if I hi t c I 00fGEDllON OAIIY EVENING EDITION Eastern Oregon Weather W .A ftt T Tonight and Wednesday, part, ly cloudy AUb tain or snow. ',5cA WEEK. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUXTY, OllEGOX, TVE SDAY, DEOEMWKH 0, 1002. NO. 40.10 l15. sioMiw,aw,"ww,''s's jinumniinwtj jj ..i i j nmxiu i uuuiumi ' "H" "m .nnwil llWMii hmiiihmiimhiiiiiii iwilji ' OF j previous year a condition due to the decreased exports ot cattle and horses. PRODUCTS fecretary of Agri- Deals With . This Lng Subject. Lumber of INSPECTIONS, 59,158,648. i Act of Congress or 1890 Important Service to the xk Industry Has Been Per fcnoii. D. C. Dec. .9. The re- the secretary of agriculture llusth with tho Inspection ot (products and some of tho night out upon tins luiorcsi- are of unusual value to , The report says: : ot congress of August 30, lrided for the Inspection hy isu of animal Industry of Ir'cxportation, and this was luted on March 3, 1891, by an Bdtog "for the Inspection of ie, togs, and the carcasses t'icts thereof which are the of interstate commerce, and purposes." This law was Fby an act which toolc offect !02, providing for the inspec sl products for export. Un i laws Important service to lock industry has been per- tal number ot ante-mortem is was 5S,168,64K, being an over the previous year of 2,- STiie cost of theso inspec JOS cents each. The uuni- iost-mortem Inspections was i Tiie carcasses condemned 1 61,980, besides 17,445 parts ees. ctt-liispectlon .tug or brand cd upon 19,694,605 quarters, ieces, and 3,820 sacks of 9.287 carcasses of sheep, ireasses of calves, 1,253,083 of nogs, and 793,471 sacks it-inspection stamp was af lackagc3 of meat products Bi.pnlvrcl thn nrrtlnHrv Insnec- lows: 7,100,490 of beef, 39.- tton, oight of veal, 15,835,520 LeJ 638 of horseflesh, a total tas. bber .of cars sealed contain itted meat products for ahip- lolclal ahlatoIrs and other f 61,730. ber of certificates of ordl rtion Issued for moat pro tiport, exclusive of horse' ti,Til. Of beef there were Wit?.'?, 19,728 pieces, 3,- B1W82,549 packages, with 116,990,762 pounds; of piwre 85 carcasses and weighing 1.145,248 I ft thoro were 94,962 1 658,139 packages, SftJU pounds. Theso lrHwtase from the pre- 1.-9,11 pounds of " WW pounds of pork. 'efl!Wrtiflcates Issued for "e ciport conBi3tlng of weighing 170,968 WTi' 01 Pork examined mi E7' Mch was exported, ' 10 M.68t,229 pounds. This "-we or a little more than fa trom t10 PrevIo,ls E? a decreased demand " Uoso countries demand i10- The C03t of this work ?" 0-368 cent. the exports of animals .Products for thn vnnr end- 1802, amounted to the Eu7il214'733-062- of this Ei. iv 4 was ne value of U92,760,60 8 of the meat E uc. and $7,104,770 of. rProducts. The total value US?.? animal products wns Z' 6reator than the like ' ' Previous year, but thero Ho. . ot noarly $8,000,000 ot cattle exported. This thi. L8ha,rt' demand' for beef country. i.4:555 cattle exported. 295.- ItoTS?' laSEed. and cer- lot n..5IU Wher0 tnsPe- Ills n 18 ont required. Of Ued f lnsPected and 10,- to l was 529,002,- of 210'018'04G: ot mules tfc of vessels for cany, tol th i. ?n conducted with most i,.fat P0S8lb,a Bvlce iU 8'f mano treatment of 'ranalt nfPer.ntag0 of 1088 0-1S for onnattlB 18 now rc- A. J. CUMMINGS' LIBRARY. To Be Given to International Typo ( graphical Union. Colorado Springs, Colo., Dec. 9. The library of the late Amos J. Cum mlngs, the Now York congressman and editor, Is to be given to the home founded here in 1892 by the Interna tional Typographical Union. Mrs. Cummlngs, the widow, is authority for tho announcement. She Is hero on a visit to tho homo. Mr. Cummlngs was a member of the original board nf triiRtfrns nnrl Vils Interest In the home was igrcat.. Ho frequently spoke or his intended