THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1902 CHANGE OF LIFE. furs the m L. B. REEDER SAYS TO MAKE APPROPRIATION, Some sensible advice to women passing through this trying period. The painful and annoying symp toms experienced by most women at this period of life are easily ovcr eome by T,ydin. E, Pirikham's Vcpctublo Compound. It is espe cially designed to meet fiio needs ef woman's systom at the trying time of change of life. It is no exaggeration to state that Mrs. Pinkham has over EOOO letters like the following proving the great value of her medicine at such times. "I irish to thank Mrs. l'hikliam for Trhat hor medicine has done for me. My trouble vas change of life. Four years ago my health bepan to fail, my Lead began to grow dizzy, my eye pained me, and at times it seemed as If my back would fail me, had terrible pains across the kidneys. Hot flashes were very frequent and trying. A friend advised me to try Lydla E. Pinkhaxn's Vegetable Coru poand. I have taken six bottles of it and hm to-day freo from those troubles. I cannot speak in high enough terms of the medicine. I recommend it to all and wish every suffering woman would give it a trial." Bella Ross, 88 Mont- elair Ave., Roslindale, Mass jsooo for- fttt If original if atevt Ittttr prveJmg MlmiM ami r wiimi. OF DAZZLING SPLENDOR. Is the Gown to Be Worn by May Sar gent In "Other People's Money." In the production of "Other Peo ple's Money" at tho Frazer opera house, many costly and beautiful gowns, that are considered marvels of the dressmaker's art, will be worn by tho ladles of the company. Dainty .May Sargent, the star, who will be seen In her artistic perform ance of the velvety, scheming co quette, Tlelka Van Slttcrt, will wear several exquisite ones. Tho costumes were on exhibition last summer, at the noted emporium of Madame Glan- Only Question Among the People Is the Amount They can Afford to Pay Fair Must Be a Success. "Yes, tho appropriation should be made," said L. B. Rceder, of Pendle ton, to tho Orcgonian, yesterday. "And It should be made early In tho session. Plans should be made before I hand, and it should be passed with out a dissenting voice. Wo will want to ask other states to help us In this project. If we arc to ask, them for an appropriation they will have to see thnt wo are In earnest about the matter and are willing to give It our Individual support I have heard the matter discussed to some extent, and this seems to be the general opinion of the people in my part of tho state, I have not talked it over with any of the legislators, hut I do not think there are any who will use any means to delay the bill making the appropri ation. "Tho only question that could arise," he continued, "is as regards the amount. Fivo hundred thousand dollars sounds pretty big, nnd I hard ly think it will be that much. This ir. a matter that should bo well dis cussed before It is taken up, and I think that the men from the various parts of the state will bo willing to abide by the general consensus of opinion." Why Not $500,000? When asked why his people oppos ed $500,000, He replied that it is a question whether or not the state Is able to afford such a largo oxpensc. They are in favor of the fair?" he was asked. "Yes." "Do thoy think thnt It should be managed on a cheaper basis or do uiey uimii mat. I'ortiana snouia raise i a larger amount?" ' n'c- 'n Now York, bofore the tour "That is not the question," he re-.""?11 nnd were considered the most piled. "Thoy want the fair and want stunning gowns to be worn on the it to be a success. Thev aro wllllnir stage this season. In the first act tumor? thev ran "no of K. $BBBBBBBe .iakaaakaikakaBE1 SERIOUS ACCIDENT. Little Boy Frightfully Scalded by Boiling Water. John Adams Day. tho oni-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Da, was tho victim of a very serious acci dent Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Day was washing and nan boiling water In a tub. She stopped out of tho room to get a iH of co d water and while away the little chl d crawled up to the tub. which was si ting on a stool, and pulled the cork from tho tub letting tho boiling water pour all over its body. The little on. was frightfully scal.led about the neck, arms and body and Is in a very serious condition. Arthur Alemuther, of Sumpter, shot himself Tuesday evening, in a fit of despondency. Verdict for