East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 12, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Jester a Oregon Weather
Tonight and Saturday, occa
sional light rain or mw
"Trr. A WEEK.
NO. KM ft
Lonnmittee Declines to
'commendations of
I Roosevelt.
i n Large Interests Are In
rtfthe Measures The Wish
. People Is to Be Ignored
the Administration of
rton, D. C, Dec 12. It was
rtwidpd at a rneetlntr of
tu Isnrt committee vesterdav
ttemnt anv legislation In the
Ics of reforming the land laws,
Biended by President Roose-
hls aLfnal message. The
cPmrers hill reneallnir the
b, desert and homestead com
Em liwE was taken up Informal-
Tht commutes was truetlcailv
i-mib !n rplprtlne- nil three Rel
ief the Ml, the only construc-
fcMiauon suggested oemg a
fcition to Increase tne price of
Eted homesteads from fl.2o to
1 1 nrrp an. in "nni pnsp thp
of Umber lands In states west
Roctr mountains from 12.50
lo: eun HO an acre.
timber law was favored as it
i psnwlffllr hv thp memhers
SrnTnrfldn and TrnTntnf. nn thp
s that me law ig being honestly
i! nut unit iras hpnentlnir the
rctps. Thp pnmmlttpp nlsn tnnl?
ad that the commutation or
EKtpad Rhnnld he allowed to
Be for cases in .which It was a
fcln nn thp spttler tr reside five
rcpos. his claim before securing
Is fact, the recommendations
1 wesident found not a single
rter in this committee.
rmnn T arav etntnn this nftpr-
Ithat he was in favor of dispos-
r the matter at once, -na u tnai
le tol-on ft mpnnR that no Dill
a Mtimad Ki- thp pnmmlttee to
loase this notwithstanding tnai
icer himself a day or two ago
nirfi(A hills reoealiD
scor orA W.TT1 mutation laws. He
i to regard this action as a tern
aberration on his pan.
I Bad Effect on Irrigation,
Tjippt maintains that it wuu.d
Innf.tir.nl rpnPRl nf the irrigation
. -
rpnpnl thp nresent jaaa iawB,
mciH nn the irround that not-
f lading the provisions or inai
to settler on land Irrigated by
imomtrPTit will ever rjav oacK
fie treasury any of the cost of
piirater on his land, tnns mai
lt the probable passage at some
h&ne of another free homes dui
fcft to the government irrigate!
I His solicitude for the reciam
ktn c nnt pntlrplv In accord
lit opposition last winter to the
, of the law creating me
'on mmmittee has
pffiiujreed not to trkc up the
until the latter part 01
! litre is now ponstderable
lkte attitude of this com-
N -1,ni.fQ In the
fin Thn moinritr oni -VSV Or
I ffir , t .1 v. i-rnn' nnrl the re-
- m u iic il cm . " - -
Rrsst ,w k amjpA There
FMiie Interests bnma inebe
Mti i,Mn, Vi rptnmmenda-
, v. u 1,11. . -
M tl the department and of the
Pet Thp hill parries no appro-
It the states
r!4 lail In fnrt wr.uld have
VS tko a . r UmlHnir nnpra
me Knpppatlnnc are looneu
F " purrly matters of public
-ja"fl lnrai intprnt: nre aiii'ai
' opposed to lptrislafon wnicn
&ei ihp Av nt thp ereatest
! tn kH . 1. T.1VP
I MS, the land question is a local
! slisM Chance of Lealslation.
j , av U1IO UUiC W
WJon t tMc oncilnn nf COnCTeSS
MAt Ther Is an eonal proba-
thftt tltA tntA.tA. .Innartmpnt
P' dike lltMo n. hso.iniiv In se-
. i V " v.
rr law or the protection oi
Er oa lDe public domain at io
In dterussing tb- status of
tie house committee ated that
ueTed the laws as they stood to
i ueoretically correct; and that U
Bl (hmM ..." .. . t
lawi'ii setuemeiil ot vne
T would nropppH t tap ndvan-
Fe Of all
Cospled with thpsn statements.
r'T was considerable criticism
- - .uiiuitirauoii 01 inn iauu -
P to the effect that the'administra-
rr iax m investigattug the ie
of filings and final ;iroofs, and
wBiing alleged Improvements
-'Til MA nn, ,1- .. 111. ,Vo
'Hi at wn11 Ac tk 1 n, , . i 1 law
Critlrallu III
plfi h'el&nn n..i i -
fie thmn i j . .