Dcqucsc ms win did not contain the provision, but, knowing It to be his wish, Mrs. Cum mlngs has made the bequest in her own will, recently executed. The library will reach the home ul timately, perhaps soon, if Mrs. Cum mlngs decides to remove from New York. The library contains many val uable works and manuscripts. ANARCHIST KILLED. OPPOSE THE BILL MADETQFAGEDEATH Commercial Associations Take Measures Against the Sin gle Admission Bill. KANSAS CITY AND GUTHRIE CITIZENS PROTEST. Telegrams Lay Before the Senate Urging the Adoption of the Omni; bus Statehood Bill, and Opposing Amendment Proposed by Commit tee. Washington, Doc. 9. Two tclc- frrnmK worn lnlri liofnrp iho K0nntQ this r ' ffinmlnp- nriHnir lhf ndnntlnn nf tho 'omnibus statehood bill, and opposing Police of Rome Broke Up a Secret! tho single admission amendment as r nrnnns(rt hv thn committee. One Officer Mortally Q f the cdmmerclai Cuo nf Knnntin Pllv nml thp nthpr was l- from tho Chamber of Commerce, and Meeting Wounded Home, Dec. 9. A meeting of 13 an 1 I A 1 1 . ... , I nltUflno t' Hi HlTI fll.-l '1 art IUHLW WHO Ulimtjll llll liv uiu iiiimciuun v iii.ca ui sjm...., last night ns the men were taking . At the conclusion of routine bus!- nnilit, imlnnrfla T Vio ctrnfvirlo I nCQ tho Dlplr mllitln hill WAR taken oaths on polnards. In the struggle one anarchist was killed and one ofOc er was mortally wounded. The police overheard tho men ar ness the Dick militia bill was taken :- up. The house called up the .London dockage bill, which provides that there shall be nothing In contracts iue police uveillUttlU UIU lucu ni- mwc rmaii in rusted take an oath to assassinate the between shippers and ship companies King SUICIDE DOESN'T COUNT. Another Pioneer Gone, T,n fSrnnilo. Dnr f. S. P. Romitr ntio nf fVio onrlloqf Knttlfirrt In this I uuu jm. .1 I U1UU IUEJL UlUt Ul i."v,w wi iu stomach. He was agent for the John suDre'me Court of United TTaIIao Orniv. nnmnntl it In QOrlv I GO'S. DYNAMITE FELL DM SIFT FIVE MINERS KILLED IN LEHIGH COLLIERY, Box of Dynamite Was Handled Care lessly and Allowed to Fall Down the Shaft, Wrecking the Lower Por tion Many Injured. Wllkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 9. A box of dynamite carelessly handled, fell down the shaft of tho Lehigh colliery between 5 and 0 o'clock this mora- lug, wrecking the lower portion. It Is believed five were killed and sever al more injured. Four Bodies Removed. The bodies of four men have been removed. Nine of the men were in jured seriously. Others only slightly. There were 50 pieces of dynamite In tho box which the men had been thnwlntr hv n stove. It is supposed that the man carry ing it, slipped and fen. His Dooy was blown to fragments. Although the flnmnin In onnslllerablfi. It is linnOUnC- od that the operati-ns In the colliery will not be closed. States Makes an Important Decision Con cerning Payment of Insurance Poli cies. Washington, Dec. 9. The United Statse supreme court yesterday af- f1rmo1 tho nnlnlnn nf tllfi circuit COUrt of appeals in the case of the Knights Templar & Masons' L.lle insurance rnmnnnv vn TlnEn R .Tarman. The onno InvnlvfiR thfi vallditv of the Slli- clde statute of Missouri providing that suicide shall not be a defense against the payment of life insurance poll nlo the rlpctalnn sustained the law and held the company liable for tho amount of the policy regaraiess oi uiu fact that tho policy contained a clause for the invalidation of the policy in case of suicide, "whether voluntary or Involuntary, sane or Insane." OREGON MAN SUICIDES. Crazed by Drink, John Turner Writes a Note to Wife and Child, Then Shoots Himself. Albany, Dec. 9. John Tuprner. agent for the Corvnllls & Eastern nnilmnri nt Alhnnv. committed sui cide yesterday evening by