Plaintiff. The case of C. I McGlnnls vs. F. S. Mc.Mohan. which occupied the at tention of Justice Fltz Gerald's court Wednesday afternoon, resulted in a verdict for plaintiff. This was a gambling debt and plaintiff had sued for 2S alleged due for poker chips used in a gambling game here last February The case has been up twice, the first time It came to trial the Jury were unable to agree. Yes terday 'afternoon a verdict for plain tiff was rendered after only a few minutes deliberation. Despam & Clark Wholesale Com mission Merchants Will pay cash for poultry. The Market price always. Bring it in every day and all day. Chickens, Geese, 'Ducks and 'Turkeys. Office in E. O. Building Come, Get Our Quotations to givo It all tho support thev can afford, but thoy do not think that they can pay such large taxes as that amount will call for. "Personally, I am in favor of mak ing the appropriation large, but speaking from tho general expression of opinion, I doubt the expediency of asking for too much. It will be much better to have a smaller amount and pass it without any opposition than to have a larger amount after delay ana opposition." The passing of the irrigation bill won Idaho for tho republicans. The people remembered that Roosevelt was its author. United States Sena tor Dubois. Blight's Disease and Diabetes Positively Curable. They are curing Bright's Disease and Diabetes in Ca-Ifornla. The per centage of efficiency (recoveries) In these hitherto incurable diseases averages as high as 87 per cent Tho details of the investigation and dem onstration of the now compounds aro so conclusive that we at once Best for a bundle of the report and for the new treatment for urgent caaea in this city. Call or send for one of the reports. F. W. SCHMIDT & CO.. Pendleton PUBLIC SALE! The undersigned will offer at Public Sale, at his ranch uirm mnes nortneast ol Pendleton, Oregon, Wednesday, December 10, 1902, Commencing at 10 o'clock, the following property: 300 HEAD OF HOGS, 8 followB: 75 fat ht)g8. 25 Poland China brood sows 100 shoate, 100 young pigs. 15 HEAD OF CATTLE 7 yearling steers, 4 yearling heifers, 3 (two-year-old - 20 HEAC OF HORSES 8 work horeeB, 11 colts from 1 to 3 years old. One fine Jack; 1 12-foot header; 4 boxes and cook UUU B' wugonB; i met Jormicic mower; 1 McCormick bind er: 1 walkinc dIow: 1 harrow? 1 nnltflranw. t -.11. 1 windmill and tank, and other articles too numerous to TI?RMS 0F SALE: All sums under $20 cash. $20 and over a credit of ten months will be given, the pur chaser giving 0 per cent interest .bearing note with an--provedisecurity. ' 1 IF.reejlunch,will be served. W. W. HARRAH. the carriage gowns will be worn. It is oi burnt ornnfu' and yel low glace taffeta, trimmed with Rus sian lace. The laee belt or corsage Ik finished with a diamond clasp. The jacket is met in front with a choux of mirror velvet. The skirt is one of Pannuln's latest designs, with two rows of Russian Insertion. At the back Is worn a red tinsel gauze sash. Seats are now on sale at Frazer's at popular prices. Alphonse and Gaston, "Alphonsc and Gaston," the famous Frenchmen, created by Opper. th greatest of Amerlcnn cartoonists, has been dramatized, and will be the at traction at the Frazer next Saturday night. "Alphonse and Gaston" are noted the nation over for their po llteness, as It Is always "After you my dear Alphonse," or "No, my dear Gaston, you are first," with them. The coming of "Alphonse and Gast on" will be a notable event. It is said "Alphonse and Gaston" of the stago are far funnier than their pi tured ancestors. Seats go on sale Friday morning, iTlces 25, 50, 75 cents and $1. "A Little Outcast" Some people would prefer to light than eat Among them are the Boers who have gone to Somallland to help the Ilrltish in their campaign against the .Mad Mullah rather than go to farming, GRAINY") V I THE PURE V J GRAIN COFFEE Even children drink Grain-O because they like it and the doc tors say it is good for them. Why not? It contains all of the nourish ment of tho pure grain and none of the poisons of coffee. TRY IT TO-DAY. At RTOri OTerjTThere ; lie. and fie ft r package. A. 1 aVlft. i- - l CONNUBIAL JOYS arc greatly enhanced by finely laundried linens. We can add to the sum of domestic hap piness in this respect. Can't be beat at laundry work. Do up your shirts and collars in Ai style. And you'll 'then have a "bosom friend" that'll give