Ml tie ti4 Ten tl Mm sad en 'la '' vw X9 KOt GOOD GOODS Ht Alexander's. Clean Up Sale LANDED I I sic i?,:, I ffl COflvCri 1111- immui.u v. wi mil ailu Wlillur MOCK LI ami have made great reductionst throughout our en- j; to enable us to mane room tor our spring goods. jESE VALUES SHOULD INTEREST YOU ladies Jackets ro-ir IJe-.T'JfV.-tfl In very t0?.j.ic of i at terns and ?j.k Al'tlip correct style at J -5 off ; jDress Skirts gtta Mrta are right up- aj style Hnd cut. Come iSese and be convinced ru the greatest bar- Ijthe season. at i 5 off Tailor Made Salts Closlnc out all our Ladle Tailor Made Suits at less tnnn cos-, all goo 1 material and styles $12.60 and $15.00 values. at $5 a suit Fars; They Include all the latest and uohbieit stjles brought out for fall. There Is something about the coloring and styles tUat make them exceedingly fascinating. They must all go at t-5 off lexander Dept. Store I EVERY HOME SHOULD BE A PIANO our easy payment plan makes it pos sible for all to purchase an instrument (mall payment down and the piano is delivered to you and : balance in payments to suit yourself. Call and see us Let us send a piano to your home for Xmas Successor to S. L. Wakefield & Co. Hunt up those pictures and have them framed at once J Christmas is Not Far Away You will get the best work and newest style frames if you will come to us. Largest stock to select from for SHARP New Ideas. Opera House Block. a." I - , What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling 1 no baking I add boiling water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package I ai your grocers 10-aay. 10 cts. IRA ROSE OF WESTON HELD TO DISTRICT COURT. $ Several Serious Charges Against ji Him Impersonated an Officer Took a Saddle and Traded a Hired Horse. Constable J. A. Lleuallen. of Wes ton nrrtvorl In v, ,1 1 ip,..n.i... r $j ternoon with Ira Rose, who' was land- Itose la the young man who several weeks ago hired a horse In Adams to rldo to Pendleton. He camp hero and traded the saddle at a second-hand store' for a revolver and received a few dollars to boot From here ho rode the horse barebacl; down 'the river six or eight miles and tiaded the hired horse for another Then he started back and when pass ing the home of Mr. Kidder, seven miles below hero, stopped and told one of the Kidder boys that he was an officer and had a warrant for his arrest. He did not show his warrant, but the young man thought Rose was an officer and did not resist. Rose ttym asked his victim If he had any money to put up for bonds, saying that if he did he would allow him to remain home and he (Rose) would come down after him next day. Young Kidder replied that ho had no money, but that he had a good saddle ana if nose would take it as security it would be all right. Rose took the saddle and placing it on his horse was about to leave when Kidder told him that he need not return for him next day, but that ho would come to town himself and see what he was wanted for. Then Rose said: "If you start to town I will blow your head off." This did not arouse the young man's suspicions that anything was wrong, but the next afternoon he concluded that he would come to town and re port the matter. Arriving here he was Informed that there was no war rant for his arrest and that Rose had simply held him up and stolen his saddle. The officers then began a search for Rose, who dropped out of sight for the time being. Last Sunday, however, trace was secured of him and Consta ble Lleuallen was sent out to run the criminal down and bring him to justice: After two days of hard rid ing after Rose, the officer overtook him just below the mouth of Thorn Hollow, on the Umatilla river. Rose had disposed of the horse and was afoot, Ueuallon arrested him' and In quired what he had done with the horse and saddle. He would not tell where the saddle was, but said he fold - the animal to a squaw a few miles back. Lleuallen then took the prisoner on the horse and went back to where the horse had been sold. He demanded and received the animal back and mado Rose give the squaw back the $5 which he had received of her for the horse. Then he was made to mount the animal and was sken back to Weston where he was kept Monday night and Tuesday after noon he was brought to Pendleton. Rose has been identified by several and there Is no doubt but that be is the right man. There are said to bo more criminal charges beside the ones mentioned against him. He will be held to the district court. sion, which was devoted to the work preliminary organization and other business connected with the formal -. .