shooting himself in tne neaa. ne was partly delimits from the effects ofxliquor. Ha hart boon drinklnc heavily for two days. No other reason is assigned for the suicide except drunkenness. He was a prominent and respected citl .nn hut llnnnr mused bis downfall. Turner left the following note to his wife: "May God watch over you and my child. Any bills or notes which come to you with my namB to them are le gitimate. Pay them all. Have the Elks and Woodmen care for me, my wife and child." Re-Organization of Consular Service. Wnohtnirtnn t. f!.. Dec. 9. The na tional committee of the chamber of commerce net here today to urge congress to pass the bill for the re- nnnnl7Atlnn nf thfi United States COll- sular service. Tho members of the pnmmlttp. called nn a number Of leaders of the houso and received as surance thnt a consular re-organiza tlon bill would be Introduced for con sideration at an early date. drably leg. TiT wmcn v teas than tor the Fine Fowls on Parade Fayeffte, Mo., Dec. 9. Tho fourth annual exhibition of tuo uenirat wis soprl Poultry and Pet Stock Assocla todav with a snlen did array of feathered stock of prize- winning qualities. Tho judging wim commenced soon ancr tne upuimu. mtnhnnoir nf TVnvni and will con tinue until the close of tho exhibition Saturday, Seven Teams Tied. New York, Dec- 9. In the Blxday bicycle race, sevon teams tied for first place at 9 o'clock this morning. Including McFarland, Maya, of Cali fornia. They are 24 miles below the world's record. whereby the latter can make a chargo of the dock tax Imposed at the port of London. EXHUMED MURDERED "CHINK." Bullet Taken From Body of Corpse to Be Used in Second Trial of Ait ken. Forest Grove, Dec. 9. Sheriff ,J.W. Sewell and Coroner C. L. Large vyes tontnv ovhiimeil the body of Que She at the Lone Fir cemetery and obtain ed the bullet that Killed nun. tuo Chinaman was murdered two years ago. A man named Altken was con victed of the crime and sentenced ,to imprisonment for life. The man has been successful In securing a new second trial, and tho bullet will be usedsas evidence In the trial. A FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE. Ex-Mayor Ames, of Minneapolis, Be ing Sought for In Louisville. I oulsville. Ky Dec. 9. The sheriff of Minneapolis, assisted by the local police, has been searching the city to find and arrest ex-Mayor Ames, of Minneapolis, for whom a requisition has been Issued. They believe now that he has gone to Boston. His bond has been withdrawn and he is now a fugitive from Justice. BOY UNMOVED. Kentucky Lad Sentenced to Death for Killing Chum. Lexington, Ky., Dec. 9. The jury in the case of the Obrlen boy burglar, who, with hla partner, killed Chlnn, returned a verdict this afternoon that the boy was guilty and fixed the pen alty as death. Obrlen was unmoved by the decision. GA8 IN MONTANA. The Natural Kind of an Excellent Grade Found. Livingston, Mont., Dec. 9. A natur al gas well has been discovered in the coal measures, two miles west of this city. The well apparently, Is of great proportions. The gas is declar ed by tho mining men to be of super ior quality. No More Slave Girls. Washington, Doc. 9. The president today sent to the senate a general inmitiatinnnl ncrronmpnt In thn shane commenced soon auur um uijbwhb. " under the supervision of Frank W. Of a treaty -tor tu. PP. ir' fie In girls for illegitimate purposes. Zero Weather In Kansas. Topeka, Kan., Dec. 9. Zero weath er provalls nearly all over Kansas to day, " A Toy Trust. Now York, Dec 9. A toy manu facturering trust was formed today, with a capital of $3,600,000. Miner McMeigle. Employed by Markle, Was the First Witness Today. MINER MAKES ONLY 60 CENTS A DAY. Testifies That He Was Ordered to Work in a Most Dangerous Breast Rather Than