East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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PV Ii.tTOur rciidence
Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight niul Thursday, rain or
snow, cooler.
NO. 1011
"wraWBWHWBraHi H ill ill-Bum i '
tey Scores the
Lrf-Requests of
k Slighted.
Lti Sut No Land Laws
Lni Experts, But No Light-
Lnie Dumping Ground for
town Office Seekers.
Irion, Dec 10. J. W. Ivey,
Inr of customs In Alaska,
Ire to further legislation for
ItoiT, has prepared a lengthy
for nnc of the local papers
b says that the voice of the
Alaska should be heard at
i regarding the conduct of
i affairs. They are fast be-
in and angry at the- treat-
: hate received. SayB he:
requests and petitions have
ited and Ignored, while the
lot men high in position at
kon have been accepted on
Iters. At the same time"!
i in Alaska that these same
have been connected in
with carpet-baggers who
fee to Alaska for tho purpose
llutlon. Alaska has been the
(pound for broken-down poll-
ad the weak and unfortunate
I of those who have a 'pull'
Kington. In the name of de-
Fd common sense let there be
Federal judges have been ap
for Alaska who would not
i good justices of the peace
p corners."
key says Alaska's treatment
fleet will soon become a na-
bndal. Complaining of what
done for Alaska heretofore,
Provision for Educating Those From
Alaska at Chemawa.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 10. The
Indian appropriation bill reported re
cently carries every item for Oregon
and Washington embodied in the re
cent treasury estimates, including
iiib.uuu tor educating 550 pupils at
the Kalom Bchool.
Representative Moody had tho an
propriation for an Indian agent at
umauna restored to the bill at $1200,
this office having been abolished sev
eral months ago. He also secured a
provision authorizing Superintendent
Potter to utilizo a part of his contin
gent fund in paying ransportatlon of
pupils rrom their homes to the Salem
Mr. Moody contended for an amend
ment authorizing" government expen
diture to bring Alaska Indians to Che
mawa, but was opposed. He, how
ever, has the support of tho Indian
office in this project, and Commis
sioner Jones is drafting an amend
ment providing for the education of a
certain number of Alaskans at Che
The bill also carrier $13,500 for sur
veying and allotting the lands of
Spokane reservation.
Resort to Forcible Action to Compel Venezuela to Pay the
Claims of Their Citizens.
In the Slx-Day Race Three Are Knock
ed Senseless and One Has His Hand
Broken McFarland Ahead.
New York, Dec. 10. In an effort to
win a $20 gold piece offered .by
spectator in a Bide box, this morning
for the first man to gain the lap in
the six-day bicycle race. McFarland,
of California, got a fall, but was not
badly injured. A few laps later, Bre-
ton fell off his wheel exhausted, then
Jncobson, Barclay and rtoot collld
ed and fell. All were knocked sense'
less and Root's hand was broken. Mc
Farland, after his fall, pluckily climb
ed on his wheel and won tho gold
piece. The best records this morning
are 50 miles below the world's rec
ere given land offices with-
I laws, and we were also given
pry of a high-priced agrlcul-
Bpert and expert stations
we need about as much as
heeds the fifth wheel, espo-
Itfore the land laws were in
While the actual settler
unable to secure a home-
fcndgrabbers from ihe East
frchased soldiers' additional
I Washington anu have locat-
of the stragetic points in
iyears our people have been
for a few cheap lighthouses
Sjrotection of life and proper-
appropriated over $400
ihe last session for this pur
ine lighthouse board says
I build them for lack of
board proposes to build
i at a cost of from $40,000
each, so we have to go
lighthouses indefinitely.
i coating from $7,000 to
ii are all we have been
Mnd we will agree to take
line $427,000 appropriated
autne lighthouses wc need
uery ugly look to this
Wstlon, especially when
XI It will be found that
7a1 llfrhthniiKPa were
BenjK places, like the ex
ttdoatouse the government
"4ance to Alaska some
i which is now being
"owls and bats. Almost
' Q&dft In AlnRlrn liu thn
r" U wronir."
question and asks the
' running tho nation"
Itlenil (n "ni.11 Hnlnnil'c
i regain control of the terri-
rm cy the modus Vivendi.
