East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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.i . ni.ua iimi i .i.i ii-ii
Alfred Masuley, an English mcr-.
chant with a party of British work- J
men, is tourliis the United States In 1
tho Hope that they may learn how to i
malte prosperity. j
The steamship Sierra lately arrived 1
at San Francisco from Australia. No-1
vember 4 the vessel struck a whale, i
broke Its back, and had to reverse
Its engines to free Itself from the car
cass. I
Freezing temperature Monday- over-!
spread the country south of the Ohio J
River to a line touching Alabama.
Mississippi and North Texas, the
thermometer in many places record-1
Ing the coldest weather of the win
ler. I
Land Commissioner E. S. Boyd, of1
Hawaii, is about to offer a tract of
1500 acres of public land for sale on
the Island of Oahu, It is to be offer
ed at auction at an upset price of $2
per acre. The purchasers are to be(
required to keep the land free of the
laniana weed and to make Improve-1
TJients. i
William Savage, of Minneapolis, lias i
bought Dan Patch, the famous un-i
beaten pacer, or M. E. Sturgis, of New'
York, for $60,000. M. E. McHeury,
who has driven the horse many a fast j
mile and scored 1:59 with him, has,
signed n contract with Mr. Savage to
handle the horse for the racing sea-,
sons of 1903-04. The price is the!
highest ever paid for a pacer.
Charles Stewart, who had foitllied
himself in his house near Mexico.
Mo., and hold the sheriff, a posse of
citizens and his family at bay with
va shotgun since Friday 'last, was
smoked out with sulphur Tuesday and
surrendered. Stewnrt beenme sud
denly Insane lust week and drove his j
family from the house. When he sur-l
Tendered he was without , food and j
nearly frozen. ,
The .wide-spread miffering in Den-!
mark, resulting from industrial stag-
nation and commercial depression,!
has been intensified by tho usual se
verity of the winter which set In a
mouth earlier than usual. .Building
operations had largely to bo abandon
ed, thus increasnlg the number of
unemployed to an extent surpassing
most of the records and seriously tax
ing the resources of the charity or
A. V. It. Snyder, formerly of Polk
county. Oregon, has started a week
ly paper at Wrangle, Alaska.
The general merchandise store of
Coffin nros., of Toppenlsh, Wash.,
-was robbed of $300' Tuesday night
Harry Munroe, a noted crook, who
escaped from tho Walla Walla peni
tentiary In 1S98, has been captured
at Albuquerque. N. M.
Fire destroyed tho barn of John
TSward, of Itocltwood, Or., Tuesday
evening. The barn contained 40 tons
of hay and 17 head of cattle.
F. A. Douty, an Independence mer
chant, shipped 120,000 pounds of
wool from that place to Boston, Tues
day. It Is the largest slnglo shipment
ever made from that place.
The supremo court of Oregon has
cited George W. Hayes, an attorney
of Harney county, to appear before It
and answer to proceedings for dis
barment. Hays has been convicted
of adultery and this is the basis of
the proceedings,
Tho Southern Pacific has ordered
1600 box cars of 80,000 pounds ca
pacity and BOO stock cars of CO.OOO
pounds capacity from tho Western
Stool Car and Foundry Company. Tho
cars nre to havo pressed stool under
frames. Tho company has also or
dered CO locomotives of various
classes 'from the Baldwin Locomotive
$6.50, $8, $J0 to $20
Winter Stits
$6.00, $10.00 to $20.00
Winter Glovesr25c to $J.50
Waiter Mitts, 25c to $J.25
Mens Caps, 25c to $t.25
Winter Underwear, each,
50c, 75c, $ J. 00 to $3.00
Winter Shirts
50c to $2.50
Hotel Pendleton.
E. E. Whell, St. Louis.
J. W. llailey, St. aLuis.
F. S. nulllff, Omaha.
H. N. Smith. Portland.
P. A. Nlckell and wife. Beatrice
T. Gnhagnn. South Pole mine.
F. D. Slatz, Chicago.
-Mrs. W. L. Albright,
John S. Graves, Portland.
Martin Doty, Portland.
A. J. Spencer, Denver.
C. H. Smith, Denver.
H. S. Tenmons, Chicngo.
A. E .Sindell, Chicago.
W. H. McClintock, Portland.
S. Arnold, N. Yakima.
C. S. Green, N. Yakima.
J. H .Sigel, New York.
D. Allenhoff, Portland.
J. G. Paine, Portland.
F. B. Mncklln. Portland.
C. W. Whitney, C'tiq Ferry.
Chris Johnson, Cho Ferry.
H. W. Ormandy, Portland.
Stephen Wise, Portland.
