East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 04, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    ' 1 - 1 " " tl " taken on the V'WWWWA
i nrt T&Ite
Of catching cold by having your feet exposed to the
damp cold weather. We have just the right thing for
wintry weather for ladies and gents, misses, youths,
girls, boys and babies. While selecting your Christ
mas present bear in mind that there is nothing more
desirable or appropriate than a pair of slippers, niillifiers
We carry the celebrated Alfred Dolgc
Romcos and Juticttcs.
The Only Exclusive Shoe House in Pendleton !
M-H'H 1 I HI hi mi ( 1 1 1
H. Carr Is In town from Filot Rock.
Mrs. M. Bennett is In town from
ti E. Roy is in town from Pilot
M. Jacob, a farmer living at Ha
vana, is In town.
Charles Nelson Is at the Golden
Rulo hotel from Athena.
C. A .Barrett, the hardware man
of Athena, was a guests of Hotel Pen
dleton last night
John Williams, of Thunder Moun
tain, Is In tho city visiting with tho
family of J. H. Owinn.
Harry T. Booth, of Baker City, was
a guest of 'Hotel St. George last night
on his way to Spokane.
George E. Ross, of Portland, has
taken a position in tho dry goods de
partment at Teutsch's store,
Tho nowly elected mayor of Pilot
Rock, S. L. Morse, is in the city. Ho
is accompanied by Mrs. Morse.
A marriage llcenso was granted by
the county clerk today to E. C. Green
and Miss Mary. Van Horn, both of
Umatilla county.
Miss Jesse Hartman returned Wed
nesday evening from Portland where
she has spent six weekB visiting her
brother and family.
Miss Mollle Bomardl, of Salem, ar
rived In Pendleton last night and
will spend tho winter with her sister,
Mrs. H. H. Hallock.
E. E. Benedict, wife and two child
ren arc registered at tho Golden Rule
hotel from Marshaltown, la. They
are here with the intention of locat
ing. R. S. Bryson is now associated with
E. T. Wado, the real estate man, and
will transact any of Mr. Wade's bus
iness at any time that he is out of the
A. S. Parsons, the city recorder of
Freewater, is In the city. Mr. Par
son has Just served one term as re
corder of his town and was re-elected
again Monday.
Crls Simpson will return to his
home in Portland again this evening.
Mr. Simpson la lodklng over Umatilla
county for another hold here and is
now flsurlng on several deals which.
This is the time' when plants
are moved from the beds to
the pots. See the beautiful
jardinieres we are showing in
our show window. Step in
and get the prices.
Keai estate opportunities
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, 2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, $6500 $
173 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton $1500 $J
Good house on West Alta street 1100
320 acres on the river, good house and barn, 25 5
acres alrlafa, balance wheat land 4000 U
5 room house on West Alta street t 750 g
Two five-room cottages on West Webb St., each t 800 i
Dutch Henry Feed Yard 8
Good property in oity and country too numerouB to mention, any
location that one may desire. h
Shoes Cheap
t It I IHHIHIWttWttt
it thoy go through, will bring him
back here to remain.
O. A. Smith, cashier for the O. R.
& N. Company at Huntington, Is in
the city. Mr. Smith was for several
months cnahior for the company In
this city and has many warm friends
Select Their Officers for Ensuing
Year Make Preparations for Dis
trict Convention.
At the last meeting of Damon
Lodge No. 4, Knights of Pythias, the
following list of officers were elect
ed for the ensuing year:
Dr. Keys, C. C; J. W. Duncan, V.
C; C. C. Sharp, P.; L. W. Held, M.
of W.; C. R. Dutton, M. of E.; R. W.
Fletcher, K. of R. & S. and M. of F.;
A. C. Koeppen, M. at A.; O. F. Toell-
iner, I, G.; Fred Crawford, O. G
The knights are making arrange-
Intents for their third annual district
convention, which is to bo hold in
i i Tn..n... in i oao rm,nnn
" uu"'' i"VD":. tu"
ventions are occasions for considera
ble Interest fraternally in this city.