Risk His Life He Walked Out Was Evicted From His Home. Scrauton, Pa., Dec. 9. When the hearing wasopened this morning the announcement of tho death of Dr. Itice, an Independent operator, was ma do. Judge Gray paid a tribute to his memory and said he had beeu one of the most liberal of the operators. Miner McMeigle employed by Mar kle, was the first witness. He testi fied that once when working in ex tremely dangerous ground, he com plained to the superintendent and said he feared that he would no kill ed. Ho was told that unless ho worked that breast ho w.uld he given no card for any other, as dangerous ground bad to he worked the same ns any other. Rather than risk his life, he walked out. Shortly after ho was evicted from his home and followed by an other miner who since "the strike had been put to work on ground where he only makes sixty cents a clay. GRAIN MARKET. ' i Quotations Furnished by the Coe Commission House -I. C. Majors, Local Manager. Minneapolis, Dec. 9. Wheat The cables come much Armor nt the open ing, and a material falling oft In re ceipts removed auy remaining doubt as to the course ot the market. The longs weer less disposed to sell and their holdings, whllo the demand from the shorts was never much in evidence, tho general Impression Is that the trade Is divided as to the future course of tho market. Tho close was' strong at le advance. Corn lo keeping well In line with wheat, closing c up from tho opening. Oats continued showing a steady firmness, closing Rtrong at -c up from tho opening. Pork seems to bo In tho hands of very strong Intorests, prices showing an advnnce for tho day; t6c in Janu ary option and 30c In tho May. WATCHING THE RIVER. Water May Rise to the Danger Point on Lower Docks Guage Today In dlcates 12.7 at the Morrison Street Bridge. Portland Doe. 9. The river is now a ta critical stage opposito Portland, nnd wot wpnther4 mnv cause a rise that would put the water on the lower Ash street dock within a week, ac cording to Forecast Official Deals. "The guago now, gives the height nf tho vlvpr Iipi-p nt 12.7." ho said. "while the tendency Is to remain sta tionary within the next 24 hours. At Eugene the river rose a foot within the past 12 hours, whllo at Salem and Albany It is falling." Driftwood gives the gatcmen at Morrison and Madison street bridges considerable trouble, and all their spare time is used In ridding the drawheads of the tangle of brush, logs and tree roots that accumulate there. Sometimes the drift can he Rhnvorl awav into the current with the aid of Jong poles, while at others the passing street car is used in haul ing the mass Into the stream. ThPi rainfall so far In December amouits to 3.86 inches, which, added torNfa,vombcr's record of 9.94, keeps tho soil of Western Oregon full of water, so that what rain falls here after will seek the streams rapidly. A good deal depends, therefore, on the humidity of the Immediate future as to whether goodB shall be moved from the lower docks. 'A strict watch Is being kept by the local weather bureau officers. FIRE AT ATLANTA. $1,000,000 Worth of Property Destroy. ed in Heart of City Several Lives Lost In Cheap Hotel, Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 9. Firo this morning in the Am tin Furniture fac tory in the heart o ftho city, destroy ed the building at a loss of $600,000, Six Lives Lost. It Is now believed that six lives were losts In the big fire this morn ing. The property damage, on a re estimation, is placed at $1,000,000. Included in the burned area was a cheap hotel. Firemen struggled through the smoke, arousing and res cuing sleepers. They could not gain onoce n nno ontlrn win sr. Six are missing and are supposed to have been sraoiuerea. Chicago. Dec. 9. Wheat Opened, December ....... 