-o ...v botuviiuis. 1 lie uirilll'l 'ence will listen Uo addresses on the various phases of the reclnrocltv ones. tlon and will discuss plans for aiding the effort that will be mado this win ter to secure the ratification of the several reciprocity treaties now pond ing, Some of the prominent men In terested In the conference and its work, and the most of whom are here to address the gathering, are Gov. Cummins, of Iowa; Gov. Stanley, of Kansas; Frank I). Pavey. of New York, and John Charlton, member of the Canadian parliament. . pi BEER THAT MADE -'AUKEE FAMOUS. "-CBiltco FOR TA81E USS. 11 kinds of imDorted lunches. P'iener Wlirst. sniiprlrrjiiit- and feet at Wain Strpnt -D,.n:rt I have bargained with a competent Timber Cruiser w locate pitiable Let Us Do Your Hauling We do trucking and hauling of all description at reason able prices. Your horses will be well cared for if taken to the Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard, corner West Alta and Lillith streets. Hay, grain and all kinds of feed bought and sold. Horses for sale at all times. WILLIAM COXXERLEY, Prop.,- Successtor to Hays & Connerley. AFTER RESERVOIR SITES. Ac n the line o. a railroad now under construction, fms means a big clianoe tor first-comers. See Berkeley aoine good farms for Laatz Bros. FOR Wood, Coal and Building Material Delivered Promptly. We are in the, transfering. ant trucking business and are pre pared to move light or heavy arti cles. OFFICE MAIN ST., Near Depot, Telephone main 61. Speculators In Malheur County quiring Valuable Rights. Ontario, Ore., Dec. 10. For weeks there has been a systematic hunting of reservoir sitPs throughout Eastern bregon. It develops here today that when the government committee gets at its work In this arid region it will find every available reservoir site taken by some one who has an eye to business. The real Irrigator who has the country's interest at heart Is con fronted with the fact that the govern ment will have to buy off some ambi tious person who has foreseen the possibilities in the reservoir business, and who has either a surveyor's stake in the site, for which he asks an enor mous sum, or on tho other hand, there is a blueprint filed in tho county clerk's office, for which a fortune Is being demanded before the govern ment will have clear sailing to do something for the region. The Malheur Irrigators have called a meeting for December 20. at which time it is hoped that the Irrigation feature of this region will be launched in a tangible form, and that any stumbling blocks In the road of the national government may bo removed before delays are experienced. The Ontario meeting Is for the pur pose of clearing" away any fog that may be overhanging the motives of the great majority of men who have the work in hand and to further guarantee fidelity on the part of Mal heur county by expressing disapprov al of any promoter who Is aiming to "hog" the Eastern Oregon reservoir sites. . In this connection It has been stat ed that reservoir sites alone are not the best way of reclaiming the Mal heur county lands. That a canal may be brought from Snake river at even less nxpense than the doubtful reser voirs could be made Is now freely ad mitted by those who have had an op portunity of knowing. This leverage Is to bo worked steadfastly to Influ ence amicable .business with those who have already drawn a picture of tome supposed reservoir site, and are now demanding exhorbltant sums for ihe'r alertness. Paris Automobile Show. Paris. Dec. 10 Tho fifth Interna tional automobile exhibition under the auspices of tho French Automobile Club, opened today In the Grand Palais, and will continue until Christ mas. German, Austrian, English and French manufacturers are well repro sented and the latest Inventions and most Improved ideas to motor vehi cles aro to be seen. Here are the Facts 'You hear about the "active principle' of