Last year an elaborate program was
rendered and a drilling contest was
entered between the live ciinerent
lodges in this county for a prize. The
same will be done again this year,
and It is oxpected that it will cause
t. . -i rr.i.
I'fiiiNiiinrniiin rivn rv. I nr. nri7f wns
1 1 1... TA.. 1 1 I
wuii mat yuur V) wie uuuiuu lune.
Rover Swaggart Caught Foot Between
Two Moving Freight Cars.
Rover Swaggart Is suffering from
a badly mashed foot as the result of
catching It between two moving
freight cars at the O. R. & N. depot
this afternoon.
The young man was on his way to
school and a freight car was Just
pulling Into the depot. He under
took to cross through between two
box cars while the train was in mo
tion and the engineer stopped tho en
gine to break the train in two to un
block the street. When the engine
stopped tho two care Jammed togeth
er and the boy's foot was caught be
tween the cars. It was badly mash
ed and mangled but no bones wore
Andrew McConnell Ordered Taken to
the Asylum Aged and Feeble.
Andrew McConnell was adjudged
Insane and ordered taken to tho asy
lum at Salem by Judge Hartman and
Dr. McFaull this afternoon.
McConnell has been living in the
lower part of town and complaint was
made that ho was frequently seen
In the yard without any clothes on
and was otherwlso acting queerly
He lived alone and It was said that
he would frequently build a fire in
the stovo by putting wood in and
setting a lighted candlo on the top
of tho woon and waiting until It
burned down to the wood and ignited
it before he would have any fire.
Whon asked his age, he said part
of tho timo that ho was 88 years old
and part of the time claimed to be
only 80. He Is very feeble and while
harmless, It was thought best to take
care of him In this way.
Take Laxatlre Bromo Qulnlna Tablet!. This
ignatur Jecni. 0
on every box
m I III! I I I I I I I I I III uiuuu. - . v kit un 1 I M
Tax-Payers to Voice Their Opinion
With Regard to Issuing Bonds for
$30,000 Sidewalk Ordered Bills
The council last night i
Set December 18 for city clec- ,
tlon to ascertain whether nr
not the tax-payers wanted to
vote "a debt of $30,000 for a
sewerage system.
Granted petition for sidewalk on
High street.
Jteferred reports of marshal and
recorder to finance committee.
Granted and transferred liquor
Allowed bills.
It is now up to the voters of the
city of Pendleton to say whether or
not a thorough sewerage system shall
be Instilled. At tho council meeting
last night, December 18 was set for
the special city election when the
voters will have a chance to voice
their sentiments on the subject.
The proposition, as presented by
the council. Is that a special election
be held to ascertain if the citizens
want to vote a debt of $30,000 on
themselves for a sewerage system, as
it Is estimated that this will bo tho
cost of Installing a thorough system.
While the city council Is unanimous
on the matter it is the wish of this
body to have the people give their
expression through tho ballot box at
Just as early a date as possible. This
is to give the city a chance to get tho
preliminaries completed nnd be ready
to begin work In the early spring if
the voters nre in favor of the propo
Those Qualified.
Those qualified to voto at this elec
tion will he all property owners living
In the city limits who had $100 worth
: r more of property at the last as-
i x--"m. uu ' ,,' .
li not exceed this will be allowed
a , voice in the matter. The question
r quamication win rest emireij up-
1 nn fl,r (net nsspSQninnt rnll ThOSO
the last assessment roll. These
rolls will bo cone over and every
I mnn'c nn.l wnmnn's nnmp wIMi mOlp
than $100 worth of assessed property
will be taken down and a list kept at
each of the four voting places so that
in case there is a question as to the
voter's eligibility to voto all that Is
required will be to turn to tho list
of tax-payers and settle the matter.
