East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    e Teunttsdrs
Christmas Gifts
... jre showing a fine line of Holiday Tics, Handker
ijofflers, Ladies' Purses, Gloves, Shawls, Shirts and
"tticles which are most useful, and are nice for presents.
Our Christmas Present will be
Tickets with every 56-cent purchase.
DiV, DECEMBER 10, 1902.
liowird, farm loans.
ntfs clam chowder
i orsters at Castle's.
lettsch for shoe repairing.
j's for cigars and tobacco.
Ijonr clothing cleaned at N.
siquisite bon bon boxes at
i Premium hamB and bacon
are money by buying gro
t the Standard.
f dar clearance sale on all
millinery at Mrs. Campbell's.
ober that a Pendleton Indian
l useful and appropriate gift.
lelti candy factory makes its
None more delicious.
Iciiar store for smoking art!-
Ul kinds Patton s old stand.
cizar store. Mnlov's old
tilquarters for smokers' sup-
iakeslee's office removed to
luildlng, Main and Court
m 20,
IHouser's meat market on
, street Is now open. Best
mpt service.
fent Cheap 440 acres, good
ouae and good barn. See
, the real estate man.
ye bodging house, 12 rooms
lots on Main street, uood
A bargain. E. T. Wade. '
I are expected to bring aprons
sues at the Artisan nance.
, December 11 Hendrick s
I Invited.
jour eyes trouble -you In
. consult Henker , the eye
. No charges for examlna-
t Court street.
i land: 480 acres of wheat
ill to 30 bushels per acre;
s winter barley. Will bar
rels per acre. All fenced.
. 12500 easv terms. Own-
sliilth. E. T. Wade.
Whitaker, the dentlBt:
Christmas ties. Teutsch.
Olympia oysters at Castle's.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
75c men's half soles, Teutsch.
40c ladies' half soles. Teutsch.
Finest line of canned goods and
preserves at the Standard.
Imported llmburgcr and Swiss
'.heese sandwiches at Gratz's.
No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res
raurant. Everything tastes good.
Remember that a Pendleton Indian
robe is a useful and appropriate gift
Dr Blakeslees office removed to
Judd building, Main and Court
Ktreets. room 20.
A fine lunch at Artisans' dance at
Hendricks' hall, December 11. All
I cordially Invited.
' Perry Houser is now prepared to
supply you with meat at his new shop
ion East Allta street
The Daily East Oregonian Is on sale
in Portland at the Rich news stand in
Hotel Perkins, nnd at the Hotel Port'
You are guaranteed a good time at
the Artisans' necktie party, December
11. A fine lunch, good music, danc
ing S:30 to 12. Hendricks' hall.
The Artisans will give an apron and
necktie party at Hendrick's hall
Thursady, December 11. Lunch will
be served. Kirkman's orchestra. All
Invited. v
The Tribe of Uen Hur will hold its
regular meeting tomorrow night in
Secret Society hall. All members are
requested to be present as there is
business of importance to be trans
acted. L. G. Barron, real estate dealer if
Walla Walla, reports in a letter that
he is having brisk business and that
liis sales of property during the last
30 days have amounted to $41,000.
Among the sales were the Spafford
ranch for ?26,000, the Dad Cockburn
farm, on Dry Creek, ?lu,000. and nu
merous smaller deals were made.
We feel a pardonable pride in
pointing to Pendleton's popular pur
chasing place where popular prices
prevail on-, pretty polished parlor
pieces and 'a pleasing price proclama
tion puts plenty of these peaches and
plums in reach of poor peoples pock
ets. Why pay higher prices for
poorer Xmas gifts purchased at other
places? At Rader's, of course.
tract is nohl hut r
P(ll;t and 12.000 hIiwii.
"tand 2,500 sheep.
"naaestofk ranch.
11 W 75 head of enttl.
1100 ton of hay onlyHOOO
t land. G.0O0.
a the river, G miles from
H W the river 12 mile from
'ton Htm.
Vy Partial list of the many
m-at-fi i imvp Hated.
"operty a Specialty
" ft lont- Hat f 'rioalrahlo
faiences, and business
i tot ii. t ....
bright, UJ l7 UUICBO IMV
Estate Dealer.