7391 May 7CST75T6 Corn December G5(8H May 43 Oats December ....... 31 May 33 Pork January U'SR May 1532 Minneapolis, Deo. 9. Wheat Opened. December 72Vfe May 74 New York, Dec. 9.- Wncat Opened. May S0'4 Corn December 61 May , 49 Closed, "74 77 54?4 41 32 33 1095 1570 Closed. 73 Vi 75Vt Closrd, 8094 ULTIMATUM SENT TO VENEZUELANS England and Germany Give Castro Notice That Ho Must Pay or Fight. VENEZUELAN AFFAIRS DIS CUSSED BY CABINET. cm 49 Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Dec. 9. Wheat 73. CIVIC FEDERATION MEETING Dispatch Received at the 6t.ite De partment From Minister Bowen, Confirming the Presentation of the Ultimatum Turn Over Their Busi ness to American Minister. Washington, Dec. 9. A loug dis patch was received at tho stato de partment this morning from Minister llo'won ut Caracas, confirming tho presentation of an ultimatum from (lennany and Britain to Venozuola, and tho departure of tho representa tives to tho gunboats. Doth legntlons turned over nil tholr records and business to tho American minister. Shortly after Ilowen's message was received the German embassy at Washington loft a communication rrom tho British embassador to Secre tary Hay containing presumably a formal notlilentlon of the nctlon of Germany and Ililtuln. Al tho cabi net meeting this morning tho Vono 7,uclnn affairs wero dlsciiBsed. GROVER CLEVELAND IS WARMLY WELCOMED. FUNERAL OF REED. Hartford Poultry Show, Hartford, Conn., Dec. 9. High grade poultry and pet stock of every ....Li., fiiiu Va rnl(apnm whom thfe sixth nnnual show of tho Manchester Poultry Association opened touay uir An niicnlolmia onn rllllnnn. The sbflW continues through the rest of tho week aud from all indications win prove the most notauio anair oi uu kind ever given in Connecticut. To Destroy All. icahirwrtnn tipo. 9. The secretary of agrlculturo'has sent instructions to Dr. Salmon or me uurrau ji nuwm. un.ira mho in nersonallv superin tending the work of fighting tho foot and mouth disease epioemio m i" England, to aesiroy an uiiiujam fee ted. Discuss Venezuelan Situation. London. Dec, 9. A cabinet meeting was held today for the discussion of the Venezuelan situation. John Gomana Was First Speaker Believed That the Unions Had a Right to Demand Higher Wages, But Should Not Stipulate the Amount of Work to Be Done. New York. Dec. 9, Grover Cleve land entered tho civic fedorntlon meeting immediately preceding tho opening this morning and warmly greeted Bishop Ireland and Mark Hanna. Ho declined 'a seat on tho platform. John GomaiiB, who under the direc tion of Carroll Wright, has charge of tho Investigation of tho question of tho restriction ot -he output of tho United States, watf-the first Bpeaker. Ho said that the question must bo separnte from that of wages and be lieved that tho unions had a right to demand high wages, hut unfair re strictions came when members stipu lated how much work tho mombers could do. OXYGEN STIMULATES HEART. Chicago Professor Kept a Turtle's Heart Muscle at Work for 72 Hours After It Was Removed From the Body. nhlrncn. Dec. 9. The discovery of a new means of causing rhythmic beats In a strip of heart muaclo Is an nounced from tho University of Chi cago. The stimulus Is oxygen, and Dr. David J. LInglo is the rllscoveror. Ho has been working on the lines of Professor Jacques Inch's annouueo raent, made two years ago, that a so lution of salt would stait a heart to pulsating. It long lias been Known tnai uiu hnrt lu ovtrnnmlv sensitive to oxy gen, and to carbon dioxide, the gas produced in vitiated air. But hereto fore the action of oxygen has been thought to bo confined to tho purlfl cation of the blood. Dr. Ungle shows that this gas has been the power di rectly to sustain tho beats of a strip or in. mi t nuiHolG