IWLLY SEVfrp ujcitufd
P" Of Neu, c i i -.,
----- .-iiuiaiiu, tciuiil
nd South Atlantic Experl-
lon rv,. .
il n "' The coldest
LT "Member since. 18R4." was
I ot weather bureau
tern,,. clt3r with reference to
"Perature yesterday. ' The
""at the weather station
" Minor i,
t .ciu uurinF inp niirnt
Euet?" a 6 below- Reports
Ee tL tho vldulty of .Boston
!lT morning. e'W m,nns
'n New York.
ork. rion -ia ii.tiL it.
toldeTt . lnS 8 above zero,
.r .:nor ot ie winter
body of John Swal-
1 to ith ,e J?d apparently been
ot u,'a"La.n,one io poor, be-
- wcy and high prices
CL- .
coldtt,'.t? Yl- Dec 10. Blt-
It la nnVt n v. . ,
r8 COal frn . . ""PO88ID10 to
... .,roB local denlnro ,i
Htt Mtreme offering have
Nile Dam at Assauan Completed
Stands at the Head of Human
Achievements Land Will Bear
Two Crops a Year.
Cairo, Dec. 10. The completion of
the great Nile dam was celebrated at
Assouan today with great ceremoni
ous pageantry, in the presence of the
Duke and Duchess of Connaught, who
appeared on behalf of King Edward
VII., the khedlve and delegates from
cities tnrougnout Egypt. The cere
mony ot inauguration, which was per
formed by the Duke of Connaught
consisted in laying the last coping
stone and opening a number of sluices
to let tho water flow down the Nile,
Following the ceremonies the ducal
party and other guests left by special
boat for Asslout to Inspect the sup
plementary dam which has been built
at that point.
Today's ceremonies at Assouan
mark tho completion of the greatest
work of the kind ever attempted. As
a triumph of engineering the Assou
an dam stands perhaps at the head of
human achievements. The dam Is
l'i miles long. It is pierced by 180
openings, 23 feet high and seven feet
wide, which have steel sluice gates
Ther supplementary dam at Asslout, a
few miles up the river, is intended as
a reinforcement of the great dam to
resist the force of tho spring floods
and restrain them in a local reser
voir capable of Btorlng more than 1,-
000,000,000 cubic feet of water. The
Irrigation works supplied by this great
reservoir will enable wide tracts of
land to bear two crops a year instead
ot one, will bring waste districts Into
tillage, and will greatly Increase the
area of sugar cultivation. The work
ot construction was performed by the
English firm of John AIrd & Company
and It Is estimated that the total cost
will amount to a little over $25,000,
Threw Himself In Boiling Water Be
cause His Mother Rebuked Him.
New York. Dec. 10. In a fit of rage
because his mother rebuked him and
petted his younger brother, says a
World special from Derby, conn., lit
tle James McSheehy, 3 years old,
threw himself Into a tub ot boiling
water and was so terribly scalded
that he died.
The two children were playing
while their mother worked in the
kitchen In her home at Sbelton, Conn.
They quarreled, and the mother laid
a footbath full of scalding water she
was carrying, .on the floor and took
the younger boy in her arms. She
wiped the tears from liis eyes while
she scolded James. James, a nervous,
weak child, burst Into a passion of
sobs. Then ho threw himself, shriek
ing, into the boiling water. The
mother dragged him, out, wrJthlna
with pain. The upper part of his
body was parboiled. He died a few
hours later in agony.
Minister Bowen Calls Upon Venezuela to Release the Prisoners War
ship Boliver Captured at Port of Spain Customs Houses of Laguayra
London, Dec. 10. Thc Venezuelan
question was brought up In the house
of commons today.
When Kier Hardie asked the gov
ernment to make known the cause of
the coercive measures against that re
public, Under Secretary Cranbourne
said the details would be disclosed In
the papers as soon as they would be
Among other matters, he said were
the unjustifiable Interference with
British trading vessels and the im
prisonment and ill treatment of Brit
ish subjects, seizure and destruction
of the property of British subjects.
He said the ministers of both coun
tries simply followed instructions,
which were that unless concessions
were made forcible action would be
tesorted to.
The seizure of Venzuelari war ships
It might he added, was probably true,
but the government had no advices
detailing tho arrest and imprisonment
of 200 British and German subjects at
Caracas. They were arrested yester
day, but the government was able to
secure the release of most of them.
They were now working to effect tho
freedom of tho remainder.
Safe From Mob8 In Jail.