Stockmen Especially Exercised Over
; Early WlnterwQeorge Horsman, of
ine potts Country, Sells Off His
"Are we going to have a severe
This Is the question that is being
nsked by
ly are somewhat exercised over the
ueep snow in the mountains so early
in the season and many are predicting
a nuu winter.
George riorsman. wlm i in ,,..
from the Potts country, says that he
has sold off all his stock anil la
i pared for one of the SflVfrPfif yl In tor a
in the history of the country for sev
eral years past. He savs thnf nil
.signs point to a hard winter. For
several years past the winters have
been exceptionally open and It is
auoui iime mat a severe winter was
Mr. Horsman nredlcts ihnt tlm so.
vero weather is coming early and we
may look for It to continue for several
weeks in succession.
Several other old-timers sav thnt
they expect a cold winter, but the
saiest criterion to go by is the pre-
OlCUOnS Of thp. Inil ans Thn nM.Hmo
Indians are nredictlnir severe weather
ana it is seldom that their calcula
tions prove untrue in regard to the
Large Party of Swedes and Norwe
flians Pass Through This City.
One of the most picturesque travel
ing parties that has ever passed
through this city, was on the east-
bound O. R. & N. train yesterday
evening. It was a half dozen families
of Swedes and Norwegians, number
ing 40 persons, en route to the old
homes in Europe. They expect to
join a large party at Chicago, which
will take a special tourist train from
that place to New York City. Special
rates on the ocean liners have induc
ed many of these people to pay a
visit to the homes of their childhood,
which many of them have not seen
for 20 years.
The steamship Urania will leave
New York about December 20, and
these people expect to sail to Europe
on that vessel, with more than 1000
of tbeir countrymen. This party was
principally from Cold Springs, Wal
lula and Pasco. Another party which
lett the North "iakima country, will
go by way of Spokane and- expects to
join this crowd at Chicago,
Many of thesefarmers will bring
back relatives from the "old country
to settle permanently In this state.
Wc ate showing the most elegant
line of Holiday Handkerchiefs ever
brought to this town. We have them by
the piece or box--hemstitched, embroidered '
and scolloped.
We have Cambric Handkerchiefs ; ; Jc to JOc
We have Linen Handkerchiefs .7...... 10c to $5.00
We have Silk Handkerchiefs 80 to $1.75
Early shopping will assure a complete assortment.
Get one of our Glove Orders it makes an appropriate holiday gift.
If yoo want to make a present of Gloves, and don't know the site,
twy a Glove Order at oar Glove Coanter.
Peoples Warehouse
Pendleton t Oregon.
The Big Toy Store is ready
for YOU
Pioneer Dead.
Hubert Duttou, one of the earliest
settlers of Oregon, who died at his
home in Portland lecently, at the age
of 87 yearB, was an uncle of C. R.
Dutton. of this city. Mr. Dutton was
one of the best known pioneers of the
Northwest. He died from Injuries re
ceived by falling from a ladder three
months ago.
Heavy Snow Stops Work.
Thn iwnirv nnnw fall in the moun
tains has caused most of the loggers
to suspend operations. At neicner s
mill, 15 miles east of Weston, the
snow is Ave feet deep, and logging
ha hec-n suspended. The snow at
the head of Rhine Creek is tniee leei
deep and from every locality in th-.
foothills comes IhejBame reports.
Colorado's building at the World's
Fair will undoubtedly be made a per
manent structure and will remain as
a monument to the enterprise as well
as the resources of the Centennial
state. '
Good hot chocolate and improved beef tea
"e a hobby with us, and only
This is one third seasoned with hot soda.
Better than ever, but ' always good.
E from Main St., Toward the Cot rt Hot se
Locomotive Fireman Injured In Uma
tilla County,, in the City Yester
day. G. D. Simmons, the O. It. & N.
fireman who was lujuied in n wreck
at Kamela in May, 1901, passed
through this city yesterday evening
on his way to l.os Angeles, where he
wil spend the winter.
The damage suit which Mr. Sim
mons brought against the company.
was tried in this county, and resulted
u a verdict for $20,700.
Mr. Simmons injuries are perma
nent, and of a most serious charac
His left thigh bone was broken off
so near the hip socket that a perma
nent dislocation- of the hip joint re
sulted. His left leg was broken in
two places below the knee. His
breast was crushed lu and permanent
paralysis of the left log has been
aubed by the injury to the hip.
