$s Cards and Societies SESSIONS AND TRADES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. JODD a. m. PHYSICIANS. orricH in nYc-nc red 371. n DSPAIN BLOCK. "I., troubles, catar- isJ'ir!t fmnalred bearlnic. feJiwi,. flttwl for refractlre er- "!i'u.ln 1181. ITH r.iM Hank. Telephone if.fln. Main 301. - n In liiM kw91- - -wTxL. ROOM 17 ASSOCIA ll'i,.' nrnln B31 : real j ninitwo., ' FRATERNAL ORDERS. UMATILLA TKNT. NO. 27. K. 0. V. M. Meets in bee ret Society hall, second and icurin Tuesdays In each month. All visit Ing Sir Knlghta cordially Invited. J. 3 Keen. Record Keeper; E. D. Kstabrook .ommanaer. I'KNULHTON LODGE, NO. 52. A. F. AND a. ai.( meets nrst and third Mondays of encn monm. visitimr Dremren welcome. i; j. xweeay, w. u. : joe H. rarkes. Sec. , Hack 1G1. rNi.n!isoN, rni'SiciAN ' oiiilpn ere. ear. nose folic tn Savlnpa Bank build- , till Ml. rTpRVES. OSTEOPATHIC w a , .11 . ci,,n e una ncrvuua uhwwcb Office one diwk we mi vo.- hicHLY. PHYSICIAN AND BUR E(. In Peipiln Block, Telephone CHItONIC Ena diseases and diseases of wo 6, tnlldlng. corner Main and i Office "phone main 721: lies. DELISTS. IllGUAN. DHNTIST. OKl-'lfK Kdllf. Taooe reu i' IN IjVC. DENTIST, OFFICE IN AS En Hock over Schmidt's new drug I tone red -Ji. PENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 25 T. Taylor, II. P.. V. P. Wamsley. secretary meets second and fourth Fridays of each n-.omu in Masonic nan, DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHT OF l'ytnias. L,. w. Held. C. C. : R. W. Fletcher. K. of R. and S. Meets every niuuuuy iu oecrer. society nail. MODERN WOOMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp, No. 0300. Meets first ana third Mondays of each month at Odd reuows- nan. ueoree A Hamblin, Cou sui; u. A. liobblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR mectlncs of Pendleton Camn. No. 41. W of W, nre held In Secret Society hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neighbors are niwuya welcome. J r. walker. Clerk: A. J Owen, C C. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. F. S. MERRILL, STOKANE, WASH. Agent New Densniore. Second-hand type writers, supplies, rellnlng, repairing. BOOT mND SHOE REPAIRING, L. OREENAWALD, THE OLD, RELIABLE Shoemaker. First-class repairing with best materials. Shop In rear of Dlndtngcr uaon a uu. lANKS AND BROKERS. National hank of athhna, Capitals Jjnmiu; surplus ami HOMO. Interest on time deposits. L fortljn and domestic exchaus?. fa ffoniptlv attended to. neory I, prHldeni T J turn, vire-presn-L Harnett cashier; F S Le- Isl'Unt rshler JOHN WILSON. FIRST-CLASS SHOE maker and repairer. Ilest material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alts St. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE stable, ji J earner, proprietor, to: tine turnouts. Stable 118 Alta treet. llKUEItS' RANK OF WESTON, Oreson. Does a general oana- mtns Exchange bougnt ana aoia. a promptly attended to. R. president Ceorge W Proebstel, fcjfct J U. Kllgore, cashier; ill if! A. Hnrtman. M M Johns. T G. P. Graw J. F Kllgore, Robert G. tt Proebstel. frENDLETON SAVINGS RANK, ton. Oregon Organized March 1, Eipltil, $.10,000; surplus, $90,000; mowed on time deposits. Ex- rught and sold on all principal Special attention given to col if J Furnish, president J. N. tr president: T J Morris, cashier; lose; assistant cashier I NATIONAL RANK OF PKNDLE Picltsl, J70.000; surplus, JD5.000. li i general banking business. Ex mii telegraphic transfers sold on Sao Kranclsco, ew lork ana I points In the Northwest. Drafts m