" Fair, is critically ill
House Land Committee Gives Assur-j
ance of Its Passage.
"rCimhlnptrm TV f!.. Deo. 12. Tho
honso public lands committee today
gave a hearing to City Attorney Heg-r-nrt
nf Xnmi whn made Imnressive
appeals for Jand laws :"or Alaska. He
said he would concentrate his de
mands nn two items first a town-
site law, and second a homestead
law which would permit any settler
who lives on a tn.ct of 320 acres for
flvo years la rved faith to acquire
title to the samo after making final
proof. If such homesteaders are lo
cated" before the lands aro surveyed,
settlers will be expected to privately
survey and mark out their home
steads, which arc to he rectangular
in form as far as possible, the boun
dary lines running approximately.
north and south and east and west.
Chairman Lacey told Mr. Heggart
thnt thfi hmise haC already passed the
320-acre homestead act, and if he
. , t . . . .HHMt , Inp. Inn
couiu inauce iiit? scunie iu i...
provision permitting the location cf
hnmootsoilg ftpr thp manner of lo
cating mineral claims there would be
. . . .,1 Mnl1nn
no trouoie m genuis mai inuimuu
adopted by the house.
The committee was lavnraoiy im
pressed with both propositions advo-.-tpii
nnd will nrobablv act favora
bly If opportunity presents itfelf.
Castro Calls for Volunteers
and Great Patriotic Demon
strations Occur.
Committee of Agriculture Asks
for an Immediate Appro
priation of $1,000,000.
Woman Suffragists Meet
TnrVsnn Miss. Dec 12. The faith
ful band of women who devote their
time and energies to keeping alive
the agitation for equal suffrage in
Mississippi are assembled In state
convention here today. The vsessions
are being held behind closed doors
with Mrs. Hala Hammond Butt, of
rtiat'ciala nrpslHpnt nf the state as-
sociation, presiding. It is the purpose
. . L. A1J
of the meeting to reorganize wie
forces nd to draw up plans for re
newed activity during tne coramt;
Partridge Resigns.
XJ.n- Vnrl- TW 12. Police Com
mfssloner Partridge today handed his
rseinagtion to Mayor .uow.
Thousands Witness the Ceremony of
Starting, Including School Children
and Officials of San Francisco
Will Be in Operation by Christmas.
Con J?r-nnUfn TP.C 12. The cable
ship Silverton commenced laying the
Honolulu cable today. President
Mackey says that it will be in oper
ation by Christmas. Thousands, wit
nessed the ceremony at the beach,
including school children ano pucn.-officials.
Terms Are Not Divulged Thought
to Provide for a 20 Per Cent Re.
duction on Goods
WoBhlnirtnn Tlec. 12. The COI0-
mprclal treatv between Cuba and the
tfrited States has been siriicj
20 Per Cent Reduction.
hv rahleeram from Sec
retary Bliss this morning saying the
draft or treaty naa Deen bibucu
hinuir epprptrrv nf state and the
secretary of the treasury at 11 o'clock
last night.
Tim tprme nf tho treatv are not ui
.., i i.t It lc nnrlprRtnod that it
UtBV U ' 1 . " , .
.,.m. fnr n 20 ner cent reduction
on goods passing cither way between
the United States and uuDa.
Russia Will Spend $9,000,000 for New
Shlos In 1903.
St Petersburg, Dec. 12.-A large
ncrease In tbe navy is planned for
1)03 The budget made puouc iuu
shows ?n incrlase of $9,000,000 for
new ships.
iahn irrigation Scheme
rJ.Un Flan 1 V The state of
Idaho is soon to be the scene o the
largest irrigation worns m
' , .u 11, 1, H In K"nilF in
cd States, ana vu ".- ...-. -.
the world. Tbe lana to " ""
s along the Snakfe river. anC the tract
is 271 000 acres In extent. The scheme
is . ..V.imo- nf two immense
lrciuoes iuk , ". nt
canals, the developmen o po or at
Shoshone fans, .- --- ,
tract wWcb w. rt bbW
years ago for a national park testis,
' .. . t.f..l oonp-A-
Of ItS J iiUluui
Celebrates Golden Jubilee,
Baltimore, Md.. Dec.
Plotestant Episcopal rtaurrh the
IDS church - -r ---- b. ce,.