you comfort and pleasure. Special attention to collars and cuffs. Finest work. Low est prices. Satisfactory service THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. F. Bohluson, Prop. Pendleton msiket afford.. Tbt and ai-.i . mat. Madellclou.ottheW, AtmiorderUtlu,,. oprove.thMe;kwlU-??7 8 Ott COURT gJMTi, Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; & C. R. Depot E. J. Carpenter's big scenic specta cle, which they call "A Little Chest nut," and which comes to the Frazer December 16th, might just as well be the name of a bonanza gold mine as of a theatrical company. Not only has the production paid out a great aeai of money, but Its story is as ro mantle and interesting as any of the tales connected with nronerlv con. ducted gold fields, and also, it has 'panned out" better than countless profitable gold mines, and Is maklnc snug nine iortunes for Its owners. Its tour, by the way. Is limited o thn iarger cities and towns, on account of tne expense of transportation, a snee lal car being necessary for the prop erties useo. in the marvelous scenic enects. The del Ichtflll eossln anr. luuumug me metropolitan, engage ment or tnis big snectacle has clvnn an abundant amount of material to taiK about elsewhere. Btiti or Ohio, Cirr or toixdo i r. n V r rh.n . . v - . . . , r v. .uo una ui r. j.uneney a Co . v-w, Bun iunb hiu nrm win my the mm ol One Hundred Dollr orcli inJ nwura k oeiare me nd nbceribed In my It A. W. GLKAHO.V. fTTTr?. ..xmrr Public. . ct dlreetlr on the blood and mucoun gnftctS ottheijitem. Send for tMtlmonllt. tree. M. hs J- 0"Wy 4 CO..Tollo. Ohio. I(airTamll7 PIlU are the hett. Shade Trees Private Property. The sunrcme rnurt haa .v... the shade trees In front of a man's residence, nlthnnirh n,,i,n ty, belong to him. The case in which the decision was rendered was one In which a nronertv phone company for cutting off the "7" "i "is irees. me decision Is of interest to nil nmmrt. ,ni. corporations. Exchange. The Bolivian invrnn,,ni i i , $1,000,000 In paper currency to sup press thn unrlnln,. (n a . n.,.H..,c 4KIU, mis amounU to nearly $5,000 per front foot.- .Knncna nl o. Farmers Custom Alii Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 150 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Fifd, (hopiHHl Kml. etc always on hand, When getting figures from others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Building Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen doors and windows in fact, every thing that is found in a first class lumber yard. The Cast Oregonian is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It lead and the people appreciate it and show It by their liberal patronage. It Is th advertising medium of this section. Frazer pera ioise Baker & Welch The Jingling Musical Farce aid CTST A Dazzling Spectale, A Stupendous Production and A Clever Company of m PedDpDe &Q IPeaDjpBe J2fl Seats on Sale at Fraziers I POPULAR PRICES Out Clearance Sale is on 10 to Ktigs, And includes even every article m our stock 20 per cent discount all along the line. Carpets sewing Machines, Draperies, Wall Paper Special for Christmas Gifts Mirrors,, pictures framed and unframcd, carpet sweepers, JESSE FAILING Phone Main 24 PERFECTION IN FLOUR fi,; , D1-. ue"er "our cannot be made. , ut le Wleat aop enters jn B Begt 1' lour, winch is right for bread and Fancy Baking. PENDLETON ROLLER WILLS w S. Byers, Proprietor. T FOR SA1 half section of fine bs land, all in summtrfcl low, north of Pendlttd wuuu improvements. one body, a short & tance north of town. FRANK B. 600 MAIN STREEII TRANSPORTATION LINUl JGND mom DBTAKT FOB Tim Sfthftlal From I'endlewo I Chlcago- PortUnd Special 6 -JO p. m. Ington. Atlantic Expresi 6:4i a m. ftt Paul FaatUall 8:lSa- m, Tla Spokane. Bait Iaie. Dearer, n. Worth, OniU till ai Cltr, El U Cblerai4biL RIt taka. Deo nr. fu wonii.OBiUiiH au CUT, Cblwriudlait. w.ik WilltlttlttaiJ Bpoiint, Vim pmUman, JitoeilJ U1.8t.Ful, W Ullwmkw, amp and East. Ocean and River 1 FB0M F0HUW. BalleW'' "Bailj I except Cohu15 ll Saturday t441 loao p. m. WlllaBwW, BoaUleaTO Fn1JffiS tag of water pernlUW) Ymahlll KlTer pain"- 1 DoUt I Exept Mon . r Washington ! Columbia River Railroad Taketbii route lor OWo, , Bt. ft&jSl All Dmnfs EiStllMS Portiwfj on tne s7 Saturday 03 an- BKxlatlotn, call on". Iti Leare ''Ma 1 kin ivu. orde COIN'S be JUI UPFI ;ofaji , It llnrf. Ir.B.n r If v.... I 'eiidl.