East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 09, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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$6.50, $8, $10 to $20
Winter Suits
$6.00, $10.00 to $20.00
Winter Gloycsf25c to $J.50
Winter Mitts, 25c to $J.25
Mens Caps, 25c to $J.25
Waiter Underwear, each,
50c, 75c, $.00to $3.00
Winter Shirts
50c to $2.50
t- (.-ii-f wi mmm ! iw m H
The union teamsters of. New Or
lcaii3, struck Monday because of
sugar hauling grievances,
Four long-idle craters of Samoa are
in eruption. Violent earthquakes are
reporteil which threw ilown churches
ami buildings.
Th American customs collector at
JIanlla has ruled that Chinese resid
ing in the United States may enter the
The stiking employes of the Wa-
nasn raiiroau nave been sranted a
concession by the officials and have
returned to work.
Thomas Nast, United States consul
general at Guayaquil, Ecuador, died
at noon Sunday, of yellow fever. He
was one of the pioneer American car
toonists. .Autiicf)nl ownership has become a
most important issue in Great I3rit
ain. Over a dozen cities have ap
plied to parliament for power to do
municipal trading.
A cold wave swept the lake region,
and the Eastern States Monday and
the temperature is at the zero mark.
Heavy gales and deep snow ndd toi
the sufferings of the poor. I
The police of Chicago have closed 1
their investigation of the anonymous
letter scandal because they had evi
dence that the letters had been mail
ed by a wealthy society woman.
Princess Chlmay, formerly Clara
Ward, of Detroit, who gained notori
ety by eloping with a Gypsy musician
four years ago, was robbed by her
Hindoo servant of 10.000 francs worth!
of jewelry Sunday night. j
The senate committee Monday
amended the house bill for the anthra-j
cite commission appropriation, allow
ing only 15 days expenses to those
members who are now in the employ-1
ment of the government, leaving to
the discretion of the president the .
payment of the others. By this pro-'statu of oh to. )
vision Gray Wright, Wilson. Parker, c j,ij0."s county.' )
and Mosley will only get expenses. 1 Prank j! Cheney make until that he la
the senior partner of the firm of P. .1.
Cheney & Co., Joins business In the city of
I Moieuo, county ami state nrorrsmu, ami
Hotel Pendleton.
D. A. Marshall, Chattanooga.
George S. Shonn, Boise.
P. M. Branch, Portland.
M. Brash, Portland.
A. E. SuudOll, Chicago.
W. D. Chamberlain, city.
J. B. Light, Now York.
L. M. Holden, Tacoma.
F. .7. Aldrlch and wife, Waltsburg.
J, B. West. Lewiston.
S. T. Ross, city.
.1. T. Mahon, Harney.
A. P. Statter and wife, Walla Walla.
Arthur Morse, U. S. A.
P. B. Martin, Dover.
Grace Kneedler, Sioux City.
M. Grace, Walla Walla.
It. G. Smythe, Lexington.
E. H. Hawk, Portland
George E. Pjhlner, Portland.
C. J. Freese, Portland.
J. .1. Burns, Portland.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
A. D. Chase, Portland.
It. H. Caston, Spokane.
T. W. Jackson, Spokane.
A, Johnson, Spokane.
The Cotden Rule.
Charles E. Masson, Portland.
Nols Swenson, Portland,
E. Gelger, city.
P. Hamblen. Garfield.
Mrs. W. C. Hicliaruoii.
George H. Sutherland. Walla Walla
W. C. Richardson, Spokane.
E. P. Boles, Missouri.
M. Shelton, Elgin.
H. A. Clemens.
W. C. Shlssler, Washington.
F. L. Mcnefee, Walla Walla.
P. J. Gardner, Portland.
B. A. Jackson, Dayton.
G. Green, Now York.
T. S. Boyd, Ukiab.
D. A. McAllister, La Grande.
E. M. Russell. Spokane.
C. M. Russell, Spokane.
S. M. FratiH, Spokane.
J. E. King and wife, Denver.
M. E. King, Denver.
W. M. Sheehy, Ukiab.
G. II. Berry, Walla Walla.
W. C. Pullre, Harrison.
Joseph Gerard, Harrison,
Best Baker, Adams.
Many Prominent Pioneers of the
Northwest Take Part In the Cere
monies Silas J. Day Oldest Past
Master In Oregon.