China, Japan and Europe. Makes hs on rensonnble terras. Levi An eIJnt W l" Matlock, vlce-presl 1!. Wade, ensliler- H. F. Johnson, t cashier TUB OLD SEMPLE FEED YARD, 723 Cottonwood street. Lindsay 4; Doty props. Liivery, reed ana sale stable. Sad die horses at all times. Horses for sale. "Phone red 41 COMMERCIAL STABLES. G. M. FROOME Prop. Livery, feed and boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite Hotel Pendleton. Thone main 101. OUEGON FEED YAKD, W. T. BOYNTON prop. Special care given to horses left with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone red 204. COMMERCE-TRADE FARMERS NOW HOLDING GRAIN FOR 65 CENTS. IH1TECTS AND BUILDERS. BOWAni). ARCHITECT AND SU- tndent, makes comnlete and rella- b (or buildings In the cltv or conn bra 17 Judd building. COLE, CONTRACTORS AND its Estimates furnished on short i Jeb-uorfc a specialty. Prompt ; .-uu. oo j,iug street near .Main. CABS AND CARRIAGES. RUBBER TIRE HACK, NEW AND VERY latcs style, for the service of the public. C. D. Carun nnd Jns. S. McKay. proDS. Call at the Commercial livery stable or tele phone main 101 and the hack will call for you. CITY CAP. LINE. ERWIN BAKER. PROP. Telephone main 358. Stand In frout of French restaurant. BOARD AND LODGING. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets. Good large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 2.c and ."0c a night. Thos. Smart, Prop. HOTELALTAr CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the dav or week. Good table set. Rates $4 and $5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Neff, prop. HAY CO.VTEACTOK AND BUILD pi:imat furnished on all kinds E l, lenient walks, stone walls, etc. itn at Earn Oregonlan office. niTMAN, ARCHITECT AND SU sient Room jS. Association Pendleton. Oregon pSIXAn, PLASTHItlNO mn nr. R ,f"oat walks a specialty. Es- MiM free Work guaranteed. E? n6!?7 i,-ml Zehner's cigar MSt P 0. box 104 tUTRICAL SUPPLIES. l!V t rnfToro ntD., ' Miulclanr, dealers in elei! RoDsea, atori-B, wired for la. s.?r iflcpl'ones. Elec SJ'Ukinds Get our prices 'fSMITHING." FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. TERM reusonaoie, at nu. naier at., i none reu ISO. THE ST. GEOROE RESTAURANT. REGU. lar meals ceutj. Short orders a specialty. Open day and nljht. T. A. Oldlather, Prop. TIIE.STRAHON ROOMING HOUSE CIS MAIN street, Mrs H, E. Cooper, Prop, EvervthUie new and strictly first class. Kates !"c, 50c and fl per day An Exceptional Demand for Bluestem Millers of the Northwest and the South African Millers Are Boom Ing the Market. The local wheat market is vet at a standstill. For the tast month only a very few scattering lots have passed from the hands of the farmers into the hands of the local dealers for export trade. Millers have bought a few lots but most of their 1902-Tt supply was bought several weeks ago and before the price' reached the GO cent mark. When any quotations are given out at all by local dealers they refuse to quote anything above 62 cents, but it Is said that some farmers have been offered a little higher figure than this. In fact, several lots have sold for a few cents higher figure and others who have not sold are hold ing for 64 cents and 65 cents a bush el, confidently believing that It will reach this notch or. perhaps, more before it again drops. The price of wheat has effected the price of flour considerably and It is quoted at the highest figure today that it has reached for the past three years. Two weeks ago flaur was quoted locally at ?3.65 a barrel and today it