A. S. Heatfield, Spokane.
S. S .Gill; Spokane.
J. F. Bienz. Fort Dodge.
C. G. Llnkbeck. St. Joe.
G. W. Demlclc, San Francisco.
W. T .Welch. Starbuck.
G. S. Youngnian. Spokane.
O. E. Oufst.
The Colden Rule.
J. J Brinstool, Los Angeles.
E. G. Gilbert and wife: Portland.
Mrs. M. P. Kinney. Sioux- City.
S. H. Carmiehael, Weston.
C. S. Aitken, Des Moines.
' W. W. Briston. McMinnvllle.
I, . K. Higgt. Portland.
D. W. Bradford. Denver.
Mrs. It. Morrison. Columbus.
Mrs. J. Catton, Columbus.
D. M. Groom, Chegenne.
S. H. Coffman, Milton,
D. W. Coffman. Milton.
F. Hamblen, Garfield.
Mrs. W. C. Ilichardson, Garfield.
Gsorgt H. Sutherland, Walla Walla
W. C. Nielander, Sparta.
E. F. Boles. Peck City.
M. Sholton. Elgin.
H. A. Clemens city
M. C. Shissler. Cosmopolis.
F. L. Menke, Walla Walla.
F. J. Gardner. Portland,
Miss E. Grace, Wnlla Walla .
Ben Mitchell, Portland.
Fanny Mumloek and daughter, San
Mrs, E. 13. Wells, Salt Lake.
M. S. Corrlgall, Butter Creek.
W. It. Mcltoberts, Spokane.
E. M. Temple, city.
Charles J. Smith,
Frank Nelson.
D. W. Mumford.
C, A. Roberts.
D. G. Galley, Portland.
The St. Helens Lumber Company
has been declared bankrupt. Its lia
bilities are $2000.
There is nothing that makes a
more suitable gift than a book
Our line of books is complete.
dooks are
Special Xmas Books
In fancy binding. Real gems of book making. Our store is
a regular holiday bazaar and contains something suitable for all
A large shipment of the very latest popular
books has just arrived
' Reasons for Raise Are That Supply
i In Northwest Is Short Sugar Goes
i Up 20 Cents Per Sack In One Day.
' The sugar trust lias again tnken the
' bits In its mouth and raised the price
of sugar Yesterday the local mar
ket jumped from JG a sack to. so.jo
and within the past month Just 90 1
'cents has been added to this uecessi-
ty of the household.
" Last summer sugar reached tho
lowest figure It has attained lit this,
city for several years. It being down :
to a sack for several months. This
was caused by a fight between re
finers and jobbers, but this fall the;
difficulties between these people were!
patched up the hatchet burled and j
the price was again gradually shoved
up From $3 it wont to $5.10 and the
next Jump was to $5.25. Here It re-
' maliifd for several weeks, when 10 j
cents was again ntlileil. I lion u I
ven' to $5.30. $5.GB. $5.80 and with,
two more bounds it readied Yos
terdav the longest leap occurred.1
when It went at one bound to $0,20 1
a hundred . .
Tiiere is no cause assigned for'
i this increase in price further than
that the trust just wanted to swell i
its profits at the expense of the con-!
snmors and it raised the price. There j
i Is no shortage of sugar reported and i
local dealers say that It was just forc
ed up by the trust because it nai me
Coal Oil Advanced.
Coal oil has advanced a little in
Pendleton but Walla Walla consum
ers seem to bo up against a bunco
game proper. According to tho Walla
Walla Union, kerosene has jumped
from $1.25 to $1.75 a can within the
past few days. This Is out of propor-!
tion with the price here. The best'
keresone Is retailing here at $1.G0 per!
G-gallon can. and local dealers nre,
wondering what pressure can boi
brought to bear here and at Walla
Walla to cause so much difference In j
price. It would almost pay consum
ers to ship their oil from here in-1
stead of buying of local dealers.
Tho Union quotes a Standard Oil
man who says that the only reason
given for the sudden rise in the price
of oil is the fact that there is not a!
sulllcrent supply in the Northwest to
fill the demand. If this is the case
in Walla Walla. It is not known here.
Local dealers say they have discover-;
ed no shortage. They have been able,
to secure all the oil they could ills-
pose of at the regular price. I
Foils a Deadly Attack.
'.My wifo ras so ill that good phy
sicians were unab!,- to help her,"
writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester,
Ind., "but was completely cured by
Tlr irtnn'a Vmi- T ifn PIIIh " TtlRV
troubles. Cure constipation, alck
headache. Twenty-five cents at Tall
man & Co.'s drug store.
Sheriff Daly, of Boise, Makes Public
Statement In Murder Case.