Baltimore. w " - -., Tno
ehraiion 01 -;- ,
Preparations for Resistance Are Be
ing Rapidly Made at Caracas
Minister Bowen Has Been Asked
by Castro to Arbitrate the Matter.
Caracas, Dec. 12. Kumor is cur-
rpnt thot MfnlctA. Dnn'Bn l.nnn
asked by President Castro to arbr
irate tne conrroversy oetween Brit
ain,, Germany aud Venezuela.
notwithstanding the report, pre-
naratlons for resistanco are hnlnir
made with, feverish energy. Tho de-
foneno at oil V a etpntnirin riAlnte cur.
rounding LaGuayra are being pushed.
An me coai is oeinc seni irum ia-
Guayra to Caracas. All the railway
nnrc nn thp TlritiRh llnp hnvp hppn
sent out of La Guayra so that trans-
portatlon of troops by rail Is lmpos
si Die.
Castro Weakening.
London, Dec. 12. The I -a GuayTa
Harbor Company here, received a ca
blegram this afternoon reading:
"Embargo taken off our property
Castro weakening."
State Department Puzzled.
Washington, Dec. 12. Castro's
nronosition to Minister Bowen is
nuzzling the state department They
nrp unable to decide whether he
means to surrender or is merely
Dlavinc for time to secure ammunl
tlnn nnA nrpflnfjii nn nrmv.
It is presumed that Bowen. In the
capacity of temporary representa
tlrp nf rtrltnin and Germany, will
.finimnnlrntp Prpsldpnt Castro's nron-
osition direct to the foreign offices of
thoso countries.
Secretary Hay .has wired to Bowen
permission to grant Castro's request
In submitting the proposition to Brit
ain and uermany. nowevei, uo .
nnt in mr Kpnsp tn act as a represen
tative of "the United States.
At a cabinet meeting this morning
it was decided that there would bo
no change in the policy of the United
States at present, and there will be
no Increase of our navai ruin------""-tion
on the Venezuelan coast. .
Seize Railroad.
t rwv 12. The govern-
cpWp nil the Gorman and
English railways and telephones.
To Maintain Blockade.
Tn.iin iw 12. it. Is officially
stated here today that Castro's decis
ion to fight in no wise changes Ger
many's attitude regarding uic
pation of the Venezuelan territory,
mi Ml ,rtt e.nVnnn'. into the in-
torinr npither attempt to capture
Castro, but will merely maintain a
Quotations Furnished by the Cot i
Commission Company I, C. Major
Local Manager, Room 4, Associa
tion Block.
Chicago, Doe. 12.
Wheat Opened.
December 76 S
May 77
December 57
May 33
January 1650
May 1545
Minneapolis, uec, iz.
whrnt Ononcd.
December 73
euruiiuu . - "r , r'-nt.l'Ue
anniversary';" "e"w
Sts wi 1 bo BUhop Potter
S? Kew "wk. Bishop Brewster, of
into. Hnptln- UnMnllJ
ia .rnwine up be
twoen Hood Iliver and Hogue Wer
American Gunboat Goes to La Guayra
to Protect Interests There.
TIT..hlnnlnn D. IT. DOC. 12. A dS
...u f,,n, MlnlKtpr Bowen to tne
Jldliu tw" '
j...rimnnl thlh ...Oming BBJ S
h I 1 1 V ucniin.vu, . ... . 1 .
that Castro nas request u.u. - -
Germany and Great uruain mai u...
cultie's arising out of claims for at
d Inlurles to Ger
man and British subjects during the
,.. vonPT.iRin hp submitted
. .i.iiiinn Tn nhpdlence to orders
from the navy department, tho gun
boat Marietta sailed from Caracas for
T a fliinvra. this morning to protect
American interests there.
Those Who Refuse to Join the Army
win he Arrested as Traitors.
. t-i 19 PrpBldent Cas
between the ages of is ana " -
arms, carries with it tne oroer
rpgt all those who muse u
as'traitors. Great patriot
stratlons continueo m
tempts to seize La Guayra and Ca-
bello are moinenUrlly orpected.
As Oriental Representative of tho St.
Louis Exposition Does Not Desire
Appointment to Japan.
rr. . r,.. i9TliR state
WRSnwgUJIi. ' rtlanatch
department today received a d spatch
from Jonn warren, uww.-o --- -nolntment
as minister to Japan, giv
gi reason his employment as
iub oiotivn nf the fat
her oriental repie--"
Louis exposition.