Is selling at $4. Local deal ers and mill men refuse to state whether they think it will still go higher or not, but from the wise look they get on their faces when the mat ter Is mentioned it is evident that they think the top notch has not yet been reached. Sugar is the only other staple artl cle of the local market that has ad. anced In price. It Is now quoted at J5..0 a sack against $5.50 a week ago. Instead of the local dealer elling the consumer 10 pounds for SI they will only sell 15 pounds for this price now. At one time and for sev eral months, sugar was down to $5 a sack, for the very best grade of gran ulated. This was caused by a fight between refiners and Jobbers but they have patched up their differences and sucar is again resuming Its normal price. The following shows the prices paid on the local market: Pineapples. $6 a dozen. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 2c per pound. Cheese, per pound 25c. Onions, lc per pound. Green onions, 25c per doz. Beets, per pound, lc. Potatoes, $1 per hundred. Garlic, 12c per pound. Pendleton Live Stock Jpd Chickens, hens, per dozen $3.50. Turkeys, per lb., 10c. Geese, per doz., J9. Spring chickens, per doz., $2.50 and $3. Ducks, per doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Poultry, $2.50 to THE WHITE LODGING HOUSE, nil SOUTH Main street. Mrs. Mary Williams, Prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, w ell kept beds Lodging 25 cents. WANTED. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE USE of these classified columns If you have something you have no use for, offer to trade It for something that some other bodv mav hare aud have no use for. some thing that you may need Iu your business. J ion may nave an extra norse mat you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle. Some body may have the cow and vehicle r VimK, i !' ""EAT RACKS, and want the horse. 10c or 25 cent want 'own, 314 Webb St lad w vl II probably do the business, E COMMISSION CO CAPITAL AND StfrjPLUS $300,000 8el,s Gain, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds and Cotton for bash or Future Delivery .. i rWuetnli?""1"' m'ifei'l, and mlsitllatieotjf securities. Owiiiuf l.'imi.ii . . , "' h' extennlve nrivu,te wireuvHtem In the world we can execute leluarntllT ,"or' 1 rouiptly aud wttisfaetorv than auy other concern. rp'Ulb!e . -vi mc unit-re wueji mulls uru reuuiitxi. s uu nin uuju "(rca'rih,,ni0re tl,an t,le lUHfgiu you jdaue Iu a trade. We charge no t OlNs Dp ,UUK "loctoi. 'fain i EPU!REO Grain lc tier bushel, ritoeks 2 ner share. ComniU- Mud vn,, U8hei' Stck8 1 1 Per cent. uu )ou ourEook of Statistics and Dally Market free. Write forJt. tLrHNpif5e!..Ls.?futo,ImI ""d s,nt "auks. KEKKItENOKi I'ontlL.toii Saving Hu.uk For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES -CAL.I, ON- Colesworthy -AT THt.- CHOP MILL 127 and 13 Eaut Alta Street ISSfilD I In 75 of tiffv T l,of Commerce Building, Minneapolis Mluu. Ex SJiColfai p.Vi ncipal towi18 u,ld cities of t Northwest, including Wff UDdVr, raan' Blvllle, Dayton, Walla Walla, Moscow, Pendle HB.c t'""8trutlou to Portland, Tacoina, Seattle, Everett and O . ""f ?S offloti1 au 0Va 'rnde orfaccount with us you can operate it in iiniiscn, western iriaiiagcr. Wdletoi, Ofllce, 1 10 Court Street. J'lipno Main 461 !- G. MAJOR. Lttmi Manager Low Cash Prices Prompt Delivery Best Groceries... are what the Miller Cash Grocery has to offer. Baking Jeave your orders for cakes or pastry of any kind, Lodges and parties supplied at very low prices. 