S.IB OREGON MAY GET IT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1902. Come To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. Wu can sup ply you with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutter": for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Alxa St., opp. Court House. . stock Association. It seems thnt such , a stop Is almost a necessity In view of the magnitude of this branch of livestock growing. There Is need of more thorough system in mnri.tH.uf, and handling range sheep and Its LIVESTOCK MEETING MAY treatment demands so much time and STRIKE PORTLAND. j study that It will "PHBn,te organization in the near future. Western Livestock Conditions Dis cussed by a Local Stockman If HIGHEST AMERICAN MOUNTAIN. CIVIL WAR IN MOROCCO. Pretender to Throne Preparing to Attack Sultan. Madrid. Dec. lO.-Dlspatches from Fm. Morocco, allege that the pretend er to the throne who is ill nt Taz has assumed sovereign rights. He has issued a manifesto nnnounc ng that he has taken possession of the trcAdtirv twtterlf of pins and de pots of "arms, and says that he Intends io attack the ai'ltmi's army as soon roinfnrcements arrive. Uie , sultan is ld to be preparing a large UMBER Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; & C. R. Depot Methods of Old Organizations ArejMount McKinley, Alaska. Visited by Not Changed. New Woolgrowers j (jnted States Geological Survey n l. n tutu... ex....... i rU.,u.,n,. Party. i" . -m-m.- thr nre- A Umatilla county sheepman, in Juneau. Dec 10. Mount McKinley. . arra' UB conversation with an East Oregonlanl the highest mountain on the Amri-ten pr . representative today, said: ron -ontiiient. has Jut been F chrlstmas gifts, go to Teutsch.i .... by Alfred H. Itrooks and his paitj I fur "1 want to see a strong delegation . UnUed Slates geological ' 1 sis ,iv"sTocrconTnt.on "L Jan-' ?T uary. We are loft out in the cold. ?he ilUl a great extent,' here In the West ,,oon rBp,(ul bv The National Livestock Association In MM ,de is the best agency for improvement ZlBtuU were determined from now In the hands of stockgrowors. , ,g b Kol)erl MuWrow. of the but Its use Is being diverted by a fewi ulBl if schemers who seek to make - It the ' sam 8 mJntain ls ,ocated near the uieuus m lu.e 5" ine western margn of the Alaskan range, by high rates of transport.')''"-, poor service and a very great shortage of I cars In nanunng their sn .no par-1 I . , 7. . . . . .. . Hnnk Inlet PTfXrloLTAatZ relieve this Intolerable situation, and , LTf, .SStoKi Real Estate... Young man, do you desire to lay the foundation for wealth? Elderly men, do you wish to Insure yourselves a competency? If so, do as others have done. Look I around you and see who are the well-' to-do men In the community. Thoy, are thos who have In -sted In real estate However small your means, buy real estnte. Commence now. I will sell on small partial payments, or for cash, the .following properties: A house with 6 rooms a: cellar and lot $750.00 A pretty cottage and lot .. 900.00 A house and two lota 700 00 A dwelling, stable and lot . 700.00 A dwelling, stable and 2 lots 000.00 Vacant lots from $150 to ?300. A block of 14 lots 1200.00 A half block,- 7 lots 900.00 A plat of 4 lots 650.00 A plat of 2 lots 300.00 E. D. BOYD, 111 Court Street the result Is that our ranges have be come glutted, home markets crowded, shipments are slow and tho railroads seem to take no Interest In Improving conditions. Ranges Overstocked. "It is evident from all reports that Texas cattlemen experience no diffi culty in the rapid movement of their stock. The reason is that they are thoroughly organized, and have the backbone to go right after the Nation al Association, which in turn jabs the roads in the ribs and the surplus live stock is constantly on the move. In the Western states, ranges are over stocked. Care could not be procured in many instances and as a result bit ter range Vars have been forced upon the country, when this unpleasant sit uation would not have been possible. If transportation facilities had been sufficient to move the surplus stock when it was in fit condition to ship. "Another reason why Oregon should send a strong delegation to Kansas Ol over fcU.uuu iwi j Though its summit reacnes so nigu an altitude, almost four miles above tide, it probably is not as difficult of ascent as some other Alaskan moun tains, for example. Mount St. Ellas. because of its relatively hlgn snow When getting figures from others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Btiiidmg Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen doors and wirdows in fact, every thing that is found in a first class lumber yard. coPvtftGtrr When Kris Krinde Holds the Reins . .1 ai. 1.1.. i vou nisv rest a-sureu iuv vruiur line. As the season was well a- ripUt hh'b trivlt. "When he's the buyer vanced. as much of his itinerary had I tne equipage is taught right here, still to be caried out, and as It was "Safe, sound, reliable" is writ all over no part or the original plan. Mr. j every carriage, run-about, hack and Brooks did not attempt to pass the nupy thnt leaves our establishment, snowline, though