Mr. Simmons was asleep in a ca
boose, when an engine struck it.
bieaking it into splinters. He will le
turn to his home in La Grande next
spring, where he will engage in business.
One Scene "Requires the Services
a Sixty-Foot Car.
One of the acts in "A Little Out
cast." which will be seen at the Fra-
zer Tuesday, December lCth, requires
a CO-foot car to hold this one set
alone. The stage is cleared of every i
bit of scenery to make room for this
gigantic setting, and when the cur-1
tain rises one of the finest stage pic-(
tures ever attempted is seen a beau
tiful scene of New York harbor. The
tall, tower-like edifices and the great
dome of the World building, which, , , , ... . .,. ...
are visible from the Battery, are brll- " lu 'lJ 1 u 1 .""u luu
liant with hundreds of lights and iiogany i nusii
Ktniul out airalnst the nlcht sky In a!
golden glory. The lire which leaps i
out from the great buildings along1
the dock, taxed the skill of ,the elec-'
tricians to perfect it and the result
of their work 1b so effective that It
is difficult to believe that one Is not
in the presence of the real thing, and
as a spectacular feature it is unriv
aled. Seats on sale at, Frazler's.
Young Man Found Guilty of Killing
Peter Nelson, at Pasco, Acts Very
Pasco. Wabh.. Dec. 10. So remark
able is the steadfast nerve displayed
by Oscar Biadshaw, the convicted
Pasco murderer, that many eople are
beginning to doubt If the youth is
really In his right mind. Hradshaw
laughs and jokes in the Walla Walla
county jali, and appears to have far
less concern over his prospects ttmn
the humblest petty laiconlst in the
jail. This is all the more remarka
ble because Hradshaw is but 19 years
When the verdict of murder In the
first degree was aunounced at Pasco,
and Bradshaw was led back to the
Jail he danced a Jig on the cell floor.
threw his hat in the air ana re
marked. "More good timos coming,
boys, I guebs." He was the happiest
man externally, in Pasco, and was an
object of -wonder to the men of 1-ranK-lln
county, many of whom have seen
all kinds of men.
Livestock Breeders.
Hnrilsburir. Pa.. Dec. 10. A Joint
convention of the Pennsylvania Live
stock Breeders' Association and the
Pensylvania Dairy union began neie
today with an attendance or several
hundred members of the two organi
zations from various parts of the
state. The program covers two days
during which time there will bo ad
dresses on subjects of Interest to
those engaged In dairying or stock
breeding by Dr. C. D. Smead, of New
York, Professor C. S. l'JumD, oi uuio
State University and, other wen
known authorities. A large and com-
piehenslve exhibit of dairy products
and machinery Is a feature of the
The Delicacies
of the season arc always
found at onVrcstuurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs Clams f Crabs
f and f Lobsters f
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
st oTTa (5 E.
Toy Banks, 5c to $1,98
Albums, fancy combs and brushes,
Rock horses, doll carriage?, etc, I
Telephone Main ,
dliiL'lv lch strike ofj
quartz lias been made on Josephine'
Creek, In Southern Oiegon.
$3.50 Shoe Value:
That Excel all Others
Miss Roosevelt's Debut
New York, Dec. 10, Miss Christine
Iloosevelt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Emlen RooBevelt., and niece of Presl-
Ann nnnaavnH nnri tit fian&tOr John
Kean, of New Jersey, was presented
at a tea wis- aiternoon ai ma mm,,
ruMoniu- The drnwlncr rooms were
profusely decked with flowers, those
conf with the congratulations of
friends being the principal ornaments.
Mrs. Roosevelt, the mother of the de
butante, Introduced her, and Miss
Alice Roosevelt, Uer coualnr was one
of the assistants at the afternoon's
KtxnMia nnd nnron dance at Hen-
HrlrVn' hall. December 11. Kirkman's
Holiday Opening..
Of the Most Uoautiful Gif ts of tho Season Most mag
nificent stock in Pendh tou
Saturday, December 13
A cordial invitation is extended to all to call, and i.-achVi
child visiting our store on Opening Day will be pre
ben ted with a basket of Delicious candy,
We satisfy the greedy value
hunters with Good Shoes
Babbit Metal
Boston Store,r.e. i.oo E 0 office
Where Whole Families are Shod. "
orchestra. All invited.