While England and Germany will
not walvo damago rights for tho ar
rest of their subjects at Carracus,
they aro pleased at the occurrence,
as it obviates tho possibility of mobs
getting beyond control and attacking
the citizens.
Customs Houses Seized.
Washington. Dec. 10. The stato de
partment this afternoon received a
cablegram from Minister Bowen,
stating that the German and British
forces had seized the customs
houses of Laguayra.
Washington, Dec. 10. The stato
department announces that Minister
Bowen has demanded an Immediate
release of all tho subjects ot Germany
and Britain, who aro still Imprisoned
at Carracus.
Warship Captured.
London, Dec. 10. Tho Venezuelan
warship Boliver has beon seized nt
Port of Spain, Island of Trinidad, ac
cording to advices received at tho ad
miralty office this afternoon.
Quotations Furnished by the Coe
Commission House I, C. Majors,
Local Manager.
Chicago, Deo. 10.
Wheat Opened. Closed.
December 7Mi "Bi
May 77Mfri 7677
December 56 501
May 44Hr&i 4!-fi
December 31 31ft
May 33 ?i 33 H
Minneapolis, Dec. 10.
Wheat Opened. Closed.
December 73TA
May 75 74?iTTA
New York. Dec. 10.
Wheat Opened. Cloaod.
December 83
May 87U SOft
Up 20 Cents.
Chicago, Dec. 10. Sugar Is up an
other 2) rents, making a totl -.ilse
of tlO cents In one month.
Eighty Men Were Recently Discharg
ed Because They Had Formed a
Union $40,000 Worth of Sugar
Will Be Ruined.
San Francisco, Doc. 10. Three
hundred men nre out at Sprecklcs'
Sugar Ileflnery. The boats which car
ry the1 sugar aro tied up and $40,000
worth of sugar in the boilers will bo
ruined If the men do npt return In 10
hours. Recently SO men woro dis
charged Just after forming n union.
The management denies thnt this wns
the cause ot letting tho men out.
A Number of Small Craters Have
Opened on Mount Vesuvius.
Home. Dee. 10. Naples illflpntelien
say that Mount Vesuvius Is threaten
ing an eruption. A number of Rinall
craters hnvc opened.
Judge Hartman Makes Some
Pointed Remarks on Use
less Expenses.
Thinks Pendleton City Charter Should
Be Changed to Make Marshal and
City Recorder Elective Instead of
Judge G. A. Hartman was soon by
an East Orogonlnn representative to
day ami In regard to tho work- of
Uio coming legislature, made soma in
tercstlng ami pointed remarks.
"In tho first placo," said Judge
Hartman, "thero Is not enough dis
cussion of needed legislation anionic
tho people.
"This matter Is left entirely to the
legislature. Public discussion and
the ready expression of public senti
ment on proposed laws, will go a long
way toward Influencing legislators In
their deliberations.
"Wo might sum up needed legisla
tion In n very fow words. First, wo
should nmond our tax lawR by redlin
ing or cutting off entirely tho throo
per cent rebate; require cities and
school districts to filo their levies
with county clerks, so that tho tax
roll can bo In .tho bands of the ahor
Iff not later than February 1. I,oavo
the amount to bo levied by countlos
for gencrnl school purposes to tho
counties, for If wo Inoreaso our valu
ation In this county to $10,000,000,
uio levy now required by statuto
would rnlm more monoy than wo
"Hepetil tho scalp bounty law;
abolish tho usolcss ofilco or recorder
of conveyances and save tho county
at least $2000 a year. I.eavo tho
MEETING OPENED BY I manner of working county roads on-
ARCHBISHOP IRELAND. I tlrely to tho county board. Mako tho
county treasurer tax colloctor. Ite-
Maimed, Blind and Paralyzed, a Poor Miner. Between Sobs
Testifies to Outrageous Treatment,
Scranton, Pa., Dec. 10. Counsel
Wolverton submitted the Philadelpihi
6c Heading statement of 'wages to ae
anthracite commission this morning,
after which the day was devoted to
hearing more witnesses on the
miners' side.