623 Main Street Phone Main 511 Miller Grocery Co. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY Eggs. 35c in trade. ' Butter, BOc and SOc per roll. ' Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundred, $303.15. Steers, $3.60. Hogs, live. $6. Hogs, dressed. Sc. Calves, dressed, Sc. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Mocha arid Jnva. best. 40c per lb.: next grade, 35c per lb.: lower granes coffee, 25c to 15c per lb package coffee, 10c per lb. nice Best head rice, 12i4c per lb. nexi grade 5 l-3c per lb. &ugar cane granulated, best, $5.7 per sack: do, 15 lbs. $1. Salt Coarse. $1.2.- ner 100: tabl; $2.50 per 100. Froul H. n., $4 per barrel; Wal tors , $4 per barrel, Portland Grain Market. Portland. Dec. 4. The demand for wheat, especially blue stern. Is verv strong. Most of the same comes from San Francisco. This quality is In most demand. It Is blue stem that Is wanted and it is blue stem that has brought the price up to the present high figure, though of course, the difference between the two principal varieties of coast wheat was unheard of until the last few weeks, Usually the difference is from 1 to 2 cents, and on the open market club has sold as readily, at that difference, as blue Stem. Now, however, while club is selling, there Is no special demand for It It Is said that there are two factors In the market booming the price of blue stem wheat the millers of the Northwest and (he millers of South Africa. Blue stem is the recog. ni7ed milling wheat. South African millers have, heretofore, secured a large portion of their milling wheat or best quality wheat, from Australia. This year they must find It elsewhere and have decided that Washington blue stem suits their needs. The millers of the great Northwest have for years msclo their celebrated brands of flour from blue stem wheat. and it suits their needs. The crop of the Northwest was light, nnd there is not enough blue stem to supply the millers of both countries. Conso. quently there is competition in the blue stem market. Such. In effect. Is the theory advanced by several well- informed market men, as to the cause of the present raise in the price of blue stem wheat. San Francisco. San Francisco, Dec. 4. There has been a reaction ftom the sharp activ ity in this market and prices have de clined somewhat. There is no doubt that a great many of the exporters here are short of wheat nnd to dis lodge the same ftom farmers' gran arles fancy or extreme prices will have to be paid. The markets abroad do not Warrant paying over $1.40 per cental, but higher prices were paid recently to secure the grain, The demand from Australia has revived. and buyers are endeavoring to secure wheat in the State of California or from Its northern neighbors, About 150,000 bushels of wheat were receiv ed here the past few weeks, and there s more to follow. Millers aio having 1 hard time in obtaining wheat and have paid from $1.45 to $1.47'4 per cental. Shipping quotations range about $1.40 per cental. Skins, Hides and Pelts. Hides Pry hides, No. 1. 18 pounds and up. ISSJSe per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry ealf. Ne. h under 5 pounds. 10c; dry salt ed bulls and slags, one-third less than dry flint: salted hides, steers, sound, GO pounds and over. 89c; 50 to CO pounds, 78c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulla, sound, 5 5t 5&e; kip, sound, 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 8c; green, (unsalted), lc per pound less: culls, each $1,500)2; dry. each, $10 1.50; colt's hides, each 25fT50c; goat skins, common, each 10015c; An gora, with wool on, each, 250$1 Pelts Bear skins as to size. N 1 I each. $5ff20; cubs $20: badger. each. H'ft l-. wildcat. 