port of
Spnln, tslnml of Trinidad, cables the
stnto department that tho Vonesuela
logatlon tlmro has been closed. The
Importance of tho dispatch lira In the
indication that Venezuela had broken
off nil diplomatic relations with Groat
English Terms of Arbitration.
London, Pec. 13,-r-Tlio St. JaniM
Gazetto teams that England would
accept arbitration of the Venezuelan
dlsputo on tho following terms:
First, President Castro to deposit
$3Q,000 as evidence of good faith
Second, tho arbitrator to conttol
tho Venezuelan customs tending negotiations.
Germany's attitude, the paper says.
Is unknown.
Will Land No Forces.
llerlln, Dec. 13. Tho foinlgn office
has received no nowa from Venezuela
slnco yesterday. Lnnding In force U
not considered probable under any
The naval commanders have boon
authorized to blockade tho coast only.
Any proposition Minister Rowon
might mnko In bohnlt of Prcsldont
Castro would bo received In good
spirit out of regard for the channel
of transmission, but no proposition
of arbitration has yet been rucolvod.
Rejects German Ultimatum.
Dorlln, Dec. 13. It Is officially an
nounced that President Castro. In re
ply to tho Gorban ultimatum, bos re
jected every point proposed,
Italians Want to Join,
Romo. Dec. IS. Tho Italia ns. hav
ing claluiB against Vcnoziiolu, are
using their utmost endeavors to In-
duco their government to join mo
allied forces to compel payment.
Boston Theater Change Hands.
Ronton. Mass.. Dec. 13. Rich, liar
rls and Charles Frohman havo ob
tained control of tho Park theater,
and Corse Payton, who has had tho
management of tho theater slnco tho
opening of tho present season, and his
stock company will glvo their last
performance thoro tonight Tho tho-
ater will onen under the new tnanagu
ment a week hence with "Everyman"
the quaint fifteenth century morality
play recently seen In New YorK. an
tne attraction.
New Service to the Orient.
New York, Dec. 13. A new direct
steamship service Is to bo established
between New York and China and
Janan. The first vessel of this serv
Ico ,the Hteamshlp Hero, of 6000 tons,
is scheduled to sail noxi. weeK lor
Shanghai. Tslngtau. Tientsin and Yo-
kohoma. Tho Hero la to ho followed
by other first-clans steamships at reg
ular intervals,
A band of several hundred sheep
belonging to Carsten Urothers, of Se
attle, came near' oeing nrowne in a
body on an Ico pond near North Yok
. M. - i . ...... ion
una, munaar, auu an n
perished, Tho sheep hod been
brought from tho reservation to the
stock yards to be loaded on a train
for shipment to Seattle
Farmers Fear That the Seed Will Rot
Owing to the Unusual Amount of
Wet Weather.
Somo farmers who were peiHlatont
In sowing their wheat this fall and
put It In tho ground lato oro now won
dering 1 fthoy will havo to reHow. Tho
town la full ot farmers today and In
conversation with thorn muny express
themselves us being afraid that tho
lato sown wheat would never sprout.
Wheat that was sown early In tho
season Is up nicely and a good stand
Is reported, but this Is a very small
amount of tho whole. Most of tho
grain was sown lato on account of
tho wet fall nnd a great deal has
not yet como through tho ground.
Four Is entertained that it will rot
boforo It sprouts.
Decree Granted.
In tho circuit court today Judg El
lis granted a docrco of divorce In the
suit of William G. Uogort vs. Thenxa
llogert, on the grounds of desertion
Peter Wetit was tho attorney for
Medal Shoot.
Tho Pendleton Gun Club will hold
Its regular monthly medal nhoot on
the hill south of town Sunday. A
good crowd is expected and a pluan
ant time Is promlHcd If the wu.itlior
will permIL
"Buffalo Bill" to Retire,
New York, Doc, 1.1. Col. W. K.
Cody (lluffalo Hill) declared today
Just prior to his dopartum for Europe
that his show, tho "Wild Wenf'-tiad
appeared In thlH country for the latt
time. ool. cony plan to upend m-i:
next two yearn In a European tour
with bis show W lit-ri ho returns to
this country h- will devolo his time
excIiiBlvely to IiIh IhihIiu'hs InterenU
Tho Russian gov-rniji(itit m t
000,000,000 corks unniiully In Hi- al
cohol industry which It monopolize
ckacklv crhhk pacis
'I'lw. vhIiiiwj' 'lie (Vi'illKtnr1 'P4rHt
Iiik on th riici "icr lode U ft.ll.itn.
liHd on the mi - upllul a unnll Pol
Columbia $1 jibp sliarft
E. and E, fldn per uhure
North Folr J'5 pur Hharo
nnlrondft sf-irtpd at 10c now jell
ing at 60o and worth more'
South foie is sinning ai jdc
The time tf ' uv i nil til's ftrt 6irr-
Ihk of Hioek a' r MV v H mlvano"
Oahairan at Hm i nMmcl flV,