Salem. Dec 9. The hair century
annlvoisary. or golden jublloo ot Odd
Fellowship In the Northwest was cel
ebrated last night in the Grand Opcrn
house, under the auspices of Cheneke
tn Lodge No. 1. of this city.
Every Incoming train during the
day brought many three-linkers Into
the city and at S o'clock tho opera
house was well filled with members of
the two local lodges and visltois from
all parts of tho state.
The oldest past grand master In
tho state, Silas .1. Day. of Jackson
ville Ix)dgc No. 1u. presided at tho
services last night. Mr. Day was at
the head of tho order as far back as
ISK8, at which time the Jurisdiction
covered Oregon. Washington and
Idaho, and when Odd Fellowship was
not sb great an Institution on the Pa
clflc Coast as it Is today.
Fifty Years Old.
It was just CO years ago last night
that B. F, Harding, Joel Palmer, E. N
Cooko, E. M. Barnum and C. S. Wood
worth met and under a dispensation
organized Chomekcta Lodge No. 1
These men have all passed to tho
other shore, but tho noble work they
performed remains as a monument to
their worth, and the dispensation
under which they organized Chemolco-
ta Lodgo No. 1 still hangs In the Odd
lellows' hall, nnd the grand eclebra
tlon last night was n fitting tribute
to their memory.
Northwest Pioneers Present.
Among the prominent members who
were In attendance at the 50th annl
versary celebration, were: J. J. Mc-
Geo, past master of Idaho; Silas J.
Day, Lo F. A. Shaw. Phil Metschan,
R. Alexander, Claude Gatch'. George
H. "Burnett and Dr. W. T. Williamson
past grand masters of Oregon.
At the conclusion of the evening's
program at the opera house. 500 Odd
Bellows nnd their wives or other In-
vited guests repaired to the Arniury
in the city hall, where a banquet was
The Cause Must Be Removed, Same
Way With Dandruff.
Kill the germ that causes dandruff,
falling hair and baldness, you will
have no more dandrufl, and your hair
must grow luxuriantly. Herplcid
not only contains the dandruff germ
destroyer.- but It is also a most de
lightful hair dressing for regular toi
lot use. No other preparation Is on
this scientific basis of destroying the
dandruff germ than Nowhro's Herpi
cide. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co.
1 that kI1 firm will Day the sum of One
The Walla Walla school report j "an,?rd Pol',ar? ror e?cli ana eYV ca.6e
,,,., ., n,. , irio i Catarrh that cannot he cured by tho
shows an enrollment of 1512 In that,us6 0f nail's Catarrh Cure,
city. Hworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence Ihla uth uay of December, A.
Salem Odd Fellows celebrated the
50th anniversary of their organization
Hops are now being contracted for
next season at IS cents per pound, In
Willamette valley towns.
Elizabeth B. Foster, an Oregon pio
neer of 1858, died In Portland Mon
day, after a short Illness.
"Doc" Engle, a gambler, shot and
killed Tom Barker, another gambler.
at Mnrshfleld, Sunday, over an old
The Wlllametto River was 24 feet
above low water mark at Albany,
Monday, the highest point reached for
several years.
A bear, shot by a hunter In Doug
las county, ran Into tho camp of a
party of timber cruisers, Monday, and
fell dead nt the side of their break
fast table.
The commercial bodies of Portland
will send resolutions of congratula
tion to John Barrett, who has been
appointed to succeed Buck as minis
ter to Japan.
James Aitkin, who murdered a
Chinaman at Raleigh, In 1901, Is now
on second trial at Hlllsboro, having
secured a new hearing. He was con
victed of manslaughter at tho first
Attorneys E. B. Tongue and M. B.
Bump were fined $10 each for con
tempt of court at Hlllsboro, Monday.
Bump accused Tonguo of coining ev
idence, whereupon Tongue called
Bump a liar and tbo court had to Intercede.
I).. 1880.
(Heal,) A. XV. (II.KASON.
Notary 1'ubllc.
Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of tho system. Send for testi
monials free.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all druxslsts, 75c.
Hall's Family I'llls are the best.
Will Send a Commission to the Na
tional Capital.
It has been decided by citizens of
Grant county to send a commission
of at least three people to Washing
ton to represent tho interests of that
vast area before the secretary of tho
interior. This commission will go
armed with all necessary data to pre
sent before the department facts of
what land may rightly be Included in
a reserve and what may bo better left
to mineral and agricultural Industries,
says the Sumpter American.