2550c; house eat 5i??10 fox. common grey, "ach S0ft50c; do, ted. each, $1.5002; do, cross, each. $5C; do, silver and black earh $100200; fisher, each, $500: lynx, each, $203; mink, strict ly No. 1. each, 5O0$1.5O; marten, pale pine, according to Bize and color. $1.50 02; muskrats, large, each, 50 10c; skunk, each, 40 0 50c; civet or polecat, each, 5010c; otter, for large prime skins, each. $007; panther, with head and claws perfect, each $30Q50; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.50 0 5; wolf, prairie, (coyote), without head, each 30 0 35c; wolverine, each, $407; beaver, per skin, large, $50C; do, medium, $304; do, small, $101.50;. do, kits, 50 0 75c SECONDHAND DEALERS. GKOItClK O DANIEU NEW AND 8BCONt na swat Dougat ind Mid. Court 8t, Opera house Mock. Cll and ee him. V. STROIILK. DKAI.Kll IN SECOND hand goods, if there li anjthlnR jon need In new or aecond hand furniture. stoTes, granite ware aod crwlterr .fall and Ktt his price. No. 212 Court afreet INSURANCE & LAND BUSINESS. HOTEL3. JOK 11. I'AItKKS, OKKICK COTTONWOOD 01. wpera nouse Dioea :ind office trnt Incss, such k flllnit of claims and Initiation content a specialty. JOHN UA1I.KY. Jit.. I', a. LAND COM-mlssloner- Specialty made of land ailnsm and proof: Insurance anil cnlltwtinna nr. flee In. Judd balldlng. room lit. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W S. IIOWMAN. t.UADINO PHOTOflllA. Phcr of the cltr. Harrent vlw in rtlan photon for aale. Finishing done for amateur. Main St., near brtdce. 'l'hone red 270. TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILI.Y KRASSIC1, nARRRR SHOP AND bath room', Main treet. thrco doors north of Hotel St. George, nrst claw service SRW TONSOUIAI, PARLORS. COl'RT ST , Three doors west of Golden unto Hotel. 3. H Pace. Prnn. thirst cl Workmen. thing clean, all modern Improvements. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and aa good as an v. LOST. ' t.OST-ON MAIN STRKKT, A COViniKATIOV iocs, pur. containing; a sin noui piece and 1 wo aris. n 111 par iioerai rewani lor ine re turn to thh office MISCELLANEOUS. IN rOUND-TIIK FOLLOWING PKSCRtRKP animals hare oeen taken un hr the marshal of the Cltr of Pendleton, to-wlt: One dsrk hroun irpldltiB'. star In face. 2 Tears old. iretfht Mlrl pounds, no brand visible. Ono nmu geld. ing, bald face. 3 white legs, dim brand on left honlrter and left htn. ! rears old. welcht Mo pounds. If said animals are not claimed by he owneia or those entitled tolne reisesslon. costs and expenses against them paid and them 'men awav wunin ten nays iroro tne oate hereof, then at S o'clock p m. of the 9th day.ol December. 1902. the said animals will be sold tu the highest bidder, at pabllc auction, for cash, at the cltr round, on the corner of Cotton wood and Webb streets. In the Cltr of Pendlet m, the proceeds or sucn sa to tw applied to the pty mntof such costs and expense of maklnir sale Dated this Mill dar nl November. !' J. A, ni.AKKI.V. City Marshst IN POUND-TIIK KOLt.OWISG PKKCRIRKD animals hare been taken upbr the marshal nl be I'ltv ot Pendleton, to-wlt! One sorrel Roan celdlnic, white strip In lace, dim brand on left hip. 9 years old! weight 11W1 pounds, shod 1 an rouna tine oar mare, 7 Tears old. leit nind foot crooked, weight WI pounds, white spot In face, dim brand on left shoulder One, roan vldlng, weight 110(1 lbs, ft rears old star on forehead, "key" brand on left shoulder, dim brand on right sbonliler, two white hind feet One black mare. S years old. while spot In lore head, weight 100 pounds, dim brand on left mourner, one sorrel yeaning nuy. wiute strip n face, no brand visible. One light sorrel mare,!: years old, we'ght 000 poun.ls, white trip in race, right hind foot while, dim brand nn'lctthip. One sorrel mare, while spot In face, weight 10OD pounds, dim brand on left tmulfler. 