removed from the body of a turtle and to keep it going for more than 24 to vz nours, .vuu then the muscle stopped only because .licanlntlnn Kft lii and In fact, tho strip continued to beat for 24 hours of tho 7Z with part or ll airoauy ueu. HOMEWARD BOUND. Annual Exodus of Scandinavians for the Old Country. Chicago, Dec. 9 Tho annual exo dus from tho Northwest and the Mid dle West of Scandinavians who return to the mother laud for Christmas hol idays, Is unusually heavy this year. A specie' train that left Chicago for Won, Vnitf onrrfpd GOO Of tllCSO eXCUr- sionlBts to Norway and Swoden. Tho train, which was eiaporaieiy avuitav ;d with tho flags of the United States and Norway and Sweden, carried a brass band. Practically all of tho ex cursionists wft lreturn to tho United States and a large number of tbem have arranged to brJpg kinsmen with them on tho return trip. n.i,n. Vnn, hrnthfir nlavS golf, does he not? Slnnlckson Yes, t. ..... r.t rA ,7 .9. but I assure you uu a jvh.-..j tlonal In every othor respect. Phila delphia Press. Occurred at 2 p. m. Today 3000 View the Body Many Distinguish ed Guests Short Service, Portland, Me., Dec. 9. Tho funeral of Thomas II. Heed occurred nt 2 o'clock thls afternoon. It Is nstlmat. ed that 3000 peoplo vlowcd tho body whero it Iny In stato In the First Parish church during thn two liouni preceding. Tho casket waB draped in tho Stars nnd Stripes and surrounded by im mense heaps of flowers from all ovor tho Enst. Tho distinguished guests wero Gov ernor Crnno, of Massachusetts; Gov ernor Hill, of Maine, nnd Congress men Littlellchl, Allen and Ilurlelgh. Tho entire service was soverely un ostentatious, requiring only a half hour's time. The body was laid to rest In tho family vault. To Promote Negroes' Welfare. Chicago, HI., Dec. 9. Tho American Protective league, an organization of colored people designed to buy land and found communities to give em ployment to negroes, Is holding Its nn nual convention lu Chicago this week. Those in attendance represent many parts of tho country and In cludo somo prominent leaders of tho colored raco. Joseph W. Hendurson, of Providence, It. I., founder nnd pres ident of tho leaguo, Is In rharge of tho proceedings, To Discuss Child Labor, Charleston, 8. 0., Dec. 9. Tim In ternational Association of Factory In spectors began Its sixteenth annual mooting In this city today with Jamos Mitchell, of Montreal, presiding. The sessions will continue several days. Tho principal matter of consideration Is lli question of stato or national legislation providing for safety appli ances in factories to provent opera tives from being Injured. Tim con vention will also discuss child labor In mills and factories, Art Exhibit at New Orleans. New Orleans, I a-, Doc. 9. Thn sev enteenth annual exhibition of the Ar tists' Association nf Now Orleans was opened to the public today and will continue through the remainder oi Id Thn iililliltifln tllln vdar is the best In tho history of the asso ciation and embraces a )arg niiinbe." of tho best works ot iiru'inHirary American artists. Ontario's Branch Line, Kingston, N. Y., Dee. 0. Tho new Kllonsvllle & Kingston branch of tho Ontario & Western railroad is now practically completed and It Is ex pected to open the line for rognlar passenger and frelsht traffic early next week. Th'o handsome new pas senger station In Ibis city t midy for service. CRACKRft CRRIJK PACTS TJie value of the Coinmuiy'a owrnt Ing cm thn mother lode Is m Ma, bated on thetame capital as South Plo GolumUa $1 per share E. and E. OOo per share North Pole $5 per share Golconda started at lOo new oell- lng at 60q and worth more South role is starting at too The Urn y Is cm the ftwtefr - V . . 1... ..II i, ,1 .r.iifilia il)K Of StOCK, niiwntj" 4