No registration is necessary and
women are allowed to vote.
Twenty-Year Donds.
The bonds which tho city will
issue to pay for tho sewerago system
are to have a 20-year limit. That
there will be no difficulty in floating
these bonds there is no question. Al
ready many Inquiries have been sent
in as to when the bonds would bo
issued, and capitalists have designat
ed their intention of taking up the
bonds without delay.
There will be four polling places,
one in each of the wards of tho city.
Following are the voting places and
the names of the Judges and clerks:
First Ward.
In W. S. Byers' building, opposite
the mill, on Court street. J. M. Fer
guson, Wnlter Wells and W. P. Tem
ple will act as Judges, and Georgo E.
Porringer, C. C. Sharp and Thomas
Thompson, clerks.
Second Ward.
In the Bailey building, at the cor
ner of Water and Main streets. R.
Alexander, W. H. Jones and J. B.
Mumford, Judges. G. I. LaDow, E. J.
Murphy and Frank Frazlor, clerks.
Third Ward.
At the city recorder's office, on
Alta street. C. F. Colesworthy, M. A.
Rader and B. F. Renn, Judges. Wil
liam Hilton, S. R. Thompson and C.
R. Dutton, clerks.
Fourth Ward.
In the Boynton building, corner of
Webb and Cozbie streets. Louis La
rone, Frank O'Hara and H. O. Mous
su, Judges. T. F. Howard, A. B. Chap
man and J. W. Klmbrell, clerks.
Form of Ballots.
The form designated for the ballots
to be used In voting shall read-
"Shall the city of Pendleton In
cur an indebtedness of $30,000
for tho purpose of construct
ing a soweraijo system?
T No
Twenty-five hundred of these bal
lots are to be printed beside several
hundred samples to bo placed nt tho
disposal of tho voters at each voting
rlaco so thoy can see what thoy are
going to vote on nnd what Is oxpect
ed of them when entering the booth.
Notices of Election.
Notices of tho election shall be
posted in three conspicuous places in
each ward 10 days or more prior to
tho date of holding the election.
For Private Office.
The matter of petitioning oft a pri
vate room In tho rear of tho city ball
for the recorder and city officers, was
dlpciisf-pil. hut no action tnkon on tho
I matter.
I Liquor License Granted.
A llfiuor license was granted to .
J. Bacon and the license transferred
from I'olndore Moens o IJnpevrr &
Sidewalk Ordered.
In response to n petition from Mrs
ni,itnbrf nnrf nthers. a slue-
I Jk wftg onicrC(1 laid on Hlgn
j etVeet, west of Main, and the city at
i mi-til- - ,
torncy was Instructed to draw nn or
dinance to tills eiieri.
Official Report Accepted.
Tho monthly report of the city u
corder and marshal was accepted and
referred to tho finance committee
Bills Allowed.
The following bills were audited
nnd allowed:
L. O. Frazier. $3.35: Gerry Klm
brell $4: Pendleton Wnter Company,
$100: B. S. Waffle, $1: W. J. CInrke
& Co., $1.80: Koopnon Pharmacy.
$2.25; John McKowen, $8: Frank Day,
$10: Walter Wells, $20; H. A. Thomp
son. $2.50; Elmer Turner. 25c; Hrock
(c McComas. $5.25: Laatz Bros., $3;
Robert Forster, $40.78: H. E. Cook.
$1: Joseph Haslor. $6.50; R Alexan
der $20.70; Pendleton Trlbuno, $5.75;
H. J. Stlllman, $8.75; T. T. Nelson,
$17.75; R. Martin, $2; Thompson
Hardwaro Company. 76c: Oregon
Lumber Company. $70.25; Brock &
McComas, $22.45 ; F. Nolf. $3; P. E.
L. & P. Co., $286; P. H. Fee, $210.52.
Largest Gun In the World.