6 tears old. One sorrel resrllna n Ir white spot In forehead, right hind fiKit white. no brand risible. If said animals are not claimed hy the owner or thosn entitled o tne possession ot it, costs and expenses gainst It paid and It taken awar with in ten dars frem the date hereof, then at 2 n' clock p. m. of the Slh day of December, l'.W. ihosald nnlmal will tm sold tn the liltrhAttl bidder, at public auct'on for cash, at the cltr' pound, on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb I streets 111 aui uitr 01 i-cniueinn. inenroceea of such sal to be applied to the payment of sucn costs ano expenses ni iraaing saie, iiatco thls25tti day of November, l'Ci, j, a. nisreiy, i.ur uarsnai Headqnartors for Traveling Men. Comraodlons Samplo Rooriis. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or month. Excellent Culsluc. Prompt IMnlugroom Sen Ice, livery Modern Convenience. Bar and billiard room In connection Only Three Blocks from Deoot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Couit and Johnson stictls, Pendleton, Otcgou. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. In Honor of Justice Holmes. Boston, Mass., Dec. 3. - -Anticipating tlio speedy confirmation by the Unit ed States senate of tlio appointment of Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, ot Massachusetts, as a jus tice of the supremo court of the I nil fed States, the liar Association of Mid dlesex county will Klve a banquet In his honor this evening. The state of ficials and the Judges of the siipieme and superior courts of Massachusetts have accepted invitations to be pres. cut. IN POUND THE FOLLOWING I1KHIIRIRRI) animals hare been taken UP bv the marshal ot the City of Pendleton, to-wlt : tine sorrel mare, wniie spot on nose, age years, weight 110O pounds, no brand risible. une rnrrei marn con. nn nrnu visum-. One bar mare, white In face, welarht HO0 pounds. 6 years old, no brand visible, line uay mare, wane sisr 111 sac- ; years 0111, eight IK0 pounds, no brand visible. 'ine bay gelding, wnite s'rip in race, wcign' liuu pounus, scar on nam muu leg, no uranu visible One brown mare. 7 years old, weight I10U pounds, no brand visible. One brown mare, branded "horseshoe" 011 right shoulder, f years, weight 80u pounds. One sorrel and white mare colt, white fare, no brand visible. One bay yearling horse cult, white face, branded "horse shoe" on right shoulder and right hip. Onebay marc, bald face, two white hlud feet right front foot white, 1; years old. weight S0O ponsds. dim brand on right shoulder , One brown colt, white In fact, nn brand visible If said animals are not claimed by the own ers or thos entitled to tbn possession of them, costs and expenses against them paid and them taken away within ten days from the dute hereof, then vt'lo'rlock p. m of the 10th dar f December, i'Xrl, the said aulmals will be sold to the highlit hi 1 ir, at public auction, for cash, t the el'v "id, on the eornerol rnttjinuroml nnd W h streets, in the ritr of I'eiidleton. the proceeds of such sale to bo ap plied to ine payment 