Boise. Idaho. Dec. 10. Sheriff Jo
seph Daly has created a sensation by
a public declaration that he believ
ed that George Levy, a convicted mur
derer, is being railroaded to tho scaf
fold, and that five of the prosecuting
witnesses, to his own knowledge,
have committed perjury.
George Levy was convicted in Feb
ruary last of tho murder of Davis
Levy, a miser nud well-known busi
ness man of Boise. Although of the
same name, the men wore not relnt
ed. Davis Levy was found In his
loom in a lodging house on Main
street, which he owned, one morning
in September, 1801, strangled to
death. His hands and feet had been
tied and his shoes taken oft. Ho
had been strangled by means of a
rope. The first Impression was that
the old man had been murdered for
his money, and had been tortured to
make him give it up. The room had
been ransacked. The police, however,
became convinced that he had been
murdered for revenge.
Says the Tenderloin District of Seat,
tie Is the Worst in the World.
Seattle, Dec. 10. Oplo Bead, famed
the world over as a novelist and
newspaper man, stood In the midst of
the so-called lava bed district of this
city recently, after having been es
corted through tho vile dens of inl-
All the new and popular
on our shelves
unity by n police officer, uml pro
claimed the district to be t lie vilest
te.iJerlolu In the whole world.
"It Is worse than Paris. Vienna or
anv of the noted European capitals
said Ople Henil. and he hns traveled
through them all and consequent!
should know.
The situation Is something awful
The whole criminal class of the city
which number many hundreds, have
been huddled together In a few square
Mocks. Into what Is called the new
t. mlcrloln. Vice and crime flourish
there and Haunts Itself in the face
erf all who pns by. Perhaps the vilest
den or them nil Is the Midway, which
Is the first ground floor crib house
ever tolerated by the local police.
Tills place Is owned and operated by
one of tin largest wholesale and re
tail grocery firms In tho city. They
took n man out of their place of bus
ness at the grocery store and placed
Mi l nlinnre nf the Midway.
The record of crime since tills no
torious place, the now tenderloin, has
been established, has neon as much
as night. The local papers have pub
lished the record for November, and
it makes an nwfnl Bliowing. Murder,
burglaries, highway robberies, every
rorm of crime, has boon recorded.
Very few arrests have been made and
the 'situation seems to have reached
a crisis.
stati: of OHIO.
pitv np Tor.r.DO.
frank J. Chi'iiej makes ontli tluit lie Is !
the senior partner nf the firm of l' J
Cheney & Co.. doing huslness in the city or
Toledo, county and state nforesalil. anil I
that said firm will pay the sum of One
, 1 1 n.n.M M.h nml itvorr ese
jiuuurtru ."'iittin ...v.. ......
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tile
use nf Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and Ruusortlied In
niv preence this tlth day of December, A.
!.', ISStI
(Seal.) A. W. OLl'.ASOX.
Notary I'ublle '
Hairs Catarrh Cure ts taken Internally ,
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Send for testl- j
monlals free. ,
F J. CHENEY . CO.. Toledo, O
Sold bv all driisrclsts. 7.rc.
flairs Family I'llls are the best.
'Army's $2,000,000 Order. ,
Washington. Dec. 10. -Uncle Sam
Is preparing to buy new clothes for
his boys in blue. In order to provide
the soldiers with new outfits from
head to toe. he Is obliged to go down
into his pocket to the extent of about
two and a half million dollars. Rids
for furnishing tills lnrge amount of
goods to the army will be opened to
day by. the quartermasters in New
York. Philadelphia. Boston, and Chi
cago Some of the Items for which
proposals are Invited are 350,000 yards
of olive gray covert cloth. 185.000
yards of drab serge. 1,200.000 dull
bronze coat buttons. ,10,000 pairs nf
buckskin gloves. 20,500 pair of calf
skin shoes, and 50.000 ennton flannel
California Municipalities.
San Jose, Cai. Dec. 10. Executive
officers of the leading cities of the
state gathered in San Jose today for
the fifth animal convention of the
League of California Municipalities.
An address of welcome by Mayor
Worswick and n response by Presi
dent M. P. Snyder, of Los Angeles,
followed by officers' reports and the
appointment of committees, is the
program for the opening day. To
morrow and Friday the league will
engage in the discussion of legislative
and other questions concerning the
management and welfare of cities.
The store of J. W. Ranson & Sou.
of Turner, Or., was robbed Tuesday
night. Entrance was gained through I
a back door. Some goods were taken j
from the shelves, and a few dollars In i
change from the cash drawer 1
pen xnuru uam
IIL.U UUUUll lir
'.'he most offrctivn skin purifying and
luauttfymx snap in tlm world, as woll as
purest and sweetest fur toilet, buth, 'ami
nursery. It strikes at tlio cause of bad
complexions, rod, rough hauds, falliu
ll.Lir. :llnlli ilivl,l,t,iilhi vi , I.
