East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 09, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    i-vvt eet GOOD GOODS Ht Alexander's. if
Voo 36
Clean Up Sale fS
....art the halatlCC Of OUr fall and wintnr srnrl- H
I t mn have mauu ituuuuuna iiiiuunuiu our en-
: . nq 1 us u iuciiu luuui iui uur Knr nn crnnnc
stock 10 - ' o t,
biles Jackets
..Udles Jackets in very
Zv of patterns and
1 All the correct styles.
j it 1-5 off
fltess Skirts
piklrtsare rlglit up-
jjfyle slid cut. uome
w and be convinced
. l.n.-
1' L . o
1-5 off
Tailor Made Salts
Closing out all our Ladies
Tailor Made Suits at less than
cost, allgoo'l nmterlaW and styles
$12.50 and :fl5.()0 values. ,
at $5 a salt
Tboy Include all the latest and
nobbiest styles brought out for
fall. There is something about
the coloring and styles that make
them exceedingly fascinating.
They must all go
at US off
rx j
IV n m u u tr - una . n a a w um .
I rB HBP n mm V II li B I o
VIU ab m. ur Jj t V Ji J.
, l
V V 1 - , M m Hr iim Fm r - . 1
if h m1 v n b vi n -i i ii n i .
oar easy payment plan makes it pos
sible for all to ourchase an instrument
11 . .1 1 .1. .. - .1 1 : . .1 . 3
Let us send a piano to your home fo: Xtnas
Successor to S. L. Wakefield &. Co.
Christmas is Not Far Away
luu will Kt tut; uci wuut uiu ucwcai rnyic iitiiic u
CCU ADD for SHARP New Ideas. g
a.X.V-T Opera Hoase Block. g
Says the Disease Prevalent In the
United States Is a New Form of
Smallpox New York State Com
mission on the Coast.
. Dr. George W. Bunn. smallpox phy
sician at Blackwell's Island. New
York, who has been in Seattle for the
past several days, has left for Port
land, where he will remain for a
short time, and then proceed to San
Francisco, from which place he will
start for home. During his stay in
the West he has been investigating
smallpox- epidemics, which for the
past three years have bothered the
New York authorities as much as
they have the health officers In the
The discaso which has been preva
lent in the United States for the last
few years, he says, is a new one,
and its history will have to be re
wrlttcd. To further this work the
State of New York has appointed a
commission, of which he Is a mem
ber, and shortly after the first of the
year this body will make a reiwt to
the state board of health. Until that
report has been made the data gather
ed will not bo made nubile. However
Dr. Bunn expects that the mystery
of what there is of this character
about the disease, will be solved, and
a treatment will he found.
A New Form of Disease.
"The form of smallpox which has
been troubling the health authorities
in all parts of the United States for
the past few years," he said, in dis
cussing the work, "is one medical
science knows little about, and the
history of tho disease will have to
be rewritten. It is not tho deadly
smallpox which wo were accustomed
to periodically some .years ago. and
which appears to have spent its force
in Florida in 188G. At least, this is
the last epidemic which resulted dls
n;'frnii"!y for those affected that we
have had.
Traced to Immigrants.
"There has been a great deal of it
In the West, and as much In the East.
"We have had very few patients die.
with us, and the same, I learn, has
been the case here and in the North
west. Now, the state hoard of health
of New York has undertaken to find
out what the disease Is, and to this
end a commission has been appointed
by tho governor to gather data from
the different parts of the country
which have been affected, and see if
some method of treatment cannot ho
discovered. This is the mission on
which I have been in the West. .lust
what I have learned will be made
public in a report to the state board
of health of New York at tho same
time the other members of the com
mission report, soon after the first of
the year.
"With us It Is a little different than
in the West. We have been able to
trace most of our cases to immigrants
who have landed but a short time."
ger, well known in Umatilla county
1 several jears ago.
I tte. Kruger Is well known In Uma-
tilla county He first came Into prom
IJnence while pastor of a church at
Ukiah. He was deputfted to arrest
some notorious horse thief s and this
1 was the cause of his leaving there as
'his life was threatened. Later he be
jcame prominent through the reported
j inheritance of a large legacy, but
1 whether tlds money was ever received
by him Is not known.
lunger then stnrteil nut nn n
tiu-e tour in behalf of the Uoers,
claiming to bo a nephew of Ooin Paul
Kruger. From here Kroger went to
H"1tsvl" Wash whnrn lio InrnlAil
nnd was appointed financial agent for
uie unit en urethral Academy. Ho
soon got into trouble there and had
difficulties with the trustees of the
academy, because of his management
of the funds. He also lost his home
by fire while living there and was
never able to collect the Insurance
money on the household goods, as he
was accused of setting fire to the
house. From there Kruger went to
The Dalles and sued the city, because
of an alleged Injury received by fall
ing through a sidewalk. He did not
recover damages and from there he
went to North Yakima where a few
days later he received more newspa
per liotorietv hv atnnnl iif o vim fi wn v
team and perhaps saving the 'Uvea of
several persons In the rig.