. p. Chosen.
Driscl,now mw,.
he cnouen ""
United States to Papan.
House Takes Up Many Important
Matters Salaries for 1904 at $27,
250,000 Calls for Information Con
cernlng Venezuelan Troubles.
VCNicnlnt-tnn TVv 12. HpnrPKPntfi
tive Wadsworth, of the committee of
agriculture, today asked unanimous
consent for an immediate considera
tion ot a bill appropriating a minion
dollars for investigating ana ernuiciu'
lng the fodt and mouth diseaso ot cat
tie In the New England states.
Thp nnpsttnn of nronosing an
nmpnrtmpnt tn tho constitution, civ
Inc. nnncTpRs the nower to na8S ann
enforce polygamy laws, was laid on
tho table by tho judiciary commmeu
Great Salary Bill.
The annronriations committee to-
jo. Tonnrtp.i n crpfit salary bill. It
nlmnn tho IpelRlatlVO. eXCCUUVU llu
iudicial expenses for 1904 at $27,250,-
Court of Justice Building.
Tim nniillp hiiUdlncs commltteo
authorized a favorable report on the
Mercer bill appropriating ,uuu,uuu
to purchase ground for tho erection
nf tho rnnrt of iustico buildings for
tho accommodation of tho supremo
court, law library and the department
of Justice. Favorame action wo
taken also on the senatorial bill ap
propriating $1,500,000 for a new ag
ricultural building.
Concerning Venezuela.
A resolution calling on tho secre
tary of state for all Information in
the" possession of tho department con
pprnlncr the Venezuc difficulty.
was introduced hy -ji; "-Vys . ojd. of
Missouri. It closes ' asking
whether a firm assertion of'tl e Mon;
roe doctrine would not prc;rvo tho
independence and inte ty of Vene
' Want Chinese.
Wnshlnptnn. Deri. 25. William
Haywood, representing the Hawaiian
sugar planters, torn tne senate com
mittee on immigration that the educa
tional test In the immigration bill
would have tne enect or. Keeping oui
of Hawaii tho only labor tho Hawaii-
tans can now obtain. Joseph Smollns-
kl, representing tho American l'onsn
Alliance, opposed tne cuucauonai
test, and A. P. Anderson, represent
ing the American Steamship Line,
suggested that various cnanges do
made In the measpre.
Canadian Coal.
XfpPnll Intrndtieed a bill giving
President Roosevelt authority to en
ter into an agreement with Great
riritain hv which all coal mined in
Canada shall enter tho United States
fiee and all coal mined In me unueii
States shall also bo aiimiueu into
XTnir Vnrl- T"Wir 12.
Wheat ' Opened. Closed
Decembor "3
May S0K
July -
Indications Point to a Large
Attendance at Tomorrow's
May 760W
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago. Dec. 12. Wheat 76075
tjc per bushel.
Detail of Police Guard Offices of Lilt
Comnanv to Quell Demonstrations
Coal 45 Cents a Bushel.
Chicago. Dec. 12. A detail of po
llco called at the coal offices of tho
Llll Company today to quell the dom
onstratlons of would-be-purchasers or
anthracite. Tho company has three
vessels lying off tho yards containing
i nnni nir r,nnnn. mr which it uu-
kuui v. - " n ' " i , -
mands 45 cents a busnci, maning uio
cargos worth nearly $no,uuu.
Tobacco Growers Meet.
rnri L'v rw 12. Thn Tobacco
Growers' Association of Kentucky is
in session hero today with a good at
tendance of prominent growers. Tho
purpose of tho meeting Is to discuss
questions rclatlvo to crops, prices, or
ganization, taxes, etc.
Some Firms Lost Heavily Union
Pacific Securities Drop 2t Cents
Two Companies Fall.
Now York, Dec. 12. rnnicky con
rtltfnna nrnvnllpil nn Wall street this
morning, nnd tho greatest excitement
In rrninv months. Tho brokers wero
flooded with selling orders.
Among other securities tho south
ern Pacific last 3 cents and tho Union
Pacific 2'4. Somo firms wero hard
I it. Pearson & Co., and ono smaller
hut well-known company, failed. To
wards noon a big rally began.
