East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 12, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    Christmas Novelties
Ladies and Oents Pocket Books, Gents Traveling
Sets in Seal, Morocco and Alligator, Military
Brush Sets, Pocket Flasks, Card Cases, Cigar
this strike settlement is the best bit
of literature that has been furnished
the public for years. It will open the
eyes of the people and they may take
lessons from it that will benefit them,
in the future.
The glaring inefficiency and die
I honesty or the "carpet bag" govern
1 men nf Alaska is no worse than that
! ot other newly settled and organized 1 1
territories In the United States. When
the territory of Oklahoma was organ- j
Ized Bnd the territorial and county
: offices were filled with the chronic '
'office-seekers from every section of.
the country. It was thought by the
settlers that the acme of Inefficiency
had been reached. But the dlssatls-'
faction that now comes from the
poorly governed territory of the north
proves that the same traits of char
acter and the same disregards for
Friday, Dec- 12, Saturday, Dec. 13
Monday, Dec. 15
On the three days above to,Sive t,uying .
lleton and vicinity the greatest BARGAINS they have ever had offS'
We want to make the next three weens uie ueL mreo weeds' ot business .
ever had, and in order to do so we are going to give our customers exception
in oil mpc ni nunis. jvuuniiii. - o 1 - uaiL'Hin
In men whom men condemn as
1 find so much of goodness still;
In men whom men pronounce
1 find so much of sin and blot,
I hesitate to draw a line
Between the two where God has
Joaquin Miller.
as the rltv lends tht. nnmitrv fnllnwK
If Pendleton plants trees, to beautify the rhts of the jeo"le cxlst toAay
the residence districts, builds sewers ln 118 lnrSe degreejs ever
lor her health, preserves order and
obeys the laws, those who visit here
end trade here, will be Impressed The knowing ones have slated John-
with the same spirit of morality, j sn for the governorship, a senator-
healthfulness and pride that we place ! sul. and '''""S,1 U iT 'Z
, , . .... . i cession. Johnson himself has de-
before them. They will find it easy c,nred t,mt he ,s B canilldnte for n0
to follow a good road, pleasant to im- office, except to succeed himself as
itate a good example and profitable mayor of Cleveland. As for the gov
to practice better than any man can eruorshlp he has said that he would
... . ' . , not accept the nomination, and would
preach who does not first set a good , refuse ,0 serve if eected
example. ' .
i Johnson, like all single tnxers. Is
Tomorrow the ieople of Umatilla i an absolute free trader. "Tariff Re-
rnnntv will nKsemhlo In this cltv un- iorm. wnicii is now so niucu in taor
on one of the most Important mis
I with even republican protectionists,
HOLIDAYS, AND ALL IS WELL. J , tmu ever actUated the public ! face aud brightens the twinkle ln his
In the history of the city of Pen
dleton, the holiday season has not
found a more active trade, nor such
general prosperity as greets the fes
tal time this year.
The holiday goods ordered in the
early fall will be inadequate to the
demands. Already, the interior dis
tricts are loadinr wacon after wagon
with merchandise and Christmas sup-!
jdies. and the adjacent localities are
bringing In loads of produce to ex
change lor holiday luxuries.
The gala appearance of every es
tablishment in the city brings to
mind the midwinter festivities. There
is a rank of teams at every hitching
rack, and a constant stream of travel
to the interior districts. The gen
eral briskness of trade and traffic is
testimony of a prosperity that is permanent.
The Irrigation association to be or
ganized here will determine, ln a
large measure, the future growth of
this county. So much will depend
upon it, so much of the future
iruujeu up uuuuut,. iuul me
people must make special, individual ' and he nlse of the national reven-
When he runs for the presidency. If
he ever does, It will be on a platform,
not of "free trade as they have ln
England" but of free trade such as '
will i only Cobden himself ever had thought
ne of. He will he for tariff abolition
u i.kJiiosc irn !n handle. '
insure us iiw tuc " .