A meeting of citizens of that coun
ty was held nt tho office of the coun
ty judge during the past week, and an
association perfected, that is to take
the name of "An Honest Forest Ro
serve Association." At this meeting
John C. Luce, George H. Chamber
lain and F. C. Sols were appointed to
draft a letter to the secretary of the
Interior. The association was given
permanent form by tho election of
John C. Luce, chairman, Orln L. Pat
terson, secretary nnd P. si. Lacy,
treasurer. It will do actlvo work in
behalf of Grant county.
Parish Aid.
Scle at the parish' house. Wednes
day afternoon and evening, commenc
ing at 2 o'clock. Supper Thursday
evening at 5. An invitation Is ex
tended to all to attend. All sorts of
fnncy articles will bo sold.
Baptist Evangelist Holding Meetlnfjs
The Misses Raymona to
School In Pendleton John Tim-
merman Arrives Home.
Helix Ore., Dec. D.-Gmmlpa and
Grandma Kern are Buffering with an
attack of la grippe.
Harry Olnnes. who some time uo
received a bad Injury by stepping on
a rustv nail, Is able to bo out again.
The' Colored Comedy Comn.ni.
gave a fairly good performance at the
llnson opera house lo a iare
enco Saturday evening.
Hcv. Sllke, tho Baptist evangelist,
series of meetings.
Mr. D. B. Richardson returned Fri
day evening from Adams, wnere
Interested In a general merchandise
store nt that place
Charles Alspach and Alex .mom
Pendleton Saturday.
Arthur (Unties, who has been absent
from Helix for the past three minima
,.t,, qninril.iv morning.
n a Tiuiiniiinil nf Weston, is
mia. ........
here on a visit to her sons, Frank and
Orandnia Keutlall is here on a visit
to H C. Kendall, of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwln King will leav
on today's train for Spokane an 1
lmvilln tn visit relatives.
ai'io- n,.uoio nnd Jessie Ttaymon 1
of Vansyclc. will go to Pendleton to-
...In ..........l clmnl
day. wnere tney win
Miss Bessie will attend the Business
college and Miss Jessie the pumic
Miss Mvrtle Hill, who has beer.
visiting In Pendleton for the last
week, returned Friday evening, bring
ing with her Miss Gay Campbell, for a
short visit.
Mrs. Frank King and little daugh
ter will go to Pendleton today on t
shopping expedition.
Mrs. L. D. Smith was visiting nt
the home of Mrs. Ada Raymond, of
Vansyele. Inst Sunday and Momia.
-Mr. Ben Lelend is again sufTcrliiE
with n severe attack of asthma.
Mr. Lister, the Christian minister
of Pendleton, came out to Helix to
preach at the Christian church last
week, but on acount or the bad
weather not many were In attend-
John Timmerniaii lias just returned
from the East with his new bride.
F6lls a Deadly Attack.
'Aly wife vas so ill that good phy
sicians were miaul-- to help her,'
writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester,
Ind., "but was completely cured by
Dr. King's Now Lite Pills." They
work wondrra in stomach nnd liver
troubles. Cure constipation, sick
headache. Twenty-five cents at Tall-
man &. Co.'s drug store.
Anti-Saloon Convention.
Washington, D. C. Dec. !). The
American Anti-Saloon League began
Its seventh annual convention In
Washington today with delegates mid
visitors present from more than half
the states of the Union. The league
is a ffdeiation of church societies
and other organizations, without re
gard to party lines or denominational
dleffipnces, but united by their com
mon desiie to sec the drinking saloon
suppressed. ' Dining the several days
the convention will bo in session ad
dresses will be delivered by a number
of divines, educators jurists and
other men and women of national
Tourist Have you got Scotch
whisky? Walter (in Irish Hotel)
No, sorr. we don't kape it. And them
as does only uses it to water down
our own' Punch.
Avoid whisky and water; it is a ill'
lutlon and a snare. Philadelphia
livening bulletin.
There is nothing that makes a
more suitable gift than a book
Our line of books is complete. All the new and popular
books are on our shelves
Special Xmas Books
In fancy binding. Real gems of book making. Our store is
a regular holiday bazaar and contains something suitable for all
A large shipment of the very latest popular
books has just arrived. . . . ,
For Sanative Uses,
ITS loiwrkablr, t'-iiolll'-nt, cleantlug, and
iuu;u. piupuui'a, lie.
n-.cil lniin i I'-iicritA, tho
mcit akin i-iiic, uauanttliu
Uh ' ol tUTH'l iu So.f, In
tin- tumiot latlis forniiimy.
it imtatloue, inli.iniiiih.