George Phillips, the superintendent
of the public schools at Scranton.
gave education testimony, and said
miners' children rarely attended the
schools after they are 12 years of age!
and few up to that time. The day
schools had few miners' children of
any age, those who gained any educa
tion being compelled to work days
he could, to Hazelton, seven miles
away, and placed them In a cold,
damp, empty house. This was last
month, when the atmosphere on tho
Hazelton mountain was quite cold
His wife beedtne worse. Medical aid
was kindly furnished free by a Hazel
ton doctor, but It did not help her
"We were greatly worried because
of having been turned out of the
house, and dno night," ho said, be
tween sobs, "she died."
All Were Affected.
"She died?" said Judge Gray, who
and attend night schools.
The children were more anxious to
learn than those whose parents were
in other occupations. Attempts at
education were discouraging where
Immature boys were compelled to
work a full day at hard labor, hurry
i was pacing to and fro acroes tb"
room as he quickly turned when ho
r.eard the man's last words.
"Yes, sir, she died and I burled
her yesterday."
All of the commissioners and many
of those in tho court room were much
hnmB tn thr.tr Riinnnr nnd then nour ! affected by the old miner's story. The
over their books for recitations In the witness went on to say that he did
evenings. ! n01 Know wnomcr tne centenarian
John Archibald, a minor, and the waB alo iuuay or noi. one was in
next witness, has been employed In
the mines 55 years. He testified that
a dollar a day is a big average salary
for a miner.
Andrew Hannlk, a Hungarian, told
how the Markles evicted him. He
was followed by Henry Coll another
Mr.rnlr- miner, who told now bin fam
ily, including his m ithet-in-Iaw who
was 100 years old, were set on the
road with their household goods.
He gave a graphic description of
how he was injured many times in
the mines. He said that one of his
legs was no better than a wooden one;
he had only one eye, his hands had
been crushed, ribs broken and skull
fractured. The company gave him
nothing until alter the employes took
up a collection for him, then he was
given $50 after being on the Injured
list for two years. The company took
out of the collection tho rent he owed.
Had Been Evicted.
In answer to other questions, he
said he was one ot tho 13 evicted by
tho Markle company. The only rent
he owed was for the months during
tho 3trllte. The company gave no
reason for evicting him.
Then followed the most pathetic
story yet told the commission. Thel Attorney Wilcox came out openly and
old miner, decrepit from many in
Juries, told, under examntation, of
Jiow the. eviction waa carried on. The
wife was sick and her 100-year-old
mother waa blind and unable to walk.
The day or: which they were thrown
bad condition, owing to her daugh
ter's death, when he left tho house.
No one cared to cross-examine and
Judge Gray said;
"That Is all, Mr. Coll, and that's
Two more witnesses told of how
they were refused work by the Mar
kle company, and then J. 1), Gallagh
er, national board member of tho
United Mlno Workers of America for
the Hazelton district, took the stand
and told of conditions as ho found
them at the mines of tho Markle
company. The air In some of the
gangways, ho said, wag so bad that
miners' lamps would not burn. If he
had a drill hole started and tho lamp
went out, be would cont'nuo work in
the dark until his condition became so
weakened by the air that he had to go
out. So far as he could remember.
not one man who was on any of tbo
Markle grievance committees. Is now
working for that company.
Independents Alone
Miner Early, a witness, told of an-
attempted bribery to break tho strike,
He verified the story made public by
District President Nichols In July.
When the afternoon session began
President Underwood, of Erie Rail,
road, Says Arbitration 'Offers Solu
tion for All Labor Troubles Em
ployers Need Shorter Hours.
New York, Dec. 10. Mark Unnnu
was late at tho civic federation moot
ing this forenoon and Bishop Ireland
opened the meeting.
Eastly read an artlrlo from Under
wood, president of the Brio Hallway,
In which he said he beMevija tho prln- Scores of Telegrams Read Opposing
duco tho snlary of stock Inspector to
$200 per annum and fnvo $500 a year
from this source.
"About tbo only needed legislation
for Pendleton scorns to bo to change
tho charter ho jib to liuiko tho offices
of marshal and reroredr elective In
stead of appointive.
out was. rainy He took them, as best surprise.
said ho hoped the commission would
not hold the big companies llablo for
the conditions in tho Cox and Marine
mines. This virtually ppens the dla
clamor of the independent operators,
whose methods caused a murmur of
clples of arbitration proscntnd a ho
lutlon for all labor difficulties and
that it was a matter of educating tho
managers and owners of big proper
ties as well as the laboring' men. Ho
further said that each side should bo
educated In all fairness to drop per
sonal views and deal with each
other as they aro and not as they
think they are .