Irritated. lnllitriHil. nw,rn-nrkiil it .lTim.
gish 1'UKKI.
SoM throuthaut tlit woit3. lTuTttftD imtCCoir.
The Columbia
Lodging House
For Health, Strength and fi
Pleasure Drink ::::::: '
Murphy & Langever, Proprs J
WhPti ttmmlrl cnvr fine r tin frt-ri..
Is herein earnest, and with it nil the miserable svnmf
return bunding neauacues ana neuralgia. thMr
taste in the mouth, fetid breath, nausea and all that mi rS'
imor ciPL'Mii 1 tii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ihv 11 1T1 it fii nil r i i
III spite of nil efforts to prevent it,
the filthy secretions and mucous mat
ter find their way into the Stomnch
and are distributed by the blood to
every nook and corner of the system;
the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact
every organ and part of the body, be
come infected with the catarrhal
poison. This disease is rnrely, if ever,
evenin its earliest stages, a purely local
disease or simple inflammation of the
nose and throat, and this is whysprays,
-washes, powders and the various in
haling mixtures fail to cure. Heredity
is sometimes back of it pareuts have
it and so do their children.
In the treatment? of Catarrh, anti-
ncau uuu luiuui, uul una io uic micui ui meir U5iiiitic
.. .. . .. -j j , i
nermanennv. me oioou musi ne puniieu ana the sfstm
memorane ana is carriea uirougu me circuiauon to all taeCfei
portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous disdurnacw
nntipnt i'q relieved of the most offensive! find bnmiliat:.- -i -
t. a. is a vetreiaDie remeav ana contains nothing
ana our puyiuiuas win uuvisc yvu wiuiuut charge.
Prosldent of the ShaKospearian Club, Kansas City.
'mir b.Kitlit came to mv
linmi- like a niKsapsof health
when 1 lud suli.red with
heidadii:, taekache and bearing-down
piir-. I v.-as weak,
nervous and U' ct. rical ana
had not consulted any doctor,
thinking it would pass away
in time, but instead I found
that the pains increased and
were juore frequent. I de
cided to try Wine of Cardul
nmA Irt 1 ,!inl)miiui( mifl-fl
improved. It seemed to act like a charm.
I kept op the ticatment and the result
was most satisfactory. Words fail to ex
press my gratitude for the suffering that
is now saved me. I am in fine health,
physically and mentally. I can only say
'thank you', but there is much more in
my heart for you."
EARING-DOVK pains are tho
worit that women know. If
you are suffering from thistrou
f,ln vmi Ttenil Tint. ix uncertain
about it. 'l'ho pains in the abdomen
and back that feel as if heavy weights
were pulling down on the nerves of the
stomach are "bearing-down pains".
They may not le particularly severe at
present but thev are growing worse.
That lu-jiMclie which nearly drives you
distraclwl now is caused by the terrible
Mlu J'av L.
Our work is admired by all
The Domestic Laundry
Court and Thompson Sts., Pendleton
Let Murphy Frame those
Pictures for Christmas
Don't put off having the
work dene. If Murphy
does the work it will be
good work and you will be
highly pleased, Best stock
of framing material.
E. J. Mtirphy's
Best work at lowest prices.
it... Mai"!.
" IMUIininMI.
" ""ilMV.,.
. . . ' Uw.
. - - 1.1 w
Ena ... .
- . UlBVtf...,.
- uuu UIla
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surea. Jtmqmi
i -- - jiuuu uu un
til e blood to A nntnnl
-" -uiiuai poison inj
Tirnnpr rhntinwie o o n
, , ,7 w. u.o.
Diooa an its good qeMa,
11 . .. V ' '
callr. at no apparent
rr-i , .iir!.. T-
. .p. . .
Uorom. it iim
..... .
IIVUIMl u fl ' , .
ing regular menstruation tin
svsiem is luuetcuv. ms
- r-
In Ua nnrmill TyHitloa.
health is the result. Tlu
1 j . l tl
of. tho best women ia Amcria
Adv aorv JJepartmeai,
. . v- i 1 Tk
noogu mcu,"w w-r-, , -Tr,r,
dpseribinc all P"2
freely, and a letter of tice
sent you. dwuio. ;-
oi (jaruui in"" j"" "
I mlllinn
Pendleton, Or.,
tn ceility tWl
I "if ,ppA
,.r,lersif neu, - . .
.1 haVRHXI1-
in estaoi'"'
prices for the c -
T .... .,a montn. v
iu liar !
norsc DeCiI.
$14. uonm'"""-"