A New Years Health Guide.
The edition for 1903 of the famous
Hostetter's Illustrated Almanac 13
row ready, and may be obtained fiom
jour drugjist or general dealer, fre
of charge. It contains much interest
ing rending matter, both for tho young
rnd old, and it should therefore find
a place In every home throughout the
country, as a handy reference. Their
celebrated Stomach Dltters should
also he found In the medicine chest
as a means of counteracting serious
illness. No other medicine is so good
in cases of heartburn, loss of appetite.
Indigestion. dyspepsia, constipated
towels, liver and kidney disorders or
malaria, fever and ague. Be sure
to try a bottle. It will surely cure
you. Tho genuine must have our
Private Stamp over the neck Avoid
nil substitutes.
This Big Scenic Production Will Hold
the Boards for One Night, Decem
ber 1tiui.
Tho finest stage picture ever at
tempted is displayed in a magnificent
view of New York harbor. Tho tall,
tower-like edifices and the great
dome of the World building, which
aro visible from the Battery, are bril
llant with hundreds of lights, and
ilfO TUrtT nitnp
- mm iiimuc
Ml IK LT r wm m m m
-i rM!VJUlj$.
mn Turner nee
imported lunches.
p7 " w
s"ts near PnstnfrirR
T 1
Pfetbargained with n
wopetent Timber Cruiser
Im nder construction.
forte08 b hanoe
comerB. See
m m m
Hje, B0(W 'arms for
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious nnd healthful dessert. Pre
pared iu two minutes. No boiling I 110
baking! add boiling water and set to
eool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. 10 cts.
Let Us Do
Your Hauling
We do trucking and hauling
of all description at reason
able prices.
Your horses will be Well cared
for if taken to the Old Dutch
Henry freed Yard, corner I
Northern Pacific Will Try to Control
Spokane Papers Mellcn to Be Suc
ceeded. Spokane, Dec; !. There Is a story
current herp that President F. H.
Farrell, of thp Pacific Coast Steam
ship Company. Is negotiating for the
purchase ol the Spokesman-Review
and the Chronicle, the afternoon edi
tion of the first-named paper. Farrell
is a well-known railroad and com
mercial man, and has before been
mentioned prominently as likely to
succeed President Mellon, of the
Northern Purine Railroad Company.
Tills fact has led to the declaration
from certain sources that the railroad
interests have furnished capital to
purchase and control the big Spokane
dallies in order that they may be
diverted from their present antl-rall-load
policy and turned to tho sup
port of Levi Ankeny for election to
the position of United States senator
to succeed (leorge Turner, present
democratic incumbent.
In addition; there Is the seini-ofllc-
lal announcement that Farrell Is
shortly to succeed President Alellen
as. the head of the Northern Pacific
system. The latter news comes from
New York city and is snid to lie authentic.
stand out against the night sky In a
golden glory. The fiery flames which
leap out from tho great buildings
along the dock, taxed the skill of the
electricians to perfect It, and tho re
sult of their work is the presence of
the real thing. This production comes
to tho Frazer theater on the 16th of
December at popular prices.
Parish Aid Sale.
The Parish Aid will commence their
sale at tho parish house Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The sale will
last over Thursday and Thursday
evening dinner will bo served. This
will consist of brown bread and Bos
ton baked beans and other eatables
to please the hungry. All kinds of
fancy articles will be offered for sale.
West Alta and Lillith streets. !To DBCide the R,9ht of ne Man t0
Hay, grain and all kinds of
feed bought and sold.
Horses for sale at all times.
Successtor to Hays & Connerley.
Laatz Bros.
Coal and
Delivered Promptly.
We are in the transferinc ant'
trucking business and are pre
pared to move light or heavy artj-
cles. -
OFFICE MAIN ST.; Near Depot,
Telephone Main 51.
Make More Than One Purchase of
Indian lands.
A land case which will be watched
very closely by many people is that
of Charles Hoover vs. Georgo Jones,
to decide whether or not a man who
purchased Indian lands under the act
of 1891, can again purchase under
the .Moody act of 1002.
Jones, the defendant, purchased
land under the first act and now under
the Moody act has purchased more.