Eastly then read the returns of
5000 manufacturers on tho question of
shortor hours, the preponderance of
the replies being In favor of gradu
ally granting thn laborors an eight-
hour day.
Marcus Marks, of tho Clothing Man
ufacturers' Association, told tho fed
eration that the only way to scltlu
difficulties with employes was by fre
quent conferences, and mndo tho
unique suggestion that the employer
also needed shorter hours, Ho cald
tho averago manufacturer when ho
had made his competence wns like u
car horse waiting for the bell to ring
"Shorter hours." ho snld, "for th
employer, meant shorter hours for the
employp. Wo want time for eaura
t on. Wo manufacturers have no
time for anything."
Gompers' Speech.
A feature of tho session wbb a
speech by President Samuel OomporK,
of the American Federation of Labor.
Ho warmlv nralsed the efforts ot the
civic federation and believed that tho
personal meeting between both sides
most effective way of reaching a
good understanding, Kach side thus
learned that tho other was not so
black as they were painted. Ho said
he heard much criticism of strikers.
but no word concerning blacklists and
lock-outs. Ho appealed to tho em
ployers to turn their way and sea If
thero was not Homo fault on their
Fldo also. He was opposed to Incor
poration of trades unions and to com-"
puUory arbitration. The coal strike,
he said, was deplored by both sides,
but It would be eventually beneficial,
He was loudly applauded whon he
finished his remarks.
Single Statehood Bill House Con,
siders Revenue Bills Grow's Last
Washington, Dec. 10. Tho long de
ferred omnibus statehood bill In tho
senate broke out an hour earllor than
expected this morning when Senator
Quay, leading tho statehood forces,
sent to tho desk mid had read scorns
ot telegrams fiom peoplo In Oklaho
ma, opposing tho single statehood
Tho lioiifp this morning went Into u
coinmltteo of tho wholo for the con
sideration of rovonuo bills. Tho first
bill considered wi.h to provide that
goods deposited In u bonded ware
house enn bo withdrawn for consump
tion within threo years and ho sub
ject to dutlcH until tbo tlmo of with
drawal Instead of tho tlmo stored.
Grow, tho venerable statesman of
Pennsylvania, made an oxtondod
speerb. it Is probably the last time
ho will bo heard In congress, bh his
polltlciil career terminates this ses
sion, Ho was first elected to con
gress In 1850,
The bill was finally loportcd and
favorably passed. Tho commit let of
tho wholo thon considered tho reso
lution providing for fbo li)lrllrillon
to tho committee of tho various rec
ommendations of tho president's message.
Pacific Mall's New Ship.
New York, Dec. 10. -TJi magnifi
cent new steamship Siberia, of the Pa
cific Mall Steamship Company, sailed
from New York today for San Fran
cisco. Tho Siberia was recently com
pleted at Newport News, and Is one
of the largest stupu ever oum in mm
country. She Is a sister ship to the
Korea, which recently established a
new record, for a fast run across the
Pacific. Captain J. T. Hmiin oxpecm
tho Siberia to make the trip to San
vrnnrism hv wav of the Horn In 36
Anvu. flha will then go into service
between San Francisco and Honolulu,
Japan, China and the Philippines,
Fez Rebels Have Surrounded the
Forces of the 8ultan of Morocco.
Madrid, Dec. 10 A Tangier dis
patch says thnt Fez rebels have com
pletely surrounded tho forces of the
Sultan of Morocco and a battle Is Im
minent. Joseph II, Union, of Fort Worth.
Texas, lias Invented a flying machlnn
whleh he Intends to enter for tho
$100,000 prlzo In iho airship tourna
ment nt tho World's Fair, St. luls
In 1004. Ills machine Ih to be hunt
on tho aeroplane nystein and differs
greatly from any machine ?et Invented.
The vuluo of thn Company'- orrV
ln on the mother lodif Is a follows,
bated on t he mu capital an Honth Pole
Columbia $1 per share
E. and E. OOo por share
North Polo $5 per Bhare
Golconda started at lOo now gell
ing at COo and worth more
Sooth Polo is starting at 15c
vim ilnih (o Imv Is on the flntoiTur-
ing ofntock brid profit by all advance.
Clbhagau at HarUuan'Q abstract ofttoe.