cod liver oil and are told that in certain wines, cordials and extracts of cod liver oil this principle is pre sented with the objectional features left out. Nothing to it. The only active principle of cod liver oil is the whole oil. For years it has been known that in cod liver oil are united, in almost invisible form, valuable medicinal agents that maintain their value only so long as they are kept in perfect combina tion, in the whole oil. There is no process of medi cal skill or chemical science that can unite these peculiar properties as they exist in the whole oil; that is why there can be no substitute for cod liver oil. In Scott's Emulsion the whole oil is presented per fectly emulsified so that it will readily enter the system without effort or tax on the digestive tract. The hypo phosphites of lime and soda which are combined with it are valuable tonics, increasing the appetite, strengthening the nerves and restoring vi tality in the whole system. The most effective way of taking cod liver oil, as well as the easiest and safest,is in the form of Scott's Emulsion. Avoid these so-called wines, cordials and extracts of cod liver oil that are pre pared for the taste only, con tain none of the value of cod liver oil which are dosed with a large percentage of alcohol. Scott's Emulsion has been the reliable cod liver oil pre paration for over a quarter of a century. BETTER SEE THAT BUGGY They are going to give away at The Big BOSTON STORE Ticket With Every Dollar Purchase THIS IS OLD DOCTOR KESSLER We'll send you upon request. SCOTT & 409 Pear! St. a sample free BOWNE, New York. One of the World's Greatest 8pecla Hots, Who Han Kept From an Early Grave or the Insane Asylum. Hundred Now, look here, young man, don't bo so careless. Don't put off any longer; hao your case attended to today, for your looks tell on you. You may concludo to get married so mo day, and to live hap-y yi;ii must bo a man rugged and strong physically and mentally. So many dlv ireo casts wo hear of, If an Investigation was made, would disclose the fact that physical and norvoua weakness of tho husband causes tho wlfo to finally hate him. Women love a manly roan, just as much as men Iovo beautifully developed, healthy, red-cheeked wo men. Ulotehos and pimples show something wrong. All kinds of dls- i - i i a .1 , i Ik not ucco8Hry (o go to see him; In a fovv diseases whero surgery Is re quired or cancers, old ulcuia and hik-Ji It In hotter to sou him, but all woak iif:B and prlvato condltlona can bo t in oil at '.lOiiio. Ho has u perfect tem of homo treatment; ho r.lwaya an swers your lottors In a plain envelop and keeps overy case a profound se cret. Pay no attention to tho llttlo books you find on streets, but trust yourself to an old doctor who baa bon. ruling cnscH like yours for over i quarter of a century In Uils city. Al ways Iwlme 10 2-cont stamps whn wilting for Mnsultatlon, and send binall l.otili- of uilui- If po3stb!o. Ad dles s, ism CHOICEST MEATS Wish Canadian Reciprocity. Detroit, Mich, Doc. . 10.- Reciproci ty, primarily with Cuba and Canada. Is the result aimed at by the National Non-Partisan .Reciprocity League, un der whose auspices a two days' con ference to promoto the objects of the .league was opened in Detroit today. Several hundred delegates and visit ors were present at the opening ses- r tlwayt tupplled our .troui, Goo4 meat, well cooked makci meal complete, Full weight and prompt delivery are feature! of our Luilueis, wblcb U growing raptdlf Otto'Miescke C O U It T S I It Hoosor's Old Stand TEirrirn.NIC HKI 311 mn li-f ri wr TrftnTTiTr"' E K T ; J. HENRI KESSLER, M. D. MANAGER OF THE 8T. LOUI8 MEDICAL AND SUHOICAL DI8PEN8ARV Office Hours, 9, A. M. to 0 P. M. Cor. 2d and Yamhill 8t., fortland, Ore. . BEAUTIFUL BOOKS Suitable for Christmas Presents are Given with Prize Baiting Powder. Sauer Kraut. J'icklod I'igs Ptnt that are fine. Uuck wheat Flour and II O Suit-rising JJuokwlteat. Log Cabin Mple Syrup. Knglinh Walnuts, Almond, Pun-. ami all kinds of nuts- all fresh and good. Mattm's Family Grocery and Bakery t r"4 f ft I expect people to know what HOW UU YUU you have lo sell If you don't The new store can never be I tr I JCT D "T"l Q CTO known nnless It advertises P hJ V li I lOLf