You are especially invited to attend this Sale and get the
special prices quoted below:
ral.rn in treat variet of patterns, io yards to one person
Outing flannel, regular ;c grade, :o yds to one person A M
T?, r. rrr34i T T. Tn;hn. anv amount .... M
rr...M InlA nrrali.c in vd tD One DCTSOn "'ft
Wl'IIMIk lulu .w '
Bleached Muslin, 10 yds to one person
Merrick's Thread, 10 spools to one person.
Ladies dn- skirts, IX) jier cent reduction on all skirte
above .00
Ladies silk and wool waists, 10 per cent mluetlon on
all grades.
Millinery, all grades aud styles, 20 ier cent, reduc
tion. Ladies aud Mi- ooatt. and jackets, 20 jr cent re-'
Ladles black cotton htwe, 10c values, Tc pair.
Chlldreus black hoe, 10c values, 7c pair.
Mens and Boys Fornfehlnfl?
Mens overcoats ln all grades 10 per centrtd:
Boys overcoats In all (Trades, 10 per oent rtdaS
.Mens suits, worm iiu any other ptaee,
fonci m1f i'nrf t1i tat unt U..
osm. : J BW'oe'
Boys suite, two-piece, all prioee from fl.Stofti'
The above prices are good for the three days mentioned only.
The thrift of the country it felt
in the city. Pendleton has the cour
age to go ahead with her plans of im
provement, as the strength of her
support from the country is growing
constantly, she can take pride in
building sewers, paving sireets. and
in building the Commercial Club
rooms, for she Is encouraged by a
steadily Increasing support and
trade It is incumbent upon her to
keep pace with the progress of her
surroundings. The adjacent farming
districts look to her for markets and
as the possibilities of the country ex
tend, she must grow in business ca
pabilities and strength.
Nothing gives promise of so much
prosperity in business circles and In
the trades of the city as a genuine,
active thrift in the country. It under
lies all the cash accounts, the bank
deposits, nnd the mercantile progress.
effort to render it all the assistance
possible, aud be ready to respond to
Its call at any " hour. Irrigation is
the first plank in
herafter. until Its full mission is ac
complished. It means school houses.
lies by a tax on the value of land ir
respective of Improvements.
The plutocrats have killed "Bryan-
every platform t ism " but if Tom L- Johnson lives
vinr in mtrvi au uiiuui'iii nuu will
make them think regretfully of Bry
an almost as one of their friends.
homes, thrift, enlightenment, happl-1 And nil the discontent growins out
ness and complete civilization. It;.of u'e ?20-coal and 40-cent beef out
, of low wages and trust-cornered
means room for the growing genera- , . V
... : . ,,, goods, and. above all. out of the hard
tion, strength for the industrial life tlmes wn!ch the pUltocraS are pre.
of the county and a population that paring for the poor by the piling up
will surpass the dream of the optl- millions for themselves will express
mlst Itself through Johnson's demand for
equal aud exact justice for all and
special privileges for none. -Louis
Post's Public
Have Your Water Pipes Examined
and Repaired at Once.
Delay will lead t.i serious breaks.
First-class work iruarauteed bv
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court Street, Opposite Golden Role Hotel.
Had the coal barons known what
a depth of villiuny on their part, the
anthracite investigation wot'id reveal,
they would have undoubteJly agreed ,
to some terms with the miners. '
Nobody except the suffering miners
and guilty operators knew what the
'exact conditions in those infernal re-'
gions of the earth were. Nobody ex
cept maimed and crippleu men and
children, whose lives have been
dwarfed aud whose bodies have been
mutilated. Is capable of tilling the
whole truth of that loathsome pit
The newspaper correspondents whoi
told the truth were branded as liars, j
The labor leaders who apjienled to.
the public for relief were branded as
anarchists. '
But the broken stories of 'these j
blind men and widowed women are
stirring the nations indignation to!
its farthest depths. How ihose bra-'
en men who claim to r.- "captains j
Double the wheat, wool and livestock j of industry" can face the nubile Is a i
output of Umatilla county and you J wonder.
lay the foundation of a city double! How they can stand ii-iore that
Destroy the
Remove the
lewbro's Herpicide kills
the dandruff germ which
causes falling- hair, and,
finally, baldness. No other
hair preparation kills the
dandruff germ. Stop dan
druff, there'll be no falling
hair, no baldness.