The new 16-inch gun recently built
for the U. S. government is the larg
est in the world. It Is the most pow
erful weapon devised by man, and
has taken years to construct The
best and most reliable medicine ever
compounded is the famous Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, introduced over 60
years ago and containing only such
ingredients ns wll bo helpful to tho
entire system. It therefore commends
unlne is for sale by all druggists and
Blclc headache, nervousness .insom
nia, indigestion, dyspepsia, chills or
malaria, fever and ague. Bo sure to
give it a trial. It has never been
known to fall, and cap therefore be
depended on In your case. Tho gen
uine is for sale by al ldrugists and
has our Private Stamp over the neck
of the bottle.
Young Man Arrested
Bucks From O. R
for Stealing
&. N. Stock
Yards, Acquitted.
Baker City, Dec. 4. Frank Wal
lace, who was arrested on tho John
Day road, six weeks ago, with 33
thoroughbred bucks, taken from the
O. R. & N. stock yards at this place,
in his possession, has been acquitted
by the Jury. Wallace succeeded In
proving that he bought the bucks and
paid for them with money drawn
out of tho First National Bank. It
seems that he was the victim of a
confidence game, Somo hobo sue
ceeded in selling tho sheep to Wal'
lace, an descaped with the price,
while Wallace was found with tho
sheep In his possession and was com
pelled to stand trial for the theft. No
clue to the guilty person has over
been found and Mr. Wallace Is looser
the sum he paid for the sheep.
Rummage Sale.
The Congregational church building
has the appearance of a department
store today. Useful and ornamental
articles of all description are dis
played. The sale started last even
ing and will continue over Sunday.
Chrome Kid
i Shoes for Ladies
Felt Lined Fine
Kid Shoes
Warm Slippers ::
With The 01
Free Dolls
On Saturday, December 13,
commencing at 9 o'clock, we
will give a handsome 16-inch
doll with a 50c purchase of
crockery or glass ware.
Dolls will be displayed in
window one week before the
Only one doll to a person.
Japanese Goods
We have displayed an ex.
quisitc line of Japanese China
in open and covered bon bons,
leaf nappies, cups and saucers,
olive dishes, ice bowls, etc., in
prices ranging from 35c up to
We have other Japanese
goods as low as 5 cents.
Don't Forget the Doll Sale Saturday, Dec. i
Owl Tea Horn
Cheapest Place in Oregon
Big Cut in Prices Until JANUARY ist, i9
We will positively give a Cash Discount ol Jj pe
cent on all cloaks, capes and jackets in onr store fros
our recular everv-dav prices. We do not w
to carry over a sincle Garment. Come and secore 1 1
cenuine barcain in these coods. All newanddesin
ble goods. No old rubbish to offer you.
Remember: The largest stock of goods in the city to Betoh
The most unique and novel display of JjJ
rencueton is at our store. Uur siock w -- . ,
.,,i .,11 i.u.. :a - f fV, past are mcwu I
ou4w di.vj ail iiiu 11 u Li It y juudD Ji flrttCCj
ll!lUB onnilmn oil Dlir line CO" "U 1
ordinary goods but the newest designs of tne j I
tfcing is new. A personal inspection ot our ' j
a valuable help in deciding what you want w
your friends with. Early buyers get first cwi.
A regular Wonderland ol tne uiw .iti
Something to make every boy's and g"s w
ngnt at tne sight ot them.
Babbit Metal C-
Price $1.00 P fl 01
per bar at the t" v"
We have nl,.. .
" vnana. Yo,
one niecR ir j.
' - Blunt, ,
you choose.
With it, we woMi.
oa"u lorKS. tporos,
Also ask to see Cul
Bohemian glass and t
Scotch Ware,
This makes a
ate Xmas present, lij
tiful mottled brown tM
Scotch sayings etched i
1 rt n In fir . n.ni..l n .1
iu yuur eastern lriend.
Great Line of LaiJ
20c up to tu.
L !w and I