this point was I Give Santa Claus free rein. reached. To accommodate those who are par-, enU ror ,hem tial to the use of atomizers In apply ing llqluds into the nasal passages for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Ely's Liquid Balm. Price In cluding spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The ..quid em bodies the medicinal properties of the solid nrenaratton. Cream Balm Is NEAGLE BROTHERS Btorer rawllne engines r the bt. We te The Otieen Hotel Now Open The new building, 36 by So, ohonrho ha momhriuie . recently erected by Joe. fc.il, on and does not dry up tho secretions. I Garden strejt, between Court and hut -hnnrrpc thom tn n natural nnd Altn c nnvv nnpn tn thf nnhKr. City, is that Portland can get the 1904 neaUh character. E,y Brothers, 56 Contains io well lighted, and venti convention if the state is wel repre- Warren st., N. y , afM,3 .u. iUpH rm5 ..W...J .... ........... Going out of BUSINESS All sewing machines in stock to be dis posed of at cost. Come early and select a bargain WITHEE 3 11 COU11T STIIEKT sented. The meeting of the National Livestock Association in this state would do much to familiarize the Eastern members with actual condi tions here, and would have a tendency to make the officials of that organlza-' tions more willing to take up Western grievances. Separate Organization. "If some radical changes are not! made in the methods of the assocla-1 ' Correspondents Wanted. The East Oregonlan desires a cor respondent In every town and locali ty of the county. Regular newspaper rates will be paid for all items. Spe cial rates for exclusive news of im-1 street, and the Queen Chop House Not an inside room in the build ing. Modern inprovements, elec tric lights and baths. The Hotel is directly back of of the Queen Chop and Oyster House on Main portance. Write for further parUcu-j an(i the Queen Hotel will be run ,ars- ! in connection by Messrs. ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN CO UNSEti LOE-AT-L AW U. S. Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY U. S. Patent Office U. 8. and FOREIGN PATENTS Tmde Marie arid Copyright 7 ' .Ht. X W WaHhiuKtou. D. C Daily East Oregonlan by carrier, only 15 cents a week. Another Vaudeville theater will 1k tion, it Is barely possible that a wool- started in PortlanO W A and growers" association will be formed. ' Frank Simons, or Missoula. Mont., independent of the National Live-1 will have charge. Olson & Van Poymbroeck Proprietors Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 150 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc always on hand. For and STOCK CI irti " Bill vivu 1111 111 An. I2i and 129Fju Low Cash Prompt awoL CI 11 i- . 1 orocery Has tor!' Bakinc lpnv t. . cakes or pastry c uj x-uuyc-s ana pallia very low prices. 623 Main Stmt Phone Mam jit' CASH URUCbRY AND LH VIEI Milk "J - lit STAGE LINE BTl KDI VAST BROi t T a. m . lot Ukltli ul hxt Rates: To lllot Rock, Mi KM til turn, vi n; iDATe.ii3.nii4 ri.50; to Ututi mdntsnuHJl. Babbit Metal, best in the hnre. Price St cer bar. it Oregonlan Office. V(5l lit! V!5i II m Remember or Glove Orde r s when selecting yot r Cnri s t mas Gifts I Jr. We have never been so well prepared to meet the wants of our ever increasing trade. Every department is overflowing with seasonable goods, appropriate for XMAS GIFTS, and at prices within the reach of all. Come and get our prices and you will be fully convinced that 5S si Don't overlook our Corset De partment when in need of CORSETS IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Ladies Silk $2.50 each. Ties in the latest designs, 25c to ;' Battenfcurg Collars, New Shapes, 25c to $1.75 each. Chiffon Boas. The latest in Neckwear. $t.25 to $9.00 each. Ladies Belts in the p-to date styles, 25c to $J.50 each. Ladies Purses $1.50 each. in new colors and styles, 25c to Ladies Umbrellas, elegant assortment, $J-50 to 1 $0.00 each. Ladies Lawn Handkerchiefs, linen finished, hem- surcnea ana emoroidered, oc to J Uc each. Laoies Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, em broidered and scolloped, I2c to $5.00 each. Ladies Jap Silk Handkerchiefs, and such beauties, JOc to $J.75 each. Ladies Kid Gloves in the late Winter shades, $J to $2 per pair. Ladies and Childrens Golf Gloves in plain and fancy colors, 25c to 75c pair. Ribbons in all imaginable colors and widths, Jc to 30c yard. ChiUrons: T-To4e i mnrA cilfr and VTCOl, to $2.50 each. jiioies ano nuarens rascmaiors, colors, J8c to $J.00 each. Ladies Knit Shawls, large range of styles, $J $3 each. Wool Mittens, fob Ladies and Childrens fancy, JOc to 50c pair. Ladies Fancv Lisle Hose in dots, stripe5) P and drop stitch, 25c to $J.50 pair. Ladies and Childrens Underwear in JseY and natural wool, X8c to $f.50 each. 9 Make selections now while our stock is complete. If you don't want to take goods now w wil keep them until you are ready for them. t 1 V(5: V.'Vt 5lVt it it 4tV m m If you cannot come, try our Mailorder Department The Peoples Warehouse PENDLETON, OREGON 5 I I We are zgs for Peerless and Majestic Kl Gloves. Bot terick Patteras Royal Wors ter Corsets. i " - ""'''"''w''.tfv