Hons, nnd iii.iiing, Jr too
ir--' or nflenklvo pomplr.
i: m.iiuttal uiuthufoiinof
In' t-i:il vi.ij.hiul mill fcntn.
tlonefoi-ulei" itivo v. c-.ikiiofroti, awl forniany
e ttl. umimptic iuriotf wlndi readily
ttyritun tln-iirch es t. wmiicn, ami oopw ially
tomotlieiK Tlietiuoi (Tueim Ointment
with (,'ini' iiiu soap Mill suggest Ittclf In
dyl.tlhiTuthuuitho uu.H. I'DiTin p. 4nC. Coir.,
Vi-gpi.. Ui.tou. Cv nil !U iVip Cool , lrco to Wotibtn.
The Columbia
Lodging House
wo severe cases of Ovarian Troll
and two terrible operations avoided.
T7 1 T IT - 1
jemmons ana jyirs. Coleman each
lirvnr frifir 7f-rf pmrorl K., L i
HU" Hijr " WV. V Uy lllC j
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comp
" Du.vi! Mns. Pinkiiam : I am so pleased with the results
from Lytlln 12. l'lnkjiam's Veg!tublo Compound that I ffl
iiuuu juiwiuyu to lime jruu UUUUL it,
"I suiTured for more thim live virn with nvi.in
injr an unpleasant discliarce. a creat weakness, nm! .t i.2
would eomo over me which no amount of medicine diet .
auuiiiuu tu i;uiici;u iuui YCgUlUUlU V,UHOima IOUHd the WH a
uui'cv'i " i nuotto- iuui auTi-u me iroui an ontnh
uii in iii.iiljiv.i nuu uioujiuciiiuu, uiiuu. iuuuu iuysoii oncetnoffihi
and woll. Words fail to describe the real, true, ifratefulfeelinzt!
in my heart, and I want to toll ovorv Hick nnd Rnffnrin .iZ;
dally with inudicines j'ou know nothing about, hut take LjdiaEP
nam's veKotuiiio (Jonipouiiil, and take my word forit,youi
ville, Out.
Another Case of Ovarian Troub
Cured Without an Operation,
"Duaii 31ns. Pinkiiam : For several j
was troubled with ovarian trouble and a i
una mllamed uontlition, which kept me in b
of tho time. I did so dread a sureical era
"I tried dirl'eieiit remedies hoping toteth
hut nothing seemed to hring relief untfl i f
who uua been cured ot ovurinn troiiWt, ti
the use of your comixjund, induced uie to tn
took it faithfully for three months, and it u
of (that time was glad to mid that I toi
woman. Health is nature's lest gift toi
aim 11 you lose it ami can hare it i
throuirh Lvdia E. Hnkham's Vetretatl
pound I feel that all suffering women si
know of this." Miis. Lauka EeiuI
. ., f '..,... TI..l v, ,i-m T.-I
It is well to retuemt'inbor Hitch li-ttiirs n above when tome i
to L'i!t you to buv somuthinir whiub lm uivh is inst as Lrood" 'Itil
alble. us no otliur medicine hits such a record of cures as Lydia Zti
ham's Vegetable C'oiiipound ; rnx-opt uootlu-randyouwillbeiliij
Jon't iie(ntu to write to Mrs. lMiiklinni if there 111
tthout your sickness you do not understand. She wilt t
wuu Kindness and her advice is free. No woman even
writing lnr and site has helped thousands. Address 1
vKftfin FORFEIT If wo cuiinot forthwith urmluca tliDorijin-UU"111"
VWUUM y.ta li. lMliklmm Miijir 1m C-1-!
Oat work is admired by all
The Domestic Latmdfy
Court and Thompson Sts., Pendleton
Let Mtrphy Frame those
Pictures for Christmas
Don't put off having 'the
work dene. If Murphy
does the work it will be
good work and you will.be
highly pleased, Best stock
of framing material.
E. J. Mtitphy's
Best work at lowest prices.
Pn.iii.ton. Or., P
This is to certify
. i kovflasrew
unclersigneu, - .
.n estaW'jn
ourseivcs ,1
rare a""'
prices 101
1.0 the month.
l.o.. the
month fit.
" r. vand grain f'
t1A. Commencing V '
.. r?.
G. W "
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Murphy & Langever, Proprs