01 sucn cusis sun ex. penses 01 ma King sale, uaieu 1111s mui nav oi November, liKM. J, A, Illskely, City Marshal, HUIlBCItHIKRS TO MAflAZINKS. IF YOW wunt to subscribe to magailnes or news papera In the United Mate or Hurone, re mit by postal note, check, or aend to the KAHT MKIHJUNIAN le Dei puuusnrr price of the publication you desire, and ue will hare It aent you and assume all the risk of the money being loat In the mails. It will save you both trouble and risk. Iftyou are a subscriber to tne r.asi Oregoulan, In remitting jou tan deduct 10 per cent from the publisher' price Aitdreaa UAHT OltKGONI AN Till ' Pendleton, Oregon. CH!CHSTER'S PILLS V OrlMlw.il niul (lull 'i'iiMlr. f r I'll JDI V J t.H'H KM.MII Im l.lu 1 iu, 'J mL r t tflJii-r. Ilrrui rMfVlllHlIuttfal llullaaJlwItt A lb )Uir );i 'if 1 w ' I 4 i i ) .j .1- lsr lliMlwra. 'JViIIhivmImU hu-I lloakltt fur 1 .balls l rtiurti Mt.ll. H 1 W U jflM4iyu H'WMfr, rnih--j ' MOATED BY STEAA LIGHTED BV ELECTRICITY AiilKI'lt'iui l'liill, ill ten I Hfl in 041 r tliiv. Kiii'0hiiiii 1'Inii. .'it'e. 7.1i. "SI. Oil. "pilii hiIkkIis vtrnk or iiioiitll. Free 'bus meets all twins) Comniercl.il trade .solicited - Fine sample room SH'(iaI Altcnliiiii (liven Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WE Mi 3TS. A. - h fJEO. DAIIVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Purnishetl Steam Meatea Huropean Plan. Block and a half from depot Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 60o, 76ii, 41.0V THE PORTLAND QbsVii4 Aciscili,o.U PORTLAND, OREGON uru lunuinutu vwurntau riau, ij icr nay euu upward. ffltPI AflU WUmEr1 I ItrarUiuarttrs fur tourists and commercial, trar. Cs Illg 1 lot unnatural tiers nptiisi rates uisur tu isiuiiies auu uagw Hcuiicuieii I lie iiiaiiaicTlilcui win ik pifASCsl at all times to show rooms and give prtcsra. A modern Turkish bath establishment Iu the UoUl. II C UOWKKH, Manager. 4iacLatgs,IiiilaiJiUiatloDa, Iriluttous or ukeiaUoa ci iuuauus rueuifrsnai, Fslultis, ituicc Jeis. aui cot utrM ltn,.lCHiu:ctCo. ess.tsiK.lsi.wnu. ttuld by iwt;tau. cr at l In l.lal.1 it si . f. r.evai' 1 1 orb C rcuiar sent tu Mutt. 1 Oreyonlan Offloe rJabbit Metal, best in the world, In ban. Price $1 per bar, at the East "No," said the decided girl, "I never i will marry a man to reform lilm," OUPIOENE' I . eata ua of kd "Perhaps It isn't wise," replied the. ,;;tob demur little thing, "but wouldn't you hate to marry a man that some other girl had reformed ?" Chicago Uven lng Post. MANHOOD RESTORED bla VIUJjtr,tliel.;cilukiUonIuKiinFruili iilirau.nii. vt. l 11.1 iiervoua or dlv-wtsof ILs nroilve i.rr.,. sucli in ...! JrlMiini.uiI. liinofa, I-uli.s iss tua Hark, Nriulual I.uil.sli.ns, Hr. iui.i Jlrblllly, I'lmulea IJnlllursa lo tlo.tr J, KaliBUsllsitf in lu, V ori u. rle, and S'unsll imiltm, llsiupsul liabbyaabriilgut. I'leruuisiiiilrknf,!,! il,, in.rt..- wiiVtilluutclnfM wis to hiriiiau,rrbij-a nnd all tlio lu.rrors of i,i.tei i. I ii I, l'.Hi;eiuseali liter, lliu kldntyauid tut urlui.ry Uiiil Ll all Iuiuii ft I'llWIA'sisUVisathMW uvrlUKXK the only a-iiowu Ttwiity Vi cure without i.-i r.'.ii. V . i.n, i.. A wiitteu ,mniefivu anurnnoer rxturnni 11 eiK.jeaiUMjiiiOl sB.; pein.oiiw.i 41.4.1 t;il-ji turn, Tjireasou auirerefs areuotcuied I by n U)niui teaiise'jOwrivntaie l.wi'i .1 wi'h t''sf ulllla. ruiruotaa elrfeu and rnrinev r ir mall, hend for 1.11s: Kffreolar and lestluiomus. Addre HA vol, m;lICIN: s ., i- liar VIA, rWi Fw I al SOLD BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUGQI8T8, PENDLETON, ORGOOrs.