Miners Testify That Since the. Strike
There Was an Inclination to Keep
the Strike Officers Out of Employ
ment Scranton, Pa., Dec. 12 Formor
Docking Boss Itidgoway of the Tem
ple Coal Company, wai tho first wit
ness this morning before the commls-
Ho said he was required to make
an average deduction ot from 5 to 7
per cent continually, even In cases
whero the coal was perfectly clean
and carrying thp nec.ssary amount
of topping. He aeniea me cuiujm
' .ii,i,- nlv I ner cent
Claim ui uunub w... -
Other witnesses testified regarding
tho operators' attlfde since th
strike had been callol off, showing
an inclination to keep me Bin
t ,it nt nmn nvneni.
J 1 1 Tin uui. .
Tho nntlio afternoon was taken up
. i ,..itnpuB..s rnncerning the
in llMiius "-- ,.'.
dockage rules oi me uium. n
Combination Had Compelled Hlhger
Rates Shipped by Routes to Suit
Their Convenience.
St, Paul, Dec. 12. The merger
dovotnd to taking
the testimony of merchants and farm
ers in closely rompi-uii ...i...
i .hot tlin rnmblnatlon nan
compelled higher rates an d routing of
shipments as oei w -
lence oi me ''""'
....... nl pnt l.v tho Unit
iniriyiuur "'.-',,,. iiht.
ed States government to bul d HfcM
houses and fog signals at Scotch Gap
Unanlk Island, Alaska, have return
pd to Portland
No Elaborate Program Temporary-
Organization at Afternoon Meeting-
Evening Session to be Held at
Which Permanent Officers Will be
Thn TCnat Orpfrnnlnn .ina hnpn nil.
vised by actlvo Irrlgatlontsts In ovorr
section of Umatilla county that on
thuslaBtlc delegntca will bo sont to
tho meeting In this city tomorrow
nftornoon. Milton, Weston, Helix.
Adanm, Pilot llock, Umatilla, Echo
and Ukiah have each signified tholr
Intnntlnn tn nr?d flnlmrntn.1! and tako
an actlvo part in organizing a sub
stantial, vigorous, aggressive county
association, or district association, If
Morrow county accepts tho Invitation
to Join with Umatilla county in th
Morrow County Interested.
Tt.n ninnD tn Im nresnntcil to tho
convention will contain overy foas.v
bio schomo .that lies wimin mo oor
dors of this and perhaps Morrow
county. Tho Invitation to Join with.
Umatilla has boon oxtonded to Mor
row county, and Judge Hiirtmnti yoa
torday ovonlng received u letter from
Jmlgo Hurtholoniow, of Morrow coun
ty, stating that tho peopio or Hint sec
tion wero deeply imoremen anu
would sond a delegation to tho con
vention tomorrow afternoon.
Program Not Extensive.
No oxtonsivo preliminary arrango
ments are necessary In organizing
tho lrrlgntlon association. Tho
subject has been constantly beforo
tho pooplo for months, and the com
mltteo on program has no formal an
nouncement to muko In rogard to
plans, othor ihnn Unit u tomporary
orKiinizatlon will ho formed at 2:30
p. m., and tho Biiliject of Irrigation
and tho various plnns to Do presented
will Im discussed ut that tlmo.
Address by Judge Lowell.
Juilgo Ixiwoll will address tho ovon-
... .. .., in minn thn nrovisions OL
lllfi nraoiun ,,,.w.. . -
tho "Carey and Maxwell Iiws." This
will bo a highly interesting icmuiu
of tho session, as tho exact moan nis
..i. nt iin .nrfnrnnt lrrlgntlon
laws nru not thoroughly understood
by a mnjorlty of lim peopio inwroi.-
cd in tho subject, l'ormunoiu
Izatlon will then ' o cflcctod and of
fleers elected.
Destroys Contents of Hotel Rldpath
at a Loss of $200,000.
Snnitnnp Dec. 12. Piro this morn
ing at 1:40, In the basement of Hotel
Illdnath. destroyed its contents, at a
ino nf 1200.000. Tho hotel was
.rnurrlp,! with PIlCBtS. wllO CSCBDCd In
their nigh clothes and went to neigh
boring hotels. Policeman Ware
hn nrnllRPil Ihp EUCtB. WBB OVOr-
come by smoko In a prssago, but wai
rescued by the nremau
Dinner to General Chaffee.
kt... vnrir rinf. 12. Elaborate ur-
,,nmifa linVP bCCn Iflttdf by till'
Union League Club, of Brooklyn for
Its banquet tonight in honor m .