Hoover, the plaintiff, contests tho last)
purchase and the matter was referred
to Bartlett, resistor of the f.a Grande
ian dofflce It. was decided against
Hoover and he appealed the case to
the general land office. It Js also stat
ed that In case ho Is defeated here
the case will go to the department of
the interior to settle the question for
good. Several other cases are hing
ing on the result of this suit.
Correspondents Wanted,
The East Oregonian desires a cor
lcspondcnt In every town and locali
ty of the county. Regular newspaper
rates will be paid for all Items. Spe
cial rates for exclusive news of im
portance. Write for further particulars.
Man at Helena Believed to be the
Same Who Under the Name of Kru
ger Was Pastor of a Church at
Pendleton people ore wondering If
Martin Sargason, mentioned In Hele
na dispatches as claiming to be a
nephew of Oom Paul Kruger and who
wub deserted by his 15-year-old brJde
of one day, is not the Rev- Paid Kru-
are mlwayi aupplled our palront.
Good meat, veil cooked make, a
meal complete. Full Height and
prompt delivery are fiaturti ol our
butlueu, which U growing rapidly
O O V 11 T S I' It K K T
Ho a set's Old Stand
They are going
to give away at
The Big
' Wk. r.. .iiWr.-1 ' - f
MEATS j: a
Ticket With Every Dollar Purchase
Christmas Giving is Not Complete
Unless it Contains a Box of Delicious
Candies. $ f
Lowney's Candies in boxes from ioc up to $2. 50.
Palm Candies in boxes from 25c to 1.50. Fancy
boxes and baskets filled with Chocolates, lion Hons
and Crystallized Fruits as ordered. We have them
from 25c to S5 00. And on the quiet, we never knew
a healthy gill who did not prefer a box of Hon Hons
to a verse of poetry. Our candies in fancy boxes are
guaranteed to create new friendship, or to brace up
old and weakening ones.
Anyone will appreciate a bottle of perfume, especial
ly of extra good. That is the .kind you find at our
store. Several new imported ndois have just been
received. Beautiful Perfume Atomizers and Sprink
lers from 35c up tn 7 50. These make elegant
Christmas gifts filled with perfume. Ask her what
odor she would prefer- -she is sure to appreciate your
$1.00 Worth for 60c
We have placed on a mm urate table a lot of Holiday (loodn
tliut we think you would like t buy tit a eavhiK of -lOo on thi
doilur. We wunt to M'll tliciii you will wonder "why" we
make a reduction - better tonic them over,. It 1 Juxt likit llnd
iiiK money I
Walk in and Look Around
You Don't Have to buy
Wo are always glad touhow our goods and Icil you all w'
know alxmt them.
Koeppen's Drug Store
(ifi steps from Main Ktrtet toward (Tourl Hou
Safety Razors
You can depend ujxm It that any k'-MIciiiihi will apprt'clut
u Safety Hu.iir Any ono can use it, Kven If hf- iIikh nut
shave himself, there are always thno when he can into u safety.
Manicure Sets, Manicure Scissors, plies and
Knives, ilruuli and Comb Huts, Military Hair llruihi-4, Hlinv
in BetH, Toilet Kelh, (ilove and Handkeidhli-f H-t, JUzorw.
Art Metal Mirrors and Candlesticks
hir line of Caudh-stlckH In tie "Art Nouvcan" IIiIhIi, gold
piuled and w rought Iron, are excellenl value for the money.
New designf.
WROUGHT IKON Mirror and Thermuinctera at small prk-s.
FRENCH bTAU Manlcurv set, Military Itrunlis and Cloth liruthtH,
The proicr ihlng tliis wiimn
QURNT LEATHER Collar nnd Ciifl lloxiH make elegant presents for
BURNT WOOD Kecktlc, Ol'-ve lloxrs and Toilet H-tn; U-autlfiil gift
for irentlemm or ladles.
P0CKET000K8- We have a large imortmeiit and vte have always
mado a specialty t ood pusket hooks.
FOUNTAIN PENS tuako an Ideal ChrlHlmas present a Ix-autlful,
r useful ttiid luutltiK jiiiiimhraiice, tl.f0 to I2.WI, piiHraiilird to
work satisfactorily.
POCKET KNIVES, A pearl handled pocket knife will make a nice
present for a boy, jMrl, man or woman, We have a line se
lection from S!6 cents up tofli.M). Uxamine our dollar Karl
handled knife made from the Ifst sttvl
Ott Clearance Sale is on
And includes every every article in our stocl 10 to
20 per cent discount all a ong the line Carpets, Hugs,
Sewing Machines, Drapwes, Wall Paper
Special for Christmas Gifts
Mirrors, pictures framed and untrained, carpet sweepers,
music stands, book racks, leather couches, leaf her rockers,,
enameled iron and brass bed steads.