Dicxnrjox , S. P., Not. 8, "si
IUv ben usmn Iltrpicid. and twfe uJ
aMal oue-tinl of 81 Louie, and find that
1 tocsaU.andevtnmore.MunTbUCtjUjalor
n l, vuit unuiM liieimi) lioiuaia
It drtlL' and trrenw Ilfc- nan 1 rutt! 1Uuik oat,
5 Nit pnmott . m-w icromL Ilaveonlrttii
C tbt iu.?r-uiT-m!itioBd.ad hare tkiir
S vu lurlwadlbau I have-lud for yttrt. I alio
g and itLUukt;&sfetrtojiii:irtglm?.
the size of Pendleton. Build farm
houses and fences In the country
and you make brick blocks In the
city a necessary result. The city is
the pulse of country life. It gives out
the true conditions of the rural dis
tricts in its balances and volume of
'business. It Is the barometer that
Indicates the thrift or depression of
the people tributary to Its business
5! For Sa!t af a!! Ftji.CLuj Drug Sit-a.
tribunal of amazod and wondering
commissioners, listening hour after
hour to recitals that "harrow up
their blood," Is a study in human
nature. Their absolute disregard for
the commonest claims of humanity
Is revolting. Children that are driven
to work at a tender age, are made to
pay the debts forced upon their dead
fathers by unjust prices for the ne-i
cessitles of life. Age, sickness, ten-!
Ely's Cream Bali?
claiis,iowar.ii.j j.1
the diw4Mxl mem. .
Itcorticaur-hui cL-..t
iway a cold in it
For the Holidays
Roger Bros. Silverware. Fine Carving Sets.
Boys tool chests.
Splendid Christmas gifts for your friends
The Thompson Hardware Co.
The place that saves purchasers money.
H Is appreciated by every member of the family in winter.
Our furniture makes it a cozy and handsome room. Our
5 graceful tables, buffets, and chairs will transform the plainest
? room into a handsome one.
Furniture Store near Hostollice
All kinds for all porposs. I
Sash, Doors and
Planing of all desenptcai
to older.
Don't place your cria I
I Building Material tutu )txl
' consulted us.
a I Pendleton Planing I
Loniber Ian.
;8 8668
Proprietor of the
The health, moral tone and civic
pride of the city reflects back upon- natures
the residents of the country. Just Revolting as
flreilln Hnltii la tl. Inrn .'h. n r.; .(' . n.. .1 ..
uumiuji mills iioiuc luc i orer Hie mcmbraoa and It ateorwd. Itelleflalia.
consuming greed of their degenerate
t is.
not produce u-tziti. lrtfi Sue, M wau al Drug '
, tril L Of liT DU-i! TfLll Sir IAmiDi hvvn.tt
"r llfll"uulv " tix utunuctt&.fiQ Warren
Om Clearance Sale is on
And .nc aides evm ever article in our stock. 10 to
20 per cent discount all a onp tLe line Carpets, Rues,
Sewing Machines, Draperies, ail Paper.
Special for Christmas Gifts
Mirrors pictures framed and unframed, carpet sweepers,
music stands, book racks, leather couches, leather rockers,
enameled iron and brass bed steads.
Clearance Sak
s on Jackets
I Waists
I Skirts
and Furs
Holiday Goods and Prices
Diamonds Jewelry Watches Saverware Ct Glass Opera Glasses
Ebony Choice Umbrellas Toilet Ware Hand Painted China
e want you to see this disDlav hefnr f,
Our salesmen are ready to show von knH T" Z "w'".ue Pr 'ble to you.
A IJ 1 ' t4 - s
AU wea or rne low Jf rices We ae Of fr rv.
Gold Filled Watch, American movement. , 12 50 a4 , JTlTLgl
..2.50 and ap Ladies' Solid Gold Watch, American movement.. .$20.00 a"
A Diamond King $5.00
Everything Exactly as Represented,
Ladies Gold
L. HUNZIKER, the Jewl