-i nunnn miin recently asiimed
nt lim Dnnnrtmnnt Of me
East. Three hundred invitations imve
been Issued and tho gufi8 win 1 1
niHn .tnln nillclals of Now York
nrmv nfflrors. members of congresu
and other men In public llfu.
Are babies Becoming Extinct,?
nlarn In city llfo to
day for babies. landlords prefer to
im hni tn families that have no
children to do damage to mo prujim-
... n,i ennnv tnn ncieniinrs. limit-
. trn cpncrallv closed
IJ1U11L IIUUOVu u, w "
nr.ninKt thn little ones. Dogs may he
. .. . ,,.. ii
accepted, but no cniiuren. hid uj-i...
.nl fnr n nlnm ns lailliur. niuw."
pnnrhmnn. or any of a dozen other
... ... .Inmiriil n UprVlPP IHIIV Ii' III
IJIUCI'B III '...I....' -
lowed to have a wife arm imriiui
i..i.. ,r luliii him fur service, inn
,,. n,n,.an ilnnm will not Swing
III,: l,,,."n..
open to servnntH' children. Th poor
widow who Is forced to make the liv
ing for herself and limo o """
thorn a harrier wiierovr " "
His Occupation.
In the halls of tbo vast Institution
i,...nin hk.v wnrn us to trnad
.Jl lunitniiq ...v. -
iifhtiv ns wo iiass the sont of the
... .in.i vnniii who Is moodily cnxipos
lng something upon a sheet of pure
We see his knitted brow, his air of
Intense thoiigbt. hl every eviuenco m
a great mental stnigglo.
"Ah," we whisper, "Is ho preparing
some weighty traucs on I"""'
economy, or some thosls which shall
show the nations ot tho world tho
proper system of government
"No" whispers the guide In reply
"He l gettlug up the new class yell
Baltimore Ann lean
Rebecca J. Taylor's Case.
,,,..!. i.. ..i n n. Doc. 12. Tho
pntltlon of MIsb Ilebecca J. Taylor for
a writ of mandamus to compel Uio
secretary of war to rolnstato her In
her position at tho war department
enmo ui) for hearing touny in uio u..-
trlct supremo court Tho case has at
tracted wide attention uecuunu ui
asortlon that Miss Taylor was dis
charged on account of making certain
criticisms of tho administrations
Philippine policy. Miss Taylor aver
..... .i.-. i..,- ,.n,wni win in violation
or tho civil service rules uni) demand
ed an Investigation. Becntary Uoot
adhered to his original order of dls.
missal, ami Miss Taylor men appeuin
to tbo courts to compel tho eecretary
to reinstate her. Tho final resu t of
thn proceedings Is awaited with keen
Interest, In iiopiirmioiuai cinii.
Increased Earnings Predicted,
-u. (....,. in m.r 12. Probably
Kllltub", , , .
never beforo has a more general feel
ing of confldonco provnlled among any
class of railroad oincium ri"""
tho outlook for traffic than Is felt
among tho Western contingent at tho
iiresont tlmo regaining mo umu.
for 1903. A canvaHH of tho official
of tho principal Western rouos ia m
... .. .l,...ln nnn whn III IlOt llf tLO
II) I1IIU a oi.ib... ---- " .
opinion that tho volume of traffic and
earnings on tho roads during tho com
ing year will ho rar in oxenss
flmiros for tho current yar; One
particular fact U ( tnphaslzod ami
Unit Is tho rate situation, wlilili I"
said to bo perfect. The lurgo ainoiinr
of oast and wostlinuiin irumc n
given all tho railroads n much Imsl
noftH us thoy can possllily hitndle with
tholr prnnt equipment, und thuro
has been no Incentive for cuttlns:
The vnlim f tliu Omipatiy'. WTt
nu on Uie mother Iwlo U ui i""ll"wf
Imsed on tliesumccttpltftl im Hmith I'olu
Columbia $1 por share ,
E. and B. OOo por share
Norlh Pole $5 per share
Oolconda started at 10c now soil
intr at 50o and worth moro
South Pole Is starting at 15o
TJie tlniH to hny '''' '' HrHtolUsr
Inif of stock un.l proiV 1.V all ml vmice
Oahu,aii ut llttfinsii KUtract nrllw
apple growers